package ProGAL.geom2d; public class Triangle implements Shape{ protected final Point[] points; public Triangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) { points = new Point[]{p1,p2,p3}; } public Point getCorner(int i) { return points[i]; } public void setCorner(Point p, int i){ points[i] = p; } public double getAltitude(int i) { Line line = new Line(points[(i+1)%3], points[(i+2)%3]); return line.getDistance(points[i]); } /** Calculate the area from the three side-lengths of a triangle */ public static double calculateArea(double a, double b, double c){ // double s = (a+b+c)*0.5; return Math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)); } /** * Calculate the height from the the endpoint of a and b down to the c-edge based on the * lengths of the edges. */ public static double calculateHeight(double a, double b, double c) { double A = calculateArea(a,b,c); return 2*A/c; } public Point getCenter() { Point p= points[0].clone(); p.addThis(points[1]); p.addThis(points[2]); return new Point( p.x()/3, p.y()/3 ); } /** returns the cosinus of the angle opposite to the vertex with vertex i */ public double getCos(int i) { double a01 = points[0].distance(points[1]); double a12 = points[1].distance(points[2]); double a20 = points[2].distance(points[0]); if (i == 0) return (a01*a01 + a20*a20 - a12*a12)/(2*a01*a20); if (i == 1) return (a01*a01 + a12*a12 - a20*a20)/(2*a01*a12); return (a12*a12 + a20*a20 - a01*a01)/(2*a12*a20); } public Circle getCircumCircle(){ Line bisectorAB = Point.getBisector(points[0],points[1]); Line bisectorAC = Point.getBisector(points[0],points[2]); Point d = Line.getIntersection(bisectorAB, bisectorAC); return new Circle(d, d.distance(points[0])); // return new Circle(points[0], points[1], points[2]); } public Point getSteinerPoint(){ Vector v = points[0].vectorTo(points[1]); if(Point.leftTurn(points[0], points[1], points[2])){ v.rotateThis(-Math.PI/3.0); Point eqPoint = points[0].add(v); Triangle eqTri = new Triangle(eqPoint, points[1], points[0]); if(!Point.rightTurn(eqPoint, points[0], points[2])) return points[0]; if(!Point.leftTurn(eqPoint, points[1], points[2])) return points[1]; Circle ccirc = eqTri.getCircumCircle(); Line l = new Line(eqPoint, eqPoint.vectorTo(points[2])); Point[] intersections = ccirc.intersections(l); return intersections[1]; }else{ v.rotateThis(Math.PI/3.0); Point eqPoint = points[0].add(v); Triangle eqTri = new Triangle(eqPoint, points[1], points[0]); if(!Point.leftTurn(eqPoint, points[0], points[2])) return points[0]; if(!Point.rightTurn(eqPoint, points[1], points[2])) return points[1]; Circle ccirc = eqTri.getCircumCircle(); Line l = new Line(eqPoint, eqPoint.vectorTo(points[2])); Point[] intersections = ccirc.intersections(l); return intersections[1]; } } public boolean inCircumCircle(Point s) { Point p = points[0]; Point q = points[1]; Point r = points[2]; double pD2 = p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y(); double qD2 = q.x()*q.x() + q.y()*q.y(); double rD2 = r.x()*r.x() + r.y()*r.y(); double sD2 = s.x()*s.x() + s.y()*s.y(); return -s.x()*(p.y()*(qD2-rD2) + q.y()*(rD2-pD2) + r.y()*(pD2-qD2)) + s.y()*(p.x()*(qD2-rD2) + q.x()*(rD2-pD2) + r.x()*(pD2-qD2)) - sD2*(p.x()*(q.y()-r.y()) + q.x()*(r.y()-p.y()) + r.x()*(p.y()-q.y())) + p.x()*(q.y()*rD2-r.y()*qD2) + p.y()*(r.x()*qD2-q.x()*rD2) + pD2*(q.x()*r.y()-r.x()*q.y()) < 0.0; } public static void main(String[] args) { Triangle tr = new Triangle(new Point(-3.2,-1.5), new Point(-1,3), new Point(3.1,0)); if (tr.inCircumCircle(new Point(0,-4))) System.out.println("TRUE"); else System.out.println("FALSE"); } @Override public boolean contains(Point p) { boolean l1 = Point.leftTurn(points[0], points[1], p); boolean l2 = Point.leftTurn(points[1], points[2], p); boolean l3 = Point.leftTurn(points[2], points[0], p); return l1==l2 && l1==l3; } public String toString() { StringBuilder vertices = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { vertices = vertices.append( this.getCorner(i).toString()); if ( i<3 ) { vertices.append( ", " ); } } return String.format("Tessel[%s]",vertices.toString()); } }