Started 9 mo 26 days ago
Took 4 min 21 sec

Build #10 (Sep 15, 2023 12:23:32 PM)

Build Artifacts
AutoplotStable.jar41.37 MB view
AutoplotStable.jar.pack.gz15.92 MB view
Revision: 27159
  1. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  2. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  3. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  4. listen for changes in activeDataSet so that %{CONTEXT} will update (detail)
    by jbfaden
  5. activeDataSet property added (detail)
    by jbfaden
  6. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  7. The CDFJ library converts float fill values into doubles, introducing noise, so round large VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, and FILLVALS to seven decimal places so they are easier to read (-9.9999999999345e30 -> -1E31) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  8. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  9. stub for colors editor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  10. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  11. improve documentation for setOutputParam (detail)
    by jbfaden
  12. trivial capitalize Jython (detail)
    by jbfaden
  13. bug 2541: check for non-int in examples list (detail)
    by jbfaden
  14. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  15. 2450: check to see if tab is already visible before enabling tab.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  16. check to see if layout is already visible in the tabs (detail)
    by jbfaden
  17. Test_022_ContextOverview maybe wait for remote bookmarks to load (detail)
    by jbfaden
  18. moved to (detail)
    by jbfaden
  19. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  20. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  21. bug 2539: new code didn't consider F(t) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  22. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  23. feedback for test 022. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  24. add delay to try and fix test 031 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  25. add delay to try and fix test 031 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  26. system.err.printlns for debugging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  27. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  28. support sub-millisecond intervals (detail)
    by jbfaden
  29. bug 2537: don't repeat DEPEND_1 when storing multiple tables. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  30. don't repeat DEPEND_1 when storing multiple tables. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  31. handle file not found, so that vaps can be shared more easily (detail)
    by jbfaden
  32. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  33. experiment with handling mouse wheel events on lineThick GUI (detail)
    by jbfaden
  34. experiment with handling mouse wheel events on lineThick GUI (detail)
    by jbfaden
  35. experiment with handling mouse wheel events on symbolSize GUI (detail)
    by jbfaden
  36. bugfix: * with two different names (IMG_*.png and *.png) caused runtime error because i0 was -1. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  37. don't throw exception here, we'll start using this soon (detail)
    by jbfaden
  38. use new NetCDF library (detail)
    by jbfaden
  39. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  40. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  41. Update to new version of netcdf and remove slf4, which seems no longer to be needed. (detail)
    by jpeachey
  42. uncomment commented code which would add labels from master, to support vap+cdaweb:ds=DN_MAGN-L2-HIRES_G17&filter=DN_MA&id=b_eci&timerange=2023-03-14 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  43. handle runtime errors a little more gracefully. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  44. catch the runtime error where NetCDF doesn't load time-varying DEPEND_1. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  45. units safety check (detail)
    by jbfaden
  46. kludges to support icon_l2-4_fuv_day from cdaweb (detail)
    by jbfaden
  47. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  48. handle icon_l2-5_fuv_night by not using DEPEND_1 which has the wrong length. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  49. masters should always be .cdf, even when files are .nc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  50. bug 2529: drop support for ncml. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  51. bug 2529: remove APIOServiceProvider, which is unlikely to be used now. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  52. bug 2529: remove APIOServiceProvider, which is unlikely to be used now. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  53. bug 2529: remove APIOServiceProvider, which is unlikely to be used now. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  54. bug 2529: use netcdfAll-5.5.3.jar to read NetCDF and HDF5 files (detail)
    by jbfaden
  55. bug 2529: use netcdfAll-5.5.3.jar to read NetCDF and HDF5 files (detail)
    by jbfaden
  56. bug 2529: use netcdfAll-5.5.3.jar to read NetCDF and HDF5 files (detail)
    by jbfaden
  57. bug 2529: use netcdfAll-5.5.3.jar to read NetCDF and HDF5 files (detail)
    by jbfaden
  58. bug 2529: add netcdfAll-5.5.3.jar, remove 4.1 and slf4j (detail)
    by jbfaden
  59. bug 2529: add netcdfAll-5.5.3.jar (detail)
    by jbfaden
  60. remove dependence on emfisis server (detail)
    by jbfaden
  61. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  62. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  63. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  64. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  65. indicate dimensions for each variable. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  66. showed where ASCII_STRING was used to describe the timetags, which are iso8601.  Now we set this as nominal data, then see if the first record contains a time. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  67. showed where ASCII_STRING was used to describe the timetags, which are iso8601.  Now we set this as nominal data, then see if the first record contains a time.
    by jbfaden
    by jbfaden
  69. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  70. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  71. indicate the error message when git diff results in error. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  72. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  73. bug 2350: check for nulls in oldStdOut, oldStdErr, somehow they are getting in there. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  74. bug 2350: incorrect code would re-raise the frame which was already partially closed. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  75. 2530: disconnect the logConsole from the stdout and stderr.  Python shows has infinite loop when restarting Autoplot. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  76. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  77. add new allowExit property so that Python session doesn't shut down Python as well. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  78. make no-arg constructor private, I accidentally created one in a Jython session, causing confusion. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  79. Ivar pointed out that a logic error where a data variable was indicated as if it were a support variable, making "show all" insensitive. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  80. Ivar pointed out that the summary of rank 3 variable without DEPEND_2 didn't show any info about the last dimension. Assert that getDimensions will not return null. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  81. Ivar pointed out that the summary of rank 3 variable without DEPEND_2 didn't show any info about the last dimension. Now point in ellipses to indicate higher dimensionality. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  82. logging, prepare for uniq hash of parameters (detail)
    by jbfaden
  83. don't process parameters unless the script is whitelisted and non-null (detail)
    by jbfaden
  84. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  85. syncTo glow (detail)
    by jbfaden
  86. glow property added (detail)
    by jbfaden
  87. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  88. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  89. mod was never included in the data mash up dialog (detail)
    by jbfaden
  90. give a better error when home/jbf/... was used for the filename. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  91. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  92. saveAs dialog provides option to save using %{PWD} references. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  93. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  94. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  95. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  96. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  97. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  98. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  99. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  100. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  101. handle quotes, which were getting in there from URI history, removing pairs of single quotes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  102. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  103. support where bundleDescriptor is not found (detail)
    by jbfaden
  104. use formatter property of datasets (detail)
    by jbfaden
  105. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  106. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  107. bugfix: run multi thread didn't set the parameters in the URI (detail)
    by jbfaden
  108. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  109. catch exception when initializing with file:///home/jbf/ct/autoplot/u/2023/sadie/20230608/juno_cruise_bad.txt which resulted in GUI staying locked. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  110. catch exception when initializing with file:///home/jbf/ct/autoplot/u/2023/sadie/20230608/juno_cruise_bad.txt which resulted in GUI staying locked. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  111. rfe806: preserve message that script had issued using setStatus.  "executing script" and "done executing script" messages should be issued by the same code. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  112. rfe806: preserve message that script had issued using setStatus.  "executing script" and "done executing script" messages should be issued by the same code. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  113. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  114. bug2520: use https to connect to test server in test024. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  115. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  116. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  117. temporarily disable gzip so that progress bar is visible and long requests do not time out. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  118. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  119. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  120. move over new changes for the 2023 version of the scripts, which improve constraints on parameters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  121. GUI is nearly complete, but was never integrated (detail)
    by jbfaden
  122. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  123. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  124. allow plot to be set to "" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  125. Ivar pointed out warning where it assumed it was the first dimension. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  126. trivial comment explaining why http certs are disabled. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  127. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  128. only include the first line of the quality control comment in the CSV. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  129. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  130. echo the filename of the csv used, and allow open in browser, which for me results in open in libre office. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  131. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  132. rfe802: instead of redundant timeRange, show caption (label), which is typically the timeRange. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  133. trivial javadoc for properties (detail)
    by jbfaden
  134. rfe802: check that the caption doesn't contain spaces. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  135. rfe802: add write to csv option. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  136. bugfix when listing certain directories, probably associated with %25s in name. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  137. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  138. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  139. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  140. makeColorTable supports Units.rgbColor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  141. this is fixed by replacing the "setResetPlotElement" which was mistakenly removed. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  142. this is fixed by checking that the datum units are ratio units with a meaningful zero. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  143. bugfix: "vap+hapi:" would result in NullPointerException (detail)
    by jbfaden
  144. bugfix: "vap+hapi:" would result in NullPointerException (detail)
    by jbfaden
  145. whoops, forgot to update timestamp (detail)
    by jbfaden
  146. production release new code which allows datasetToArray to be called from scripts. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  147. trivial change to allow breakpoint at isBigEndian (detail)
    by jbfaden
  148. add accessor to get the variable type, to support "insert" in Autoplot CDF export. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  149. bugfix: remove debug printlns (detail)
    by jbfaden
  150. make datasetToArray public (detail)
    by jbfaden
  151. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  152. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  153. catch the runtime error Andrei sees occasionally. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  154. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  155. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  156. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  157. support isotime, isotime as events list. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  158. update time stamp (detail)
    by jbfaden
  159. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  160. release includes new launchers (detail)
    by jbfaden
  161. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  162. check with another dataset, need to look at BUNDLE_1 as well. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  163. flatten rank2 to support BMag;BGSE for HAPI server support (detail)
    by jbfaden
  164. flatten rank2 to support BMag;BGSE for HAPI server support (detail)
    by jbfaden
  165. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  166. 2514: don't put in the timetags for a variable which is being appended. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  167. don't put in the timetags for a variable which is being appended. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  168. put in todo and link to bug2514, where it can't determine that existing timetags can be used. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  169. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  170. rte_0373978553: throw exception when width is zero seconds.  Thanks trunali1131! (detail)
    by jbfaden
  171. rte_0373978553: throw exception when width is zero seconds.  Thanks trunali1131! (detail)
    by jbfaden
  172. experiment with using PromptComboBoxEditor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  173. bugfix: formatDataSet inspect URI action would RTE when carot was after the last character (detail)
    by jbfaden
  174. clear the axisOffset and labelOffset properties. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  175. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  176. rfe preserve x axis dimension. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  177. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  178. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  179. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  180. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  181. findbugs DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE (detail)
    by jbfaden
  182. update version number
    by jbfaden
  183. put in a divider between submit and print buttons (detail)
    by jbfaden
  184. add print svg and pdf buttons (detail)
    by jbfaden
  185. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  186. add prompt to search box, tooltip clarifies that they are regex (detail)
    by jbfaden
  187. add prompt to search box, tooltip clarifies that they are regex (detail)
    by jbfaden
  188. bug 2512: initial support for complex numbers. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  189. bug 2512: fixed whoops in complex double (detail)
    by jbfaden
  190. bug 2512: initial support for complex numbers. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  191. bug 2512: initial support for complex numbers.
