Table D STD | 0 | 14 # Standard WMO BUFR Table D, Master Table 0, Version 14 # Last updated: October 6, 2009 # Meaning of Descriptor CODes: # #==================================================================================================== # F-XX-YYY | MNEMONIC ;DCOD ; NAME <-- sequence definition # | F-XX-YYY > | NAME <-- element definition (first thru next-to-last) # | F-XX-YYY | NAME <-- element definition (last) #==================================================================================================== 3-00-002 | TABLACAT ; ; Table A category definition | 0-00-002 > | Table A category, line 1 | 0-00-003 | Table A category, line 2 3-00-003 | FXYDESCR ; ; FXY descriptor | 0-00-010 > | F, part descriptor | 0-00-011 > | X, part descriptor | 0-00-012 | Y, part descriptor 3-00-004 | ELUNSCRW ; ; Table B element definition | 3-00-003 > | Table B descriptor to be defined | 0-00-013 > | Element name, line 1 | 0-00-014 > | Element name, line 2 | 0-00-015 > | Units name | 0-00-016 > | Units scale sign | 0-00-017 > | Units scale | 0-00-018 > | Units reference sign | 0-00-019 > | Units reference value | 0-00-020 | Element data width 3-00-010 | DELAYREP ; ; Table D sequence definition | 3-00-003 > | Table D descriptor to be defined | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-00-030 | Descriptor defining sequence 3-01-001 | WMOBLKST ; ; | 0-01-001 > | WMO block number | 0-01-002 | WMO station number 3-01-002 | WMORGPLT ; ; | 0-01-003 > | WMO Region number | 0-01-004 > | WMO Region sub-area | 0-01-005 | Buoy/platform identifier 3-01-003 | SHIPCSDS ; ; | 0-01-011 > | Ship's call sign | 0-01-012 > | Direction of motion of moving observing platform | 0-01-013 | Speed of motion of moving observing platform 3-01-004 | SFCSTNID ; ; Surface station identification | 0-01-001 > | WMO block number | 0-01-002 > | WMO station number | 0-01-015 > | Station or site name | 0-02-001 | Type of station 3-01-005 | STNIDTIM ; ; Origin and identification sequence | 0-01-035 > | Originating centre | 0-01-034 | Identification of originating/generating sub-centre 3-01-011 | YYMMDD ; ; | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 | Day 3-01-012 | HHMM ; ; | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 | Minute 3-01-013 | HHMMSS ; ; | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-04-006 | Second 3-01-014 | TIMEPERD ; ; Time period | 1-02-002 > | Replication of 2 descriptors 2 times | 3-01-011 > | Year, Month, Day | 3-01-012 | Hour, Minute 3-01-021 | LTLONH ; ; | 0-05-001 > | Latitude | 0-06-001 | Longitude 3-01-022 | LTLONHHT ; ; | 0-05-001 > | Latitude (high accuracy) | 0-06-001 > | Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-001 | Height of station 3-01-023 | LTLONC ; ; | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-06-002 | Longitude (coarse accuracy) 3-01-024 | LALOLV ; ; | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-07-001 | Height of station 3-01-025 | LTLONCDT ; ; | 3-01-023 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-04-003 > | Day | 3-01-012 | Time 3-01-026 | LTLONHTP ; ; | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) | 0-04-003 > | Start of time period in days | 0-04-003 > | End of time period in days | 0-04-004 > | Start of time period in hours | 0-04-004 > | End of time period in hours | 0-04-005 > | Start of time period in minutes | 0-04-005 | End of time period in minutes 3-01-027 | DESCFEAT ; ; Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance, 0=Point, 1=Line, 2=Area, 3=Volume | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-01-028 > | Description of horizontal section | 0-08-007 | Dimensional significance, Missing=Cancel 3-01-028 | FEATPOLY ; ; Horizontal section of a feature described as a polygon, circle, line or point | 0-08-040 > | Flight level significance | 0-33-042 > | Type of limit represented by following (flight level) value | 0-07-010 > | Flight level | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended replication factor | 3-01-023 > | Location | 0-19-007 > | Radius of feature | 0-08-040 | Flight level significance, Missing=Cancel 3-01-031 | IDTIMLOH ; ; | 3-01-001 > | WMO block and station number | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-022 | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy), height of station 3-01-032 | IDTIMLOC ; ; | 3-01-001 > | WMO block and station number | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-024 | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 3-01-033 | BUOYPLTH ; ; Buoy/platform - fixed | 0-01-005 > | Buoy/platform identifier | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-021 | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) 3-01-034 | BUOYPLTC ; ; Buoy/platform - fixed | 0-01-005 > | Buoy/platform identifier | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-023 | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) 3-01-035 | BUOYPLTM ; ; Buoy/platform - moving | 0-01-005 > | Buoy/platform identifier | 0-01-012 > | Direction of motion of moving observing platform | 0-01-013 > | Speed of motion of moving observing platform | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-023 | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) 3-01-036 | SHIPSEQ1 ; ; Ship | 3-01-003 > | Ship's call sign and motion | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-023 | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) 