BUFR TABLES RELATIVE TO SECTION 3 (Version 13) (updated 11 July 2007)

(For full operational use on 7 November 2007)

BUFR Table B - Classification of elements

See reference in

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

Note 4

Note 5

Note 6

Note 7

Note 8

Note 9

BUFR table entries 0 00 Identifies origin and type of data Identification 0 01 Defines instrument types used Instrumentation 0 02 Reserved 0 03 Defines time and time derivatives Location (time) 0 04 Defines geographical position, including horizontal derivatives, in association with class 06 (first dimension of horizontal space) Location (horizontal - 1) 0 05 Defines geographical position, including horizontal derivatives, in association with class 05 (second dimension of horizontal space) Location (horizontal - 2) 0 06 Defines height, altitude, pressure level, including vertical derivatives of position Location (vertical) 0 07 Defines special character of data Significance qualifiers 0 08 Reserved 0 09 Height, altitude, pressure and derivatives observed or measured, not defined as a vertical location Vertical elements and pressure 0 10 Wind speed, direction, etc. Wind and turbulence 0 11 Temperature types at different precisions Temperature 0 12 Humidity, rainfall, snowfall, etc. Hygrographic and hydrological elements 0 13 Radiation and radiance 0 14 Physical/chemical constituents 0 15 Synoptic features 0 19 Defines present/past weather, special phenomena, etc. Observed phenomena 0 20 Radar data 0 21 Oceanographic elements 0 22 Dispersal and transport 0 23 Radiological elements 0 24 Processing information 0 25 Defines time and time derivatives that are not coordinates Non-coordinate location (time) 0 26 Defines geographical positions, in conjunction with class 28, that are not coordinates Non-coordinate location (horizontal - 1) 0 27 Defines geographical positions, in conjunction with class 27, that are not coordinates Non-coordinate location (horizontal - 2) 0 28 Map data 0 29 Image 0 30 Elements used in conjunction with data description operators Data description operator qualifiers 0 31 Quality information 0 33 Data monitoring 0 35 Satellite data 0 40

(1) Where a code table or flag table is appropriate, "code table" or "flag table" respectively is entered in the UNITS column.

(2) The code tables and flag tables associated with Table B are numbered to correspond with the F, X and Y part of the table reference.

(3) To encode values into BUFR, the data (with units as specified in the UNITS column) must be multiplied by 10 to the power SCALE. Then subtract the REFERENCE VALUE to give the coded value found in Section 4 of the BUFR message. For example, a measured latitude is -45.76 degrees. The coarse accuracy descriptor is 0 05 002 and the encoded value is -45.76 x 102 - (-9000) = 4424.

(4) Where UNITS are given as CCITT IA5, data shall be coded as character data left justified within the field width indicated using CCITT International Alphabet No. 5, and blank filled to the full field width indicated.

(5) Classes 48 to 63 are reserved for local use; all other classes are reserved for future development.

(6) Entries 192 to 255 within all classes are reserved for local use.

(7) The use of local descriptors, as defined in Notes (5) and (6), in messages intended for non-local or international exchange is strongly discouraged. They should be kept to the barest minimum possible and must also be by-passed by the use of descriptor 2 06 YYY.

(8) First-order statistics are included in Table B only when they are produced, as such, by the observing system.

(9) In all flag tables within the BUFR specification, bits are numbered from 1 to N from the most significant to least significant within a data width of N bits, i.e. bit No.1 is the leftmost and bit No. N is the rightmost bit within the data width. The bit No. N (the least significant bit) is set to 1 only if all the bits are set to 1 within the data width of the flag table to represent a missing value.

Class 00 - BUFR/CREX table entries

See reference in

Note 1

Table A: entry BTab_A_entry 0 00 001 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3 Table A: data category description, line 1 BTab_A_line1 0 00 002 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 Character 0 32 Table A: data category description, line 2 BTab_A_line1 0 00 003 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 Character 0 32 BUFR/CREX Master table

Note 2

BTab_master 0 00 004 CCITT IA5 0 0 16 Character 0 2
BUFR/CREX edition number BTab_edition 0 00 005 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3 BUFR Master table Version number

Note 3

BTab_BUFR_ver 0 00 006 CCITT IA5 0 0 16 Character 0 2
CREX Master table Version number

Note 4

BTab_BUFR_ver 0 00 007 CCITT IA5 0 0 16 Character 0 2
BUFR Local table version number

Note 5

BTab_BUFR_ver 0 00 008 CCITT IA5 0 0 16 Character 0 2
F descriptor to be added or defined BTab_F 0 00 010 CCITT IA5 0 0 8 Character 0 1 X descriptor to be added or defined BTab_X 0 00 011 CCITT IA5 0 0 16 Character 0 2 Y descriptor to be added or defined BTab_Y 0 00 012 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3 Element name, line 1 BTab_elementLine1 0 00 013 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 Character 0 32 Element name, line 2 BTab_elementLine2 0 00 014 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 Character 0 32 Units name BTab_unitsName 0 00 015 CCITT IA5 0 0 192 Character 0 24 Units scale sign BTab_scaleSign 0 00 016 CCITT IA5 0 0 8 Character 0 1 Units scale BTab_scale 0 00 017 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3 Units reference sign BTab_referenceSign 0 00 018 CCITT IA5 0 0 8 Character 0 1 Units reference value BTab_referenceValue 0 00 019 CCITT IA5 0 0 80 Character 0 10 Element data width BTab_dataWidth 0 00 020 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3 Descriptor defining sequence BTab_descriptorSeq 0 00 030 CCITT IA5 0 0 48 Character 0 6

(1) For CREX descriptors F = B, not 0.

(2) Master Tables are described in Note (2) to Section 1 of the BUFR regulations.

(3) BUFR Master Table Version Numbers are described in Notes (2) and (4) to Section 1 of the BUFR regulations for edition 3, and in Notes (2) and (5) to Section 1 of the BUFR regulations for edition 4.

(4) CREX Master Table Version Numbers are described in Note (1) to Section 1 of the CREX regulations.

(5) Local Table version number (see Note (2) to Section 1 of the BUFR regulations.

Class 01 - Identification

See reference in

WMO block number BCID_WMOblock 0 01 001 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 2 WMO station number BCID_WMOstation 0 01 002 Numeric 0 0 10 Numeric 0 3 WMO Region number/geographical area BCID_WMOregion 0 01 003 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 WMO Region sub-area

Note 9

BCID_oldWMOsubArea 0 01 004 Numeric 0 0 3 Numeric 0 1
Buoy/platform identifier BCID_buoyID 0 01 005 Numeric 0 0 17 Numeric 0 5 Aircraft flight number BCID_flightID 0 01 006 CCITT IA5 0 0 64 Character 0 8 Satellite identifier BCID_satelliteID 0 01 007 Code table 0 0 10 Code table 0 4 Aircraft registration number or other identification BCID_aircraftID 0 01 008 CCITT IA5 0 0 64 Character 0 8 Type of commercial aircraft BCID_aircraftType 0 01 009 CCITT IA5 0 0 64 Character 0 8 Stationary buoy platform identifier; e.g. C-MAN buoys BCID_fixedBuoy 0 01 010 CCITT IA5 0 0 64 Character 0 8 Ship or mobile land station identifier BCID_shipID 0 01 011 CCITT IA5 0 0 72 Character 0 9 Direction of motion of moving observing platform

Note 15

BCID_platformDirn 0 01 012 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Speed of motion of moving observing platform

Note 15

BCID_platformSpeed 0 01 013 m s-1 0 0 10 m s-1 0 3
Platform drift speed (high precision) BCID_platformDrift 0 01 014 m s-1 2 0 10 m s-1 2 4 Station or site name BCID_stationName 0 01 015 CCITT IA5 0 0 160 Character 0 20 Short station or site name BCID_stationShortname 0 01 018 CCITT IA5 0 0 40 Character 0 5 Long Station or site name BCID_stationLongName 0 01 019 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 Character 0 32 WMO Region sub-area

Note 9

BCID_WMOsubArea 0 01 020 Numeric 0 0 4 Numeric 0 2
Synoptic feature identifier BCID_synopticFeatureID 0 01 021 Numeric 0 0 14 Numeric 0 4 Name of feature

Note 11

BCID_synopticFeatureName 0 01 022 CCITT IA5 0 0 224 Character 0 28
Observation sequence number BCID_obsSequenceNum 0 01 023 Numeric 0 0 9 Numeric 0 3 Storm identifier

Note 1

BCID_stormID 0 01 025 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3
WMO storm name

Note 14

BCID_stormName 0 01 026 CCITT IA5 0 0 64 Character 0 8
WMO long storm name

Note 2

Note 14

BCID_longStormName 0 01 027 CCITT IA5 0 0 80 Character 0 10
Numerical model identifier

Note 13

BCID_NWPmodelID 0 01 030 CCITT IA5 0 0 128 Character 0 16
Identification of originating/generating centre

Note 10

BCID_oldOriginCentreID 0 01 031 Code table 0 0 16 Code table 0 5
Generating application (Code table defined by originating/ generating centre)

Note 3

Note 4

Note 5

BCID_generatingApp 0 01 032 Code table 0 0 8 Code table 0 3
Identification of originating/generating centre

Note 10

BCID_originCentreID 0 01 033 Code table 0 0 8 Code table 0 3
Identification of originating/generating sub-centre

Note 10

BCID_subCentreID 0 01 034 Code table 0 0 8 Code table 0 3
Originating Centre BCID_originCentre 0 01 035 Common Code Table C-11 0 0 16 Common Code Table C-11 0 5 Agency in charge of operating the Observing platform BCID_operatingAgency 0 01 036 Code table 0 0 20 Code table 0 7 SIGMET sequence identifier BCID_SIGMETseqID 0 01 037 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3 Absolute platform velocity - first component

Note 6

Note 7

Note 8

BCID_platformAbsV_1 0 01 041 m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 m s-1 5 10
Absolute platform velocity - second component

Note 6

Note 7

Note 8

BCID_platformAbsV_2 0 01 042 m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 m s-1 5 10
Absolute platform velocity - third component

Note 6

Note 7

Note 8

BCID_platformAbsV_3 0 01 043 m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 m s-1 5 10
Platform transmitter ID number BCID_transmitterNum 0 01 050 Numeric 0 0 17 Numeric 0 6 Platform transmitter ID number BCID_transmitterID 0 01 051 CCITT IA5 0 0 96 Character 0 12 Aircraft reporting point (Beacon identifier) BCID_beaconID 0 01 060 CCITT IA5 0 0 64 Character 0 8 Short ICAO location indicator BCID_ICAOshort 0 01 062 CCITT IA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4 ICAO location indicator BCID_ICAOlong 0 01 063 CCITT IA5 0 0 64 Character 0 8 Runway designator BCID_runwayID 0 01 064 CCITT IA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4 ICAO region identifier BCID_ICAOregion 0 01 065 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 Character 0 32 Tide station identification BCID_tideStationID 0 01 075 CCITT IA5 0 0 40 Character 0 5 Ship line number according to SOOP BCID_shipLineNum 0 01 080 CCITT IA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4 Radiosonde serial number BCID_sondeSerialID 0 01 081 CCITT IA5 0 0 160 Character 0 20 Radiosonde ascension number

Note 12

BCID_sondeAscentID 0 01 082 Numeric 0 0 14 Numeric 0 4
Radiosonde release number

Note 12

BCID_sondeReleaseID 0 01 083 Numeric 0 0 3 Numeric 0 1
Observing platform manufacturer's model BCID_platformModelID 0 01 085 CCITT IA5 0 0 160 Character 0 20 Observing platform manufacturer's serial number BCID_platformSerialID 0 01 086 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 Character 0 32 WMO Marine observing platform extended identifier BCID_WMOmarineID 0 01 087 Numeric 0 0 23 Numeric 0 7 Technique for making up initial perturbations BCID_initialPeturb 0 01 090 Code table 0 0 8 Code table 0 3 Ensemble member number BCID_ensembleNum 0 01 091 Numeric 0 0 10 Numeric 0 4 Type of ensemble forecast BCID_ensembleType 0 01 092 Code table 0 0 8 Code table 0 3 Balloon lot number BCID_balloonLotID 0 01 093 CCITT IA5 0 0 96 Character 0 12 WBAN Number BCID_WBAN 0 01 094 Numeric 0 0 17 Numeric 0 5 Observer identification BCID_observerID 0 01 095 CCITT IA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4 Station acquisition BCID_stationAcquisition 0 01 096 CCITT IA5 0 0 160 Character 0 20

(1) The storm identifier (descriptor 0 01 025) has the following meaning: the first two characters shall be a numeric sequence number assigned by the originator of the message; the third character is a letter indicating the ocean basin where the storm is located, as follows:



NW Pacific Ocean


NE Pacific Ocean to 140°W


NE Pacific Ocean 140°W - 180°W


N Atlantic Ocean, including Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico


N Arabian Sea


Bay of Bengal


S Indian Ocean


S Pacific Ocean


RSMC Nadi's zone in South Pacific




South China Sea


East China Sea

There is no requirement that differing observers coordinate sequence numbers even though they both may be reporting the same storm.

(2) WMO storm name (descriptor 0 01 027): the storm name NAMELESS shall be used in those cases where an identifiable tropical disturbance has not reached tropical storm strength and has not been assigned an official name.

(3) Where a centre other than the originating centre generates quality information, replacement or substitute values, and/or statistical information, the centre may be indicated by using 0 01 033.

(4) A generating centre may wish to indicate a reference to the application that generated quality information, etc.; it may use descriptor 0 01 032 for this purpose. However, the corresponding code tables will vary from centre to centre.

(5) Code table 0 01 032 is to be generated by each centre.

(6) The components of absolute platform velocity (0 01 041, 0 01 042, 0 01 043) are defined as follows:

First component:

From the Earth’s centre to 0 degree longitude at the Equator: velocity of the platform along this line relative to the Earth’s centre.

Second component:

From the Earth’s centre to 90 degrees East longitude at the Equator: velocity of the platform along this line relative to the Earth’s centre.

Third component:

From the Earth’s centre to the North Pole: velocity of the platform along this line relative to the Earth’s centre.

(7) The values for descriptors 0 01 041, 0 01 042 and 0 01 043 have been chosen to be suitable for polar orbiting satellites in approximately Sun-synchronous orbits. Geostationary orbits would require greater data widths for distance and slightly less for speed.

(8) Left handed xyz axes have been chosen for descriptors 0 01 041, 0 01 042 and 0 01 043.

(9) Descriptor 0 01 020 should be used instead of 0 01 004 for encoding this element.

(10) Descriptor 0 01 033 shall be used instead of descriptor 0 01 031 for encoding originating/generating centre. Code table 0 01 034 is to be established by the associated originating/generating centre identified by descriptor 0 01 033 and provided to the Secretariat for publication.

(11) For 0 01 022, the character string representing the "Name of feature" should be of the form: "Type of phenomenon" - "Location or geographical name" (e.g.: "volcano - Popocatepetl", "oil fire - Kuwait")

(12) Descriptor 0-01-082 is to be used for reporting the sequential number of the current radiosonde reporting period (e.g. synoptic cycle) within a given year or other similar locally-defined length of time. Descriptor 0-01-083 is to be used in the case of multiple sequential radiosonde releases during a single reporting period (e.g. synoptic cycle), in order to indicate which particular release generated the corresponding data values.

(13) The value of this feature could be a string of characters, which contains the name of the model and other useful elements such as the model mesh.

(14) Descriptor 0 01 027 should be used instead of 0 01 026 to encode this element.

(15) Descriptors 0 01 012 and 0 01 013 may relate to parameters of various meanings and the corresponding values may be integrated on different periods.