    by jbfaden
  192. bug2511: use DatumRange.newRange with nominal data because of order. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  193. check for rank 1 complex number. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  194. support for complex arrays (detail)
    by jbfaden
  195. bug 2501: one last place where the map key should not be the ByteBuffer. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  196. bug 2501: correction to completions, which would only drill down into what started with the completeble. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  197. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  198. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  199. bugfix: Only read the IDLsav file once. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  200. bugfix: ReadIDLSav kept a cache of variable positions within the file, where the map keys were the ByteBuffer, but calculating the hash of a ByteBuffer is very expensive. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  201. move the arg_0 parameter up to the top since it is primary. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  202. bugfix in completions for IDLSav (detail)
    by jbfaden
  203. add completions for new dims parameter (detail)
    by jbfaden
  204. rfe797: add dims=[48,64] (detail)
    by jbfaden
  205. rfe797: support simple calculations like rank2=0:64*48 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  206. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  207. add link to documentation on RunTime Error submissions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  208. clear the incorrect metadata (detail)
    by jbfaden
  209. clear the incorrect metadata (detail)
    by jbfaden
  210. clear the incorrect metadata (detail)
    by jbfaden
  211. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  212. add fancy completions for X= and Y= parameters that show just the compatible parameters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  213. add fancy completions for X= and Y= parameters that show just the compatible parameters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  214. bugfix: rbspa_rel03_ect-rept-sci-L3_$Y$m$d_v$(v,sep).cdf?x=B_Calc&B_Calc;B_Eq;MLT;L&timerange=2012-10-01 works properly. selecting the four parameters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  215. bugfix: ?DENSTOT&X=EPOCHL2&xunits=cdfTT2000 resulted in units on the wrong dataset (detail)
    by jbfaden
  216. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  217. bugfix: support 64 bit ulongs, kinda (detail)
    by jbfaden
  218. bugfix: second click on "Select CDF Variable" would not update metadata panel. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  219. slice1 properly reads the label again.  rte_2101508540: correction to allow loading of b[:,0];b[:,1];b[:,2] again, which was broken with recent change.  Thanks Dante! (detail)
    by jbfaden
  220. trivial, old code now uses svalue to get label, instead of creating Datum. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  221. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  222. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  223. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  224. remove code which had no effect, turning , into COMMA and COMMA into ,.  Turn off delimParser.guessUnits when we use multi-field time locations. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  225. remove use of deprecated dr.rescale method. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  226. getFile('https://gith<C>') completions supported (detail)
    by jbfaden
  227. bugfix: svg wasn't supported because of more recent changes with log files. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  228. add usecache=false parameter at Bob's request (detail)
    by jbfaden
  229. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  230. check for a reasonable valid range and use it for startDate and stopDate. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  231. set the valid range to the range found in all.xml. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  232. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  233. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  234. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  235. bug 1696: setting plotId automatically anchors to canvas (soon plot), not data. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  236. bug 1696: setting plotId automatically anchors to canvas (soon plot), not data. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  237. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  238. update version
    by jbfaden
  239. support virtual variables when multiple variables are loaded at once. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  240. clean up handling of non-ascii characters and spaces. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  241. clean up handling of non-ascii characters and spaces. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  242. clean up handling of non-ascii characters and spaces.
    by jbfaden
  243. commit old code which supported groupIds, which I think was an experimental feature.  I'm going to remove it next commit. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  244. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  245. newline (detail)
    by jbfaden
  246. add "go" button (detail)
    by jbfaden
  247. blank indicates action the scientist should take. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  248. update version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  249. correct link to demo.jsp.  Remove pointer to github area which is incorrect, the current version is here. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  250. show gray blank plot when URI or VAP is not specified.  Correction to URLEncoding. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  251. show gray blank plot when URI or VAP is not specified.  Correction to URLEncoding.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  252. try to get the message out to the scientist (detail)
    by jbfaden
  253. lower LIMIT_STATS_COUNT to 150M after seeing takes upwards of 30 seconds to process.  Load larger sets in the background. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  254. lower LIMIT_STATS_COUNT to 150M after seeing takes upwards of 30 seconds to process. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  255. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  256. makeValid will remove domNodes with duplicate IDs. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  257. validateDom will at least catch when a .vap doesn't contain unique ids. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  258. validateDom will at least catch when a .vap doesn't contain unique ids. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  259. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  260. rfe 796: when the default is a datumRange and the units are timeLocation units, then use a time range dialog. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  261. when the default is a datumRange and the units are timeLocation units, then use a time range dialog. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  262. when the default is a datumRange and the units are timeLocation units, then use a time range dialog.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  263. bugfix: when there are multiple getParams with the same variable name, use the last one. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  264. bugfix: remove debug println (detail)
    by jbfaden
  265. bugfix: layout wasn't set on the options panel, so it could not be resized. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  266. bugfix: Sadie noticed where if(len(r_erg)) would always be included. (/home/jbf/ct/autoplot/u/2023/sadie/20230131/testing_dial_Jan31.jy) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  267. bug 2501: don't allow EwEw&X=EwEw (detail)
    by jbfaden
  268. bug 2501: rename variable trivial (detail)
    by jbfaden
  269. bug 2501: correct where subset is used for X or Y (detail)
    by jbfaden
  270. bug 2501: when non-support variable is selected, show all variables. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  271. whoops, set isSupport (detail)
    by jbfaden
  272. the X and Y tabs now only show parameters which are consistent with the dependent parameter. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  273. introduce new CdfUtil.getPlottable(file,options) which returns metadata in record, instead of string describing variable, so that additional operations can be done. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  274. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  275. rte_1865701214: strange error, just catch the error when setting the status bar text instead of annoying the scientist. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  276. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  277. add TimeUtil.isValidFormattedTime
    by jbfaden
  278. not Integer.parseInt (detail)
    by jbfaden
  279. update version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  280. remove width and height after loading. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  281. remove width and height after loading. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  282. document identifyContinuousBlocks introduction (detail)
    by jbfaden
  283. bugfix:script trace mode didn't properly set offset. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  284. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  285. set the row and column if plotId is specified in annotation command. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  286. 2496: remove old debug code. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  287. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  288. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  289. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  290. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  291. remove debug code (detail)
    by jbfaden
  292. bugfix, allow "5" and PWD to be considered trivial. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  293. 2496: more logging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  294. 2496: more logging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  295. 2496: more logging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  296. 2496: remove tests (detail)
    by jbfaden
  297. 2496: commit for testing on testing server (detail)
    by jbfaden
  298. 2496: print the inputs and output to the autoRange call (detail)
    by jbfaden
  299. 2496: print the stack trace for the plotDefaults, not the plot (detail)
    by jbfaden
  300. put in stack trace to figure out what path it is taking (detail)
    by jbfaden
  301. was broken because the non-digit whitespace was needed for the logic. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  302. try to track down strange problem where autoranging during testing is sometimes different (2005-12-31T22:00 to 2006-01-02T01:00) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  303. bugfix: monitor finished would be called twice (detail)
    by jbfaden
  304. update version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  305. use new control, which is based on JavaScript version of TimeUtil.js (detail)
    by jbfaden
  306. use new control, which is based on JavaScript version of TimeUtil.js (detail)
    by jbfaden
  307. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  308. formatted times within HDF5/NetCDF can contain delimeters, like 2022-12-28T00:00Z. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  309. support image autorange qube's log=true property (detail)
    by jbfaden
  310. allow scripts to peek at who is listening for a property, will be used for debugging. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  311. allow scripts to peek at who is listening for a property, will be used for debugging. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  312. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  313. remove emfisis from list of tests (detail)
    by jbfaden
  314. add min, max, and extend autorange hints (detail)
    by jbfaden
  315. add min, max, and extend autorange hints (detail)
    by jbfaden
  316. revert code which would only remove gaps when the plots were attached to the margin column (detail)
    by jbfaden
  317. don't make new columns when so many columns have been created already. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  318. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  319. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  320. bugfix: "vap+das2server:" would cause popup error now because it tried to handle the URL.  Correction for runtime error when "vap+das2server:xxx" is used. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  321. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  322. bug2293: Mashup Tool occasional ClassCastException.  Catch any exception, when for some reason it's not catching the particular exception. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  323. add a few more routines into the trivial calls list, so that """mm= dict( zip(  map( lambda d : 'field%d'%d, ii), ss ) )""" is supported. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  324. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  325. support boundingBox and the output of boundsDataset command (detail)
    by jbfaden
  326. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  327. use for RTEs, since I'm having trouble with my certificate (detail)
    by jbfaden
  328. bug 2491: The strange message was because it was assuming it could coerce the strings into datasets.  I've added a new mode
    where you can plot a URI but with a different timerange. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  329. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  330. correction to new code, which needed to look for time strings like $Y$m$d$H$M$S$(subsec,places=3) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  331. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  332. correction to completion where getDataSet( x+'?<C>' ) was preventing completion in y=getDataSet( '<C>') (detail)
    by jbfaden
  333. push the unidentified state. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  334. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  335. handle nominal data (detail)
    by jbfaden
  336. handle nominal data (detail)
    by jbfaden
  337. remove redundant scale and timerange when xaxis is bound. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  338. remove redundant range and scale diffs, leaving just "scale" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  339. submenu rename (detail)
    by jbfaden
  340. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  341. menu change (detail)
    by jbfaden
  342. acceptsData checks schemes for bounds. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  343. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  344. javadoc and lambda use (detail)
    by jbfaden
  345. remove debug println (detail)
    by jbfaden