3-01-037 | LDSTNVSH ; ; Land station for vertical soundings | 3-01-001 > | WMO block and station number | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 0-02-012 > | Radiosonde computational method | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-022 | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy), height of station 3-01-038 | LDSTNVSC ; ; Land station for vertical soundings | 3-01-001 > | WMO block and station number | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 0-02-012 > | Radiosonde computational method | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-024 | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 3-01-039 | SHIPVSND ; ; Ship for vertical soundings | 3-01-003 > | Ship's call sign and motion | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 0-02-012 > | Radiosonde computational method | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-023 | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) 3-01-040 | SHIPCALL ; ; | 3-01-003 > | Ship's call sign and motion | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 0-02-012 > | Radiosonde computational method | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-024 | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station 3-01-041 | SAIDTIME ; ; | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-021 > | Satellite instrument data used in processing | 0-02-022 > | Satellite data processing technique used | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 | Time 3-01-042 | SAIDLALO ; ; | 3-01-041 > | Satellite identifier, data used, and data processing technique; date/time | 3-01-021 | Latitude, longitude 3-01-043 | SAIDCMCM ; ; | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-023 > | Cloud motion computational method | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 | Latitude, longitude 3-01-044 | SAIDIMHU ; ; | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-024 > | Integrated mean humidity computational method | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 | Latitude, longitude 3-01-045 | SATLOVEL ; ; Satellite location and velocity | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-012 > | Time (hour, minute) | 2-01-138 > | Change width to 16 bits | 2-02-131 > | Change scale to 3 | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 3-04-030 > | Location relative to the Earth's centre | 3-04-031 | Velocity relative to the Earth's centre 3-01-046 | SAIDDMOP ; ; | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-01-012 > | Direction of motion of moving observing platform | 0-02-048 > | Satellite sensor indicator | 0-21-119 > | Wind scatterometer geophysical model function | 0-25-060 > | Software identification | 2-02-124 > | Change scale | 0-02-026 > | Cross-track resolution | 0-02-027 > | Along-tract resolution | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 0-05-040 | Orbit number 3-01-047 | ERSPRODH ; ; ERS product header | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-25-060 > | Software identification | 0-01-033 > | Originating/generating centre | 0-01-034 > | Originating/generating sub-centre | 0-01-012 > | Direction of motion of moving observation platform | 3-01-045 > | Satellite location and velocity | 0-02-021 > | Satellite instrument data used in processing | 3-01-011 > | Date (year, month, day) | 3-01-012 > | Time (hour, minute) | 2-01-138 > | Change bit width to 16 bits | 2-02-131 > | Change scale to 3 | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 3-01-023 | Location (latitude, longitude) 3-01-048 | RADARPRM ; ; Radar parameters | 0-02-104 > | Antenna polarization | 0-02-121 > | Mean frequency | 0-02-113 > | Number of azimuth looks | 0-02-026 > | Cross-track resolution | 0-02-027 > | Along-track resolution | 0-02-111 > | Radar incidence angle | 0-02-140 > | Satellite radar beam azimuth angle | 2-02-127 > | Change scale to -1 | 0-01-013 > | Radar platform velocity | 2-02-000 > | Change scale to Table B | 2-02-126 > | Change scale to -2 | 0-07-001 > | Radar platform altitude | 2-02-000 > | Change scale to Table B | 0-25-010 > | Clutter treatment | 0-21-064 | Clutter noise estimate 3-01-049 | RADARBMD ; ; Radar beam data | 0-02-111 > | Radar incidence angle | 0-02-112 > | Radar look angle | 0-21-062 > | Backscatter | 0-21-063 > | Radiometric resolution (Noise value) | 0-21-065 | Missing packet counter 3-01-051 | ACFTSEQN ; ; | 0-01-006 > | Aircraft flight number | 0-02-061 > | Navigational system | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude, longitude | 0-08-004 | Phase of aircraft flight 3-01-055 | BUOYSEQN ; ; | 0-01-005 > | Buoy/platform identifier | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) | 0-01-012 > | Direction of motion of moving observing platform | 0-01-014 | Platform drift speed (high precision) 3-01-062 | RADARLOC ; ; Radar locations | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-01-001 | WMO block and station number 3-01-065 | ACARID ; ; ACARS identification | 0-01-006 > | Aircraft flight number | 0-01-008 > | Aircraft registration number | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 0-02-002 > | Type of instrumentation for wind measurement | 0-02-005 > | Precision of temperature observation | 0-02-062 > | Type of aircraft data relay system | 0-02-070 > | Original specification of latitude/longitude | 0-02-065 | ACARS ground receiving station 3-01-066 | ACARLO ; ; ACARS location | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-013 > | Hour, minute, second | 3-01-023 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-02-064 > | Aircraft roll angle quality | 0-08-004 | Phase of aircraft flight 3-01-071 | SIDGRSEQ ; ; Satellite identifier/Generating resolution | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-01-031 > | Generating centre | 0-02-020 > | Satellite classification | 0-02-028 > | Segment size at nadir in X direction | 0-02-029 | Segment size at nadir in Y direction 3-01-072 | SIDENSEQ ; ; Satellite identification | 3-01-071 > | Satellite identification, Generation resolution | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 | Latitude, longitude 3-01-090 | SFIDTIME ; ; Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates | 3-01-004 > | Surface station identification | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute | 3-01-021 > | Latitude, longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-030 > | Height of station ground above mean sea level | 0-07-031 | Height of barometer above mean sea level 3-01-091 | SFCSTNIN ; ; Surface station instrumentation | 0-02-180 > | Main present weather detecting system | 0-02-181 > | Supplementary present weather sensor | 0-02-182 > | Visibility measurement system | 0-02-183 > | Cloud detection system | 0-02-184 > | Type of lightning detection sensor | 0-02-179 > | Type of sky condition algorithm | 0-02-186 > | Capability to detect precipitation phenomena | 0-02-187 > | Capability to detect other weather phenomena | 0-02-188 > | Capability to detect obscuration | 0-02-189 | Capability to discriminate lightning strikes 3-01-092 | MOBIDENT ; ; Mobile surface station identification, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 0-01-011 > | Mobile land station identifier | 0-01-003 > | WMO Region number | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Year, Month, Day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, Minute | 3-01-021 > | Latitude (high accuracy), Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-030 > | Height of station ground above mean sea level | 0-07-031 > | Height of barometer above mean sea level | 0-33-024 | Station elevation quality mark 3-01-093 | SHPIDENT ; ; Ship identification, movement, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-01-036 > | Ship identification | 0-07-030 > | Height of station platform above mean sea level | 0-07-031 | Height of barometer above mean sea level 3-01-110 | IDLSIWDM ; ; Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements | 3-01-001 > | WMO block number, WMO station number | 0-01-011 > | Ship or mobile land station identifier | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 0-02-014 > | Tracking technique/status of system used | 0-02-003 | Type of measuring equipment used 3-01-111 | IDLSIPTM ; ; Identification of launch site and instrumentation for P, T, U and wind measurements | 3-01-001 > | WMO block number, WMO station number | 0-01-011 > | Ship or mobile land station identifier | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 0-02-013 > | Solar and infrared radiation correction | 0-02-014 > | Tracking technique/status of system used | 0-02-003 | Type of measuring equipment used 3-01-112 | IDLPIDRP ; ; Identification of launch point and instrumentation of dropsonde | 0-01-006 > | Aircraft identifier | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 0-02-013 > | Solar and infrared radiation correction | 0-02-014 > | Tracking technique/status of system used | 0-02-003 | Type of measuring equipment used 3-01-113 | DATETMLN ; ; Date/time of launch | 0-08-021 > | Time significance ( = 18 (launch time)) | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day of launch | 3-01-013 | Hour, minute, second of launch 3-01-114 | HAVCOLS ; ; Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-030 > | Height of station ground above mean sea level | 0-07-031 > | Height of barometer above mean sea level | 0-07-007 > | Height of release of sonde above mean sea level | 0-33-024 | Station elevation quality mark (for mobile stations) 3-01-120 | RAOBHLIN ; ; Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information | 3-01-001 > | WMO block and station number | 0-01-094 > | WBAN number | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 3-01-121 | Radiosonde launch point location 3-01-121 | RAOBLPTL ; ; Radiosonde launch point location | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (3 = "balloon launch point") | 3-01-122 > | Date/time (to hundredths of second) | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-031 > | Height of barometer above MSL | 0-07-007 | Height (of radiosonde release above MSL) 3-01-122 | DATETIME ; ; Date/time to hundredths of second | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 2-01-135 > | Change data width | 2-02-130 > | Change scale | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 | Cancel change data width 3-01-123 | RAOBHEAD ; ; Radiosonde full header information | 1-02-002 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (0 = "parent site", 1 = "observation site") | 0-01-062 > | Short ICAO location identifier | 3-01-001 > | WMO block and station number | 0-01-094 > | WBAN number | 0-02-011 > | Radiosonde type | 0-01-018 > | Short station or site name | 0-01-095 > | Observer identification | 0-25-061 > | Software identification | 