Class 02 - Instrumentation

See reference in

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

Type of station BCIn_station 0 02 001 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement BCIn_wind 0 02 002 Flag table 0 0 4 Flag table 0 2 Type of measuring equipment used BCIn_equipment 0 02 003 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type of crop for which evapotranspiration is reported BCIn_evaporation 0 02 004 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Precision of temperature observation BCIn_PrecisionTemp 0 02 005 K 2 0 7 K 2 3 Radiosonde type BCIn_radiosonde 0 02 011 Code table 0 0 8 Code table 0 3 Radiosonde computational method BCIn_sondeComputation 0 02 012 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Solar and infrared radiation correction BCIn_solarIRcorrect 0 02 013 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Tracking technique/status of system used BCIn_tracking 0 02 014 Code table 0 0 7 Code table 0 3 Radiosonde completeness BCIn_sondeComplete 0 02 015 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Radiosonde configuration BCIn_sondeConfig 0 02 016 Flag table 0 0 5 Flag table 0 2 Satellite instruments

Note 6

BCIn_SatInstr 0 02 019 Code table 0 0 11 Code table 0 4
Satellite classification BCIn_SatClass 0 02 020 Code table 0 0 9 Code table 0 3 Satellite instrument data used in processing

Note 8

BCIn_SatInstrData 0 02 021 Flag table 0 0 9 Flag table 0 3
Satellite data-processing technique used BCIn_SatTechnique 0 02 022 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 Satellite derived wind computation method BCIn_SatWindMethod 0 02 023 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Integrated mean humidity computational method BCIn_SatHumidityMethod 0 02 024 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Satellite channel(s) used in computation BCIn_SatChannels 0 02 025 Flag table 0 0 25 Flag table 0 9 Cross track resolution BCIn_crossTrack 0 02 026 m 2 0 12 m 2 4 Along track resolution BCIn_alongTrack 0 02 027 m 2 0 12 m 2 4 Segment size at nadir in X direction BCIn_segmentX 0 02 028 m 0 0 18 m 0 6 Segment size at nadir in Y direction BCIn_segmentY 0 02 029 m 0 0 18 m 0 6 Method of current measurement BCIn_currentMethod 0 02 030 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Duration and time of current measurement BCIn_currentDuration 0 02 031 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Indicator for digitization BCIn_digitization 0 02 032 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Method of salinity/depth measurement BCIn_salinityMethod 0 02 033 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Drogue type BCIn_drogue 0 02 034 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Cable length BCIn_cableLength 0 02 035 m 0 0 9 m 0 3 Buoy type BCIn_buoy 0 02 036 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Method of tidal observation BCIn_tidalMethod 0 02 037 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement BCIn_ 0 02 038 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement BCIn_wetBulbMethod 0 02 039 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Method of removing velocity and motion of platform from current BCIn_currentCorrection 0 02 040 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features BCIn_synopticFeatureMethod 0 02 041 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Indicator for sea surface current speed BCIn_surfaceCurrent 0 02 042 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Indicator for method of calculating spectral wave data BCIn_spectralWaveMethod 0 02 044 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Indicator for type of platform BCIn_platformType 0 02 045 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Wave measurement instrumentation BCIn_waveInstr 0 02 046 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Satellite sensor indicator BCIn_SatSensor 0 02 048 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Geostationary satellite data-processing technique used BCIn_GeoSatTechnique 0 02 049 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 Geostationary sounder satellite channels used BCIn_GeoSatSounders 0 02 050 Flag table 0 0 20 Flag table 0 7 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures BCIn_MaxMinTempMethod 0 02 051 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Geostationary imager satellite channels used BCIn_GeoSatImagers 0 02 052 Flag table 0 0 6 Flag table 0 2 GOES-I/M brightness temperature characteristics BCIn_GOESbrightness 0 02 053 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 GOES-I/M soundings parameter characteristics BCIn_GOESsoundings 0 02 054 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Geostationary soundings statistical parameters BCIn_GeoSatStatistics 0 02 055 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Geostationary soundings accuracy statistics BCIn_GeoSatAccuracy 0 02 056 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Origin of first guess information for GOES-I/M soundings BCIn_GOESfirstGuess 0 02 057 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Valid times of first guess information for GOES-I/M soundings BCIn_GOESvalidTimes 0 02 058 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Origin of analysis information for GOES-I/M soundings BCIn_GOESanalysis 0 02 059 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Origin of surface information for GOES-I/M soundings BCIn_GOESsurface 0 02 060 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Aircraft navigational system BCIn_AIRNAV 0 02 061 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Type of aircraft data relay system BCIn_AIRrelay 0 02 062 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Aircraft roll angle BCIn_AIRroll 0 02 063 Degree 2 -18000 16 Degree 2 5 Aircraft roll angle quality BCIn_AIRrollQ 0 02 064 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 ACARS ground receiving station BCIn_ACARSstation 0 02 065 CCITT IA5 0 0 40 Character 0 5 Radiosonde ground receiving system BCIn_sondeReceive 0 02 066 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Radiosonde operating frequency BCIn_sondeFreq 0 02 067 Hz -5 0 15 Hz -5 5 Original specification of latitude/longitude BCIn_LatLonSpec 0 02 070 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Balloon manufacturer BCIn_balloonMaker 0 02 080 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Type of balloon BCIn_balloonType 0 02 081 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Weight of balloon BCIn_balloonWeight 0 02 082 Kg 3 0 12 Kg 3 4 Type of balloon shelter BCIn_balloonShelter 0 02 083 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Type of gas used in balloon BCIn_balloonGas 0 02 084 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Amount of gas used in balloon BCIn_balloonGasAmount 0 02 085 Kg 3 0 13 Kg 3 4 Balloon flight train length BCIn_balloonTrainLength 0 02 086 m 1 0 10 m 1 4 Entry sensor 4/20 mA BCIn_entrySensor 0 02 091 A 4 0 10 A 4 3 Type of pressure sensor BCIn_pressureSensor 0 02 095 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Type of temperature sensor BCIn_tempSensor 0 02 096 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Type of humidity sensor BCIn_humiditySensor 0 02 097 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Radar constant

Note 9

BCIn_radarConst 0 02 100 dB 1 0 12 dB 1 4
Type of antenna BCIn_antennaType 0 02 101 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Antenna height above tower base BCIn_antennaHeight 0 02 102 m 0 0 8 m 0 3 Radome BCIn_radome 0 02 103 Flag table 0 0 2 Flag table 0 1 Antenna polarisation BCIn_antennaPolarisation 0 02 104 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Maximum antenna gain BCIn_antennaMaxGain 0 02 105 dB 0 0 6 dB 0 2 3-dB beamwidth BCIn_beamwidth 0 02 106 Degree 1 0 6 Degree 1 2 Sidelobe suppression BCIn_sideLobe 0 02 107 dB 0 0 6 dB 0 2 Crosspol discrimination (on axis) BCIn_crosspol 0 02 108 dB 0 0 6 dB 0 2 Antenna speed (azimuth) BCIn_antennaVazimuth 0 02 109 Degree s-1 2 0 12 Degree s-1 2 4 Antenna speed (elevation) BCIn_antennaVelevation 0 02 110 Degree s-1 2 0 12 Degree s-1 2 4 Radar incidence angle BCIn_incidenceAngle 0 02 111 Degree 1 0 10 Degree 1 4 Radar look angle BCIn_lookAngle 0 02 112 Degree 1 0 12 Degree 1 4 Number of azimuth looks BCIn_NumAzimuthLooks 0 02 113 Numeric 0 0 4 Numeric 0 2 Antenna effective surface area BCIn_antennaArea 0 02 114 m2 0 0 15 m2 0 5 Type of surface observing equipment BCIn_surfaceObsType 0 02 115 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Percentage of 320 MHZ band processed BCIn_percent320MHz 0 02 116 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Percentage of 80 MHZ band processed BCIn_percent80MHz 0 02 117 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Percentage of 20 MHZ band processed BCIn_percent20MHz 0 02 118 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 RA-2 instrument operations BCIn_RA-2 0 02 119 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Ocean wave frequency BCIn_waveFreq 0 02 120 Hz 3 0 10 Hz 3 4 Mean frequency BCIn_meanFreq 0 02 121 Hz -8 0 7 Hz -8 3 Frequency agility range BCIn_FreqAgility 0 02 122 Hz -6 -128 8 Hz -6 3 Peak power BCIn_peakPower 0 02 123 W -4 0 7 W -4 3 Average power BCIn_averagePower 0 02 124 W -1 0 7 W -1 3 Pulse repetition frequency BCIn_pulseFreq 0 02 125 Hz -1 0 8 Hz -1 3 Pulse width BCIn_pulseWidth 0 02 126 s 7 0 6 s 7 2 Receiver intermediate frequency BCIn_receiverFreq 0 02 127 Hz -6 0 7 Hz -6 3 Intermediate frequency bandwidth BCIn_freqBandwidth 0 02 128 Hz -5 0 6 Hz -5 2 Minimum detectable signal BCIn_minSignal 0 02 129 dB 0 -150 5 dB 0 3 Dynamic range BCIn_dynamicRange 0 02 130 dB 0 0 7 dB 0 3 Sensitivity time control (STC) BCIn_sensitivityTime 0 02 131 Flag table 0 0 2 Flag table 0 1 Azimuth pointing accuracy BCIn_azimuthAccuracy 0 02 132 Degree 2 0 6 Degree 2 2 Elevation pointing accuracy BCIn_elevationAccuracy 0 02 133 Degree 2 0 6 Degree 2 2 Antenna beam azimuth BCIn_antennaAzimuth 0 02 134 Degree 2 0 16 Degree 2 5 Antenna elevation BCIn_antennaElevation 0 02 135 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 5 Range processed by range attenuation correction BCIn_rangeAttenuation 0 02 136 m -3 0 16 m -3 5 Satellite radar beam azimuth angle

Note 4

BCIn_SatAzimuth 0 02 140 Degree 0 0 9 Degree 0 3
Measurement type BCIn_measurementType 0 02 141 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3 Ozone instrument serial number/ identification

Note 5

BCIn_ozoneInstrID 0 02 142 CCITT IA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4
Ozone instrument type BCIn_ozoneInstrType 0 02 143 Code table 0 0 7 Code table 0 3 Light source type for Brewer spectro photometer BCIn_BrewerType 0 02 144 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Wave length setting for Dobson instruments BCIn_DobsonWaveLength 0 02 145 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Source conditions for Dobson instruments BCIn_DobsonSource 0 02 146 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Data collection and/or location system BCIn_dataCollectSystem 0 02 148 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Type of data buoy BCIn_dataBuoyType 0 02 149 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number BCIn_ATOVSchannel 0 02 150 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Radiometer identifier BCIn_radiometerID 0 02 151 Code table 0 0 11 Code table 0 4 Satellite instrument used in data processing

Note 6

BCIn_SatInstrUsed 0 02 152 Flag table 0 0 31 Flag table 0 10
Satellite channel centre frequency BCIn_SatCjannelFreq 0 02 153 Hz -8 0 26 Hz 8 8 Satellite channel band width BCIn_SatChannelBandwidth 0 02 154 Hz -8 0 26 Hz 8 8 Percentage of valid KU ocean retracker measurements BCIn_validKUretracker 0 02 156 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Percentage of valid S ocean retracker measurements BCIn_validSretracker 0 02 157 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 RA-2 instrument BCIn_RA-2Instr 0 02 158 Flag table 0 0 9 Flag table 0 3 MWR instrument BCIn_MWRinstr 0 02 159 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 Wave length of the radar BCIn_radarWavelength 0 02 160 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Height assignment method BCIn_heightMethod 0 02 163 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Tracer correlation method BCIn_tracerMethid 0 02 164 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Radiance type BCIn_radianceType 0 02 166 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Radiance computational method BCIn_radianceMethod 0 02 167 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Hydrostatic pressure of lower end of cable (thermistor string) BCIn_cableEndPressure 0 02 168 Pa -3 0 16 KPa 0 5 Anemometer type BCIn_anemometer 0 02 169 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Square of the off nadir angle

Note 7

BCIn_nadirAngleSq 0 02 173 Degree2 4 0 10 Degree2 4 4
Mean across track pixel number BCIn_MeanAcrossTrackNum 0 02 174 Numeric 0 0 9 Numeric 0 3 Method of precipitation measurement BCIn_precipMethod 0 02 175 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Method of state of ground measurement BCIn_groundStateMethod 0 02 176 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Method of snow depth measurement BCIn_snowDepthMethod 0 02 177 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Method of liquid content measurement of precipitation BCIn_liquidPrecipMethod 0 02 178 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Type of sky condition algorithm BCIn_skyConditionMethid 0 02 179 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Main present weather detecting system BCIn_mainPresentWX 0 02 180 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 BCIn_supplPresentWX 0 02 181 Flag table 0 0 21 Flag table 0 7 BCIn_visibilityMethod 0 02 182 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Cloud detection system BCIn_cloudSystem 0 02 183 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Type of lightning detection sensor BCIn_lightningSensor 0 02 184 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Method of evaporation measurement BCIn_evaporationMethod 0 02 185 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Capability to detect precipitation phenomena BCIn_precipCapability 0 02 186 Flag table 0 0 30 Flag table 0 10 Capability to detect other weather phenomena BCIn_otherWXmethod 0 02 187 Flag table 0 0 18 Flag table 0 6 Capability to detect obscuration BCIn_obscurationMethod 0 02 188 Flag table 0 0 21 Flag table 0 7 Capability to discriminate lightning strikes BCIn_lightningMethod 0 02 189 Flag table 0 0 12 Flag table 0 4 Product type for retrieved atmospheric gases BCIn_atmosGasProduct 0 02 172 Code table 0 0 8 Code table 0 3 Lagrangian drifter submergence (% time submerged) BCIn_drifterTime 0 02 190 % 0 0 7 % 0 3

(1) This class shall contain elements to describe the instrumentation used to obtain the meteorological elements reported.

(2) This class may also contain elements relating to observational procedures.

(3) Some indication of expected accuracy may be implied in conjunction with certain elements in this class.

(4) Note that descriptor 0 02 140 is the Azimuth angle measured anticlockwise from satellite heading vector.

(5) In descriptor 0 02 142: Ozone instrument serial number/identification is four characters long. For Japanese Dobsons instruments, omit the leading digit(s).

(6) Descriptor 0 02 019 should be used instead of descriptor 0 02 152 for single satellite instrument identification.

(7) Note missing (0 02 73)

(8) Descriptor 0 02 152 should be used instead of 0 02 021 for encoding this element.

(9) This constant is defined as follows: Z = P + radar constant where Z = the reflectivity of target in beam direction (dBZ); P = the input receiver power above 1 mW (dBm).

This constant is used to normalize the signal to the equivalent 100 km range.

Class 04 - Location (time)

See reference in

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

Note 4

Note 5

Note 7

Year BCT_year 0 04 001 Year 0 0 12 Year 0 4 Month BCT_month 0 04 002 Month 0 0 4 Month 0 2 Day BCT_day 0 04 003 Day 0 0 6 Day 0 2 Hour BCT_hour 0 04 004 Hour 0 0 5 Hour 0 2 Minute BCT_minute 0 04 005 Minute 0 0 6 Minute 0 2 Second BCT_second 0 04 006 Second 0 0 6 Second 0 2 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy) BCT_microseconds 0 04 007 Second 6 0 26 S 6 8 Time increment BCT_yearIncrement 0 04 011 Year 0 -1024 11 Year 0 4 Time increment BCT_monthIncrement 0 04 012 Month 0 -1024 11 Month 0 4 Time increment BCT_dayIncrement 0 04 013 Day 0 -1024 11 Day 0 4 Time increment BCT_hourIncrement 0 04 014 Hour 0 -1024 11 Hour 0 4 Time increment BCT_minuteIncrement 0 04 015 Minute 0 -2048 12 Minute 0 4 Time increment BCT_secondIncrement 0 04 016 Second 0 -4096 13 Second 0 4 Reference time period for accumulated or extreme data BCT_accumulationPeriod 0 04 017 Minute 0 -1440 12 Minute 0 4 Time period or displacement BCT_yearPeriod 0 04 021 Year 0 -1024 11 Year 0 4 Time period or displacement BCT_monthPeriod 0 04 022 Month 0 -1024 11 Month 0 4 Time period or displacement BCT_dayPeriod 0 04 023 Day 0 -1024 11 Day 0 4 Time period or displacement BCT_hourPeriod 0 04 024 Hour 0 -2048 12 Hour 0 4 Time period or displacement BCT_minutePeriod 0 04 025 Minute 0 -2048 12 Minute 0 4 Time period or displacement BCT_secondPeriod 0 04 026 Second 0 -4096 13 Second 0 4 Duration of time relating to following value BCT_hourFollowing 0 04 031 Hour 0 0 8 Hour 0 3 Duration of time relating to following value BCT_minuteFollowing 0 04 032 Minute 0 0 6 Minute 0 2 Time difference, UTC -LMT

Note 6

BCT_UTC-LMT 0 04 041 Minute 0 -1440 12 Minute 0 4
Day of the year BCT_yearday 0 04 043 Day 0 0 9 Day 0 3 Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature BCT_maxTempTime 0 04 051 Hour 0 0 5 Hour 0 2 Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature BCT_minTempTime 0 04 052 0 0 5 Hour 0 2 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm BCT_daysOfPrecip 0 04 053 Numeric 0 0 6 Numeric 0 2 Times of observation used to compute the reported mean values BCT_observationTimesUsed 0 04 059 Flag table 0 0 6 Flag table 0 2 Short time increment BCT_shortMinuteIncrement 0 04 065 Minute 0 -128 8 Minute 0 2 Short time period or displacement BCT_shortDayPeriod 0 04 073 Day 0 -128 8 Day 0 2 Short time period or displacement BCT_shortHourPeriod 0 04 074 Hour 0 -128 8 Hour 0 2 Short time period or displacement BCT_shortMinutePeriod 0 04 075 Minute 0 -128 8 Minute 0 2 Averaging period for following value BCT_averagingPeriod 0 04 080 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Long time period or displacement BCT_longSecondPeriod 0 04 086 Second 0 -8192 15 Second 0 5

(1) The significance of time periods or displacements may be indicated using the time significance code corresponding to table reference 0 08 021.

(2) Where more than one time period or displacement is required to define complex time structures, they shall be defined in immediate succession, and the following ordering shall apply: ensemble period (if required), followed by forecast period (if required), followed by period for averaging or accumulation (if required).

(3) Time periods or displacements and time increments require an initial time location to be defined prior to their use, followed where appropriate by a time significance definition.

(4) The time location, when used with forecast values, shall indicate the time of the initial state for the forecast, or the beginning of the forecast period; when used with ensemble means of forecast values, the time location shall indicate the initial state or the beginning of the first forecast over which ensemble means are derived.

(5) Negative time periods or displacements shall be used to indicate time periods or displacements preceding the currently defined time.

(6) Descriptor 0 04 041 has been replaced by the combination of 0 08 025 and 0 26 003 and should not be used for encoding this element.

(7) All times are Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) unless otherwise noted.