  346. "bounds" is included in plot types menu.  "Plot Style" submenu renamed "Plot Type."  Style is clearly wrong and used elsewhere on the GUI (font and colors in menubar). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  347. "bounds" is included in plot types menu.  "Plot Style" submenu renamed "Plot Type."  Style is clearly wrong and used elsewhere on the GUI (font and colors in menubar). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  348. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  349. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  350. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  351. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  352. bugfix: reject would cause a web call to get the logo, used to verify that there is a server there.  When there isn't a server or some other issue, this would hang the GUI thread.  Instead, always assume it's okay and use GUI feedback. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  353. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  354. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  355. 2488:flash DODGER_BLUE, not RED which is too alarming. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  356. support orbit numbers generation (detail)
    by jbfaden
  357. corrections to support polar=T in bounds renderer. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  358. guessSlice checks for array of bounding boxes because boundsRenderer can be used. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  359. add controls for texture backhash and crosshash (detail)
    by jbfaden
  360. add polar checkbox (detail)
    by jbfaden
  361. add texture combo box (detail)
    by jbfaden
  362. test013 showed NullPointerException when I didn't check for null in dims (non-qube). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  363. support rank 3 array of bounding boxes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  364. add quick and dirty resizeOption property (detail)
    by jbfaden
  365. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  366. log a warning if the dataset is too big to perform stats. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  367. print the recent bookmarks file that cannot be read. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  368. print the recent bookmarks file that cannot be read. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  369. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  370. bugfix: binding immediately after initializing the pngwalks would result in runtime error, causing the binding to fail. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  371. don't throw runtime error when the scientist uses the wrong directory name (detail)
    by jbfaden
  372. bugfix: pngwalk should not throw exception when the pngwalk does not exist.  This is the scientist's problem to fix. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  373. minor corrections (detail)
    by jbfaden
  374. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  375. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  376. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  377. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  378. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  379. record the user agent so that robots can be filtered. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  380. remove logger message that Integer is not going to be resolved for #ref.  This seems obvious. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  381. bugfix: #ref in array was not properly handled, where I tried to make bins "$ref":"#/definitions/energy_bins" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  382. support unary minus and plus, and correct some formatting issues. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  383. add tooltip advertising run batch concurrent invocation.  Tweak language in the run concurrent dialog (detail)
    by jbfaden
  384. remove which no longer exists (detail)
    by jbfaden
  385. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  386. exampleInput routine limits reads of the URI to two days.  It's easy to get very long reads, which is confusing when it pauses. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  387. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  388. bug 2481: multi-field times with tab delimiters (detail)
    by jbfaden
  389. attempt to improve feedback when setTimeRange is called when there are no timeranges (detail)
    by jbfaden
  390. trivial netbeans suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  391. "Jump To" action includes methods within classes. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  392. PyException was not printed. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  393. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  394. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  395. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  396. handle completions on Jython object with fields. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  397. release notes 20221003a (detail)
    by jbfaden
  398. bugfix: calling getDataSet from a script would result in NPE, I hadn't tested with density= getDataSet('vap+cdaweb:ds=RBSP-A_DENSITY_EMFISIS-L4&filter=rbsp&id=density&timerange=2017-12-05') (detail)
    by jbfaden
  399. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  400. correction to substring when it is within parenthesis (detail)
    by jbfaden
  401. add xrange(i,j) to list of conversions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  402. simply copy over the indent from the Java code, assuming the Java code has been formatted. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  403. add LIMIT_HUGE_DATASET, to improve handling of billion-point datasets. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  404. trivial javadoc
    by jbfaden
  405. surl is not a regex, and needs to be converted to one. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  406. uncommitted change for Windows (detail)
    by jbfaden
  407. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  408. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  409. 2453: refactor getReader(fname) so that one method (getReader(fname,map)) is used to get the reader, reducing repeated code. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  410. 2453: use CDFReader.getReader, which does not have the 2GB file limitation. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  411. 2477: aggregate uris skips over vap+internal, (detail)
    by jbfaden
  412. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  413. correction in maybe to load the length as a long was flawed.  This branch must not be used, because I'm just now finding the error.
    by jbfaden
  414. editor tools scripts were loaded on the event thread. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  415. hasX logic needs to check for * as well as $x, since * will be converted to $x later. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  416. hasX logic needs to check for * as well as $x, since * will be converted to $x later. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  417. correction where regex was handled improperly (detail)
    by jbfaden
  418. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  419. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  420. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  421. bug2475: kludgy solution. TODO: study this again next week. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  422. don't offer rank 3 and higher data for X and Y, which are intended for independent data. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  423. trivial rename y and x lists (detail)
    by jbfaden
  424. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  425. second kludge preventing takeScreenshot script from loading. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  426. javadoc
    by jbfaden
  427. use conventional lock (detail)
    by jbfaden
  428. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  429. bug 2134: assignment to rank 2 when using rank 1 list of indices. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  430. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  431. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  432. bug 2471: test148 showed were the guessRenderType check was a bit too eager to use colorscatter.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  433. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  434. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  435. trivial try-with-resources (detail)
    by jbfaden
  436. 2472: simplify code and see what breaks (detail)
    by jbfaden
  437. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  438. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  439. for some reason, arrays were not allowed in user properties.  They are fine. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  440. use standard code to make relative URI absolute (on non-Windows) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  441. don't initialize the CDAWebDB if we're going to use the web service to get the list of files, since it takes 20-30 seconds to initialize (detail)
    by jbfaden
  442. use intersects instead of contains when checking the time, so that P10D (last ten days) includes a file for today. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  443. whoops (detail)
    by jbfaden
  444. try to get it to match the template (detail)
    by jbfaden
  445. match up jnlp to internal jnlp, which is used for security and might be the problem I've been seeing (detail)
    by jbfaden
  446. add mine type and extension for PDS lblx files (detail)
    by jbfaden
  447. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  448. updates to the release page, removing 12 year-old messages which aren't helpful.release notes. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  449. bugfix: bundle from HAPI bundle to export to CDF would fail. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  450. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  451. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  452. bug 2467: pass in the number of records that we're expecting.  This actually not needed since we have the dependent data which has the
    record count, but I'll leave the private API change in there because it touched a bunch of places, was verified, and would be information that's useful to have. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  453. print the stack trace, since there was a runtime exception which was buried because of this code.  This needs further review, since there
    are multiple reasons an IllegalArgumentException might be thrown (detail)
    by jbfaden
  454. bugfix, where
    had data psp_fld_l2_dfb_dbm_vac1[2,524288] which triggered a "bins kludge" which was very slow. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  455. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  456. correction (detail)
    by jbfaden
  457. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  458. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  459. 2464: ancient bug in completions discovered and fixed.  It must be that $m and 02 are the same length, so the bug didn't show until * meant "jno-PJ1-ionosphere-LFRH-Survey-16-240-1215-1320" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  460. 2459: try without quotes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  461. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  462. 2463: Allison had erg_hep_l2_omniflux which has energy [2,n] for bins, and this is now supported. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  463. DataSource should be Java 8 project. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  464. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  465. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  466. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  467. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  468. bug 2461: re-run one shouldn't copy the dom.  This doesn't work for many scripts. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  469. See bug 2461 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  470. revert feature from march where the dom was used to try and allow for multi-threaded processing including use of the dom.  This didn't work, and multi-threaded processing only works when the dom isn't used, so this bit of code will be reverted. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  471. add separate "cancel" button (detail)
    by jbfaden
  472. limit filenameProvidesContext to hours datasets where range is -48 to 48, otherwise unexpected results occur which are difficult to debug. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  473. limit filenameProvidesContext to hours datasets where range is -48 to 48, otherwise unexpected results occur which are difficult to debug. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  474. support xunits when DEPEND_0 is used to automatically connect variables. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  475. support xunits when DEPEND_0 is used to automatically connect variables. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  476. is coming back null on some platforms. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  477. control "timerange" parameter with time range GUI. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  478. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  479. bugfix: colons in timerange parameter would be misinterpretted, mangling the time. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  480. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  481. AVERAGE_TYPE property (detail)
    by jbfaden
  482. guard against NullPointerException  when is not set (detail)
    by jbfaden
  483. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  484. don't rely on xml extension to detect label, since lblx can also be used. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  485. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  486. remove debug println (detail)
    by jbfaden
  487. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  488. bug2456: debug printing left in but commented out (detail)
    by jbfaden
  489. bug 2456: catch exceptions in RunLaterListener that would prevent other listeners from getting the message (detail)
    by jbfaden
  490. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  491. bugfix 2455: Bill noticed case where script would now hang because list assignment was not the same length. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  492. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  493. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  494. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  495. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  496. bugfix: PWD needs to be the PWD of the script, not of the data. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  497. print a more precise error when a variable's block size is greater than 2GB. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  498. bugfix: code assumed that Ops.unbundle result was ArrayDataSet.  New rule that RENDER_TYPE=scatter is inherited
    means the result won't necessarily be ArrayDataSet. MutablePropertyDataSet is sufficient and is unlikely to cause
    problems. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  499. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  500. bug 2451: back out change from Mar 21 (rev 26562), which broke existing functionality (detail)
    by jbfaden
  501. trivial netbeans suggestion (detail)
    by jbfaden
  502. todo: windows (detail)
    by jbfaden
  503. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  504. trivial use lamdba function (detail)
    by jbfaden
