0gsfc/nssdc/cdf/CDFExceptionjava/lang/Exceptiongsfc/nssdc/cdf/CDFConstantsmsgsLjava/util/Hashtable;myStatusJgetCurrentStatus()JCodeLineNumberTable  getStatusMsg(J)Ljava/lang/String;  java/lang/Long(J)V  get&(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; java/util/Hashtable java/lang/String!(Ljava/lang/String;)V # $(JLjava/lang/String;)V & 'java/lang/StringBuffer)()V + *,  .append,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; 01 *24 6 *$toString()Ljava/lang/String; 9: *; ,/Named attribute already exists.Aput8(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; CD EAttribute name truncated.I!0Illegal number of records to allocate specified.M%Illegal/undefined argument specified.Q!Illegal attribute name specified.U#Illegal attribute number specified.Y*Illegal number of cache buffers specified.] -Illegal/missing extension for multi-file CDF.a.%CDF identifier is unknown or invalid.eIllegal CDF name specified.i"Unknown CDF status code specified.m/An illegal compression parameter was specified.q-+Unknown data type specified or encountered.u/Unknown or unsupported data decoding specified.y "Illegal dimension count specified.}+Dimension index out of range.%Illegal dimension interval specified.,)Dimension size specified as zero or less.*%Unknown or unsupported data encoding.)Illegal attribute entry number specified.3Illegal blocking factor specified (less than zero).*The specified function or item is illegal."Unknown CDF format specified."Illegal number of initial records.)$Unknown variable majority specified."Unable to allocate dynamic memory.6Illegal negative to positive floating point zero mode.(Illegal number of dimensions.%+Illegal number of elements (for data type). &Illegal number of variables specified.!Illegal read-only mode specified. Illegal record count specified. "Illegal record interval specified.'Record number is out of range.&Unrecognized attribute scope.1An illegal sparse arrays parameter was specified.+An illegal scratch directory was specified. Illegal variable name specified."Illegal variable number specified.Illegal zMode specified.(Records can't be allocated at this time.)The parameter/value can't be set/changed.;The compression for the CDF/variable can't be set/modified.eThe source/destination variables have a different dataType/numElements/numDims/dimSizes/dimVariances.5Sparse arrays can't be set/modified for the variable.6Sparse records can't be set/modified for the variable.&Close failed - error from file system.)Creation failed - error from file system.)Deletion failed - error from file system.#The CDF named already exists.  2An internal error has occurred in the CDF library. CDF pathname truncated. Function completed successfully.$%Open failed - error from file system.%Read failed - error from file system.&Write failed - error from file system.Version 2 CDF is corrupted.#.Variable data type mismatch: defined vs actual'-An error was detected in the compressed data.+,The CDF or variable values did not compress./(No internal records in a compressed CDF.3/Current position is at the end of the variable.77A specified parameter was changed to a different value.;%Greater than 64Kb of memory required.?3The operation is illegal for the attribute's scope.C$Operation is illegal while in zMode.G(Operation not allowed on Version 1 CDFs.K%Operation n/a when multi-file format.O'Operation n/a for the type of variable.S3A negative floating point zero (-0.0) was detected.W#An attribute has not been selected.[A CDF has not been selected._$Deleting is not allowed (read only).c)An attribute entry has not been selected.g0No more access to the CDF due to a severe error.k#A pad value has not been specified.o(A CDF status code has not been selected.s&Named attribute not found in this CDF.w!The specified CDF does not exist.{&No such entry for specified attribute.$The specified record does not exist.%Named variable not found in this CDF.!A variable has not been selected.CDF contains no rVariables./Write access is not allowed on the CDF file(s).-Named CDF is corrupted or not actually a CDF.+The preceeding records were also allocated.Writing/deleting is illegal.CDF is in read-only mode.6Scratch file creation failed - error from file system.6Scratch file deletion failed - error from file system.2Scratch file read failed - error from file system.3Scratch file write failed - error from file system.&Operation n/a when single-file format.2One or more of the records were already allocated.%Too many parameters were encountered.9Only a limited number of variables may exist in this CDF./An unknown type of compression was encountered.&An unknown sparseness was encountered.5The attempted operation isn't supported at this time.Variable is already closed.Named variable already exists.Variable name truncated.'One or more of the records are virtual.GNamed CDF is corrupted or not supported by the current library version.QVersion 3 CDF is corrupted.P:One or more of the date/time fields is out of valid range.)CDF save failed - error from file system.)Var save failed - error from file system.O9The specified checksum method is not currently supported.NY?BFWYGJFWYKNFWYORFWYSVFWYWZFWY[^FWY_bFWYcfFWYgjFWYknFWYorFWYsvFWYwzFWY{~FWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWY¶FWY÷ƶFWYǷʶFWY˷ζFWYϷҶFWYӷֶFWY׷ڶFWY۷޶FWY߷FWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWY FWY FWYFWY FWYFWYFWY FWY!$FWY%(FWY),FWY-0FWY14FWY58FWY9<FWY=@FWYADFWYEHFWYILFWYMPFWYQTFWYUXFWYY\FWY]`FWYadFWYehFWYilFWYmpFWYqtFWYuxFWYy|FWY}FWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYĶFWYŷȶFWYɷ̶FWYͷжFWYѷԶFWYշFWY׷FWYٷFWY۷޶FWY߷FWYFWYFWY FWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWYFWY  FWY FWYFWy 0CV!i"|$&(*+-/13'5:6M8`:s<>@BCEGH JK1MDOWQjR}TUVXZ[\]_(a;cNfahtjlnpqstuw%y9{M|a~u)=Qey-AUi} 1EYm  4H\p  $