Class 05 - Location (horizontal -1)

See reference in

Latitude (high accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCX_hiPrecsnLat 0 05 001 Degree 5 -9000000 25 Degree 5 7
Latitude (coarse accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCX_lowPrecsnLat 0 05 002 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 4
Latitude increment (high accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCX_hiPrecsnLatIncremt 0 05 011 Degree 5 -9000000 25 Degree 5 7
Latitude increment (coarse accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCX_lowPrecsnLatIncremt 0 05 012 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 4
Latitude displacement (high accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCX_hiPrecsnLatDisplace 0 05 015 Degree 5 -9000000 25 Degree 5 7
Latitude displacement (coarse accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCX_lowPrecsnLatDisplace 0 05 016 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 4
Bearing or azimuth

Note 4

BCX_bearing 0 05 021 Degree true 2 0 16 Degree true 2 5
Solar azimuth BCX_solarAzimuth 0 05 022 Degree true 2 0 16 Degree true 2 5 Sun to satellite azimuth difference BCX_azimuthDifference 0 05 023 Degree 1 -1800 12 Degree 1 4 Direction (spectral) BCX_spectralDirn 0 05 030 Degree 0 0 12 Degree 0 4 Row number BCX_rowNum 0 05 031 Numeric 0 0 12 Numeric 0 4 Pixel size on horizontal - 1

Note 5

BCX_pixelSize1 0 05 033 m -1 0 16 m -1 5
Along track row number BCX_alongTrackRow 0 05 034 Numeric 0 0 11 Numeric 0 4 Ship transect number according to SOOP BCX_shipTransect 0 05 036 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 2 Orbit number BCX_orbitNum 0 05 040 Numeric 0 0 24 Numeric 0 8 Scan line number BCX_scanLineNum 0 05 041 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Channel number BCX_channelNum 0 05 042 Numeric 0 0 6 Numeric 0 2 Field of view number BCX_FieldOfView 0 05 043 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Satellite cycle number BCX_SatCycleNum 0 05 044 Numeric 0 0 11 Numeric 0 4 Channel number increment BCX_channelIncremt 0 05 052 Numeric 0 0 5 Numeric 0 2 Field of view number increment BCX_FieldOfViewIncremt 0 05 053 Numeric 0 0 5 Numeric 0 2 Y angular position from centre of gravity BCX_YangularPosition 0 05 060 Degree 6 -8000000 24 Degree 6 8 Z angular position from centre of gravity BCX_ZangularPosition 0 05 061 Degree 6 -8000000 24 Degree 6 8

(1) Values of latitude and latitude increments are limited to the range -90 degrees to +90 degrees.

(2) South latitude shall be assigned negative values.

(3) North to south increments shall be assigned negative values.

(4) Bearing or azimuth shall only be used with respect to a stated location, and shall not redefine that location.

(5) The Pixel size on horizontal - 1 is given at location where map scale factor is unity.

Class 06 - Location (horizontal - 2)

See reference in

Longitude (high accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCY_hiPrecsnLon 0 06 001 Degree 5 -18000000 26 Degree 5 8
Longitude (coarse accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCY_lowPrecsnLon 0 06 002 Degree 2 -18000 16 Degree 2 5
Longitude increment (high accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCY_hiPrecsnLonIncremt 0 06 011 Degree 5 -18000000 26 Degree 5 8
Longitude increment (coarse accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCY_lowPrecsnLonIncremt 0 06 012 Degree 2 -18000 16 Degree 2 5
Longitude displacement (high accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCY_hiPrecsnLonDisplace 0 06 015 Degree 5 -18000000 26 Degree 5 8
Longitude displacement (coarse accuracy)

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BCY_lowPrecsnLonDisplace 0 06 016 Degree 2 -18000 16 Degree 2 5

Note 4

BCY_distance 0 06 021 m -1 0 13 m -1 4
Wave number (spectral) BCY_spectralWaveNum 0 06 030 rad m-1 5 0 13 rad m-1 5 4 Column number BCY_columnNum 0 06 031 Numeric 0 0 12 Numeric 0 4 Pixel size on horizontal - 2

Note 5

BCY_PixelSize2 0 06 033 m -1 0 16 m -1 5
Cross-track cell number BCY_crossTrackCell 0 06 034 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 3 Radius of confidence BCY_radiusOfConfidence 0 06 040 m 0 0 13 m 0 4

(1) Values of longitude are limited to the range -180 degrees to +180 degrees.

(2) West longitude shall be assigned negative values.

(3) East to west increments shall be assigned negative values.

(4) Distance shall only be used with respect to a stated location and a bearing, azimuth or elevation; it shall not redefine that location.

(5) The Pixel size on horizontal - 2 is given at location where map scale factor is unity.

Class 07 - Location (vertical)

See reference in

Height of station

Note 1

BCV_heightStation 0 07 001 m 0 -400 15 m 0 5
Height or altitude BCV_height_1 0 07 002 m -1 -40 16 m -1 5 Geopotential BCV_geopotential_1 0 07 003 m2 s-2 -1 -400 17 m2 s-2 1 6 Pressure BCV_pressure 0 07 004 Pa -1 0 14 Pa -1 5 Height increment BCV_heightIncremt 0 07 005 m 0 -400 12 m 0 4 Height above station BCV_heightAboveStation 0 07 006 m 0 0 15 m 0 5 Height BCV_height_2 0 07 007 m 0 -1000 17 m 0 6 Geopotential BCV_geopotential_2 0 07 008 m2 s-2 0 -10000 20 m2 s-2 0 7 Geopotential height BCV_geopotentialHeight 0 07 009 gpm 0 -1000 17 gpm 0 5 Flight level BCV_flightLevel 0 07 010 m 0 -1024 16 ft -1 5 Elevation

Note 2

BCV_elevation 0 07 021 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 5
Solar elevation BCV_solarElevation 0 07 022 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 5 Satellite zenith angle BCV_SatZenith_1 0 07 024 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 5 Solar zenith angle BCV_solarZenith 0 07 025 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 5 Satellite zenith angle BCV_SatZenith_2 0 07 026 Degree 4 -900000 21 Degree 4 7 Height of station ground above mean sea level

Note 1

Note 3

BCV_stationHeight-MSL 0 07 030 m 1 - 4000 17 m 1 5
Height of barometer above mean sea level

Note 1

Note 4

BCV_barometerHeight-MSL 0 07 031 m 1 - 4000 17 m 1 5
Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)

Note 5

BCV_heightSensor-Platform 0 07 032 m 2 0 16 m 2 5
Height of sensor above water surface

Note 6

BCV_heightSensor-Water 0 07 033 m 1 0 12 m 1 4
Impact parameter

Note 8

BCV_impactParameter 0 07 040 m 1 62000000 22 m 1 8
Depth below land surface BCV_depthLand 0 07 061 m 2 0 14 m 2 5 Depth below sea/water surface BCV_depthSea 0 07 062 m 1 0 17 m 1 6 Depth below sea/water surface (cm) BCV_depthSeaCm 0 07 063 m 2 0 20 m 2 7 Representative height of sensor above station

Note 7

BCV_effectiveSensorHeight 0 07 064 m 0 0 4 m 0 2
Water pressure BCV_waterPressure 0 07 065 Pa -3 0 17 Pa -3 6 Drogue depth BCV_drogueDepth 0 07 070 m 0 0 10 m 0 4

(1) Regarding data from ground based stations, this descriptor should be used for archived data only. Descriptors 0 07 030 and 0 07 031 should be used and preferred to represent ground elevation and elevation of barometer, respectively, as defined in Observing Stations, WMO Publication No. 9, Volume A1. Regarding marine stations, this descriptor refers to the height above mean sea level of the deck of marine platform where the instruments stand.

(2) Elevation shall only be used with respect to a stated location and a bearing, azimuth or distance; it shall not redefine that location.

(3) Height of station ground above mean sea level is defined as the height above mean sea-level of the ground on which the raingauge stands or, if there is no raingauge, the ground beneath the thermometer screen. If there is neither raingauge nor screen, it is the average level of terrain in the vicinity of the station (Reference: Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation, WMO-No. 8. 1996).

(4) Height of barometer above mean sea level, referring to the location of barometer of a station, does not redefine the descriptor 0 07 030.

(5) Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) is the actual height of sensor above ground (or deck of marine platform) at the point where the sensor is located. This descriptor does not redefine the descriptor either 0 07 030 or 0 07 033. Previously defined value of 0 07 032 may be cancelled by setting 0 07 032 to a "missing value".

(6) Height of sensor above water surface is the height of sensor above water surface of sea or lake. This descriptor does not redefine the descriptor either 0 07 030 or 0 07 032. Previously defined value of 0 07 033 may be cancelled by setting 0 07 033 to a "missing value".

(7) Representative height of sensor above station is the standard height of a sensor required by WMO documentation. Value of the following meteorological element should be adjusted using a formula. For example, standard height recommended in WMO documentation for surface wind sensors is 10 metres. If the sensor is placed at different height, the wind speed may be adjusted using a formula.

(8) For an atmospheric limb sounder, the "impact parameter" is the distance between the ray asymptote and the centre of curvature of the Earth’s surface at the tangent point.

Class 08 - Significance qualifiers

See reference in

Note 1

Note 2

Vertical sounding significance BCS_soundingVerticalSig 0 08 001 Flag table 0 0 7 Flag table 0 3 Vertical significance (surface observations) BCS_surfaceVerticalSig 0 08 002 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Vertical significance (satellite observations) BCS_SatVerticalSig 0 08 003 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Phase of aircraft flight BCS_flightPhase 0 08 004 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Meteorological attribute significance BCS_MetAttributeSig 0 08 005 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Ozone vertical sounding significance BCS_ozoneVerticalSig 0 08 006 Flag table 0 0 9 Flag table 0 3 Dimensional significance BCS_dimensionalSig 0 08 007 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Radiation vertical sounding significance BCS_radiationVerticalSig 0 08 008 Flag table 0 0 9 Flag table 0 3 Detailed phase of flight BCS_flightPhaseDetail 0 08 009 Code Table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Surface qualifier (temperature data) BCS_surfaceTempSig 0 08 010 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Meteorological feature BCS_MetFeature 0 08 011 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Land/sea qualifier BCS_landSea 0 08 012 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Day/night qualifier BCS_dayNight 0 08 013 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Qualifier for runway visual range BCS_runwayVisualRange 0 08 014 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast BCS_TRENDchange 0 08 016 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Qualifier of the time when the forecast change is expected BCS_nextForecast 0 08 017 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 SEAWINDS land/ice surface type BCS_SEAWINDlandIce 0 08 018 Flag table 0 0 17 Flag table 0 6 Qualifier for following Centre identifier BCS_followingCentreIDQ 0 08 019 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average)

Note 1

BCS_numberMissing 0 08 020 Numeric 0 0 16 Numeric 0 5
Time significance

Note 1

BCS_timeSig 0 08 021 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2
Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) BCS_totalNumber 0 08 022 Numeric 0 0 16 Numeric 0 5 First order statistics

Note 3

BCS_firstOrderStatistic 0 08 023 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2
Difference statistics

Note 4

BCS_differenceStatistic 0 08 024 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2
Time difference qualifier

Note 5

BCS_timeDifferenceSig 0 08 025 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2
Remotely sensed surface type BCS_surfaceTypeSig 0 08 029 Code table 0 0 Code table 0 3 Manual on Codes (Volume I.1, Section C) Code table from which data are derived BCS_sectionC_CodeTable 0 08 030 Numeric 0 0 13 Numeric 0 4 Data category CREX table A BCS_CREX_TableA 0 08 031 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Method of derivation of percentage confidence

Note 6

BCS_percentConfMethod 0 08 033 Code table 0 0 7 Code table 0 3
Type of monitoring exercise BCS_monitoringExercise 0 08 035 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Type of centre or station performing monitoring BCS_monitoringCentreType 0 08 036 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Flight Level significance BCS_flightLevelSig 0 08 040 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Data significance BCS_dataSig 0 08 041 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Extended vertical sounding significance BCS_extendedSoundingSig 0 08 042 Flag table 0 0 18 Flag table 0 6 Number of observations BCS_numberObs 0 08 049 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic BCS_missingQualifier1 0 08 050 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic BCS_missingQualifier2 0 08 051 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows BCS_numberDaysEvent 0 08 052 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Day of occurrence qualifier BCS_dayEventQualifier 0 08 053 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Sample scanning mode significance BCS_scanningModeSig 0 08 060 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Sun-glint indicator BCS_sunGlint 0 08 065 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Semi-transparency indicator BCS_semiTransparent 0 08 066 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier BCS_ATOVSqualifier 0 08 070 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Pixel(s) type BCS_pixelType 0 08 072 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Altimeter echo type BCS_echoType 0 08 074 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Ascending/Descending Orbit Qualifier BCS_ascendDescendOrbit 0 08 075 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Type of band BCS_bandType 0 08 076 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Product status BCS_productStatus 0 08 079 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag BCS_ 0 08 080 Code table 0 0 Code table 0 2 Type of equipment BCS_GTSPP_Q_flag 0 08 081 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Artificial correction of sensor height to another value BCS_sensorHeightCorrectn 0 08 082 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Nominal value indicator BCS_nominalValueFlag 0 08 083 Flag table 0 0 15 Flag table 0 5 Beam identifier BCS_beamID 0 08 085 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1

(1) Where values are accumulated or averaged (for example over a time period), the total number of values from which the accumulated or averaged values are obtained may be represented using reference 0 08 022.

(2) A previously defined significance may be cancelled by transmitting a "missing" from the appropriate code or flag table.

(3) First order statistics have values with a similar range and the same dimensions as the corresponding reported values (e.g., maxima, minima, means, etc.).

(4) Difference statistics are difference values; they have dimensions similar to the corresponding reported values with respect to units, but assume a range centred on zero (e.g., the difference between reported and analysed values, the difference between reported and forecast values, etc.).

(5) Descriptor 0 08 025 is to be used with 0 26 003 (time difference).

(6) Descriptor 0 08 033 is to be used by preceding the element 0 33 007 as part of quality control information in order to specify the method used to calculate the percentage confidence.

(7) When descriptor 008043 is used to specify particulate matter under a given size threshold, descriptor 008045 may also be used to further specify a subset of the PM population on the basis of ion composition. (Missing reference)

(8) Descriptor 0 08 090 is to be used to establish the decimal scale of one or more subsequent numerical element descriptors requiring a large dynamic range of values. The numerical element descriptor(s) will contain the scaled value of the measurement(s) with the required number of significant digits. The actual value will be obtained, at the application level, by multiplying the scaled value by the given decimal scale : (scaled value * 10decimal scale). (Missing Reference)

Class 10 - Non-coordinate location (vertical)

See reference in

Note 1

Height of land surface BVP_landHeight 0 10 001 M 0 -400 15 m 0 5 Height BVP_height_1 0 10 002 M -1 -40 16 m -1 5 Geopotential BVP_geopotential_1 0 10 003 m2 s-2 -1 -400 17 m2 s-2 -1 6 Pressure BVP_pressure 0 10 004 Pa -1 0 14 Pa 1 5 Height BVP_height_2 0 10 007 m 0 -1000 17 m 0 6 Geopotential BVP_geopotential_2 0 10 008 m2 s-2 0 -10000 20 m2 s-2 0 7 Geopotential height BVP_geopotentialHeight 0 10 009 gpm 0 -1000 17 gpm 0 5 Minimum pressure reduced to mean sea level BVP_minimumMSLP 0 10 010 Pa -1 0 14 Pa -1 5 Maximum pressure reduced to mean sea level BVP_maximumMSLP 0 10 011 Pa -1 0 14 Pa -1 5 In direction of the North Pole, distance from the Earth’s centre

Note 2

Note 3

BVP_R_SinLat 0 10 031 m 2 -1073741824 31 m 2 10
Satellite distance to Earth’s centre BVP_Sat_R 0 10 032 m 1 0 27 m 2 9 Altitude (platform to Ellipsoid) BVP_altitudeEllipsoid 0 10 033 m 1 0 27 m 2 9 Earth radius BVP_earthRadius 0 10 034 m 1 0 27 m 2 9 Earth’s local radius of curvature BVP_earthLocalRadiusCurve 0 10 035 m 1 62000000 22 m 1 8 Geoid undulation (see Note 4)

Note 4

BVP_geoidUndulation 0 10 036 m 2 -15000 15 m 2 6
Number of retrieved layers BVP_numberLayers 0 10 040 Numeric 0 0 10 Numeric 0 4 Standard deviation altitude BVP_standardDevnLat 0 10 050 m 2 0 16 m 2 5 Pressure reduced to mean sea level BVP_MSLP 0 10 051 Pa -1 0 14 Pa 1 5 Altimeter setting (QNH) BVP_altimeterSettingQNH 0 10 052 Pa -1 0 14 Pa 1 5 Pressure change BVP_pressureChange 0 10 060 Pa -1 -1024 11 Pa 1 4 3-hour pressure change BVP_pressureChange3Hr 0 10 061 Pa -1 -500 10 Pa -1 4 24-hour pressure change BVP_pressureChange24Hr 0 10 062 Pa -1 -1000 11 Pa -1 4 Characteristic of pressure tendency BVP_pressureCharacteristic 0 10 063 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 SIGMET cruising level BVP_SIGMETcruisingLevel 0 10 064 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Indicated aircraft altitude BVP_aircraftAltitide 0 10 070 m 0 -400 16 m 0 5 Viewing Zenith angle BVP_viewingZenith 0 10 080 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 5 Altitude of COG above reference Ellipsoid BVP_altitudeRefnceEllipsoid 0 10 081 m 3 0 31 m 3 10 Instantaneous altitude rate BVP_instantAltitideRate 0 10 082 ms-1 3 -65536 17 ms-1 3 6 Squared off Nadir angle of the satellite from platform data BVP_platformNadirSq 0 10 083 Degree2 2 0 16 Degree2 2 5 Squared off Nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data BVP_waveformNadirSq 0 10 084 Degree2 2 0 16 Degree2 2 5 Mean sea surface height BVP_meanSeaSurfaceHeight 0 10 085 m 3 -131072 18 m 3 6 Geoid’s height BVP_geoidHeight 0 10 086 m 3 -131072 18 m 3 6 Ocean depth/land elevation BVP_oceanDepthlandElevn 0 10 087 m 1 -131072 18 m 1 6 Total geocentric ocean tide height solution 1 BVP_oceanTideHeight_1 0 10 088 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Total geocentric ocean tide height solution 2 BVP_oceanTideheight_2 0 10 089 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Long period tide height BVP_longPeriodTideHeight 0 10 090 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Tidal loading height BVP_tidalLoadingHeight 0 10 091 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Solid Earth tide height BVP_solidEarthTideHeight 0 10 092 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Geocentric pole tide height BVP_geocentricPoleTideHeight 0 10 093 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Height of atmosphere used BVP_heightAtmosphere 0 10 095 m 0 0 16 m 0 5

(1) Vertical elements and pressure shall be used to define values of these elements independent of the element or variable denoting the vertical coordinate.

