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nextIndex prevIndex test_toArray intObjArray[Ljava/lang/Object;test_toArray_typed SourceFile ListTest.java java/lang/Object  javatests/ListTest$1 InnerClasses 'Expected UnsupportedOperationException.java/lang/Integer   'java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException         java/util/ArrayListThis method must be overridden   java/lang/Exception  1get() did not return expected value of Integer(0)=get() did not throw IndexOutOfBoundsException#java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException) did not throw IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionspam) did not throw IndexOutOfBoundsException (set() object was not retrieved via get()add(Object o) failed  #isEmpty() is false on an emtpy List&isEmpty() is true on a non-empty List)empty list size was not 0%default list did not have a size of 4"expected IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionIdentical lists weren't equal()Different lists were equal() !List was equal to a non-List type*Mutating addAll(Collection) returned false+Idempotent addAll(Collection) returned true.Expected equal objects from addAll(collection)5Expected List to have size 8 after addAll(Collection) indexOf(3) did not return 3.indexOf() non-existing entry did not return -1-indexOf() non-existing null did not return -1 /contains() returned true for non-existing entry,contains() returned false for existing entry1contains() returned false for existing null entry4contains() returned true for non-existing null entry+remove() existing null entry returned false/remove() non-existing null entry returned false&remove() existing entry returned false)remove() non-existing entry returned true'remove()-d all entries but size() not 05removing a non-existing index did not throw exception  lastIndexOf() did not return 42lastIndexOf() non-existing value did not return -1(mutating removeAll() did not return true)idempotent removeAll did not return falseempty list had non-zero size6mutating addAll(index, Collection) did not return true6addAll(index, Collection) instances failed equals test9idempotent addAll(index, Collection) did not return false-addAll(index, ) failed equals test:Instances with same internal state have different hashcode>Instances with different internal state have the same hashcode&clear()-ed list did not have size of 0 $subList() returned the same instance.Complete subList() did not equal original Listempty subList had non-zero size"Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException!Expected IllegalArgumentException"java/lang/IllegalArgumentException)clear()-ed sublist did not have zero size"Expected subList to have size of 2cannedCsubList.set() did not return Integer(1) from index 1 of defaultList.subList does not update with changes to parent4parent does not update with changes to subList child4retainAll() does not equal original list2retainAll())does not have size of zero@retainAll() on overlap of indices [2,3] did not return that List &containsAll( was false#containsAll() was false*containsAll() returned true containsAll() was false  +Iterator for empty list thinks it hasNext() expected NoSuchElementException java/util/NoSuchElementException$Iterator next() failed identity test*Iterator did not iterator over entire list -ListIterator.hasNext() is true for empty List 1ListIterator.hasPrevious() is true for empty List  bListIterator.nextIndex() on empty List did not return 0 (java 1.4) or did not return -1 (java 1.3) XListIterator.previousIndex() on empty List did not return -1 (java 1.4) or -2 (java 1.3)8ListIterator.hasPrevious() is true with nothing previous1ListIterator.hasNext() is false with next present6ListIterator.next() did not return expected Integer(1)  expected IllegalStateExceptionjava/lang/IllegalStateException3ListIterator.previous did not return expected value?ListIterator.previous() did not return the value that was set() 5List.listIteraor(index) did not return expected value3listIterator.hasNext() at end of list returned true  5toArray() did not return the expected Integer[] array >toArray(Integer[]) did not return the expected Integer[] arrayjavatests/ListTestjava/util/ArraysasList%([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;(Z)V(I)Vjava/util/Listadd(ILjava/lang/Object;)Vjavatests/TestSupport assertThat(ZLjava/lang/String;)V(Ljava/lang/Object;)ZaddAll(Ljava/util/Collection;)Z(ILjava/util/Collection;)Zclearremove(I)Ljava/lang/Object; 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