  505. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  506. add support for ODL and STS in particular. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  507. advertise compatibility with HAPI servers, since this is probably more useful to space physics than openDAP. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  508. make sure plot information is in the output when creating pngs. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  509. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  510. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  511. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  512. remove synchronized blocks which would hang Sadie's mac, replace with limited use of ReentrantLock. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  513. trivial diamond (detail)
    by jbfaden
  514. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  515. rfe781: pngwalk tool "show only QC records" more options (detail)
    by jbfaden
  516. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  517. remove check for imports which seems a bit unnecessary since connections are only allowed from localhost. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  518. remove old TODO (detail)
    by jbfaden
  519. add specialColors editor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  520. add specialColors editor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  521. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  522. correct when tool.version is null, which happens (detail)
    by jbfaden
  523. clarify when { is seen on the stream, which is very different than getting the wrong number of fields. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  524. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  525. check for pwd + product + version + .vap as well as pwd + product + .vap (detail)
    by jbfaden
  526. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  527. allow a space to insert multiple columns (detail)
    by jbfaden
  528. allow a space to insert multiple columns (detail)
    by jbfaden
  529. add json so that JythonCommands can advertise completions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  530. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  531. make it much more likely that we are automatically synchronizing data. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  532. handle when offline mode prevents getting javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  533. allow for """interp= getParam( 'interp', vv[0], 'interpolate type', vv )""" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  534. corrections to support bin_chorus_micro_madeis.jy (detail)
    by jbfaden
  535. readConfiguration is now a trivial function call.  refactor to use only one popup to show simplified script (detail)
    by jbfaden
  536. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  537. crossProduct function added, release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  538. include json files in single-jar output (detail)
    by jbfaden
  539. include json files in single-jar output (detail)
    by jbfaden
  540. include json files in single-jar output (detail)
    by jbfaden
  541. add more precise completions for plot. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  542. add more precise completions for plot. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  543. bug2445: ensureMutable method always makes a copy of the data. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  544. change to autoplot-release-2022
    by jbfaden
  545. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  546. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  547. include map in the list of resolvable symbols (detail)
    by jbfaden
  548. don't print SCALEMIN SCALEMAX warning when they are NaN, NaN. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  549. clarify readConfiguration javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  550. add to moveToJustAbove (detail)
    by jbfaden
  551. add to moveToJustAbove (detail)
    by jbfaden
  552. add to moveToJustBelow (detail)
    by jbfaden
  553. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  554. bug 2444: create a new interpretter each time, so that information doesn't leak
    from one run to the next. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  555. refactoring to improve code readability (detail)
    by jbfaden
  556. refactoring to improve code readability (detail)
    by jbfaden
  557. rename icons for working -> ICON_WORKING.  "Re-Run script" was done on event thread (detail)
    by jbfaden
  558. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  559. bugfix: HAPI label property can be a string array, in which case each component has a label. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  560. bugfix: HAPI label property can be a string array, in which case each component has a label. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  561. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  562. 2443: improvements to read-only and writable filesystem support. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  563. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  564. correct usename typo (detail)
    by jbfaden
  565. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  566. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  567. support vapfile in .pngwalk file.  Support ../junofgm in baseurl. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  568. whoops, JSyntaxPane was an absolute reference so it couldn't be built on the server (detail)
    by jbfaden
  569. whoops, JSyntaxPane was an absolute reference so it couldn't be built on the server (detail)
    by jbfaden
  570. test071 showed that app.scriptPanel is null for the first five seconds, to improve startup time. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  571. somehow in testing null is getting into refactored code. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  572. update jsyntaxpane version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  573. refactor to remove JythonScriptPanel references from JythonUtil, which was preventing compile of the AutoplotServlet (and mixed GUI with business logic). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  574. http->https (detail)
    by jbfaden
  575. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  576. add re-run script to review run batch (detail)
    by jbfaden
  577. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  578. add re-run script to review run batch (detail)
    by jbfaden
  579. trivial fix imports (detail)
    by jbfaden
  580. add popup menu and actions to the completed jobs view.  Presently you can just copy the script URI. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  581. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  582. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
    by jbfaden
  584. findbugs  DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE. trivial cleanup (detail)
    by jbfaden
  585. findbugs DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE.  fix imports (detail)
    by jbfaden
  586. findbugs MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL (detail)
    by jbfaden
  587. findbugs MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL (detail)
    by jbfaden
  588. findbugs MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL (detail)
    by jbfaden
  589. allow the .vap file to live next to the .pngwalk file. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  590. allow the .vap file to live next to the .pngwalk file. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  591. add "problem save next" button.  remove old menu items for start digitizer and start QC, which was confusing. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  592. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  593. trivial fix imports (detail)
    by jbfaden
  594. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  595. javadoc for where support methods (detail)
    by jbfaden
  596. make where support methods static (detail)
    by jbfaden
  597. test100 showed where new reset code would ignore RENDER_TYPE=hugeScatter. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  598. test100 showed where new reset code would ignore RENDER_TYPE=hugeScatter. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  599. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  600. release notes
    by jbfaden
  601. bug2441: handle implicit unbundles by making them explicit (detail)
    by jbfaden
  602. cancel after shift-Go will just cancel, not run single-thread.  Allow the number of threads to be controlled. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  603. cancel after shift-Go will just cancel, not run single-thread. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  604. add secret feature where shift-GO will offer to run jobs in parallel. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  605. add URI and vap metadata to output of AutoplotServer (detail)
    by jbfaden
  606. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  607. parker solar probe files have many empty variables, so add option to filter these out. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  608. keep track of the last template used. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  609. BatchMaster name changed to RunBatchTool to match external name for it. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  610. bugfix: das2server redirects would mess up the plus which is used to indicate a space. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  611. indicate the units of the progress numbers. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  612. experiment with using Das2Stream timetags to provide progress feedback. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  613. experiment with JFormattedTextFields, which have immediate verification of inputs. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  614. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  615. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  616. swingUtilities.invokeLater is needed to update properly. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  617. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  618. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  619. rfe775: bugfix where second argument wasn't working (detail)
    by jbfaden
  620. rfe775: pngwalk tool enables the script button regardless of $Y or no $Y. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  621. rfe775: AutoplotServlet's ScriptGUIServlet also embeds the script URI in the image. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  622. rfe775: trivial change (detail)
    by jbfaden
  623. rfe775: bug fixed in doSelectMultiple (detail)
    by jbfaden
  624. rfe775: rfe If the png metadata contains "ScriptURI", then allow the operator to jump back into Autoplot, just as if they had a .vap. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  625. add pngwalk tool button (detail)
    by jbfaden
  626. Use "PNG Walk Tool" not PNG Walk Viewer in menu (detail)
    by jbfaden
  627. add the script name and parameters to the png outputs. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  628. correction to implement cancel (detail)
    by jbfaden
  629. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  630. pick up min and max from constraints. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  631. pick up min and max from constraints. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  632. Jython Param now is its own class. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  633. Jython Param now is its own class. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  634. Param now is its own class. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  635. add droplist item to show scientist how multiple items are selected (detail)
    by jbfaden
  636. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  637. rfe775: trim the extra spaces some people like to put in (detail)
    by jbfaden
  638. rfe775: support generate with multiple arguments. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  639. rfe775: support generate with multiple arguments. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  640. allow right parameter to be multi-arg
    by jbfaden
  641. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  642. javadoc was never written for APSplash. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  643. when an exception occurs when running the simplified version of the script, still show the completions for known commands.  Improve the appearance of the "eval error" message's documentation. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  644. set the sortPriority low so that it appears at the top of the list. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  645. old kludge for addMouseModule is corrected. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  646. Update to include the newest version of jsyntaxpane jar. (detail)
    by jpeachey
  647. initial support for tuple interpolation to get completions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  648. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  649. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  650. allow num to be resolved to str(num) in tryResolveNode (detail)
    by jbfaden
  651. lock file wasn't deleted when we check for no data. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  652. add demo showing attempt at fixing the html doc view in script editor. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  653. update version. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  654. add a note about source and allow 10.255 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  655. only use X-Forwarded-For when the remote host is a client we trust. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  656. new version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  657. HapiDataSourceFactory completions now support timerange and parameters discovery (detail)
    by jbfaden
  658. popString function now returns an offset, since it might add constant strings to the front, changing the offset. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  659. introduce getLineNumberForOffset, which can be used with JTextComponent. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  660. introduce code to do a little Jython implementation to support URI completions when the URI is formed with string concatenation. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  661. introduce tryResolveStringNode (detail)
    by jbfaden
  662. introduce tryResolveStringNode (detail)
    by jbfaden
  663. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  664. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  665. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  666. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  667. pressing cancel should also cancel the batch process. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  668. update to jsyntaxpane-1.2 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  669. these are removed in Java 12, so temporarily include them so we can run on both Java 8 and Java 12. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  670. correction to code when multi-line strings are used, generalize code. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  671. leave string expressions in code for completions, to assist in debugging. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  672. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  673. bugfix:triple-quotes check didn't check for """, only '''. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  674. bugfix: number argument "green= getParam( 'green', 100, 'green', { "label":'Green', "min":0, "max":255 } )" didn't work.