(2) The value for descriptor 0 10 031 has been chosen to be suitable for polar orbiting satellites in approximately sun-synchronous orbits. Geostationary orbits would require greater data widths for distance and slightly less for speed.

(3) Left handed xyz axes have been chosen for descriptor 0 10 031.

(4) The "geoid undulation" is the difference between the reference ellipsoid (WGS-84) and the geoid height (EGM96) at the geographic location of the observation, both referenced to the centre of mass of the Earth.

Class 11 - Wind and turbulence

See reference in

Note 5

Wind direction BWT_windDirn 0 11 001 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Wind speed BWT_windSpeed 0 11 002 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 u-component

Note 1

BWT_wind_U_comp 0 11 003 m s-1 1 -4096 13 m s-1 1 4

Note 2

BWT_wind_V_comp 0 11 004 m s-1 1 -4096 13 m s-1 1 4

Note 3

BWT_wind_W_comp_Pa 0 11 005 Pa s-1 1 -512 10 Pa s-1 1 4

Note 4

BWT_wind_W_comp_m 0 11 006 m s-1 2 -4096 13 m s-1 2 4
Wind direction associated with wind speed which follows BWT_windDirnFollowing 0 11 010 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Wind direction at 10 m BWT_windDirn10m 0 11 011 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Wind speed at 10 m BWT_windSpeed10m 0 11 012 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Wind direction at 5 m BWT_windDirn5m 0 11 013 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Wind speed at 5 m BWT_windSpeed5m 0 11 014 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind BWT_maxAntiClockDirn 0 11 016 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind BWT_maxClockDirn 0 11 017 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Steadiness of wind

Note 6

BWT_windSteadiness 0 11 019 % 0 0 7 % 0 3
Relative vorticity BWT_relativeVorticity 0 11 021 s-1 9 -65536 17 s-1 9 6 Divergence BWT_divergence 0 11 022 s-1 9 -65536 17 s-1 9 6 Velocity potential BWT_velocityPotetial 0 11 023 m2 s-1 -2 -65536 17 m2 s-1 -2 6 Extended degree of turbulence BWT_extendedTurbulence 0 11 030 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Degree of turbulence BWT_turbulence 0 11 031 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Height of base of turbulence BWT_turbulenceBaseHeight 0 11 032 m -1 -40 16 m -1 5 Height of top of turbulence BWT_turbulenceTopHeight 0 11 033 m -1 -40 16 m -1 5 Vertical gust velocity BWT_verticalGustVel 0 11 034 m s-1 1 -1024 11 m s-1 1 4 Vertical gust acceleration BWT_verticalGustAccel 0 11 035 m s-2 2 -8192 14 m s-2 2 5 Maximum derived equivalent vertical gust speed BWT_equivVerticalGustVel 0 11 036 m s-1 1 0 10 m s-1 1 4 Turbulence Index BWT_turbulenceIndex 0 11 037 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Time of occurrence of Peak Eddy Dissipation Rate BWT_peakEddyRateTime 0 11 038 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Extended time of occurrence of peak Eddy Dissipation Rate BWT_extendedPeakEddyTime 0 11 039 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Maximum wind speed (mean wind) BWT_maxMeanWindSpeed 0 11 040 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Maximum wind gust speed BWT_maxGustSpeed 0 11 041 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Maximum wind speed (10-min mean wind) BWT_max10MinSpeed 0 11 042 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Maximum wind gust direction BWT_max10MinDirn 0 11 043 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Mean wind direction for surface - 1500 m (5000 feet) BWT_meanDirnSurf_1500m 0 11 044 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Mean wind speed for surface - 1500 m (5000 feet) BWT_meanSpeedSurf_1500m 0 11 045 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Maximum instantaneous wind speed BWT_maxInstantWindSpeed 0 11 046 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Maximum instantaneous wind speed over 10 minutes BWT_max10MinWindSpeed 0 11 047 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Standard deviation of wind direction BWT_standardErrorDirn 0 11 049 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Standard deviation of horizontal wind speed BWT_standardErrorVertSpeed 0 11 050 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Standard deviation of vertical wind speed BWT_standardErrorHorizSpeed 0 11 051 m s-1 1 0 8 m s-1 1 3 Formal uncertainty in wind speed BWT_uncertainSpeed 0 11 052 m s-1 2 0 13 m s-1 2 5 Formal uncertainty in wind direction BWT_uncertainDirn 0 11 053 Degree true 2 0 15 Degree true 2 5 Mean wind direction for 1500 m - 3000 m BWT_meanDirn1500_3000m 0 11 054 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Mean wind speed for 1500 m - 3000 m BWT_meanSpeed1500_3000m 0 11 055 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below BWT_shear_1kmBelow 0 11 061 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above BWT_shear_1kmAbove 0 11 062 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Designator of the runway affected by wind shear (including ALL) BWT_runwayWindShear 0 11 070 CCITT IA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4 Turbulent vertical momentum flux BWT_turbulentMomentum 0 11 071 m2 s-2 3 -128 14 m2 s-2 3 5 Turbulent vertical buoyancy flux BWT_turbulentBuoyancy 0 11 072 K m s-1 3 -128 11 K m s-1 3 4 Turbulent kinetic energy BWT_turbulentKineticE 0 11 073 m2 s-2 2 -1024 13 m2 s-2 2 4 Dissipation energy BWT_dissipationEnergy 0 11 074 m2 s-2 2 -1024 10 m2 s-2 2 4 Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) BWT_meanEddyRate 0 11 075 m2/3 s-1 2 0 8 m2/3 s-1 2 3 Peak turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) BWT_peakEddyRate 0 11 076 m2/3 s-1 2 0 8 m2/3 s-1 2 3 Reporting interval or averaging time for Eddy Dissipation Rate BWT_eddyRateInterval 0 11 077 s 0 0 12 s 0 4 Model wind direction at 10m BWT_modelWindDirn10m 0 11 081 Degree true 2 0 16 Degree true 2 5 Model wind speed at 10m BWT_modelWindSpeed10m 0 11 082 m s-1 2 0 14 m s-1 2 4 U component of the model wind vector

Note 1?

BWT_modelWind_U 0 11 095 m s-1 1 -4096 13 m s-1 1 4
V component of the model wind vector

Note 2?

BWT_modelWind_V 0 11 096 m s-1 1 -4096 13 m s-1 1 4

(1) West to east u-components shall be assigned positive values.

(2) South to north v-components shall be assigned positive values.

(3) Upward w-components shall be assigned positive values where units are m s-1.

(4) Downward w-components shall be assigned positive values where units are Pa s-1.

(5) Wind reporting standards:



No observation






Normal observation

> 0

1° - 360°

Speed only

> 0


Direction only


1° - 360°

"Light and variable"

> 0


(6) The steadiness factor (descriptor 0 11 019) is the ratio of speed of the monthly mean vector wind to the speed of the monthly mean scalar wind expressed as a percentage. It is reported to the nearest one percent.

Class 12 - Temperature

See reference in

Temperature/dry-bulb temperature BT1_DryBulbTemp 0 12 001 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Wet-bulb temperature BT1_WetBulbTemp 0 12 002 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Dew-point temperature BT1_DewPointTemp 0 12 003 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m BT1_2mDryBulbTemp 0 12 004 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Wet-bulb temperature at 2 m BT1_2mWetBulbTemp 0 12 005 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Dew-point temperature at 2 m BT1_2mDewPointTemp 0 12 006 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Virtual temperature BT1_virtualTemp 0 12 007 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified

Note 1

BT1_maxTempOver 0 12 011 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3
Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified

Note 1

BT1_minTempOver 0 12 012 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3
Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours BT1_groundMinTemp12hr 0 12 013 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 12 hours BT1_maxTemp2m12hr 0 12 014 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 12 hours BT1_minTemp2m12hr 0 12 015 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours BT1_maxTemp2m24hr 0 12 016 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours BT1_minTemp2m24hr 0 12 017 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Maximum temperature at 2m BT1_maxTemp2m 0 12 021 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Minimum temperature at 2m BT1_minTemp2m 0 12 022 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Soil temperature BT1_soilTemp 0 12 030 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Temperature change over specified period BT1_tempChangeOver 0 12 049 K 0 -30 6 °C 0 2 Standard deviation temperature BT1_standardErrorTemp 0 12 051 K 1 0 10 °C 1 3 Highest daily mean temperature BT1_maxDailyMeanTemp 0 12 052 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Lowest daily mean temperature BT1_minDailyMeanTemp 0 12 053 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Skin temperature BT1_skinTemp 0 12 061 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Equivalent black body temperature BT1_equivBlackBodyTemp 0 12 062 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Brightness temperature BT1_brightnessTemp 0 12 063 K 1 0 12 °C 1 3 Instrument temperature BT1_instrumentTemp 0 12 064 K 1 0 12 K 1 4 Standard deviation brightness temperature BT1_SE_brightnessTemp 0 12 065 K 1 0 12 K 1 4 Warm load temperature BT1_warmLoadTemp 0 12 070 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Coldest cluster temperature BT1_minClusterTemp 0 12 071 K 1 0 12 K 1 4 Radiance

Note 2

BT1_radiance 0 12 072 W m-2 sr-1 6 0 31 W m-2sr-1 6 9
Spectral radiance BT2_spectralRadiance 0 12 075 W m-3 sr-1 -3 0 16 W m-3sr-1 -3 5 Radiance

Note 2

BT2_radiance 0 12 076 W m-2 sr-1 3 0 16 W m-2sr-1 3 5
Temperature/dry-bulb temperature BT2_DryBulbTemp 0 12 101 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Wet-bulb temperature BT2_WetBulbTemp 0 12 102 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Dew-point temperature BT2_DewPointTemp 0 12 103 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Dry-bulb temperature at 2m BTmDryBulbTemp 0 12 104 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Web-bulb temperature at 2m BTmWetBulbTemp 0 12 105 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Dew-point temperature at 2m BTmDewPointTemp 0 12 106 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Virtual temperature BT2_virtualTemp 0 12 107 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified

Note 1

BT2_maxTempOver 0 12 111 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4
Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified

Note 1

BT2_minTempOver 0 12 112 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4
Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours BT2_groundMinTemp12hr 0 12 113 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Maximum temperature at 2m, past 12 hours BT2_maxTemp2m12hr 0 12 114 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Minimum temperature at 2m, past 12 hours BT2_minTemp2m12hr 0 12 115 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Maximum temperature at 2m, past 24 hours BT2_maxTemp2m24hr 0 12 116 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Minimum temperature at 2m, past 24 hours BT2_minTemp2m24hr 0 12 117 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours

Note 1

BT2_maxTemp24m 0 12 118 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4
Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours

Note 1

BT2_minTemp24m 0 12 119 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4
Ground minimum temperature BT2_groundMinTemp 0 12 121 K 2 0 16 oC 2 4 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night BT2_nightGroundMinTemp 0 12 122 K 2 0 16 oC 2 4 Soil temperature BT2_soilTemp 0 12 130 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Standard deviation of daily mean temperature BT2_SEdailyMeanTemp 0 12 151 K 2 0 12 °C 2 4 Highest daily mean temperature BT2_maxDailymeanTemp 0 12 152 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Lowest daily mean temperature BT2_minDailymeanTemp 0 12 153 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Skin temperature BT2_skinTemp 0 12 161 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Equivalent black body temperature BT1_equivBlackBodyTemp 0 12 162 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Brightness temperature BT1_brightnessTemp 0 12 163 K 2 0 16 °C 2 4 Instrument temperature BT1_instrumentTemp 0 12 164 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Coldest cluster temperature BT1_minClusterTemp 0 12 171 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Averaged 12 micron BT for all clear pixels at Nadir BT2_meanNadirBright12mu 0 12 180 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Averaged 11 micron BT for all clear pixels at Nadir BT2_meanNadirBright11mu 0 12 181 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Averaged 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels at Nadir BT2_meanNadirBright3p7mu 0 12 182 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Averaged 12 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view BT2_meanForwardBright12mu 0 12 183 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Averaged 11 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view BT2_meanForwardBright11mu 0 12 184 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Averaged 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view BT2_meanForwardBright3p7mu 0 12 185 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Mean Nadir sea surface temperature BT2_meanNadirSST 0 12 186 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Mean dual view sea surface temperature BT2_meanDualViewSST 0 12 187 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Interpolated 23.8 GHz brightness T from MWR BT2_MWR_Bright23p8GHz 0 12 188 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Interpolated 36.5 GHz brightness T from MWR BT2_MWR_Bright36p5GHz 0 12 189 K 2 0 16 K 2 5

(1) Where the expression "at height and over period specified" is entered under ELEMENT NAME, an appropriate vertical location shall be specified using descriptors from class 07, together with an appropriate period using descriptors from class 04.

(2) Descriptor 0 12 076 should be used instead of descriptor 0 12 072 to encode radiance.

Class 13 - Hygrographic and hydrological elements

See reference in

Specific humidity BHy_specificHumidity 0 13 001 kg kg-1 5 0 14 kg kg-1 5 5 Mixing ratio BHy_mixingRatio 0 13 002 kg kg-1 5 0 14 kg kg-1 5 5 Relative humidity BHy_relativeHumidity_1 0 13 003 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Vapour pressure BHy_vapourPressure 0 13 004 Pa -1 0 10 Pa -1 4 Vapour density BHy_vaourDensity 0 13 005 kg m-3 3 0 7 kg m-3 3 3 Mixing heights BHy_mixingHeights 0 13 006 M -1 -40 16 m -1 5 Minimum relative humidity BHy_minRelativeHumidity 0 13 007 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Maximum relative humidity BHy_maxRelativeHumidity 0 13 008 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Relative humidity

Note 6

BHy_relativeHumidity_2 0 13 009 % 1 -1000 12 % 1 4
Total precipitation/total water equivalent

Note 1

BHy_totalPrecip 0 13 011 kg m-2 1 -1 14 kg m-2 1 5
Depth of fresh snow

Note 2

BHy_depthFreshSnow 0 13 012 m 2 -2 12 m 2 4
Total snow depth

Note 2

BHy_totalSnowDepth 0 13 013 m 2 -2 16 m 2 5
Rainfall/water equivalent of snow (averaged rate) BHy_snowWaterEquivalent 0 13 014 kg m-2 s-1 4 0 12 kg m-2 s-1 4 4 Snowfall (averaged rate) BHy_snowfallRate 0 13 015 m s-1 7 0 12 m s-1 7 4 Precipitable water BHy_precipitableWater 0 13 016 kg m-2 0 0 7 kg m-2 0 3 Total precipitation past 1 hour

Note 1

BHy_totalPrecip_1hr 0 13 019 kg m-2 1 -1 14 kg m-2 1 4
Total precipitation past 3 hours

Note 1

BHy_totalPrecip_3hr 0 13 020 kg m-2 1 -1 14 kg m-2 1 5
Total precipitation past 6 hours

Note 1

BHy_totalPrecip_6hr 0 13 021 kg m-2 1 -1 14 kg m-2 1 5
Total precipitation past 12 hours

Note 1

BHy_totalPrecip_12hr 0 13 022 kg m-2 1 -1 14 kg m-2 1 5
Total precipitation past 24 hours

Note 1

BHy_totalPrecip_24hr 0 13 023 kg m-2 1 -1 14 kg m-2 1 5
Evapotranspiration BHy_evapo-Ttranspiration_1 0 13 031 kg m-2 0 0 7 kg m-2 0 3 Evaporation/evapotranspiration

Note 5

BHy_evapo-Ttranspiration_2 0 13 032 kg m-2 1 0 8 kg m-2 1 3

Note 5

BHy_evapo-Ttranspiration_3 0 13 033 kg m-2 1 0 10 kg m-2 1 4
Superadiabatic indicator BHy_superadiabat 0 13 038 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Terrain type (ice/snow) BHy_terrainType 0 13 039 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Surface flag BHy_surfaceCode 0 13 040 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Pasquill-Gifford stability category BHy_pasquillStability 0 13 041 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)

Note 3

Note 4

BHy_500hPaParcelLiftedIndex 0 13 042 K 0 -20 6 K 0 2
Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)

Note 3

Note 4

BHy_500hPaBestliftedIndex 0 13 043 K 0 -20 6 K 0 2
K index BHy_K_Index 0 13 044 K 0 -30 8 K 0 3 KO index BHy_KO_Index 0 13 045 K 0 -30 8 K 0 3 Maximum buoyancy BHy_maxBuoyancy 0 13 046 K 0 -30 8 K 0 3 Modified Showalter stability index

Note 7

BHy_showalterIndex 0 13 047 K 0 -60 6 °C 0 2
Frequency group, precipitation BHy_freqGroupPrecip 0 13 051 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Highest daily amount of precipitation BHy_maxDailyPrecipAmount 0 13 052 kg m-2 1 -1 14 kg m-2 1 5 Intensity of precipitation BHy_precipIntensity 0 13 055 Kg m-2 s-1 4 0 8 mm h-1 1 4 Character and intensity of precipitation BHy_precipIntensityCharacter 0 13 056 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Time of beginning or end of precipitation BHy_beginEndPrecip 0 13 057 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Size of precipitating element BHy_precipElementSize 0 13 058 m 4 0 7 mm 1 3 Number of flashes (thunderstorm) BHy_numLightningFlash 0 13 059 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 3 Total accumulated precipitation BHy_totalAccumPrecip 0 13 060 kg m-2 1 -1 17 kg m-2 1 5 Upstream water level BHy_upstreamWaterLevel 0 13 071 m 2 0 14 m 2 4 Downstream water level BHy_downstreamWaterLevel 0 13 072 m 2 0 14 m 2 4 Maximum water level BHy_maxWaterLevel 0 13 073 m 2 0 14 m 2 4 Water pH BHy_water_pH 0 13 080 pH unit 1 0 10 pH unit 1 3 Water conductivity BHy_waterCondictivity 0 13 081 Siemens m-1 3 0 14 Siemens m-1 3 4 Water temperature BHy_waterTemp 0 13 082 K 1 0 12 K 1 4 Dissolved oxygen BHy_dissolvedO2 0 13 083 Kg m-3 6 0 15 kg m-3 6 5 Turbidity BHy_turbidity 0 13 084 Lumen 0 0 14 Lumen 0 4 Oxydation Reduction Potential (ORP) BHy_O2_reductionPotential 0 13 085 V 3 0 14 V 3 4 Radiometer water vapour content BHy_radiometerWaterVapour 0 13 090 Kgm-2 1 0 10 Kgm-2 1 4 Radiometer liquid content BHy_radiometerLiquidWater 0 13 091 Kgm-2 2 0 8 Kgm-2 2 3 Cloud optical thickness BHy_cloudOpticalThickness 0 13 093 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Total column water vapour BHy_totalColumnWaterVapour 0 13 095 Kgm-2 4 0 19 Kgm-2 4 6 MWR water vapour content BHy_MWRwaterVapour 0 13 096 Kgm-2 2 0 14 Kgm-2 2 5 MWR liquid water content BHy_MWRliquidWater 0 13 097 Kgm-2 2 0 14 Kgm-2 2 5 Integrated water vapour density BHy_integratedWaterVapourDensity 0 13 098 Kgm-2 8 0 30 Kgm-2 8 10

(1) A precipitation value of -0.1kg m-2 before scaling (-1 after scaling or in CREX) shall indicate a "trace" (non-measurable, less than 0.05 kg m-2).