0-25-068 > | Number of archive recomputes | 0-01-082 > | Radiosonde ascension number | 0-01-083 > | Radiosonde release number | 0-01-081 > | Radiosonde serial number | 0-02-067 > | Radiosonde operating frequency | 0-02-066 > | Radiosonde ground receiving system | 0-02-014 > | Tracking technique/status of system used | 0-25-067 > | Release point pressure correction | 0-25-065 > | Orientation correction (azimuth) | 0-25-066 > | Orientation correction (elevation) | 0-02-095 > | Type of pressure sensor | 0-02-096 > | Type of temperature sensor | 0-02-097 > | Type of humidity sensor | 0-02-016 > | Radiosonde configuration | 0-02-083 > | Type of balloon shelter | 0-02-080 > | Balloon manufacturer | 0-02-081 > | Type of balloon | 0-01-093 > | Balloon lot number | 0-02-084 > | Type of gas used in balloon | 0-02-085 > | Amount of gas used in balloon | 0-02-086 > | Balloon flight train length | 0-02-082 > | Weight of balloon | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (2 = "balloon manufacture date") | 3-01-011 | Date 3-01-125 | ASCATHDR ; ; ASCAT header information | 0-01-033 > | Identification of originating/generating centre | 0-01-034 > | Identification of originating/generating sub-centre | 0-25-060 > | Software identification | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instruments | 0-01-012 | Direction of motion of moving observing platform 3-02-001 | PRESSQ03 ; ; | 0-10-004 > | Pressure (at station level) | 0-10-051 > | Pressure reduced to mean sea level | 0-10-061 > | 3-hour pressure change | 0-10-063 | Characteristic of pressure tendency 3-02-002 | HIALTST1 ; ; High altitude station | 0-10-004 > | Pressure (at station level) | 0-07-004 > | Pressure level | 0-10-003 > | Geopotential of pressure level | 0-10-061 > | 3-hour pressure change | 0-10-063 | Characteristic of pressure tendency 3-02-003 | WTDRHVWX ; ; | 0-11-011 > | Wind direction (10 m) | 0-11-012 > | Wind speed (10 m) | 0-12-004 > | Temperature (2 m) | 0-12-006 > | Dew point (2 m) | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 0-20-001 > | Horizontal visibility | 0-20-003 > | Present weather | 0-20-004 > | Past weather (1) | 0-20-005 | Past weather (2) 3-02-004 | GENCLOUD ; ; General cloud information | 0-20-010 > | Cloud cover (total in %) | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 0-20-011 > | Cloud amount | 0-20-013 > | Height of base of cloud | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type | 0-20-012 | Cloud type 3-02-005 | CLOUDSQ1 ; ; | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 0-20-011 > | Cloud amount | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type | 0-20-013 | Height of base of cloud 3-02-006 | PRESSQ24 ; ; | 0-10-004 > | Pressure (at station level) | 0-10-051 > | Pressure reduced to mean sea level | 0-10-062 > | 24-hour pressure change | 0-10-063 | Characteristic of pressure tendency 3-02-011 | LOALTSTN ; ; Low altitude station | 3-02-001 > | Pressure and pressure change | 3-02-003 > | Wind, temperature, humidity, visibility, weather | 3-02-004 | Significant cloud layer 3-02-012 | HIALTST2 ; ; High altitude station | 3-02-002 > | Pressure and pressure change | 3-02-003 > | Wind, temperature, humidity, visibility, weather | 3-02-004 | Significant cloud information 3-02-013 | PWTHVWXC ; ; | 3-02-006 > | Pressure and pressure change | 3-02-003 > | Wind, temperature, humidity, visibility, weather | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-02-005 | Cloud layer information 3-02-021 | DPHGTWAV ; ; | 0-22-001 > | Direction of waves | 0-22-011 > | Period of waves | 0-22-021 | Height of waves 3-02-022 | DPHGTWWV ; ; | 0-22-002 > | Direction of wind waves | 0-22-012 > | Period of wind waves | 0-22-022 | Height of wind waves 3-02-023 | DPHGTSWV ; ; | 0-22-003 > | Direction of swell waves | 0-22-013 > | Period of swell waves | 0-22-023 | Height of swell waves 3-02-024 | WINDSWAV ; ; | 3-02-022 > | Wind waves | 1-01-002 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times | 3-02-023 | Swell waves (2 systems of swell) 3-02-031 | PRESDATA ; ; Pressure information | 3-02-001 > | Pressure data | 0-10-062 > | 24-hour pressure change | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (standard level) | 0-10-009 | Geopotential height of the standard level 3-02-032 | TEHUDATA ; ; Temperature and humidity data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (for temperature and humidity measurement) | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature (scale 2) | 0-12-103 > | Dew-point temperature (scale 2) | 0-13-003 | Relative humidity 3-02-033 | VISBDATA ; ; Visibility data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (for visibility measurement) | 0-20-001 | Horizontal visibility 3-02-034 | PRECIP24 ; ; Precipitation past 24 hours | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (for precipitation measurement) | 0-13-023 | Total precipitation past 24 hours 3-02-035 | SYNOPINS ; ; Basic synoptic 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-032 > | Temperature and humidity data | 3-02-033 > | Visibility data | 3-02-034 > | Precipitation past 24 hours | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-004 > | Cloud data | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-02-005 | Individual cloud layer or mass 3-02-036 | CLOUDBSL ; ; Clouds with bases below station level | 1-05-000 > | Delayed replication of 5 