    by jbfaden
  675. rfe772: Run Batch Tool sets list of M arguments (detail)
    by jbfaden
  676. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  677. rte768: support for .tar, .tgz, and .tar.gz (detail)
    by jbfaden
  678. accidental reformat code with Netbeans 12. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  679. make  resolveIndependentAxis static and public to enable testing.  Add kludge for mvn_swe_l2_arcpad pitch angles to allow for study. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  680. shows where the resolveIndependentAxis fails. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  681. check for (Y;end) when indicating gaps (detail)
    by jbfaden
  682. update version number (detail)
    by jbfaden
  683. get rid of demo.html, so that there's only one code.  update the HTML addressbar with the current URI. make timeranges more efficient. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  684. bug introduced in refactoring (detail)
    by jbfaden
  685. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  686. remove old jsyntaxpane (detail)
    by jbfaden
  687. version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  688. verifier tests show that 1 ms read would cause internal 500 error. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  689. corrections to cache logic when cache file cannot be written (detail)
    by jbfaden
  690. check write access when creating cache files. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  691. use try-with-resources to make sure things are closed properly. Check for 400 error and clean up error stream. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  692. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  693. add decimalYear. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  694. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  695. bugfix: diff was done backwards (detail)
    by jbfaden
  696. remove reference to jsyntaxpane, which is now 1.2.0 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  697. trusted client should check 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 for X-Forwarded-For as well. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  698. update server version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  699. compile the patterns used for input validation once.  Limit lines to 132 characters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  700. compile the patterns used for input validation once (detail)
    by jbfaden
  701. Util.isTrustedClient puts all the security checking in one place. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  702. Util.isTrustedClient puts all the security checking in one place. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  703. always report the directory when unable to get the cache (detail)
    by jbfaden
  704. update version number (detail)
    by jbfaden
  705. update version number (detail)
    by jbfaden
  706. update to use start and stop for HAPI 3.0 servers. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  707. update version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  708. trivial (detail)
    by jbfaden
  709. we needed to find a different way to get rid of space and replace with "Z" because that code is also used for QStreams (detail)
    by jbfaden
  710. update version number (detail)
    by jbfaden
  711. allow remote address of 192.168.0.x temporarily. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  712. use start and stop (detail)
    by jbfaden
  713. update version, going nuts... (detail)
    by jbfaden
  714. version 3.0 servers should support start and stop parameters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  715. version 3.0 servers should support start and stop parameters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  716. update HAPI_SERVER_HOME (detail)
    by jbfaden
  717. update the version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  718. update the version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  719. trivial (detail)
    by jbfaden
  720. add commented code which relays the HAPI_SERVER_HOME (detail)
    by jbfaden
  721. add logging for binary response. unverified correction to extra byte which is clipped from binary response's times. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  722. bugfix: remove old message about coding on Saturday mornings, there's nothing wrong with that state. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  723. remove goto-line action that is annoying, shift+click is required (detail)
    by jbfaden
  724. bugfix: if there was error when getting the catalog, then the last successful catalog would be shown, but with the new hapi server URL. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  725. browse trigger recognizes https://.../hapi/ as HAPI server (detail)
    by jbfaden
  726. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  727. clear the busy icon and make inspect sensitive when we are going to throw a RuntimeException (detail)
    by jbfaden
  728. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  729. trivial fix imports and comment (detail)
    by jbfaden
  730. update version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  731. also, blacklist check on .vap file argument would throw NullPointerException because uri was used instead of vap. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  732. add server PID to the cache directory, so two servers running as different users can work side-by-side. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  733. check for exception when creating log file (detail)
    by jbfaden
  734. log execution times to logger (detail)
    by jbfaden
  735. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  736. "trace" functionality scrolls along with the script program counter (detail)
    by jbfaden
  737. "trace" functionality scrolls along with the script program counter (detail)
    by jbfaden
  738. reimplement script "trace" functionality using Jython AST parser to separate the lines (detail)
    by jbfaden
  739. run batch used showOpenDialog for save (detail)
    by jbfaden
  740. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  741. add fill color property (detail)
    by jbfaden
  742. support detection of bounding box (detail)
    by jbfaden
  743. support for bounding box (detail)
    by jbfaden
  744. trim the value of the argument.  No argument can contain leading or trailing spaces. (It's too easy to do and for every one time you mean for it to be there, there's a 100 times you didn't mean for it to be there. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  745. Rename, fix paths, which didn't properly identify location of the jardesc/jar in autoplot. (detail)
    by jpeachey
  746. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  747. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  748. recently-added code for string data assumed there were at least two columns coming back. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  749. handle bundle(X,Y) autoranging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  750. trivial netbeans suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  751. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  752. bugfix 2429: correction to only do the automatic depend0 logic when the column isn't column 0. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  753. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  754. bugfix 2429: only do the automatic depend0 logic when the column isn't column 0.
    by jbfaden
  755. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  756. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  757. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  758. rfe651: add resetOrbitsFor so that the green play button will always reload the file. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  759. annotate patch scrolls to location of first patch.  Also scrollTo does an invoke later, which wasn't mentioned in the last commit. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  760. scrollToOffset now shows three lines preceding (or about) to show context. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  761. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  762. remove trailing whitespace after noticing that Windows doesn't work properly (make private) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  763. remove trailing whitespace after noticing that Windows doesn't work properly (detail)
    by jbfaden
  764. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  765. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  766. rfe363: remove fall-through code so that branches can be studied. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  767. rfe363: special handling of
    allowCache= getParam( 'allowCache', True, 'allow storage of ephemeris to local file', [ True,False ] ) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  768. rfe363: isAssignableFrom was backwards (detail)
    by jbfaden
  769. bugfix where incorrect sort position was given to local variable. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  770. rfe363: xx= RHOmag[r] assigns QDataSet to xx (detail)
    by jbfaden
  771. rfe363: when traversing, assume unsupported node means we can't complete, instead of assuming we could (detail)
    by jbfaden
  772. rfe363: don't allow variable which is calculated in the else block to provide completions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  773. rfe363: assume that any binary operation is going to return a QDataSet. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  774. rfe363: allow completions using the symbol names which have been assigned to QDataSet using methods from Ops. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  775. rfe363: correct where JOptionPane,showConfirmDialog is included in completions. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  776. more time math mistakes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  777. bugfix at 2001-12 to 2002-01 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  778. version number update
    by jbfaden
  779. remove check which seems incorrect for "2012-01" minus one month. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  780. formatISO8601Range optimizations for whole days and whole months. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  781. Add JAR description file for creating JARs from within Eclipse. (detail)
    by jpeachey
  782. hard-code width and height based on voyager lowrate application.  Ideally this would be kept from the last invocation. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  783. 2426: throw an error when java.awt.headless is not set to true. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  784. add hidden button so the default is just to update (not previous, which was getting the "Enter" event)
    by jbfaden
  785. load TimeRangeParser.js (detail)
    by jbfaden
  786. correction to width, which is non-trivial for [2020,01,...] - [2019,12,...] (detail)
    by jbfaden
  787. TimeRangeParser handles "$Y-$m-$d" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  788. corrections to TimeRangeParser, and handle borrow (detail)
    by jbfaden
  789. corrections to TimeRangeParser (detail)
    by jbfaden
  790. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  791. handle static method calls like TimeParser.create(), where we can infer types by looking at return types. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  792. queryMethods now detects that the context is an array and will get the Java component type so that completions are provided. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  793. showCompletionsView now trims the script to the carot position. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  794. rfe363: fix case where line was included which shouldn't have been (detail)
    by jbfaden
  795. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  796. make the log directory (detail)
    by jbfaden
  797. commit to test Netbeans 12 with Java 11 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  798. extraneous ; caused by whitespace after }.  Keep track of known variables. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  799. support float and int constants which can be used to infer type.  support tuples by echoing tuple, just for readability.  only assign type once. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  800. indent on functions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  801. start to handle slices (/home/jbf/ct/autoplot/git/dev/demos/2019/20190219/customRenderer.jy to Java) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  802. correction to list (detail)
    by jbfaden
  803. refactor to remove repeated code (detail)
    by jbfaden
  804. refactor so that each node as accessible method (detail)
    by jbfaden
  805. improvements to support (detail)
    by jbfaden
  806. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  807. 2424: set the application when running custom actions in the editor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  808. trivial Netbeans suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  809. 2424: keep track of the app (detail)
    by jbfaden
  810. 2424: keep track of the app (detail)
    by jbfaden
  811. improve logging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  812. add getFile without progress monitor argument, to retrieve small files (detail)
    by jbfaden
  813. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  814. allow %{PWD} to be used in configurationFiles (detail)
    by jbfaden
  815. add readConfiguration (detail)
    by jbfaden
  816. trivial make final (detail)
    by jbfaden
  817. hang_1147198202_20211230_080855: use ReentrantLock instead of synchronized blocks. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  818. hang_1147198202_20211230_080855: statusLabel use must be on event thread (detail)
    by jbfaden
  819. bug 2422 recent Javas complain about ByteBuffer.flip() (detail)
    by jbfaden
  820. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  821. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  822. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  823. add developer action to see what script is being used to get GUI params (detail)
    by jbfaden
  824. trivial (detail)
    by jbfaden
  825. add demo of SwingWorker, which should be used in places where a long task is started from the event thread. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  826. execute custom actions off of the event thread. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  827. the PWD in the editor custom actions (like clone). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  828. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  829. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  830. trivial Netbeans suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  831. trivial Netbeans suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  832. scroll to where the bug is found in a Jython code. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  833. add GrannyTextEditor button. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  834. GitCommand now returns int code and response message. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  835. whoops, missed 64bit versions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  836. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  837. go ahead and disable log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups even though the library is not used, just in case someone links it in with Jython. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  838. go ahead and disable log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups even though the library is not used, just in case someone links it in with Jython. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  839. new code to allow tests to have short names broke (detail)
    by jbfaden
  840. check to see that the URI is actually something that could be requested, having a resourceURI. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  841. test099 private tests were broken by new change that allowed tests to be named (detail)
    by jbfaden
  842. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  843. 2419: "jar://..." URI used with vap+wdc:$Y?apkp=kp&timerange=1940+through+1942 because vap+wdc needed to check for internal version of the script showed that downloadResourceAsTempFile should only use new logic for http and https. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  844. new code to allow tests to have short names caused URIs with spaces to break. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  845. 2419: recent change to allow bookmarks files from GitHubFileSystem caused test010 to break because a directory was retrieved, not a file. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  846. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  847. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  848. AutoplotUI to will rebuild the script editor context menu after the editor bookmarks have changed. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  849. allow AutoplotUI to rebuild the script editor context menu after the editor bookmarks have changed. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  850. getTemporaryFile now checks the local file cache for the file, allowing temporary files to come from GitHubFileSystem (detail)
    by jbfaden
  851. new logic for test140 allows ids to be specified.  See (detail)
    by jbfaden
  852. rfe 729: support for missing_value (detail)
    by jbfaden
  853. rfe 761: return the number of differences found. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  854. rfe 762: report problems when XmlFileDataSourceFactory rejects.  I was very confused when this code didn't provide any feedback but I didn't know it was running. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  855. rfe 762:$Y/vg1pws_lr_$Y$m$d_v5.10.xml demonstrates that AggregatingDataSourceFactory needs to peek inside the XML file to get the type. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  856. rfe 762:$Y/vg1pws_lr_$Y$m$d_v5.10.xml demonstrates that AggregatingDataSourceFactory needs to peek inside the XML file to get the type. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  857. rfe 762:$Y/vg1pws_lr_$Y$m$d_v5.10.xml demonstrates that AggregatingDataSourceFactory needs to peek inside the XML file to get the type. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  858. javadoc improvements (detail)
    by jbfaden
  859. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  860. get invalid_constant, valid_minimum, and valid_maximum.