(2) A snow depth value of -0.01 m before scaling (-1 after scaling or in CREX) shall indicate a little (less than 0.005 m) snow. A value of -0.02 m (-2 after scaling or in CREX) shall indicate "snow cover not continuous".

(3) The "parcel lifted index" (as defined in the International Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO-No. 182) under the listing "lifted index") is defined as the temperature difference between the ambient 500 hPa temperature (T500) and that of a parcel of air lifted from the surface (Tparcel) following the dry and moist adiabatic process. Negative values of (T500 - Tparcel) suggest instability. The "best lifted index" is defined as the most unstable of a collection of parcel lifted indices, with parcel initial conditions defined for a collection of 30 hPa thick layers stacked one upon the other with the lowest resting on the ground. Commonly four to six such layers are used in the calculation.

(4) Since the two lifted indices (042 and 043) are defined as temperature differences, they may take on negative values, even though the units are kelvin; hence the non-zero reference value.

(5) Descriptor 0 13 033 should be used instead of descriptor 0 13 032 to encode evaporation/evapotranspiration.

(6) Concerning descriptor 0 13 009, the originators of these data want to be able to retain the raw (i.e. unprocessed) relative humidity value reported by the sensor in order to be able to track, among other things, when a sensor begins to malfunction. The latter case is when a negative value might occur. For world-wide exchange with other countries, it is possible that only the processed data would ever be sent.

(7) The "Modified Showalter stability index" is defined as the temperature difference between the ambient 500 hPa temperature and the temperature a parcel of air, initially at a selected base level, would have if brought from its condensation level to the 500 hPa surface by a moist adiabatic process. Positive values denote stable conditions, while negative values denote unstable conditions. The base level is 850 hPa, 800hPa or 750 hPa if the station elevation is less than 1000, 1000 to 1400 or 1401 to 2000 gpm above mean sea level, respectively.

Class 14 - Radiation and radiance

See reference in

Long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_24hrLongWaveRadiation 0 14 001 J m-2 -3 -2048 12 J m-2 -3 4
Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_longWaveRadiationmOver 0 14 002 J m-2 -3 -2048 12 J m-2 -3 4
Short-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_24hrShortWaveRadiation 0 14 003 J m-2 -3 -2048 12 J m-2 -3 4
Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_shortWaveRadiationmOver 0 14 004 J m-2 -3 -2048 12 J m-2 -3 4
Net long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_24hrNetLongWave 0 14 011 J m-2 -3 -2048 12 J m-2 -3 4
Net long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_NetLongWaveOver 0 14 012 J m-2 -3 -2048 12 J m-2 -3 4
Net short-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_24hrNetShortWave 0 14 013 J m-2 -3 -2048 12 J m-2 -3 4
Net short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_NetShortWaveOver 0 14 014 J m-2 -3 -2048 12 J m-2 -3 4
Net radiation, integrated over 24 hours

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_24hrNetRadiation 0 14 015 J m-2 -4 -16384 15 J m-2 -4 5
Net radiation, integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_netRadiationOver 0 14 016 J m-2 -4 -16384 15 J m-2 -4 5
Instantaneous long-wave radiation

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_instantLongWave 0 14 017 W m-2 -3 -2048 12 W m-2 -3 4
Instantaneous short-wave radiation

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_instantShortWave 0 14 018 W m-2 -3 -2048 12 W m-2 -3 4
Surface albedo BRR_surfaceAlbedo 0 14 019 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Global solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_24hrGlobalSolar 0 14 020 J m-2 -4 0 15 J m-2 -4 5
Global solar radiation, integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_globalSolarOver_1 0 14 021 J m-2 -4 0 15 J m-2 -4 5
Diffuse solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_24hrDiffuseSolar_1 0 14 022 J m-2 -4 0 15 J m-2 -4 5
Diffuse solar radiation, integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_diffuseSolarOver 0 14 023 J m-2 -4 0 15 J m-2 -4 5
Direct solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours

Note 1

Note 2

BRR_24hrDirectSolar 0 14 024 J m-2 -4 0 15 J m-2 -4 5
Direct solar radiation, integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_directSolarOver_1 0 14 025 J m-2 -4 0 15 J m-2 -4 5
Albedo at the top of clouds BRR_albdooAtCloudTop 0 14 026 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Albedo BRR_albedo 0 14 027 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_globarSolarOver_2 0 14 028 J m-2 -2 0 16 J m-2 -2 5
Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_diffuseSolarOver_2 0 14 029 J m-2 -2 0 16 J m-2 -2 5
Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_directSolarOver_2 0 14 030 J m-2 -2 0 16 J m-2 -2 5
Total sunshine BRR_totalSunshineMinute 0 14 031 Minute 0 0 11 Minute 0 4 Total sunshine BRR_totalSunshibeHour 0 14 032 Hour 0 0 10 Hour 0 4 Total sunshine BRR_totalSunshinePercent 0 14 033 % 0 0 9 % 0 3 Sunshine over period specified

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

BRR_sunshineOver 0 14 034 Minute 0 0 11 Minute 0 4
Bi-directional reflectance BRR_biDirectionalReflectance 0 14 042 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Channel radiance BRR_channelRadiance 0 14 045 Wm-2sr-1cm-1 0 0 11 Wm-2sr-1cm-1 0 4 Scaled IASI radiance

Note 6

BRR_IASIradiance 0 14 046 Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 -5000 16 Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 5
Scaled mean AVHRR radiance BRR_AVRRtadiance 0 14 047 Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 0 31 Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 10 Scaled standard deviation AVHRR radiance BRR_SE_AVRRradiance 0 14 048 Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 0 31 Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 10 Emissivity

Note 5

BRR_emissivity 0 14 050 % 1 0 10 % 1 4
Direct solar radiation integrated over last hour BRR_1hrDirectSolarRadiation 0 14 051 J m-2 -3 0 14 Jm-2 3 4 Solar activity index BRR_solarActivityIndex 0 14 055 Numeric 0 -32768 16 Numeric 0 5

(1) Downward radiation shall be assigned negative values.

(2) Upward radiation shall be assigned positive values.

(3) Where the expression "period specified" is entered under ELEMENT NAME, an appropriate period shall be specified using descriptors from class 04.

(4) Channel radiance (014045) uses cm to represent the wave number.

(5) Emissivity is the ratio of the amount of energy emitted from a particular object compared to the amount that would be emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature (I.e. the Planck function). Multiplying by 100 gives a percent (and provides 2 digits of precision at the same time).

(6) An offset has been introduced for the scaled IASI radiances (0-14-046). This is to accommodate the negative radiances which can be measured at some wave numbers, either due to effects of noise or remaining after apodisation. The offset is an order of magnitude larger than the expected maximum negative excursion based on instrument noise, and so would leave sufficient margin. At the same time the dynamic range is not significantly degraded.

Class 15 - Physical/chemical constituents

See reference in

Total ozone

Note 4

BPC_totalOzone 0 15 001 DU 0 0 10 DU 0 4
Air mass (slant path at 22 km) BPC_airMassSlantPath 0 15 002 Numeric 2 0 10 Numeric 2 3 Measured ozone partial pressure (sounding)

Note 1

BPC_ozonePartialPressure 0 15 003 Pascal 4 0 9 nbar 0 3
Ozone sounding correction factor

Note 2

BPC_ozoneSoundingCorrection 0 15 004 Numeric 3 0 11 Numeric 3 4
Ozone p

Note 3

Note 4

BPC_ozonePressure 0 15 005 DU 0 0 10 DU 0 3
Log 10 of integrated electron density BPC_logIntegratedElectronDensity 0 15 011 log (1/m2) 3 14000 13 log (m-2) 3 4 Maximum image spectral component before normalization BPC_maxImageSpectralComponent 0 15 015 Numeric 0 0 31 Numeric 0 10 Integrated 03 density BPC_integratedOzoneDensity 0 15 020 kg m-2 8 0 21 Kg m-2 8 7 Type of pollutant BPC_pollutantType 0 15 025 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Concentration of pollutant (mol mol-1) BPC_pollutantConcentration_1 0 15 026 mol mol-1 9 0 9 mol mol-1 9 3 Concentration of pollutant (kg m-3) BPC_pollutantConcentration_2 0 15 027 kg m-3 9 0 10 kg m-3 9 4 Atmospheric path delay in satellite signal BPC_atmosphericPathDelay 0 15 031 m 4 10000 15 m 4 5 Estimated error in atmospheric path delay BPC_atmosphericPathDelayError 0 15 032 m 4 0 10 m 4 4 Difference in path delays for limb views at extremes of scan BPC_pathDelayDifference 0 15 033 m 5 -10000 15 m 5 5 Estimated error in path delay difference BPC_pathDelayDifferenceError 0 15 034 m 5 0 14 m 5 5 Component of zenith path delay due to water vapour BPC_waterVapourZenithDelay 0 15 035 m 4 0 14 m 4 5 Atmospheric refractivity

Note 5

BPC_atmoshericRefractivity 0 15 036 N-units 3 0 19 N-units 3 6
Bending angle BPC_bendingAngle 0 15 037 Radians 8 -100000 23 Radians 8 7

(1) 0 15 003 is partial pressur of ozone, measured at the pressure level identified by 0 07 004.

(2) 0 15 004 (CF) is defined as:


where TOI is the integrated ozone value obtained "simultaneously to a sounding" from a Dobson or Brewer spectrophotometer at the site or "nearby" and TOS is the total ozone obtained from the sounding. TOS is sum of the integrated ozone below the lowest pressure level reached by the sounding and the estimate of the amount above. In the absence of any spectrophotometer measurement, CF = Missing value.

(3) 0 15 005 is the value obtained as the result of the vertical integration of the sounding values (0 15 003) measured below the lowest pressure level reached by the sonde, multiplied by 0 15 004.

(4) DU = Dobson unit.

(5) The refractivity, N, is related to the refractive index, n by the formula N = 106 (n - 1). N is therefore dimensionless but values computed by the formula are by convention described as being in ‘N-units’.

(6) Scaled descriptors should be preceded by descriptor 008090 which indicates the decimal magnitude of the scaled value. See note concerning descriptor 0 08 090 for further details.

Class 19 - Synoptic features

See reference in

Type of synoptic feature BSF_synopticFeatureType 0 19 001 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Effective radius of feature

Note 1

BSF_effectiveRadius_1 0 19 002 m -2 0 12 m -2 4
Wind speed threshold

Note 2

BSF_windSpeedThreshold 0 19 003 m s-1 0 0 8 m s-1 0 3
Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold

Note 1

Note 2

BSF_radiusWindAboveTheshold_1 0 19 004 m -2 0 12 m -2 4
Direction of motion of feature

Note 3

BSF_directionMotion 0 19 005 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Speed of motion of feature

Note 3

BSF_speedMotion 0 19 006 m s-1 2 0 14 m s-1 2 5
Effective radius of feature

Note 1

BSF_effectiveRadius_2 0 19 007 m -3 0 12 m -3 4
Vertical extent of circulation BSF_verticalCirculation 0 19 008 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold (large storms)

Note 1

BSF_radiusWindAboveTheshold_2 0 19 009 m -3 0 12 m -3 4
Method for tracking the centre of synoptic feature BSF_centreTrackingMethod 0 19 010 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Time interval to calculate the movement of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_movementCalculation 0 19 100 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Accuracy of the position of the centre of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_centreAccuracy 0 19 101 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Shape and definition of the eye of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_eyeShape 0 19 102 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Diameter of major axis of the eye of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_eyeMajorAxis 0 19 103 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Change in character of the eye during the 30 minutes BSF_TC_eye30MinChange 0 19 104 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Distance between the end of spiral band and the centre BSF_TC_spiralBand 0 19 105 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Identification number of tropical cyclone BSF_TC_IDnum 0 19 106 Numeric 0 0 Numeric 0 3 Time interval over which the movement of the tropical cyclone has been calculated BSF_TC_movementInterval 0 19 107 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Accuracy of geographical position of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_positionAccuracy 0 19 108 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Mean diameter of the overcast cloud of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_cloudDiameter 0 19 109 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Apparent 24-hour change in intensity of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_24hrIntensityChange 0 19 110 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Current Intensity (CI) number of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_CurrentIntensityNum 0 19 111 Numeric 1 0 7 Numeric 1 3 Data Tropical (DT) number of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_DataTropicalNum 0 19 112 Numeric 1 0 7 Numeric 1 3 Cloud pattern type of the DT-number BSF_TC_DTcloudPattern 0 19 113 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Model Expected Tropical (MET) number of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_modelExpectedTropicalNum 0 19 114 Numeric 1 0 7 Numeric 1 3 Trend of the past 24-hour change (+: Developed, -: Weakened) BSF_TC_24hrTrend 0 19 115 Numeric 1 -30 6 Numeric 1 2 Pattern Tropical (PT) number of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_PatternTropicalNum 0 19 116 Numeric 1 0 7 Numeric 1 3 Cloud picture type of the PT-number BSF_TC_PTcloudType 0 19 117 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Final Tropical (T) number of the tropical cyclone BSF_TC_finalTropicalNum 0 19 118 Numeric 1 0 7 Numeric 1 3 Type of the final T-number BSF_TC_finalTropicalType 0 19 119 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Typhoon International Common Number (Typhoon Committee) BSF_TC_name 0 19 150 CCITTIA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4

(1) The effective radius of feature shall be defined with respect to the radius of the 1000-hPa isobars at mean sea level.

(2) Maximum wind and effective radius of maximum wind shall be indicated by means of the 0 19 003 and 0 19 004 entries.

(3) For a stationary feature, both 019005 (Direction of motion of feature) and 019006 (Speed of motion of feature) shall be reported 0.

Class 20 - Observed phenomena

See reference in

Horizontal visibility BObs_horizontalVisib 0 20 001 m -1 0 13 m -1 4 Vertical visibility BObs_verticalVisib 0 20 002 m -1 0 7 m -1 3 Present weather

Note 1

BObs_PresentWeather 0 20 003 Code table 0 0 9 Code table 0 3
Past weather (1)

Note 2

BObs_pastWeather_1 0 20 004 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2
Past weather (2)

Note 2

BObs_pastWeather_2 0 20 005 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2
Cloud distribution for aviation BObs_aviationCloudDistrib 0 20 008 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 General Weather Indicator (TAF/METAR) BObs_TAF_METAR_Weather 0 20 009 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Cloud cover (total) (see note 5)

Note 5

BObs_totalCloudCover 0 20 010 % 0 0 7 % 0 3
Cloud amount BObs_cloudAmount 0 20 011 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Cloud type BObs_cloudType 0 20 012 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Height of base of cloud BObs_cloudBaseHeight 0 20 013 m -1 -40 11 m -1 4 Height of top of cloud BObs_cloudTopHeight 0 20 014 m -1 -40 11 m -1 4 Pressure at base of cloud BObs_cloudBasePressure 0 20 015 Pa -1 0 14 Pa -1 5 Pressure at top of cloud BObs_cloudTopPressure 0 20 016 Pa -1 0 14 Pa -1 5 Cloud top description BObs_cloudTopType 0 20 017 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Tendency of runway visual range BObs_runwayVisRangeTendency 0 20 018 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Significant present or forecast weather BObs_significantPresentWeather 0 20 019 CCITT IA5 0 0 72 Character 0 9 Significant recent weather phenomena BObs_significantRecentWeather 0 20 020 CCITT IA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4 Type of precipitation

Note 1

Note 2

BObs_precipType 0 20 021 Flag table 0 0 30 Flag table 0 10
Character of precipitation

Note 1

Note 2

BObs_precipCharacter 0 20 022 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2
Other weather phenomena

Note 1

Note 2

BObs_otherWeather 0 20 023 Flag table 0 0 18 Flag table 0 6
Intensity of phenomena

Note 1

Note 2

BObs_otherWeatherIntensity 0 20 024 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1

Note 1

Note 2

BObs_obscuration 0 20 025 Flag table 0 0 21 Flag table 0 7
Character of obscuration

Note 1

Note 2

BObs_obscurationCharacter 0 20 026 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2
Phenomena occurrence

Note 1

Note 2

BObs_phenomenaType 0 20 027 Flag table 0 0 9 Flag table 0 3
Expected change in intensity BObs_FC_intensityChange 0 20 028 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Rain flag BObs_rainFlag 0 20 029 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Ice deposit (thickness) BObs_iceDeposit 0 20 031 m 2 0 7 m 2 3 Rate of ice accretion BObs_iceRate 0 20 032 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Cause of ice accretion BObs_iceCause 0 20 033 Flag table 0 0 4 Flag table 0 2 Sea ice concentration BObs_seaIceConcn 0 20 034 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Amount and type of ice BObs_iceAmount 0 20 035 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Ice situation BObs_iceSitn 0 20 036 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Ice development BObs_iceDevelop 0 20 037 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Bearing of ice edge