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 0-20-011 > | Cloud amount | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type | 0-20-014 > | Height of top of cloud | 0-20-017 | Cloud top description 3-02-037 | STATEGRD ; ; State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature | 0-20-062 > | State of ground (with or without snow) | 0-13-013 > | Total snow depth | 0-12-113 | Ground minimum temperature (scale 2), past 12 hours 3-02-038 | PWEATHER ; ; Present and past weather | 0-20-003 > | Present weather | 0-04-024 > | Time period in hours | 0-20-004 > | Past weather (1) | 0-20-005 | Past weather (2) 3-02-039 | SUNSHIDA ; ; Sunshine data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period) | 0-04-024 > | Time period in hours | 0-14-031 | Total sunshine 3-02-040 | PRECMEA2 ; ; Precipitation measurement | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (for precipitation measurement) | 1-02-002 > | Replicate next 2 descriptors 2 times | 0-04-024 > | Time period in hours | 0-13-011 | Total precipitation / total water equivalent of snow 3-02-041 | EXTRTEM2 ; ; Extreme temperature data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (for temperature measurement) | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-12-111 > | Maximum temperature (scale 2) at height and over period specified | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-12-112 | Minimum temperature (scale 2) at height and over period specified 3-02-042 | WINDDAT2 ; ; Wind data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (for wind measurement) | 0-02-002 > | Type of instrumentation for wind measurement | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= 2 (time averaged)) | 0-04-025 > | Time period (= -10 minutes, or number of minutes after a significant change of wind) | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= missing value) | 1-03-002 > | Replicate next 3 descriptors 2 times | 0-04-025 > | Time period in minutes | 0-11-043 > | Maximum wind gust direction | 0-11-041 | Maximum wind gust speed 3-02-043 | SYNOPPRD ; ; Basic synoptic 'period' data | 3-02-038 > | Present and past weather | 1-01-002 > | Replicate 1 descriptors 2 times | 3-02-039 > | Sunshine data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period) | 3-02-040 > | Precipitation measurement | 3-02-041 > | Extreme temperature data | 3-02-042 > | Wind data | 0-07-032 | Height of sensor above local ground (set to missing to cancel the previous value) 3-02-044 | EVAPDATA ; ; Evaporation data | 0-04-024 > | Time period in hours | 0-02-004 > | Type of instrument for evaporation or crop type for evapotranspiration | 0-13-033 | Evaporation /evapotranspiration 3-02-045 | RADNDATA ; ; Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period) | 0-04-024 > | Time period in hours | 0-14-002 > | Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified | 0-14-004 > | Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified | 0-14-016 > | Net radiation, integrated over period specified | 0-14-028 > | Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified | 0-14-029 > | Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified | 0-14-030 | Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified 3-02-046 | TEMPCHNG ; ; Temperature change | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-12-049 | Temperature change over period specified 3-02-047 | DIRCLDFT ; ; Direction of cloud drift | 1-02-003 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 3 times | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 0-20-054 | True direction from which clouds are moving 3-02-048 | DIRELCLD ; ; Direction and elevation of cloud | 0-05-021 > | Bearing or azimuth | 0-07-021 > | Elevation angle | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type | 0-05-021 > | Bearing or azimuth ( = missing to cancel the previous value) | 0-07-021 | Elevation angle ( = missing to cancel the previous value) 3-02-049 | CLINRVSD ; ; Cloud information reported with vertical soundings | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 0-20-011 > | Cloud amount (of low or middle clouds Nh) | 0-20-013 > | Height of base of cloud (h) | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type (low clouds CL) | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type (middle clouds CM) | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type (high clouds CH) | 0-08-002 | Vertical significance ( = missing value) 3-02-050 | RAOBSURF ; ; Radiosonde surface observation | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (5 = "sfc ob displacement from launch point") | 0-05-021 > | Bearing or azimuth | 0-07-005 > | Height increment | 2-02-130 > | Change scale | 0-06-021 > | Distance | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (4 = "surface observation") | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-02-115 > | Type of surface observing equipment | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-02-115 > | Type of surface observing equipment | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-02-115 > | Type of surface observing equipment | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-02-115 > | Type of surface observing equipment | 1-02-002 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry bulb temperature | 0-04-024 > | Time displacement (hour) | 0-02-115 > | Type of surface observing equipment | 0-12-103 > | Dew-point