    add in support for rank 3 data, which still needs to be tested. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  861. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  862. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  863. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  864. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  865. bugfix when epoch16 was used with a component, the slice1 control was incorrectly trying to slice two-component epoch16. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  866. rte_0404633081_20211201: ctrl-Z when nothing has been done resulted in exception. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  867. rfe762: new code assumed URI had extension. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  868. rte280945130: NullPointerException when multiple parameters are loaded and one isn't in file.  Thanks, Daniele! (detail)
    by jbfaden
  869. bugfix: arbitrary name "H_lo" used when id and arg_0 were not present, causing confusing messages.  This was left in years ago presumably after debugging. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  870. correction for test (detail)
    by jbfaden
  871. bugfix: Juno TCA didn't subset when requiresInterval and item_00 was found in DSDF.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  872. add lblx extension. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  873. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  874. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  875. check that the image is actually changed and display a small "(no changes)" image when it is not used (detail)
    by jbfaden
  876. trivial whitespace to limit line length (detail)
    by jbfaden
  877. rfe764: arg_0 label specified (detail)
    by jbfaden
  878. arg_0 completions should be plotted (set maybePlot True) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  879. bugfix: NullPointerException when param didn't have units. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  880. correct spelling of indices (detail)
    by jbfaden
  881. experiment with a method for specifying a label, where the empty option is the one that provides the label. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  882. experiment with a method for specifying a label, where the empty option is the one that provides the label. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  883. bugfix in automatic aggregation of "$Y/$m/$d/$Y$m$dT$H_all.csv" where replaceLast, where kludgy code assumed the delimiter (- in $Y-$m-$d) was in a fixed position.  Test templates also had delimiter identifier incorrectly marked as $3 instead of $4. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  884. trivial Netbeans suggestions.  Remove unnecessary yield. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  885. whoops.  "vap+pds4" was not a type (detail)
    by jbfaden
  886. trivial tweak javadoc and make sure no line is more than 132 characters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  887. trivial tweak javadoc and make sure no line is more than 132 characters. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  888. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  889. rfe762: DataSource now needs JSON parser (detail)
    by jbfaden
  890. rfe762: introduce DataSourceRecognizer to recognize file schemes. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  891. rfe762: introduce DataSourceRecognizer to recognize file schemes. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  892. move all images out of org.autoplot.datasource to resources (detail)
    by jbfaden
  893. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  894. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  895. allow numeric fields to have a comma in them. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  896. class does not need to be synchronized. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  897. Netbeans Java8 suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  898. deprecate misspelled method name (detail)
    by jbfaden
  899. deprecate misspelled method name (detail)
    by jbfaden
  900. add "pull" action which is enabled for GitHubFileSystems (detail)
    by jbfaden
  901. read the current value of readOnlyCache and set the initial directory to that. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  902. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  903. add ability to log to the eventThreadResponseMonitor.  Wish I had this on old versions, but it'll be there for the future. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  904. add ability to log to the eventThreadResponseMonitor.  Wish I had this on old versions, but it'll be there for the future. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  905. add ability to log to the eventThreadResponseMonitor. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  906. add "ms since 1970-01-01T00:00" to the list of units, since that comes up often (detail)
    by jbfaden
  907. echo JAVA_HOME (detail)
    by jbfaden
  908. trivial netbeans suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  909. trivial netbeans suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  910. move digitizer and QC tool to "Tools" menu (detail)
    by jbfaden
  911. move digitizer and QC tool to "Tools" menu (detail)
    by jbfaden
  912. trivial Netbeans Java 8 suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  913. make QC Tool icons opaque, because they are hard to see on a dark background (detail)
    by jbfaden
  914. rfe761: handle where the QCTUrl is not set. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  915. call the commit method (detail)
    by jbfaden
  916. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  917. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  918. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  919. qcturl property allows the Quality Control files to be written to another place, so that read-only pngwalks can be annotated. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  920. move GrannyTextEditor into dasCore (detail)
    by jbfaden
  921. change field "domPlot" to just "plot" to be consistent with other codes (dasPlot is the implementing object). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  922. thread-proof setup, after seeing strange NullPointerException in test071. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  923. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  924. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  925. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  926. remove accidental import (detail)
    by jbfaden
  927. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  928. 2412: undo should not be called from the event thread. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  929. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  930. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  931. more places to use newGrannyTextRenderer (detail)
    by jbfaden
  932. release notes
    by jbfaden
  933. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  934. introduce !(painter;psym;circles;connect=solid) to GrannyTextRenderer (detail)
    by jbfaden
  935. 2412: remove inconsistent synchronized block (detail)
    by jbfaden
  936. 2412: correction after more testing (detail)
    by jbfaden
  937. 2412: new version would allow undo of the initial ground state, causing rte. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  938. 2412: new version would allow undo of the initial ground state, causing rte. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  939. 2412: changes to clean up undo/redo and remove synchronization blocks which led to rte_2038937185_20211104_103105_sadieelliott.xml (detail)
    by jbfaden
  940. tweak to test updates
    by jbfaden
  941. add description of extentions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  942. add description of extentions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  943. update version to reflect change in HAPI support with latest Autoplot version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  944. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  945. add x_colorLookup (detail)
    by jbfaden
  946. add x_colorLookup (detail)
    by jbfaden
  947. update server version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  948. properly support characters with trim to length. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  949. update the version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  950. move the console output from the table so it can span the page (detail)
    by jbfaden
  951. update version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  952. whitelist/blacklist logic for server (detail)
    by jbfaden
  953. whitelist/blacklist logic for server (detail)
    by jbfaden
  954. David's suggestion that labels go around checkboxes to make them easier to click on. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  955. normalizeTime and other functions needed for next/prev buttons (detail)
    by jbfaden
  956. trivial reformat (detail)
    by jbfaden
  957. trivial, set width for console (detail)
    by jbfaden
  958. trivial change (detail)
    by jbfaden
  959. use tickValues property, rather than tickSpacing, since tickValues is the standard (detail)
    by jbfaden
  960. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  961. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  962. catch the Exception and report it to the console output. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  963. catch the Exception and report it to the console output. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  964. show the URI at the bottom of the screen (detail)
    by jbfaden
  965. leave the busy cursor while setURI is happening.  I found that the ASCII source with huge text files would not give this useful feedback. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  966. 2410: address bar fires off two inspect GUIs. Make button gray and insensitive. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  967. set the yaxis to visible=false for events bar. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  968. set the yaxis to visible=false for events bar. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  969. set the yaxis to visible=false for events bar. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  970. enlarge the timerange field (detail)
    by jbfaden
  971. update version number (detail)
    by jbfaden
  972. add stats file to monitor performance.  add key to log file. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  973. add stats file to monitor performance.  add key to log file. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  974. introduce constants. prep for asynchronous operation (detail)
    by jbfaden
  975. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  976. add timeout in loop that waits for output (detail)
    by jbfaden
  977. make QStreamMonitor and Das2Stream monitor public so they can be used in new streaming code. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  978. update version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  979. hide next/prev buttons while they don't work. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  980. correct checkboxes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  981. more code cleanup (detail)
    by jbfaden
  982. minor code cleanup (detail)
    by jbfaden
  983. recode to run script just once instead of twice for text and png output. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  984. undeprecate method with no explaination about why it is being deprecated (detail)
    by jbfaden
  985. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  986. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  987. add GrannyTextEditor button.  Tweak instructional link label (detail)
    by jbfaden
  988. add GrannyTextEditor button.  Tweak instructional link label (detail)
    by jbfaden
  989. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  990. check syntax and give better message than RTE (detail)
    by jbfaden
  991. if no symbol is found, then allow the "old" textfield to be editted. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  992. clean up release screen (detail)
    by jbfaden
  993. whoops, specific label was clobbered (detail)
    by jbfaden
  994. allow T B R L for orient (detail)
    by jbfaden
  995. allow T B R L for orient (detail)
    by jbfaden
  996. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  997. support both or just top/bottom/left/right (detail)
    by jbfaden
  998. support both or just top/bottom/left/right (detail)
    by jbfaden
  999. more string editors! (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1000. rfe758: add editor for layout strings (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1001. bugfix 2403: long result caused NullPointerException, since it has no package. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1002. trivial (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1003. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1004. sometimes we can remove the getters and setters to mimic Jython behavior (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1005. 2405: add paste action with small editor and VariableRename refactoring. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1006. 1961: never replace a saved .jy script with a .jyds.  If you want to review the scripts used on the canvas, you must clear the editor first, then click on the data. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1007. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1008. simplifyScript wouldn't handle subscripts properly.  Put in kludgy code to provide completions for p=dom.plots[0] p=<C> (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1009. add setContext (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1010. add editor for autoRangeHints property. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1011. add placeholder for AutoRangeHints (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1012. fire an actionEvent (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1013. update version number (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1014. remove the old code where I attempted to do this last time. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1015. remove the old code where I attempted to do this last time. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1016. capture the stdout as well as the graphic output (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1017. indicate the script which was to be run (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1018. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1019. add buttons to new Granny Text Editor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1020. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1021. units for canvas size now allows the size to be set in inches or cm. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1022. handle triple-quote in trace (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1023. trivial change variable name to 'script' to match other codes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1024. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1025. 757: showed where the title isn't reset.  Careless code must have picked up some case I'm not thinking of. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1026. 757: add kludge to correct where loading a vap doesn't set the colorbarColumnPosition properly. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1027. 757: add kludge to correct where loading a vap doesn't set the colorbarColumnPosition properly. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1028. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1029. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1030. make logger name more precise. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1031. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1032. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1033. remove difflib, is now in QDataSet (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1034. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1035. add support for dev/bugs/2021/20211015/moreReferenceTests.jy (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1036. release notes (whoops) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1037. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1038. bugfix 1659: when dataset does not have master file, subTaskMonitor.finished was called twice, causing a warning to be issued. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1039. add colorbarColumnPosition property, so that the scientist can have two axes on the right of the plot. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1040. improve error feedback.  Report Autoplot version, since it is often in question. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1041. include link to documentation on annotations (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1042. 2399: verify times as they are read in from recent history. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1043. verify the times as they are read in. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1044. Removing some unused imports. One of them was not found, which was causing a problem with Java 16. (detail)
    by jpeachey
  1045. Removing some unused imports. One of them was not found, which was causing a problem with Java 16. (detail)
    by jpeachey