Note 3

BObs_iceEdgeBearing 0 20 038 Degree true 0 0 12* Degree true 0 3
Ice distance BObs_iceDistance 0 20 039 m -1 0 13 m -1 4 Evolution of drift snow BObs_driftSnowEvoln 0 20 040 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Airframe icing BObs_airframeIcing 0 20 041 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Airframe icing present BObs_airframeIcingPresent 0 20 042 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Peak liquid water content BObs_peakLiqWater 0 20 043 Kg m-3 4 0 7 Kg m-3 4 2 Average liquid water content BObs_meanLiqWater 0 20 044 Kg m-3 4 0 7 Kg m-3 4 2 Supercooled large droplet (SLD) conditions BObs_supercooledDroplet 0 20 045 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 2 Evolution of feature BObs_evolutionType 0 20 048 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Cloud index BObs_cloudIndex 0 20 050 Code table 0 0 8 Code table 0 3 Amount of low clouds BObs_amountLowCloud 0 20 051 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Amount of middle clouds BObs_amountMiddleCloud 0 20 052 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Amount of high clouds BObs_amountHighCloud 0 20 053 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving BObs_trueDirectionFrom 0 20 054 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 State of sky in the tropics BObs_tropicSkyState 0 20 055 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Cloud phase BObs_cloudPhase 0 20 056 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Runway visual range (RVR) BObs_runwayVisRange 0 20 061 m 0 0 12 m 0 4 State of the ground (with or without snow)

Note 4

BObs_stateOfGround 0 20 062 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2
Special phenomena BObs_specialPhenomena 0 20 063 Code table 0 0 10 Code table 0 4 Snow cover

Note 4

BObs_snowCover 0 20 065 % 0 0 7 % 0 3
Maximum diameter of hailstones BObs_hailMaxFiameter 0 20 066 m 3 0 8 m 3 3 Diameter of deposit BObs_depositDiameter 0 20 067 m 3 0 9 m 3 3 Minimum number of atmospherics BObs_MinAtmospheric 0 20 070 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 3 Accuracy of fix and rate of atmospherics BObs_fixAtmospheric 0 20 071 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Cloud amount in segment BObs_segmentCloudAmount 0 20 081 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Amount segment cloud free BObs_segmentCloudFree 0 20 082 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Amount of segment covered by scene BObs_segmentCover 0 20 083 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Special clouds BObs_spcialClouds 0 20 090 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Ice probability BObs_iceProb 0 20 095 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 Ice age ("A" parameter) BObs_ageOfIce 0 20 096 dB 2 -4096 13 dB 2 4 Locust (acridian) name BObs_locustName 0 20 101 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Locust (maturity) color BObs_locustColor 0 20 102 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Stage of development of locusts BObs_locustStage 0 20 103 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Organization state of swarm or band of locusts BObs_locustSwarmState 0 20 104 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Size of swarm or band of locusts and duration of passage of swarm BObs_locustSwarmSize 0 20 105 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Locust population density BObs_locustDensity 0 20 106 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Direction of movements of locust swarm BObs_locustSwarmDirn 0 20 107 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Extent of vegetation BObs_vegetationExtent 0 20 108 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2

(1) When encoding present weather reported from an automatic weather station, the appropriate combination of descriptors 0-20-021, 0-20-022, 0-20-023, 0-20-024, 0-20-025, 0-20-026 and 0-20-027 should be used and preferred. A descriptor 0-20-003 should be used only when descriptors mentioned above are not applicable.

(2) When encoding past weather reported from an automatic weather station, the appropriate combination of descriptors 0-20-021, 0-20-022, 0-20-023, 0-20-024, 0-20-025, 0-20-026 and 0-20-027 should be used and preferred. Descriptors 0-20-004 or 0-20-005 should be used only when descriptors mentioned above are not applicable.

(3) The data width for descriptor 0 20 038 originally defined to be 12 is wrong. Nine bits are sufficient as for all the other "degree true" quantities. However, the 12-bit width is maintained for historical consistency. Also: A bearing of ice edge value 0 shall indicate "Ship in shore or flaw lead".

(4) Snow cover will be reported for each satellite pixel as a percentage of coverage of the pixel. It does not seem feasible to try to use existing descriptor 0 20 062 for such a purpose because the use of that descriptor additionally implies details on, e.g. snow drifts, wet compared to dry snow, etc. that a satellite obviously cannot accurately detect.

(5) A cloud cover (total) value 113 shall indicate "Sky obscured by fog and/other meteorological phenomena.

Class 21 - Radar data

See reference in

Horizontal reflectivity BRD_horizontalReflectivity 0 21 001 dB 0 -64 7 dB 0 3 Vertical reflectivity BRD_verticalReflectivity 0 21 002 dB 0 -64 7 dB 0 3 Differential reflectivity BRD_differentialReflectivity 0 21 003 dB 1 -5 7 dB 1 3 Linear depolarisation ratio BRD_linearDepolar 0 21 005 dB 0 -65 6 dB 0 2 Circular depolarisation ratio BRD_circularDepolar 0 21 006 dB 0 -65 6 dB 0 2 Doppler mean velocity in X-direction BRD_XDopplerVelocity 0 21 011 m s-1 0 -128 8 m s-1 0 3 Doppler mean velocity in Y-direction BRD_YDopplerVelocity 0 21 012 m s-1 0 -128 8 m s-1 0 3 Doppler mean velocity in Z-direction BRD_ZDopplerVelocity 0 21 013 m s-1 0 -128 8 m s-1 0 3 Doppler mean velocity (radial) BRD_RDopplerVelocity 0 21 014 m s-1 1 -4096 13 m s-1 1 4 Doppler velocity spectral width BRD_dopplerVelocityWidth 0 21 017 m s-1 1 0 8 m s-1 1 3 Echo tops BRD_echoTops 0 21 021 m -3 0 4 m -3 2 Signal to noise ratio BRD_S_To_N_Ratio 0 21 030 dB 0 -32 8 dB 0 3 Vertically integrated liquid-water content BRD_integratedLiquidWater 0 21 031 kg m-2 0 0 7 kg m-2 0 3 Radar rainfall intensity BRD_radatRainfallintensity 0 21 036 m s-1 7 0 12 m s-1 7 4 Bright-band height BRD_brightBandHeight 0 21 041 m -2 0 8 m -2 3 Signal power above 1 mW BRD_signalPower_1mW 0 21 051 dB 0 -256 8 dB 0 3 Backscatter BRD_backscatter 0 21 062 dB 2 -5000 13 dB 2 4 Radiometric resolution (noise value) BRD_noiseValue 0 21 063 % 1 0 10 % 1 4 Clutter noise estimate BRD_clutter 0 21 064 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Missing packet counter BRD_missingPackets 0 21 065 Numeric 0 -127 8 Numeric 0 3 Wave scatterometer product confidence data BRD_waveConfidence 0 21 066 Flag table 0 0 12 Flag table 0 4 Wind product confidence data BRD_windConfidence 0 21 067 Flag table 0 0 13 Flag table 0 5 Radar altimeter product confidence data BRD_altimeterConfidence 0 21 068 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 SST product confidence data BRD_SSTConfidence 0 21 069 Flag table 0 0 10 Flag table 0 4 SST product confidence data (SADIST-2) BRD_SSTConfidence_2 0 21 070 Flag table 0 0 23 Flag table 0 6 Peakiness BRD_peakiness 0 21 071 Numeric 0 0 16 Numeric 0 5 Satellite altimeter calibration status BRD_altimeterStatus 0 21 072 Flag table 0 0 4 Flag table 0 2 Satelllite altimeter instrument mode BRD_altimeterMode 0 21 073 Flag table 0 0 9 Flag table 0 3 Image spectrum intensity BRD_imageSpectrum 0 21 075 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Representation of intensities BRD_representation 0 21 076 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Altitude correction (ionosphere) BRD_ionosphereCorrection 0 21 077 m 3 0 14 m 3 5 Altitude correction (dry troposphere) BRD_dryTropCorrection 0 21 078 m 3 0 9 m 3 3 Altitude correction (wet troposphere) BRD_wetTropCorrection 0 21 079 m 3 2000 10 m 3 4 Altitude correction (calibration constant) BRD_calibrationCorrection 0 21 080 m 3 0 11 m 3 4 Open loop correction (height-time loop) BRD_heightTimeCorrection 0 21 081 m 3 0 10 m 3 4 Open loop correction (auto gain control) BRD_autoGainCorrection 0 21 082 dB 3 -3000 14 dB 3 5 Warm target calibration BRD_warmCalibration 0 21 083 Numeric 0 0 16 Numeric 0 5 Cold target calibration BRD_coldCalibration 0 21 084 Numeric 0 0 16 Numeric 0 5 ATSR sea surface temperature across- track band number BRD_SSTXtrackBand 0 21 085 Numeric 0 0 4 Numeric 0 2 Number of pixels in Nadir only, average BRD_pixelsInNadir 0 21 086 Numeric 0 0 9 Numeric 0 3 Number of pixels in dual view, average BRD_pixelsInDual 0 21 087 Numeric 0 0 9 Numeric 0 3 Wet backscatter BRD_wetBackscatter 0 21 088 dB 2 -5000 13 dB 2 4 Radar signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment BRD_radarSignal0th 0 21 091 dB 0 -100 8 dB 0 3 RASS signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment, referring to RASS signal BRD_RASSSignal0th 0 21 092 dB 0 -100 8 dB 0 3 Ku band peakiness BRD_KuBandPeakiness 0 21 093 Numeric 3 0 16 Numeric 3 5 S band peakiness BRD_SBandPeakiness 0 21 094 Numeric 3 0 16 Numeric 3 5 Number of vector ambiguities BRD_NvectorAmbiguity 0 21 101 Numeric 0 0 3 Numeric 0 1 Index of selected wind vector BRD_windVectorIndex 0 21 102 Numeric 0 0 3 Numeric 0 1 Total number of sigma-0 measurements BRD_sigma0total 0 21 103 Numeric 0 0 5 Numeric 0 2 Likelihood computed for solution BRD_likelihood 0 21 104 Numeric 3 -30000 15 Numeric 3 5 Normalized radar cross-section BRD_normalRadarXscection 0 21 105 dB 2 -10000 14 dB 2 5 Kp variance coefficient (Alpha) BRD_KpVarianceAlpha 0 21 106 Numeric 3 0 14 Numeric 3 5 Kp variance coefficient (Beta) BRD_KpVarianceBeta 0 21 107 Numeric 8 0 16 Numeric 8 5 SEAWINDS wind vector cell quality BRD_SEAWvectorCellQ 0 21 109 Flag table 0 0 17 Flag table 0 6 Number of inner-beam Sigma-0 (forward of satellite) BRD_sigma0InnerForward 0 21 110 Numeric 0 0 6 Numeric 0 2 Number of outer-beam Sigma-0 (forward of satellite) BRD_sigma0OuterForward 0 21 111 Numeric 0 0 6 Numeric 0 2 Number of inner-beam Sigma-0 (aft of satellite) BRD_sigma0InnerAft 0 21 112 Numeric 0 0 6 Numeric 0 2 Number of outer-beam Sigma-0 (aft of satellite) BRD_sigma0OuterAft 0 21 113 Numeric 0 0 6 Numeric 0 2 Kp variance coefficent (Gamma) BRD_KpVarianceGamma 0 21 114 dB 3 -140000 18 dB 3 6 SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality BRD_SEAWsigma0Q 0 21 115 Flag table 0 0 17 Flag table 0 6 SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode BRD_SEAWsigma0Mode 0 21 116 Flag table 0 0 17 Flag table 0 6 Sigma-0 variance quality control BRD_sigma0VarianceQ 0 21 117 Numeric 2 0 16 Numeric 2 5 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 BRD_sigma0AttenuationCorr 0 21 118 dB 2 -10000 14 dB 2 5 Wind scatterometer geophysical model function BRD_windScatFunction 0 21 119 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Probability of rain BRD_probRain 0 21 120 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 SEAWINDS NOF rain index

Note 1

BRD_SEAWrainIndex 0 21 121 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3
Attenuation correction of sigma-0 (from tB) BRD_sigma0Attenuation_tB 0 21 122 dB 2 -10000 14 dB 2 5 SEAWINDS normalized radar cross section BRD_SEAWnormRadarXsection 0 21 123 dB 2 -30000 15 dB 2 5 Number of valid points per second used to derive previous parameters BRD_numberPointsPerSec 0 21 128 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Spectrum total energy BRD_totalSpectrumE 0 21 130 Numeric 6 0 28 Numeric 6 9 Spectrum max energy BRD_maxSpectrumE 0 21 131 Numeric 6 0 28 Numeric 6 9 Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid BRD_maxSpectrumDirn 0 21 132 Degree 3 0 19 Degree 3 6 Wave-length of spectrum max on higher resolution grid BRD_maxSpectrumLambda 0 21 133 m 3 0 29 m 3 9 Range resolution of cress covariance spectrum BRD_XCovarResolution 0 21 134 Rad m-1 3 0 19 Rad m-1 3 6 Real part of cross spectra polar grid number of bins BRD_RealXSpectrumNum 0 21 135 Numeric 3 -524288 20 Numeric 3 7 Imaginary part of cross spectra polar grid number of bins BRD_ImagXSpectrumNum 0 21 136 Numeric 3 -524288 20 Numeric 3 7 KU band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient BRD_KuBackscatter 0 21 137 dB 2 -32768 16 dB 2 5 Std KU band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient BRD_StdKuBackscatter 0 21 138 dB 2 -32768 16 dB 2 5 KU band net instrumental correction for ACG BRD_KuCorrectionACG 0 21 139 dB 2 -2048 12 dB 2 4 S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient BRD_SBackscatter 0 21 140 dB 2 -32768 16 dB 2 5 Std S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient BRD_StdSBackscatter 0 21 141 dB 2 -32768 16 dB 2 5 S band net instrumental correction for ACG BRD_SCorrectionACG 0 21 142 dB 2 -1024 11 dB 2 4 KU band rain attenuation BRD_KuRainAttenuation 0 21 143 dB 2 -1073741824 31 dB 2 10 Altimeter rain flag BRD_AltimeterRainFlag 0 21 144 Flag table 0 0 2 Flag table 0 1 Beam collocation BRD_beanCollocation 0 21 150 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Estimated error in sigma-0 at 40 deg. incidence angle BRD_sigma0Error40deg 0 21 151 dB 2 0 9 dB 2 3 Slope at 40 deg. incidence angle BRD_slope40deg 0 21 152 dB/Deg 2 -80 7 dB/Deg 2 2 Estimated error in slope at 40 deg. incidence angle BRD_slopeError40deg 0 21 153 dB/Deg 2 -40 6 dB/Deg 2 2 Soil moisture sensitivity BRD_soilMoistureSensitivity 0 21 154 dB 2 0 12 dB 2 4 Wind vector cell quality BRD_windVectorCellQ 0 21 155 Flag table 0 0 24 Flag table 0 8 Backscatter distance BRD_backscatterDistance 0 21 156 Numeric 1 -4096 13 Numeric 1 4 Loss per unit length of atmosphere used BRD_lossInAtmosphere 0 21 157 dB m-1 10 0 22 dB m-1 10 7 ASCAT kp estimate quality BRD_ASCAT_KpQ 0 21 158 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 ASCAT sigma-0 usability BRD_ASCAT_sigma0 0 21 159 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 ASCAT use of synthetic data BRD_ASCAT_synthetic 0 21 160 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 ASCAT synthetic data quality BRD_ASCAT_syntheticQ 0 21 161 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 ASCAT satellite orbit and attitude quality BRD_ASCAT_orbutQ 0 21 162 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 ASCAT solar array reflection contamination BRD_ASCAT_contamination 0 21 163 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 ASCAT telemetry presence and quality BRD_ASCAT_telemetry 0 21 164 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 ASCAT extrapolated reference function presence BRD_ASCAT_function 0 21 165 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 ASCAT land fraction BRD_ASCAT_landFraction 0 21 166 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4

Note 1 NOF = Normalized Objective Function

Class 22 - Oceanographic elements

See reference in

Direction of waves

Note 6

Note 8

BOce_waveDirn 0 22 001 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Direction of wind waves

Note 6

Note 8

BOce_windWaveDirn 0 22 002 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Direction of swell waves

Note 6

Note 8

BOce_swellDirn 0 22 003 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Direction of current

Note 7

BOce_currentDirn 0 22 004 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Direction of sea surface current BOce_surfaceCurrentDirn 0 22 005 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Period of waves

Note 8

BOce_wavePeriod 0 22 011 s 0 0 6 s 0 2
Period of wind waves

Note 8

BOce_windWavePeriod 0 22 012 s 0 0 6 s 0 2
Period of swell waves

Note 8

BOce_swellPeriod 0 22 013 s 0 0 6 s 0 2
Height of waves

Note 8

BOce_waveHeight 0 22 021 m 1 0 10 m 1 4
Height of wind waves

Note 8

BOce_windWaveHeight 0 22 022 m 1 0 10 m 1 4
Height of swell waves

Note 8

BOce_swellHeight 0 22 023 m 1 0 10 m 1 4
Standard deviation wave height BOce_waveHeightSE 0 22 025 m 2 0 10 m 2 4 Standard deviation of significant wave height

Note 1

BOce_sigWaveHeightSE 0 22 026 m 2 0 10 m 2 4
Speed of current BOce_currentSpeed 0 22 031 m s-1 2 0 13 m s-1 2 4 Speed of sea surface current BOce_surfaceCurrentSpeed 0 22 032 m s-1 2 0 13 m s-1 2 4 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum BOce_LocalTidalElev_1 0 22 035 m 2 0 14 m 2 4 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset)