temperature | 0-12-102 > | Wet bulb temperature | 1-01-003 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type | 0-20-011 > | Cloud amount | 0-20-013 > | Height of base of cloud | 1-01-002 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times | 0-20-003 | Present weather 3-02-051 | PGTXNVPM ; ; | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-10-051 > | Pressure reduced to mean sea level | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (vertical location) | 0-10-003 > | Geopotential | 0-12-004 > | Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m | 0-12-051 > | Standard deviation temperature | 0-12-016 > | Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours | 0-12-017 > | Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours | 0-13-004 > | Vapour pressure | 1-02-004 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 4 times | 0-08-051 > | Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic | 0-08-020 | Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) 3-02-052 | TEHUDAT2 ; ; Temperature and humidity data for ship | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (for temperature and humidity measurement) | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (for temperature and humidity measurement) | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature(scale.2) | 0-02-039 > | Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement | 0-12-102 > | Wet-bulb temperature (scale 2) | 0-12-103 > | Dew-point temperature (scale 2) | 0-13-003 | Relative humidity 3-02-053 | VISBDAT2 ; ; Visibility data for ship | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (for visibility measurement) | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (for visibility measurement) | 0-20-001 | Horizontal visibility 3-02-054 | SHIPINST ; ; Ship 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-052 > | Temperature and humidity data | 3-02-053 > | Visibility data | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-034 > | Precipitation past 24 hours | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-004 > | Cloud data | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-02-005 | Cloud data 3-02-055 | ICINGICE ; ; Icing and ice | 0-20-031 > | Ice deposit (thickness) | 0-20-032 > | Rate of ice accretion | 0-20-033 > | Cause of ice accretion | 0-20-034 > | Sea ice concentration | 0-20-035 > | Amount and type of ice | 0-20-036 > | Ice situation | 0-20-037 > | Ice development | 0-20-038 | Bearing of ice edge 3-02-056 | SEATEMPM ; ; Sea/water temperature | 0-02-038 > | Method of sea/water temperature measurement | 0-07-063 > | Depth below sea/water surface (for sea surface temperature measurement) | 0-22-043 > | Sea/water temperature | 0-07-063 | Depth below sea/water surface (set to missing to cancel the previous value) 3-02-057 | SHIPDATA ; ; Ship marine data | 3-02-056 > | Sea surface temperature, method of measurement, and depth below sea surface | 3-02-021 > | Waves data | 3-02-024 | Wind waves data 3-02-058 | EXTRTEM3 ; ; Ship extreme temperature data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (for temperature measurement) | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (for temperature measurement) | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-12-111 > | Maximum temperature (scale 2) at height and over period specified | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 0-12-112 | Minimum temperature (scale 2) at height and over period specified 3-02-059 | WINDDAT3 ; ; Ship wind data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (for wind measurement) | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (for wind measurement) | 0-02-002 > | Type of instrumentation for wind measurement | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= 2 (time averaged)) | 0-04-025 > | Time period (= -10 minutes, or number of minutes after a significant change of wind) | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= missing value) | 1-03-002 > | Replicate next 3 descriptors 2 times | 0-04-025 > | Time period in minutes | 0-11-043 > | Maximum wind gust direction | 0-11-041 | Maximum wind gust speed 3-02-060 | SHIPPERD ; ; Ship 'period' data | 3-02-038 > | Present and past weather | 3-02-040 > | Precipitation measurement | 3-02-058 > | Ship extreme temperature data | 3-02-059 | Ship wind data 3-02-066 | DANGERWX ; ; Dangerous weather phenomena | 0-20-023 > | Other weather phenomena | 0-20-024 > | Intensity of phenomena | 0-20-027 > | Phenomenon occurrence | 0-20-054 > | True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving | 0-20-023 > | Other weather phenomena | 0-20-027 > | Phenomenon occurrence | 0-20-054 > | True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving | 0-20-025 > | Obscuration | 0-20-026 > | Character of obscuration | 0-20-027 > | Phenomenon occurrence | 0-20-040 > | Evolution of drift of snow | 0-20-066 > | Maximum diameter of hailstones | 0-20-027 > | Phenomenon occurrence | 0-20-021 > | Type of precipitation | 0-20-067 > | Diameter of deposit | 0-20-027 | Phenomenon occurrence 3-02-069 | VISBSEQN ; ; Visibility data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface | 0-33-041 > | Attribute of following value | 0-20-001 | Horizontal visibility 3-02-070 | WINDDATA ; ; Wind data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-11-043 > | Maximum wind gust direction | 0-11-041 > | Maximum wind gust