  1046. whoops, the libraries needed by PDS were never put into AutoplotAll.jar for testing. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1047. clearify error message where filename is missing (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1048. allow rank2 waveform. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1049. whoops, check for null if we haven't run a script before (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1050. whoops, check for null if we haven't run a script before (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1051. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1052. show diffs in security dialog. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1053. introduce annotate patch (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1054. add see also to invokeLater, I was looking for runInParallel earlier this week. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1055. make polygon (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1056. warn if there is are non-monotonic timetags. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1057. delete change can be a list of deletes. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1058. point to github area with example scripts, rather than old unmaintained pile of scripts Autoplot carries around. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1059. add support for differences in code and data files. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1060. add support for differences in code and data files. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1061. improve enough to support git diff command and annotating changes. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1062. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1063. add completions for x= and y= (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1064. add completions for filenameProvidesContext, but also avail and reduce. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1065. add xunits control. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1066. corrections to javadoc for applyLambda (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1067. add sleep to see if that fixes problem where invalid axis setting shows up for test005_demo14.png (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1068. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1069. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1070. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1071. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1072. rfe456: detect when external editor has modified the script panel file, automatically load into the editor, like Netbeans and other editors do. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1073. add annotation colors for insert, delete, and change (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1074. add method that takes to strings but no progress monitor. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1075. add method that takes to strings but no progress monitor. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1076. add java-diff-utils code, so that I can study why it doesn't seem to work with QDataSets. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1077. add AuralizationHandler, which can be useful. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1078. add java-diff-utils to support git (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1079. git output resulted in 70 lines of text, making a huge dialog (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1080. 2396: update documentation block
    by jbfaden
  1081. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1082. 2394: finally, advance file pointer by correct amount for tag following a string array. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1083. 2394: put fileOffset and byteLength in file (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1084. 2394: ArrayData results contain the fileOffset and byteLength correction (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1085. 2394: ArrayData results contain the fileOffset and byteLength. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1086. 2394: improvements to debug file that doesn't work properly. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1087. check for "AP> " and ">>> " in commands sent to the interactive console. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1088. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1089. automatically convert ISO8601 formatted strings to times. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1090. correct formatting on logger, don't use String.valueOf because that performs work which is typically not needed. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1091. javadoc, also more telemetry to try to figure out what's going on with file Lindsay provided. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1092. correction to how completions of structures is done, correcting GUI which is automatically (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1093. allow the type of arrays to be reported. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1094. make decodeTypeCode more visible (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1095. a zero character string takes 0 bytes, not 4 as I was remembering. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1096. label the types (7→string, etc.).  String array advances the proper amount. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1097. support string array, whoops (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1098. support string array (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1099. support string array (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1100. add logging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1101. add logging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1102. check for case where result is not a map during completions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1103. put in %d format specifier for short, int, and longs.
    by jbfaden
  1104. bugfix: check for null, which happens when we first expose the tab.  (Not sure why I wasn't seeing this before.) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1105. bugfix: don't assume valid variable name for structure, check for null. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1106. use pluses in depend0Units instead of spaces. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1107. add $(subsec;places=9) for nanosecond fields. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1108. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1109. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1110. bugfix 2391: Unnecessary units checking required slicing the data rank times, each time to get the units.  Now if the units are set, then use this to get a converter. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1111. allow assignment of elements from a index list having max-1, so that
    differences don't trigger warnings. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1112. bugfix:getCacheFilename would return null for local file.  This would cause a NullPointerException when running a script that had a warning and the annotation was used. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1113. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1114. assign the PyQDataSet units when putProperty( UNITS, ... ) is called. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1115. bugfix: Cindy's email would insert a non-breaking space (unicode 160), which would break Jython 2.2.  JythonRefactory, which corrects old org.virbo references, now also removes non-breaking spaces. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1116. 1028: getItemAllLists now supports negative indices.  Verify that all branches of putItem support negative indices. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1117. 1028: getItemAllLists now supports negative indices.  Verify that all branches of putItem support negative indices. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1118. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1119. log a warning when the first line doesn't start with a digit. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1120. handle times like 'lastday', printing a warning but supporting the direction. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1121. handle times like 'lastday', printing a warning but supporting the direction. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1122. trivial lambda for runnables. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1123. Ivar noticed that changing the background color to black would cause all the child component colors to become white.  This is because they are listening to property changes in the parent. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1124. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1125. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1126. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1127. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1128. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1129. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1130. 2390: recent changes worked to make a new bug.  The code can now be simpler. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1131. 2390: make logic more consistent, as there were cases where axisDimensionsChange where old plotElements could be kept, minimizing changes.  axisDimensionsChange is made static and public so that it can be studied more easily. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1132. add a listener for the canvas that will trigger close-to-appropriate repaint (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1133. preserve the plotElements which have a parent, instead of dropping them. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1134. reset the offline mode to save time and confusion in the future. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1135. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1136. whoops, update version number (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1137. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1138. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1139. update javadoc to include right and left. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1140. put in sanity check for fixLayout that the adjusted rows correspond to plots in marginColumn. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1141. add tag so that version tag can be inserted, rather than hard-coded version.  Bill
    commented he looked here before and thought this was confusing. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1142. add tag so that version tag can be inserted, rather than hard-coded version.  Bill
    commented he looked here before and thought this was confusing. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1143. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1144. put fixHorizontalLayout back in since the Jenkins tests are clear. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1145. move the blocks for new OS (Mint 20.2) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1146. comment out fixHorizontalLayout for jenkins testing after new server (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1147. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1148. add legendFontSize property (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1149. put horizontal layout fix back in so I can make a devel release (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1150. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1151. Java 8 suggestions, like lambdas (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1152. bugfix: recent list was loaded in reverse chronological order (most recent first), but its code assumed chronical order. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1153. trivial code cleanup when checking to see that .listing files are handled properly. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1154. temporarily back out fixHorizontalLayout while cleaning up Jenkins tests after server migration (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1155. change the default back to "below current" after realizing this breaks nightly test and might break things for scientists. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1156. tweak index.html to mention that autoplot_1GB can run off of the build server. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1157. tweak index.html to mention that autoplot_1GB can run off of the build server. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1158. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1159. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1160. bugfix 2385: templates were showing up in all.xml with question marks (?) in the name, which was causing a problem with my FileStorageModel getRepresentativeFile. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1161. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1162. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1163. go back to using (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1164. go back to using (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1165. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1166. 2383: linux/mac starter script for single jar now sets autoplot.release.type=singlejar (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1167. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1168. HapiServer never checked for redirect. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1169. don't test now (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1170. bug 2383 add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1171. bug 2383 add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1172. bug 2383 add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1173. bug 2383 add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1174. bug 2383 add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1175. bug 2383 add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1176. bug 2383 add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1177. add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1178. add autoplot.release.type property to see if this works. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1179. trivial (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1180. add fixHorizontalLayout, which will clear horizontal gaps and overlaps (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1181. java 8 lambda expressions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1182. whoops, forgot case (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1183. support when plot is not marginColumn and dir==RIGHT or dir==RIGHT. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1184. add support for adding plots to the right or left of the margin column. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1185. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1186. whoops, I'd left in code for debugging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1187. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1188. use http while my https is broken. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1189. bugfix: triple quoted strings would always move the lastLine pointer, triggering a bug in Sadie's code.   See file:///home/jbf/ct/autoplot/u/2021/sadie/20210819/0_3_newPOESdef2.simplified.jy (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1190. error message from PySyntaxError admits that the script is modified. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1191. remove file to string code and use FileUtil.readFileToString. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1192. trivial correct error message to make legible to newbies (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1193. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1194. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1195. experiment with using multiple resource areas in jnlp to see if I can make one jnlp which works on 64bit and 32bit machines (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1196. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1197. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1198. automatically resolve the independent axis parameter. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1199. make result immutable immediately, so that it's not a big change made two years from now. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1200. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1201. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1202. commit TdmsFileReader to continue work off site. (detail)
    by jbfaden
    by jbfaden
  1204. findbugs URF_UNREAD_FIELD (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1205. findbugs SWL_SLEEP_WITH_LOCK_HELD . (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1206. findbugs SWL_SLEEP_WITH_LOCK_HELD .  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1207. findbugs SWL_SLEEP_WITH_LOCK_HELD .  sleep must have been for debugging (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1208. findbugs EQ_DOESNT_OVERRIDE_EQUALS (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1209. findbugs OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1210. findbugs IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC: maybeCreateMenu was synchronized when it didn't need to be. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1211. javadoc for applyLambda (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1212. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1213. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1214. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1215. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1216. sps and spd reading scripts now come from (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1217. use model.getDom, not model.getDocumentModel (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1218. add check to see if byteLength would cause the code to read past the end of file and give a more actionable error message. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1219. In Eclipse, get das from (external) das2java, not from built-in autoplot directories. (detail)
    by jpeachey
  1220. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1221. trivial project properties (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1222. experiment with SimplifyScriptSupport's can resolve.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1223. redo timerange completions to just use the getSampleTime method of CDAWebDB. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1224. add support for (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1225. change comment after verifying that code repeat is intentional. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1226. test052 showed that the units couldn't be set by assigning a datum with non-dimensionless units to a dataset without units. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1227. point at the devel version (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1228. make the custom editor actions (bookmarked scripts) more accessible. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1229. make hints brighter on a dark background (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1230. java8 suggestions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1231. move custom bookmark menu items up one level so they are easier to access. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1232. bugfix: return type of the function call was sometimes mis-reported, as in convertUnitsTo. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1233. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1234. 2376: setItem wouldn't check units when index lists are used.  Use new putRank0Value which checks the units. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1235. 2376: setItem wouldn't check units when index lists are used.  Use new putRank0Value which checks the units. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1236. 2376: setItem wouldn't check units when index lists are used.  Use new putRank0Value which checks the units. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1237. 2376: setItem wouldn't check units when index lists are used.