Note 4

BOce_offsetTidalElev_1 0 22 036 m 2 0 14 m 2 4
Tidal elevation with respect to national land datum BOce_nationalTidalElev 0 22 037 m 3 -10000 15 m 3 5 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum BOce_LocalTidalElev_2 0 22 038 m 3 -10000 15 m 3 5 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset)

Note 4

BOce_offsetTidalElev_2 0 22 039 m 3 -5000 12 m 3 4
Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset)

Note 4

BOce_offsetTidalElev_3 0 22 040 m 3 -5000 14 m 3 5
Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) BOce_seaSurfaceTemp15 0 22 041 K 1 0 12 K 1 4 Sea/water temperature BOce_seaTemp_1 0 22 042 K 1 0 12 K 1 4 Sea/water temperature BOce_seaTemp_2 0 22 043 K 2 0 15 K 2 5 Sound velocity BOce_soundVelocity 0 22 044 m s-1 1 0 14 m s-1 1 5 Sea/water temperature BOce_seaTemp_3 0 22 045 K 3 0 19 K 3 6 Sea surface temperature BOce_seaSurfaceTemp 0 22 049 K 2 0 15 K 2 5 Standard deviation sea-surface temperature BOce_seaSurfaceTempSE 0 22 050 K 2 0 8 K 2 3 Float cycle number BOce_floatCycle 0 22 055 Numeric 0 0 10 Numeric 0 3 Direction of profile BOce_profileDirn 0 22 056 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Sea surface salinity BOce_seaSurfaceSalinity 0 22 059 Part per thousand 2 0 14 Part per thousand 2 5 Lagrangian drifter drogue status BOce_drifterStatus 0 22 060 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 State of the sea BOce_seaState 0 22 061 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Salinity BOce_salinity_1 0 22 062 Part per thousand 2 0 14 Part per thousand 2 5 Total water depth BOce_totalWaterDepth 0 22 063 m 0 0 14 m 0 5 Salinity BOce_salinity_2 0 22 064 Part per thousand 3 0 17 Part per thousand 3 6 Water pressure BOce_waterPressure 0 22 065 Pa -3 0 17 Pa -3 6 Water conductivity BOce_waterConduct 0 22 066 s m-1 6 0 26 S m-1 6 8 Instrument type for water temperature profile measurement BOce_waterProfileInstrument 0 22 067 Code table 0 0 10 Code table 0 4 Water temperature profile recorder types BOce_waterProfileRecorder 0 22 068 Code table 0 0 7 Code table 0 3 Spectral wave density BOce_spectralWaveDensity 0 22 069 m2Hz-1 3 0 22 m2Hz-1 3 7 Significant wave height

Note 1

BOce_sigWaveHeight 0 22 070 m 2 0 13 m 2 4
Spectral peak wave period BOce_peakSpectralWavePeriod 0 22 071 s 1 0 9 s 1 3 Spectral peak wave length BOce_pealSpectralLambda 0 22 072 m 0 0 13 m 0 4 Maximum wave height BOce_maxWaveHeight 0 22 073 m 2 0 13 m 2 4 Average wave period BOce_meanWavePeriod 0 22 074 s 1 0 9 s 1 3 Average wave length BOce_meanLambda 0 22 075 m 0 0 13 m 0 4 Direction from which dominant waves are coming

Note 2

BOce_dominantWaveDirn 0 22 076 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Directional spread of dominant wave

Note 2

BOce_dominantWaveSpread 0 22 077 Degree 0 0 9 Degree 0 3
Duration of wave record BOce_waveRecordDuration 0 22 078 s 0 0 12 s 0 4 Length of wave record BOce_waveRecordLenght 0 22 079 m 0 0 16 m 0 5 Waveband central frequency BOce_centralFreq 0 22 080 Hz 3 0 10 Hz 3 4 Waveband central wave number BOce_centralWaveNum 0 22 081 m-1 5 0 13 m-1 5 4 Maximum non-directional spectral wave density BOce_maxSpectralDensity 0 22 082 m2 s 2 0 20 m2 s 2 7 Maximum non-directional spectral wave number BOce_maxSpectralWaveNumber 0 22 083 m3 2 0 20 m3 2 7 Band containing maximum non- directional spectral wave density BOce_bandMaxDensity 0 22 084 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 3 Spectral wave density ratio BOce_spectralDensity 0 22 085 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 3 Mean direction from which waves are coming

Note 3

BOce_meanWaveDirn 0 22 086 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Principal direction from which waves are coming

Note 3

BOce_mainWaveDirn 0 22 087 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
First normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients BOce_1stPolarCoord 0 22 088 Numeric 2 0 7 Numeric 2 3 Second normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients BOce_2ndPolarCoord 0 22 089 Numeric 2 0 7 Numeric 2 3 Non-directional spectral estimate by wave frequency BOce_nonDirectWaveFreq 0 22 090 m2 s 2 0 20 m2 s 2 7 Non-directional spectral estimate by wave number BOce_nonDirectWaveNum 0 22 091 m3 2 0 20 m3 2 7 Directional spectral estimate by wave frequency BOce_directWaveFreq 0 22 092 m2 rad-1 s 2 0 20 m2 rad-1 s 2 7 Directional spectral estimate by wave number BOce_directWaveNum 0 22 093 m4 2 0 20 m4 2 7 Total number of wave bands BOce_totalBands 0 22 094 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 3 Directional spread of individual waves BOce_directSpread 0 22 095 Degree 0 0 8 Degree 0 3 Spectral band width BOce_bandWidth 0 22 096 s-1 3 0 4 s-1 3 2 Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers

Note 5

BOce_meanLambda 0 22 097 m 0 0 14 m 0 5
Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers

Note 5

BOce_LambdaSpread 0 22 098 m 0 0 14 m 0 5
Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m)

Note 5

BOce_meanDirn 0 22 099 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3
Direction spread at low wave numbers(wavelength > 731 m)

Note 5

BOce_dirnSpread 0 22 100 Degree 0 0 9 Degree 0 3
Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers

Note 5

BOce_totalEnergy 0 22 101 Numeric 0 0 31 Numeric 0 10
Tide station automated water level check BOce_autoTideWater 0 22 120 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Tide station manual water level check BOce_manualTideWater 0 22 121 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Tide station automated meteorological data check BOce_autoTideMeteor 0 22 122 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Tide station manual meteorological data check BOce_manualTideMeteor 0 22 123 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) BOce_SST_15day 0 22 141 K 2 0 15 K 2 5 Number of 18 Hz valid points for KU band BOce_KUband18Hz 0 22 150 Numeric 0 0 10 Numeric 0 4 KU band ocean range BOce_KUbandOcean 0 22 151 m 3 0 31 m 3 10 STD of 18 Hz KU band ocean range BOce_STDKUband18Hz 0 22 152 m 3 0 16 m 3 5 Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band BOce_Sband18Hz 0 22 153 Numeric 0 0 10 Numeric 0 4 S band ocean range BOce_SbandOcean 0 22 154 m 3 0 31 m 3 10 STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range BOce_STDSband18Hz 0 22 155 m 3 0 16 m 3 5 KU band significant wave height

Note 1

BOce_KUsigWave 0 22 156 m 3 0 16 m 3 5
STD 18Hz KU band significant wave height

Note 1

BOce_STDKU18HzSigWave 0 22 157 m 3 0 16 m 3 5
S band significant wave height

Note 1

BOce_SsigWave 0 22 158 m 3 0 16 m 3 5
STD 18Hz S band significant wave height

Note 1

BOce_STDS18HzSigWave 0 22 159 m 3 0 16 m 3 5
Normalized inverse wave age BOce_invWaveAge 0 22 160 Numeric 6 0 21 Numeric 6 7 Wave spectra BOce_waveSpectra 0 22 161 m4 4 0 27 m4 4 9
Class 23 - Dispersal and transport

See reference in

Accident early notification — article applicable BDT_earlyNotification 0 23 001 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Activity or facility involved in incident BDT_incidentActivity 0 23 002 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Type of release BDT_releaseType 0 23 003 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Countermeasures taken near border BDT_countermeasures 0 23 004 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Cause of incident BDT_incidentCause 0 23 005 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Incident situation BDT_incident 0 23 006 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Characteristics of release BDT_releaseCharacter 0 23 007 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 State of current release BDT_currentRelease 0 23 008 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 State of expected release BDT_expectedRelease 0 23 009 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Possibility of significant chemical toxic health effect BDT_healthEffect 0 23 016 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Flow discharge of major recipient BDT_flowDischarge 0 23 017 m3 s-1 6 0 20 m3 s-1 6 7 Release behaviour over time BDT_releaseBehaviour 0 23 018 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Actual release height BDT_actualReleaseHeight 0 23 019 M 0 -15000 17 m 0 6 Effective release height BDT_effectiveRelaseHeight 0 23 021 M 0 -15000 17 m 0 6 Distance of release point or site of incident BDT_releaseDistance 0 23 022 M 0 0 24 m 0 8 Main transport speed in the atmosphere BDT_atmTransportSpeed 0 23 023 m s-1 1 0 12 m s-1 1 4 Main transport speed in water BDT_waterTransportSpeed 0 23 024 m s-1 2 0 13 m s-1 2 4 Main transport speed in ground water BDT_groundWaterTransSpeed 0 23 025 m s-1 2 0 13 m s-1 2 4 Main transport direction in the atmosphere BDT_atmTransportDirn 0 23 027 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Main transport direction in water BDT_waterTransportDirn 0 23 028 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Main transport direction in ground water BDT_groundWaterTransDirn 0 23 029 Degree true 0 0 9 Degree true 0 3 Possibility that plume will encounter precipitation in State in which incident occurred BDT_plumePrecipProb 0 23 031 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Plume will encounter change in wind direction and/or speed flag BDT_plumeWindChange 0 23 032 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1
Class 24 - Radiological elements

See reference in

Estimate of amount of radioactivity released up to specified time

Note 1

Note 3

BRE_amountReleased 0 24 001 Bq -11 0 28 Bq -11 9
Estimated maximum potential release

Note 1

BRE_maxPossRelease 0 24 002 Bq -11 0 28 Bq -11 9
Composition of release BRE_releaseType 0 24 003 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2 Element name BRE_element 0 24 004 CCITT IA5 0 0 16 Character 0 2 Isotope mass BRE_isotopeMass 0 24 005 Numeric 0 0 9 Numeric 0 3 Dose

Note 2

Note 3

Note 4

BRE_dose 0 24 011 mSv 2 0 32 mSv 2 10
Trajectory dose (defined location and expected time of arrival)

Note 2

BRE_trajectoryDose 0 24 012 mSv 2 0 32 mSv 2 10
Gamma dose in air along the main transport path (defined location and time period)

Note 2

BRE_gammaDose 0 24 013 mSv 2 0 32 mSv 2 10
Air concentration (of named isotope type including gross beta)

Note 2

BRE_airConcentration 0 24 021 Bq m-3 2 0 32 Bq m-3 2 10
Concentration in precipitation (of names isotope type)

Note 2

BRE_precipConcentration 0 24 022 Bq l-1 2 0 32 Bq l-1 2 10
Pulse rate of beta radiation BRE_betaPulseRate 0 24 023 s-1 1 0 14 s-1 1 4 Pulse rate of gamma radiation BRE_gammaPulseRate 0 24 024 s-1 1 0 14 s-1 1 4
Class 25 - Processing information

See reference in

Range-gate length BPI_tangeGateLength 0 25 001 m -1 0 6 m 1 2 Number of gates averaged BPI_meanNumGates 0 25 002 Numeric 0 0 4 Numeric 0 2 Number of integrated pulses BPI_integratedPulses 0 25 003 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Echo processing BPI_echoProcess 0 25 004 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Echo integration BPI_echoIntegrate 0 25 005 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Z to R conversion BPI_ZtoR 0 25 006 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Z to R conversion factor BPI_ZtoRfactor 0 25 007 Numeric 0 0 12 Numeric 0 4 Z to R conversion exponent BPI_ZtoRexponent 0 25 008 Numeric 2 0 9 Numeric 2 3 Calibration method

Note 4

BPI_calibration_1 0 25 009 Flag table 0 0 4 Flag table 0 2
Clutter treatment BPI_clutter 0 25 010 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Ground occultation correction (screening) BPI_groundOccultation 0 25 011 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Range attenuation correction BPI_rangeAttenuation 0 25 012 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Bright-band correction BPI_brightBand 0 25 013 Flag table 0 0 2 Flag table 0 1 Azimuth clutter cut-off

Note 1

BPI_azimuthCutOff 0 25 014 Numeric 0 0 12 Numeric 0 4
Radome attenuation correction BPI_ radomeAttenuation 0 25 015 Flag table 0 0 2 Flag table 0 1 Clear-air attenuation correction BPI_clearAirAttenuation 0 25 016 dB m-1 5 0 6 dB m-1 5 2 Precipitation attenuation correction BPI_precipAttenuation 0 25 017 Flag table 0 0 2 Flag table 0 1 A to Z law for attenuation factor BPI_AtoZfactor 0 25 018 Numeric 7 0 6 Numeric 7 2 A to Z law for attenuation exponent BPI_AtoZexponent 0 25 019 Numeric 2 0 7 Numeric 2 3 Mean speed estimation BPI_meanSpeedEstim 0 25 020 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Wind computation enhancement BPI_windEnhancement 0 25 021 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 Battery voltage BPI_batteryVoltage_1 0 25 025 V 1 0 9 V 1 3 Battery voltage (large range) BPI_batteryVoltage_2 0 25 026 V 1 0 12 V 1 4 Operator or manufacturer defined parameter BPI_operatorParameter 0 25 028 Numeric 1 -16384 15 Numeric 1 5 Calibration method

Note 4

BPI_calibration_2 0 25 029 Flag table 0 0 6 Flag table 0 2
Running mean sea-surface temperature usage BPI_meanSSTusage 0 25 030 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Wind profiler mode information

Note 5

BPI_windProfMode 0 25 032 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1
Wind profiler submode information

Note 5

BPI_windProfSubmode 0 25 033 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1
Wind profiler quality control test results

Note 5

BPI_windProfQ 0 25 034 Flag table 0 0 4 Flag table 0 2
Atmospherics location method BPI_atmosphericsMethod 0 25 036 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 CO2 wind product derivation BPI_CO2deriviation 0 25 040 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Moving platform direction reporting method BPI_directionReport 0 25 041 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Moving platform speed reporting method BPI_speedReport 0 25 042 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Wave sampling interval (time) BPI_waveTimeStep 0 25 043 s 4 0 15 s 4 5 Wave sampling interval (space) BPI_waveSpaceStep 0 25 044 m 2 0 14 m 2 5 HIRS channel combination BPI_HIRSchannel 0 25 045 Flag table 0 0 21 Flag table 0 7 MSU channel combination BPI_MSUchannel 0 25 046 Flag table 0 0 5 Flag table 0 2 SSU channel combination BPI_SSUchannel 0 25 047 Flag table 0 0 4 Flag table 0 2 AMSU-A channel combination BPI_AMSU_Achannel 0 25 048 Flag table 0 0 16 Flag table 0 6 AMSU-B channel combination BPI_AMSU_Bchannel 0 25 049 Flag table 0 0 6 Flag table 0 2 Principal component score BPI_PCscore 0 25 050 Numeric 4 -131072 Numeric 4 6 AVHRR channel combination BPI_AVHRRchannel 0 25 051 Flag table 0 0 7 Flag table 0 3 Log-10 of principal components normalized fit to data BPI_log10Fit 0 25 052 Numeric 4 0 15 Numeric 4 5 Observation quality BPI_obsQ 0 25 053 Flag table 0 0 12 Flag table 0 4 SSMIS Subframe ID member BPI_SSMIS_ID 0 25 054 Numeric 0 0 5 Numeric 0 2 Multiplexer housekeeping BPI_multiplex 0 25 055 K 2 0 16 K 2 5 Software identification

Note 2

BPI_softwareID 0 25 060 Numeric 0 0 14 Numeric 0 5
Software identification and version number

