package ProGAL.geom2d; import java.awt.Color; import ProGAL.geom2d.viewer.J2DScene; public class LineSegment implements Shape{ protected Point a,b; public LineSegment(Point a, Point b){ this.a = a; this.b = b; } public Point getA(){ return a; } public Point getB(){ return b; } public void setA(Point p) { a = p; } public void setB(Point p) { b = p; } /** returns the length of the line segment */ public double getLength() { return a.distance(b); } /** returns the squared length of the segment */ public double getSquaredLength() { double bax = b.x() - a.x(); double bay = b.y() - a.y(); return bax*bax + bay*bay; } public LineSegment clone() { return new LineSegment(a.clone(), b.clone()); } public Point getCenter() { return Point.midPoint(a, b); } /** swaps the end-points of this segment */ public LineSegment reverse() { Point c = a; a = b; b = c; return this; } /** returns TRUE if this line segment properly intersects line segment s. */ public boolean intersects(LineSegment s) { return (((Point.leftTurn(a, b, s.a) && Point.leftTurn(b, a, s.b)) || (Point.leftTurn(a, b, s.b) && Point.leftTurn(b, a, s.a))) && ((Point.leftTurn(s.a, s.b, a) && Point.leftTurn(s.b, s.a, b)) || (Point.leftTurn(s.a, s.b, b) && Point.leftTurn(s.b, s.a, a)))); } public String toString() { return "[" + a.toString() + b.toString() + "]"; } public void toConsole() { System.out.println("[" + a.toString() + b.toString() + "]"); } public void toScene(J2DScene scene) { scene.addShape(this,; } public void toScene(J2DScene scene, Color clr) { scene.addShape(this, clr); } public void toScene(J2DScene scene, Color clr, double width) { scene.addShape(this, clr, width); } public double distance(Point p){ Vector v = a.vectorTo(b); Vector vP = a.vectorTo(p); double t =; return a.add(v.multiplyThis(Math.min(Math.max(0,t), 1))).distance(p); } @Override public boolean contains(Point p) { return false; } }