    by jbfaden
  1238. make docs for getDataSet consistent regardless of args (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1239. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1240. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1241. sync up two lists of "okay" trivial function calls.  add map, join, and split to support '''plug= ','.join(map(str,range(1900,1947)))''' (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1242. comment on security (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1243. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1244. trivial, "the user" should be "the scientist" by convention. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1245. 2375: trusted script label was added to the CENTER, clobbering the tabbed pane. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1246. 2375: trusted script label was added to the CENTER, clobbering the tabbed pane. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1247. trivial javadoc (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1248. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1249. 2374: StaticCodeAnalysis.showUsage has code to tweak locations to work around bug. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1250. add getOffsetForLineNumber after looking for the functionality elsewhere (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1251. 2374: add experimental kludge to fix problem. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1252. 2374: add experimental kludge to fix problem. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1253. reportOffset is now T or F, yes and no are still allowed. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1254. put in commented code to tweak position. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1255. trivial tweak doStaticCodeAnalysis name to match the GUI. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1256. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1257. make starter script use 4GB by default. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1258. make starter script use 4GB by default. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1259. allow the current plot to be replaced by multiple plot rows. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1260. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1261. bugfix: getIntParameter code limited binary reader to offsets within 2GB of beginning of file.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1262. Don't say URL, since often bookmarks will be URIs. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1263. refactor change variable URLTextField to uriTextField.  Clean up where things are made ineditable. Initial view should not be editable. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1264. remove old "dashup" references, where the library was called dashup before mashup. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1265. Netbeans lambda expressions (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1266. Andrei pointed out that fftPower didn't work with the mash-up tool, and "None" could not be used to make it work. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1267. Allison pointed out that the single-jar launcher works on Macs as well. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1268. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1269. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1270. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1271. add both array and List forms for leftAndRightMostPlot,to aid in scripting. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1272. set dom.controller.selectedPlots property (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1273. make logging more precise (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1274. add a property to select a bunch of plots, so that new dom operations can be defined which only input the dom. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1275. add a property to select a bunch of plots, so that new dom operations can be defined which only input the dom. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1276. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1277. bugfix: showed
    that there was a problem where the dataset could be lost. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1278. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1279. introduce secret qubeSubset keyword, which will make the data into a qube by dropping non-standard records. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1280. study edit undo in editor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1281. 2364: code which always closed server connection was removed, I'm not sure why this was changed. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1282. 2373: javadoc on guessTimeFormat. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1283. guess time format didn't check that the four-character content was numeric before guessing $H$M (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1284. use "Run" instead of "execute" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1285. use "Run" instead of "execute" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1286. use "Run" instead of "execute" (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1287. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1288. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1289. support non-ascii and dangerous characters like / and .. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1290. add plotUri methods with position as a parameter. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1291. tweaks to the warning message that a script has not been run. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1292. bugfix: (subsec,places=3) isn't working, so just use $(milli) for now (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1293. release (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1294. release (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1295. findbugs SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1296. findbugs SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1297. clean up jnlp release (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1298. clean up jnlp release (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1299. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1300. add createApplicationModel which allows an application to be created and embedded within another Autoplot instance. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1301. add getDom, so that scripts can use model.dom, for consistency. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1302. headers should include units in parenthesis. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1303. export to csv looks for bundle descriptor (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1304. bugfix: code assumed that export type had format editor panel. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1305. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1306. 1043: don't throw error when double question marks are found with .jyds.  This must be supported so string arguments can contain question mark.
    by jbfaden
  1307. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1308. rfe747: introduce support for manual thread dump (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1309. add see to script that demonstrates (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1310. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1311. 2367: begin refactorings to provide export to more places. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1312. 2367: begin refactorings to provide export to more places. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1313. 2367: begin refactorings to provide export to more places. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1314. 2367: begin refactorings to provide export to more places. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1315. 2367: make setFile public, needs to be now (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1316. 2367: save options for slice. correct filename (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1317. 2367: save options for slice. correct filename (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1318. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1319. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1320. use the editorPanel.getURI so that the configuration options are used.  Thanks, George! (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1321. whoops, forgot to commit this bit that handed y (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1322. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1323. display more meaningful message if the image file no longer exists. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1324. detect double question mark in URI.  In-line allows it, but jyds shouldn't. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1325. Sadie noticed plane_2 didn't work to ID a plane of a Das2Server dataset.  The new reader branch didn't properly support this. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1326. replace tokens in production jnlps as well (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1327. improve enable server error message when data would be sent to second Autoplot for plotting. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1328. 2363: variable info is shown for X and Y. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1329. 2363: support X and Y (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1330. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1331. 2363: support X and Y, deprecate x and y.  If Y is specified by arg_0 is not, then Y is arg_0. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1332. 2363: support X and Y, deprecate x and y. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1333. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1334. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1335. CDAWebDataSource can now use NetCDF files, bring in the libraries to support test100 (and other tests). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1336. javadoc corrections to parseConstraint (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1337. 2361 implement slice for CDF virtual variables (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1338. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1339. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1340. rfe61: embed data in vap feature now allows the scientist to control if https files are embedded. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1341. don't print double-question-mark warning for vap+jyds, which might have a URI as an argument. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1342. add NetCDF support. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1343. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1344. corrections to logging org.virbo-> org.autoplot (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1345. update logger name from org.virbo to org.autoplot. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1346. 2357: any time the editor is used to display a message to the scientist, make sure there is no file associated with it. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1347. update the jnlp which is used to verify the launch jnlp. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1348. new mime types (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1349. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1350. rfe743: initial support for NetCDF files within CDAWeb (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1351. rfe743: initial support for NetCDF files within CDAWeb (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1352. bugfix 2354: Kris pointed out that small gaps in orbit file were marked as a missing file. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1353. the default "nightly build" release should be used autoplot.jnlp. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1354. make separate jnlps for production (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1355. new launch, these are for new launch area (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1356. new launch, these are for new launch area (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1357. new launch (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1358. new launch (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1359. make block of four 1-line launch links.  Thanks, Brian! (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1360. vertical align (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1361. icons must be local to the web server because of csp rule (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1362. update next/previous checks size of data before scanning for next (forgot to check for rank 0) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1363. new home on (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1364. new home on (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1365. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1366. needs json library (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1367. add QStream (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1368. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1369. findbugs DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1370. findbugs UUF_UNUSED_FIELD (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1371. insert Boolean.FALSE if timetags are not monotonic.  Before it would only do this when they were monotonic. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1372. update next/previous checks size of data before scanning for next (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1373. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1374. add ephemerisLabels property so that labels can be explicitly set (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1375. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1376. don't mark symbol "_" as unread, instead use it as a special symbol to communicate that it will be ignored. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1377. tweak the screenshot to show the result (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1378. tweak the screenshot to show the result (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1379. findbugs MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1380. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1381. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1382. Java 8 refactoring (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1383. trivial use constant (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1384. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1385. 1871: expose "dirty" flag which shows the scientist has edited the value, and it should not be set automatically. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1386. 1871: expose "dirty" flag which shows the scientist has edited the value, and it should not be set automatically. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1387. 1871: also, bug where order was reversed incorrectly is corrected. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1388. 1871: keep track of recent time entries. RecentComboBox automatically keeps track of changes (dirty) and saves out the changes when the getText method is called. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1389. 1871: keep track of recent time entries. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1390. keep track of recent time entries. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1391. add note about how to dismiss the popup documentation. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1392. make the ColorOps available to other codes. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1393. code which returns color icon stupidly assumed any field was a color (whoops!) (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1394. the icon for a color can just be a block painted with the color. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1395. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1396. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1397. bug2347: put in reminder that the bug is there. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1398. 2348:  grid for axes should be drawn under not over (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1399. 2346: deprecate histogram property, which is not used anywhere besides the metadata tab (I think). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1400. increase the number of points allowed for stats.  Add a constant with the word "LIMIT" in it. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1401. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1402. bugfix: writeToPng didn't allow spaces in the name.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1403. Correcting the classpath to include das checked out separately via GitHub. (detail)
    by jpeachey
  1404. bug2341: automatic bind-to-app-timerange fails to bind when 3 rows and 2 columns (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1405. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1406. tiny kludge to support $x.  This should be redone. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1407. add trigger for $x.png and $x_$x.png
    by jbfaden
  1408. alt+shift,shift can be used to stop recording as well as ctrl+shift,shift.  The name for the PNGWalkTool is the template, to support writing out real-time. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1409. update version number (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1410. add an extra pixel to that black axis border is not visible (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1411. add border type selection (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1412. if initial selected border type is none, then make it transparent background as well. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1413. allow the initial border type to be selected (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1414. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1415. bugfix: new code assumed that any attribute could be trivially added to the simplified script, but it didn't consider if the symbol was a known symbol. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1416. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  1417. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden

Started by user Jeremy Faden