Note 2

BPI_softwareID_2 0 25 061 CCITT IA5 0 0 96 Character 0 12
Database identification BPI_databaseID 0 25 062 Numeric 0 0 14 Numeric 0 5 Orientation correction (azimuth) BPI_azimuthCorrect 0 25 065 Degree 2 -1000 11 Degree 2 4 Orientation correction (elevation) BPI_elevationCorrect 0 25 066 Degree 2 -1000 11 Degree 2 4 Radiosonde release point pressure correction BPI_sondeReleaseCorrect 0 25 067 Pa 0 -8000 14 Pa 0 4 Number of archive recomputes BPI_recomputes 0 25 068 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 3 Flight level pressure corrections BPI_flightLevelCorrect 0 25 069 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 Major frame count BPI_majorFrameCount 0 25 070 Numeric 0 0 4 Numeric 0 2 Frame count BPI_frameCount 0 25 071 Numeric 0 0 5 Numeric 0 2 Satellite antenna corrections version number BPI_antennaVersion 0 25 075 Numeric 0 0 5 Numeric 0 2 Log-10 of (Temperature-radiance central wavenumber) for ATOVS BPI_ATOVSlog10WaveNum 0 25 076 Log m-1 8 0 30 log m-1 8 10 Bandwidth correction coefficient 1 for ATOVS BPI_ATOVScoeff1 0 25 077 Numeric 5 -100000 18 Numeric 5 7 Bandwidth correction coefficient 2 for ATOVS BPI_AYOVScoeff2 0 25 078 Numeric 5 0 17 Numeric 5 6 Albedo-radiance solar filtered irradiance for ATOVS BPI_ATOVSirradiance 0 25 079 W m-2 4 0 24 W m-2 4 8 Albedo-radiance equivalent filter width for ATOVS BPI_ATOVSfilterWidth 0 25 080 m 10 0 14 m 10 5 Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS FOV BPI_GIRSclearFract 0 25 085 Numeric 0 0 7 Numeric 0 3 Depth correction indicator BPI_depthCorrect 0 25 086 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Structure constant of the refraction index (Cn2) BPI_structureConst 0 25 091 dB 3 -18192 13 dB 3 5 Acoustic propagation velocity BPI_acousticVelocity 0 25 092 m s-1 2 28000 14 m s-1 2 5 RASS computation correction BPI_RASScorrect 0 25 093 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 Altimeter state flag BPI_altimeterState 0 25 095 Flag table 0 0 2 Flag table 0 1 Radiometer state flag BPI_radiometerState 0 25 096 Flag table 0 0 5 Flag table 0 2 Three dimensional error estimate of the navigator orbit BPI_3Derror 0 25 097 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 XBT/XCTD fall rate equation coefficient a BPI_XBTcoeff_a 0 25 100 Numeric 5 0 20 Numeric 5 6 XBT/XCTD fall rate equation coefficient b BPI_XBTcoeff_b 0 25 101 Numeric 5 -500000 21 Numeric 5 6 Number of missing lines excluding data gaps BPI_missingLines 0 25 102 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Number of directional bins BPI_directBins 0 25 103 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 Number of wave-length bins BPI_lambdaBins 0 25 104 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 First directional bin BPI_1stDirectBin 0 25 105 Degree 3 0 Degree 3 6 Directional bin step BPI_directBinStep 0 25 106 Degree 3 0 Degree 3 6 First wave-length bin BPI_1stLambdaBin 0 25 107 m 3 0 29 m 3 9 Last wave-length bin BPI_lastLambdaBin 0 25 108 m 3 0 29 m 3 9 Image processing summary BPI_imageProc 0 25 110 Flag table 0 0 Flag table 0 4 Number of input data gaps BPI_inputGaps 0 25 111 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3 RA2-L2-processing flag BPI_RA2flag 0 25 120 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 RA2-L2-processing quality BPI_RA2Q 0 25 121 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Hardware configuration for RF BPI_RFconfig 0 25 122 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Hardware configuration for HPA BPI_HPAconfig 0 25 123 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 MWR L2 Processing flag BPI_MWRflag 0 25 124 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 MWR L2-processing quality BPI_MWRQ 0 25 125 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Model dry tropospheric correction BPI_modelDryTropCorrect 0 25 126 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Inverted barometer correction BPI_invertBaromCorrect 0 25 127 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Model wet tropospheric correction BPI_modelWetTropCorrect 0 25 128 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 MWR derived wet tropospheric correction BPI_MWRwetTropCorrect 0 25 129 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 RA2 ionospheric correction on KU band BPI_RA2_KU_correct 0 25 130 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Ionospheric correction from Doris on KU band BPI_Doris_KU_correct 0 25 131 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Ionospheric correction from model on KU band BPI_model_KU_correct 0 25 132 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Sea state bias correction on KU band BPI_seaState_KU_correct 0 25 133 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 RA2 ionospheric correction on S band BPI_RA2_S_correct 0 25 134 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Ionospheric correction from Doris on S band BPI_Doris_S_correct 0 25 135 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Ionospheric correction from model on S band BPI_model_S_correct 0 25 136 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Sea state bias correction on S band BPI_seaState_S_correct 0 25 137 m 3 -32768 16 m 3 5 Average signal to noise ration BPI_averageStoN 0 25 138 Numeric 0 -2048 12 Numeric 0 4 Start channel BPI_startChannel 0 25 140 Numeric 0 0 14 Numeric 0 5 End channel BPI_endChannel 0 25 141 Numeric 0 0 14 Numeric 0 5 Channel scale factor BPI_channelScale 0 25 142 Numeric 0 0 6 Numeric 0 2 Method of tropical cyclone intensity analysis using satellite data BPI_TC_intensityMethod 0 25 150 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2

(1) 0 25 014 nominal input range 0 - 2300

(2) The actual meaning may be obtained from the originator of the data.

(3) Descriptor 0 25 143 is intended for numerical, non-dimensional values to be used as coefficients in statistical or linear processing. Each instance of 025143 should be characterized by using an appropriate significance qualifier, such as 008026. Descriptor 143 is to be found in CREX document only

(4) Descriptor 0 25 009 is deprecated. 0 25 029 should be used instead

(5) The meaning of these quantities should be obtained from the originator of the data.

Class 26 - Non-coordinate location (time)

See reference in

Principal time of daily reading in UTC of maximum temperature BLT_timeOfMaxTemp 0 26 001 Hour 1 0 12 Hour 1 3 Principal time of daily reading in UTC of minimum temperature BLT_timeOfMinTemp 0 26 002 Hour 1 0 12 Hour 1 3 Time difference

Note 1

BLT_timeDifference 0 26 003 Minute 0 -1440 12 Minute 0 4
Hours included BLT_hoursInCode 0 26 010 Flag table 0 0 26 Flag table 0 9 Duration of precipitation BLT_precipDuration 0 26 020 Minute 0 0 11 Minute 0 4

Note 1 Descriptor 0 26 003 is to be used with 0 08 025 (time difference qualifier).

Class 27 - Non-coordinate location (horizontal - 1)

See reference in

Latitude (high accuracy) BLX_hiPrecsnLat 0 27 001 Degree 5 -9000000 25 Degree 5 7 Latitude (coarse accuracy) BLX_lowPrecsnLat 0 27 002 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 4 Alternate latitude (coarse accuracy)

Note 1

BLX_lowPrecsnAlternateLat 0 27 003 Degree 2 -9000 15 Degree 2 4
Alternate latitude (high accuracy)

Note 1

BLX_hiPrecsnAlternateLat 0 27 004 Degree 5 -9000000 25 Degree 5 7
Satellite location counter

Note 2

BLX_SatLocationCounter 0 27 020 Numeric 0 0 16 Numeric 0 5
Satellite sublocation dimension

Note 3

BLX_SatSublocation 0 27 021 Numeric 0 0 16 Numeric 0 5
In direction of 0 degrees longitude, distance from the Earth’s centre

Note 4

Note 5

BLX_0NdistanceToCentre 0 27 031 m 2 -1073741824 31 m 2 10
Viewing Azimuth angle BLX_viewingAzimuth 0 27 080 Degree true 2 0 16 Degree true 0 5

(1) The alternate latitude may be used when the computation of the position yields multiple solutions and there is no a priori way to distinguish between them.

(2) The satellite location counter is calculated as:

counter = superswath no. x 1000 + box no. x 10 + minibox no.

(3) The satellite sublocation dimension is calculated as:

dimension = minibox dimension + box dimension


minibox dimension

= lines x 1000

+ spots x 100

box dimension

= lines x 10

+ spots

(4) The value for descriptor 0 27 031 has been chosen to be suitable for polar orbiting satellites in approximately sun-synchronous orbits. Geostationary orbits would require greater data widths for distance and slightly less for speed.

(5) Left handed xyz axes have been chosen for descriptor 0 27 031.

Class 28 - Non-coordinate location (horizontal - 2)

See reference in

Longitude (high accuracy) BLY_hiPrecsnLon 0 28 001 Degree 5 -18000000 26 Degree 5 8 Longitude (coarse accuracy) BLY_lowPrecsnLon 0 28 002 Degree 2 -18000 16 Degree 2 5 Alternate longitude (coarse accuracy)

Note 1

BLY_lowPrecsnAlternateLon 0 28 003 Degree 2 -18000 16 Degree 2 5
Alternate longitude (high accuracy)

Note 1

BLY_hiPrecsnAlternateLon 0 28 004 Degree 5 -18000000 26 Degree 5 8
In direction 90 degrees East, distance from the Earth’s centre

Note 2

Note 3

BLY_90EdistanceToCentre 0 28 031 m 2 -1073741824 31 m 2 10

(1) The alternate longitude may be used when the computation of the position yields multiple solutions and there is no a priori way to distinguish between them.

(2) The value for descriptor 0 28 031 has been chosen to be suitable for polar orbiting satellites in approximately sun-synchronous orbits. Geostationary orbits would require greater data widths for distance and slightly less for speed.

(3) Left handed xyz axes have been chosen for descriptor 0 28 031.

Class 29 - Map data

See reference in

Projection type BMap_projection 0 29 001 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Co-ordinate grid type BMap_grid 0 29 002 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1
Class 30 - Image

See reference in

Pixel value (4 bits)

Note 1

Note 2

BI_pixel4 0 30 001 Numeric 0 0 4 Numeric 0 2
Pixel value (8 bits)

Note 1

Note 2

BI_pixel8 0 30 002 Numeric 0 0 8 Numeric 0 3
Pixel value (16 bits)

Note 1

Note 2

BI_pixel16 0 30 004 Numeric 0 0 16 Numeric 0 5
Number of pixels per row BI_pixelPerRow 0 30 021 Numeric 0 0 12 Numeric 0 4 Number of pixels per column BI_pixelPerCol 0 30 022 Numeric 0 0 12 Numeric 0 4 Picture type BI_imageType 0 30 031 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Combination with other data BI_imageCombo 0 30 032 Flag table 0 0 16 Flag table 0 6

(1) Pixel data width can be changed with descriptor 2 01 YYY.

(2) In order to distinguish unambiguously the cases of missing data and saturated pixels, n-bit image data should be encoded using a data width of n+1. Where such a descriptor is not already available in Class 30, operator descriptor 2 01 YYY should be used to modify the data width of the existing entry as required.

Class 31 - Data description operator qualifiers

See reference in

Short delayed descriptor replication factor

Note 1

BOQ_shortDelayReplication 0 31 000 Numeric 0 0 1
Delayed descriptor replication factor

Note 1

BOQ_delayReplication 0 31 001 Numeric 0 0 8
Extended delayed descriptor replication factor

Note 1

BOQ_extendDelayReplication 0 31 002 Numeric 0 0 16
Delayed descriptor and data repetition factor BOQ_delayRepetition 0 31 011 Numeric 0 0 8 Extended delayed descriptor and data repetition factor BOQ_extendDelayRepetition 0 31 012 Numeric 0 0 16 Associated field significance BOQ_assocFieldSig 0 31 021 Code table 0 0 6 Data present indicator

Note 2

Note 3

BOQ_dataPresent 0 31 031 Flag table 0 0 1

(1) The "delayed descriptor and data repetition factor" is intended for run-length encoding (e.g. scanning an image). It specifies a count N which applies to both descriptor and data, i.e. the value of the single element defined by the following descriptor is repeated N times (at intervals already specified).

(2) Descriptor 0 31 031, used in conjunction with quality control or statistics operators 2 22 YYY through 2 32 YYY, shall indicate the presence of quality control information when the indicator value is set to zero. It may be used, in conjunction with the replication operator 1 01 YYY, to construct a table of data present/not present indicators, forming a data present bit-map as defined in Regulation This makes it possible to present quality control information and statistical information for selected data corresponding to element descriptors which precede the 2 22 to 32 YYY operators.

(3) Other applications of the data present indicator may be developed.

Class 33 - Quality information

See reference in

Quality information BQI_quality_1 0 33 002 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Quality information BQI_quality_2 0 33 003 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Quality information (AWS data) BQI_AWSquality 0 33 005 Flag table 0 0 30 Flag table 0 10 Internal measurement status information (AWS) BQI_AWSstatus 0 33 006 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Per cent confidence BQI_perCentConfidence 0 33 007 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Data quality check indicator BQI_dataQualityCheck 0 33 015 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Quality control indication of following value BQI_QCfollowing 0 33 020 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Quality of following value BQI_Qfollowing 0 33 021 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Quality of buoy satellite transmission BQI_buoy-SatQuality 0 33 022 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Quality of buoy location BQI_buoylocationQ 0 33 023 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Station elevation quality mark (for mobile stations) BQI_elevationQualitymark 0 33 024 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 ACARS interpolated values BQI_ACARSinterolated 0 33 025 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Moisture quality BQI_moistureQ 0 33 026 Code table 0 0 6 Code table 0 2 Location quality class (range of radius of 66 % confidence) BQI_locatiionQ 0 33 027 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Scan line status flags for ATOVS BQI_ATOVSscanStatus 0 33 030 Flag table 0 0 24 Flag table 0 8 Scan line quality flags for ATOVS BQI_ATOVSscanQ 0 33 031 Flag table 0 0 24 Flag table 0 8 Channel quality flags for ATOVS BQI_ATOVSchannelQ 0 33 032 Flag table 0 0 24 Flag table 0 8 Field of view quality flags for ATOVS BQI_ATOVS_FOV_Q 0 33 033 Flag table 0 0 24 Flag table 0 8 Manual/automatic quality control BQI_manualAutoQ 0 33 035 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 Nominal confidence threshold BQI_nominalConfidence 0 33 036 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Wind correlation error BQI_windCorrellationQ 0 33 037 Flag table 0 0 20 Flag table 0 7 Quality flags for ground-based GNSS data BQI_GNSSgroundBasedQ 0 33 038 Flag table 0 0 10 Flag table 0 4 Quality flags for Radio Occultation data BQI_radioOccultationQ 0 33 039 Flag table 0 0 16 Flag table 0 6 Confidence interval BQI_confidenceInterval 0 33 040 % 0 0 7 Percent 0 3 Attribute of following value BQI_attributeFollowing 0 33 041 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Type of limit represented by following value BQI_LimitTypeFollowing 0 33 042 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 AST confidence BQI_ASTconfidence 0 33 043 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 ASAR quality information BQI_ASAR_Q 0 33 044 Flag table 0 0 15 Flag table 0 5 Probability of following event BQI_probFollowing 0 33 045 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Conditional probability of following event with respect to specified conditioning event BQI_conditionalFollowing 0 33 046 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 Measurement confidence data BQI_measureConfidence 0 33 047 Flag table 0 0 31 Flag table 0 11 Confidence measure of SAR inversion BQI_SARinversionConfidence 0 33 048 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Confidence measure of wind retrieval BQI_windRetrievalConfidence 0 33 049 Code table 0 0 2 Code table 0 1 Global GTSPP quality flag BQI_GTSPP_Q 0 33 050 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 2 S band ocean retracking quality BQI_SbandRetrackQ 0 33 052 Flag table 0 0 21 Flag table 0 7 KU band ocean retracking quality BQI_KUbandRetrackQ 0 33 053 Flag table 0 0 21 Flag table 0 7 GqisFlagQual - individual IASI-System quality flag BQI_ GqisFlagQual 0 33 060 Code Table 0 0 2 Code Table 0 1 GqisQualIndex - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral and radiometric) BQI_ GqisQualIndex 0 33 061 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 GqisQualIndexLoc - indicator for geometric quality index BQI_ GqisQualIndexLoc 0 33 062 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 GqisQualIndexRad - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from radiometric calibration) BQI_ GqisQualIndexRad 0 33 063 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 GqisQualIndexSpect - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral calibration) BQI_ GqisQualIndexSpect 0 33 064 % 0 0 7 % 0 3 GqisSysTecSondQual - output of system TEC (Technical Expertise Centre) quality function BQI_ GqisSysTecSondQual 0 33 065 Numeric 0 0 24 Numeric 0 8

(1) When using descriptor 0-33-045 or 0-33-046, operator 2-41-000 shall be used in order to define the following event to which the reported probability value applies.

(2) When using descriptor 0-33-046, operator 2-42-000 shall precede the occurrence of this descriptor in order to define the event upon which the reported probability value is conditioned.

(3) When defining an event for use with descriptor 0-33-045 or 0-33-046, descriptor 0-33-042 may be employed in order to indicate that the following value is actually a bound for a range of values.

Class 35 - Data monitoring information

See reference in

FM and regional code number BDM_regionCode 0 35 000 Code table 0 0 10 Code table 0 3 Time-frame for monitoring BDM_timeFrame 0 35 001 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Number of reports actually received BDM_reportsReceived 0 35 011 Numeric 0 0 14 Numeric 0 4 Bulletin being monitored (TTAAii) BDM_headerTTAAii 0 35 021 CCITT IA5 0 0 48 Character 0 6 Bulletin being monitored (YYGGgg) BDM_headerYYGGgg 0 35 022 CCITT IA5 0 0 48 Character 0 6 Bulletin being monitored (CCCC) BDM_headerCCCC 0 35 023 CCITT IA5 0 0 32 Character 0 4 Bulletin being monitored (BBB) BDM_headerBBB 0 35 024 CCITT IA5 0 0 24 Character 0 3 Discrepancies in the availability of expected data BDM_availability 0 35 030 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 1 Qualifier on monitoring results BDM_qualifier 0 35 031 Code table 0 0 7 Code table 0 2 Cause of missing data BDM_missingCode 0 35 032 Code table 0 0 4 Code table 0 1 Observation and collection deficiencies BDM_deficiencies 0 35 033 Code table 0 0 7 Code table 0 2 Statistical trends for availability of data (during the survey period(s)) BDM_trend 0 35 034 Code table 0 0 3 Code table 0 1 Reason for termination BDM_reason 0 35 035 Code table 0 0 5 Code table 0 2
Class 40 - Satellite data

See reference in

Surface soil moisture (ms) BSat_soilMoisture 0 40 001 % 1 0 10 % 1 4 Estimated error in surface soil moisture BSat_soilMoistError 0 40 002 % 1 0 10 % 1 4 Mean surface soil moisture BSat_meanSoilMoist 0 40 003 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 Rain fall detection BSat_rainfall 0 40 004 Numeric 3 0 10 Numeric 3 4 Soil moisture correction flag BSat_soilMoistCorrection 0 40 005 Flag table 0 0 8 Flag table 0 3 Soil moisture processing flag BSat_soilMoistProcessing 0 40 006 Flag table 0 0 16 Flag table 0 6 Soil moisture quality BSat_soilMoistureQ 0 40 007 % 1 0 10 % 1 4 Frozen land surface fraction BSat_frozenFraction 0 40 008 % 1 0 10 % 1 4 Inundation and wetland fraction BSat_wetlandFraction 0 40 009 % 1 0 10 % 1 4 Topographic complexity BSat_topoComplexity 0 40 010 % 1 0 10 % 1 4