speed | 0-11-016 > | Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind | 0-11-017 | Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind 3-02-071 | WIND1HRP ; ; Wind data from one-hour period | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= 2 (time averaged)) | 0-04-025 > | Time period (= -10 minutes, or number of minutes after a significant change of wind, if any) | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= missing value) | 1-03-002 > | Replicate next 3 descriptors 2 times | 0-04-025 > | Time period (= -10 minutes in the first replication, = -60 minutes in the second replication) | 0-11-043 > | Maximum wind gust direction | 0-11-041 > | Maximum wind gust speed | 0-04-025 > | Time period (= -10 minutes) | 0-11-016 > | Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind | 0-11-017 | Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind 3-02-072 | TEMHUMDA ; ; Temperature and humidity data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature (scale 2) | 0-12-103 > | Dew-point temperature (scale 2) | 0-13-003 | Relative humidity 3-02-073 | CLOUDATA ; ; Cloud data | 0-20-010 > | Cloud cover (total) | 1-05-004 > | Replicate 5 descriptors 4 times | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 0-20-011 > | Cloud amount | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type | 0-33-041 > | Attribute of following value | 0-20-013 | Height of base of cloud 3-02-074 | PREPSTWX ; ; Present and past weather | 0-20-003 > | Present weather | 0-04-025 > | Time period | 0-20-004 > | Past weather (1) | 0-20-005 | Past weather (2) 3-02-075 | IPRSPREL ; ; Intensity of precipitation, size of precipitation element | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= 2 (time averaged)) | 0-04-025 > | Time period (= -10 minutes) | 0-13-055 > | Intensity of precipitation | 0-13-058 > | Size of precipitation element | 0-08-021 | Time significance (= missing value) 3-02-076 | PROBSPHE ; ; Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena | 0-20-021 > | Type of precipitation | 0-20-022 > | Character of precipitation | 0-26-020 > | Duration of precipitation | 0-20-023 > | Other weather phenomena | 0-20-024 > | Intensity of phenomena | 0-20-025 > | Obscuration | 0-20-026 | Character of obscuration 3-02-077 | EXTRTEMP ; ; Extreme temperature data | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface | 0-04-025 > | Time period | 0-12-111 > | Maximum temperature (scale 2) at height and over period specified | 0-12-112 > | Minimum temperature (scale 2) at height and over period specified | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (for ground temperature) | 0-04-025 > | Time period | 0-12-112 | Minimum temperature (scale 2) at height and over period specified (for ground temperature) 3-02-078 | STGDSNDM ; ; State of ground and snow depth measurement | 0-02-176 > | Method of state of ground measurement | 0-20-062 > | State of ground (with or without snow) | 0-02-177 > | Method of snow depth measurement | 0-13-013 | Total snow depth 3-02-079 | PRECMEAS ; ; Precipitation measurement | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-02-175 > | Method of precipitation measurement | 0-02-178 > | Method of liquid water content measurement of precipitation | 0-04-025 > | Time period | 0-13-011 | Total precipitation / total water equivalent of snow 3-02-080 | EVAPMEAS ; ; Evaporation measurement | 0-02-185 > | Method of evaporation measurement | 0-04-025 > | Time period | 0-13-033 | Evaporation /evapotranspiration 3-02-081 | SUNSHINE ; ; Total sunshine data | 0-04-025 > | Time period | 0-14-031 | Total sunshine 3-02-082 | RADNSEQN ; ; Radiation data | 0-04-025 > | Time period | 0-14-002 > | Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified | 0-14-004 > | Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified | 0-14-016 > | Net radiation, integrated over period specified | 0-14-028 > | Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified | 0-14-029 > | Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified | 0-14-030 | Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified 3-02-083 | FOSTPWTU ; ; First order statistics of P, W, T, U data | 0-04-025 > | Time period | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature (scale 2) | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 0-08-023 | First order statistics (= missing value) 3-03-001 | GPWINDDS ; ; | 0-07-003 > | Geopotential | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-002 | PRWINDDS ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-003 | PRGPTMDP ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-10-003 > | Geopotential | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-12-003 | Dew point 3-03-004 | PRGPTMDW ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-10-003 > | Geopotential | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-12-003 > | Dew point | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-011 | GPVSSWDS ; ; | 0-07-003 > | Geopotential | 0-08-001 > | Vertical sounding significance | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-012 | PRVSSWDS ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-08-001 > | Vertical sounding significance | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-013 | PRVSSTRW ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-08-001 > | Vertical sounding significance | 0-10-003 > | Geopotential | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-014 | PRVSSTDW ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-08-001 > | Vertical sounding significance | 0-10-003 > | Geopotential | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-12-003 > | Dew point | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-021 | PRESLAYR ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (1) | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (2) defines layer | 2-04-007 > | Add associated field of 7 bits | 0-31-021 | Additional field significance 3-03-022 | LYRQPLMT ; ; | 3-03-021 > | Layer, quality | 0-10-003 > | Geopotential (layer mean thickness) | 2-04-000 | Cancel the added associated field 3-03-023 | LYRQTMLM ; ; | 3-03-021 > | Layer, quality | 0-12-001 > | Temperature (layer mean) | 2-04-000 | Cancel the added associated field 3-03-024 | LYRQUPRW ; ; | 3-03-021 > | Layer, quality | 0-13-016 > | Precipitation water | 2-04-000 | Cancel the added associated field 3-03-025 | SATCHNBT ; ; | 0-02-025 > | Satellite channel | 2-04-007 > | Add associated field of 7 bits | 0-31-021 > | Additional field significance | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 2-04-000 | Cancel the added associated field 3-03-026 | PRVSTEMP ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance | 2-04-007 > | Add associated field of 7 bits | 0-31-021 > | Additional field significance | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 2-04-000 | Cancel the added associated field 3-03-027 | PRESGEOP ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 2-04-007 > | Add associated field of 7 bits | 0-31-021 > | Additional field significance | 0-10-003 > | Geopotential | 2-04-000 | Cancel the added associated field 3-03-031 | PRVSESST ; ; | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance (base of sounding) | 0-07-021 > | Elevation (local zenith) | 0-07-022 > | Solar elevation (solar zenith) | 0-08-012 > | Land/sea qualifier | 0-12-061 | Skin temperature 3-03-032 | CLAMTPRT ; ; | 0-20-011 > | Cloud amount | 0-20-016 | Pressure at top of cloud 3-03-033 | CLCVRPRT ; ; | 0-20-010 > | Cloud cover (total) | 0-20-016 | Pressure at the top of cloud 3-03-040 | RAOBDURT ; ; Radiosonde duration of flight and termination information | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (7 = "flight level termination point") | 0-04-025 > | Time displacement (minute) | 0-04-026 > | Time displacement (second) | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) | 3-01-122 > | Date/time (to hundredths of second) | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-25-069 > | Flight level pressure correction | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-02-013 > | Solar and infrared radiation correction | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry bulb temperature | 0-10-009 > | Geopotential height | 1-02-002 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times | 0-08-040 > | Flight level significance | 0-35-035 | Reason for termination 3-03-041 | WINDSEQN ; ; Wind sequence | 0-02-152 > | Geostationary satellite instrument used | 0-02-023 > | Cloud motion computational method | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-02-153 > | Satellite channel centre frequency | 0-02-154 > | Satellite channel band width | 0-12-071 | Coldest cluster T 3-03-050 | WDPLRAOB ; ; Wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position | 0-04-086 > | Long time period or displacement (since launch time) | 0-08-042 > | Extended vertical sounding significance | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-05-015 > | Latitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-06-015 > | Longitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-051 | WSPLRAOB ; ; Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position | 0-04-086 > | Long time period or displacement (since launch time) | 0-08-042 > | Extended vertical sounding significance | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-05-015 > | Latitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-06-015 > | Longitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-11-061 > | Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below | 0-11-062 | Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above 3-03-052 | WDHLRAOB ; ; Wind data at a height level with radiosonde position | 0-04-086 > | Long time period or displacement (since launch time) | 0-08-042 > | Extended vertical sounding significance | 0-07-009 > | Geopotential height | 0-05-015 > | Latitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-06-015 > | Longitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-03-053 | WSHLRAOB ; ; Wind shear data at a height level with radiosonde position | 0-04-086 > | Long time period or displacement (since launch time) | 0-08-042 > | Extended vertical sounding significance | 0-07-009 > | Geopotential height | 0-05-015 > | Latitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-06-015 > | Longitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-11-061 > | Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below | 0-11-062 | Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above 3-03-054 | TDWPRAOB ; ; Temperature, dew-point and wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position | 0-04-086 > | Long time period or displacement (since launch time) | 0-08-042 > | Extended vertical sounding significance | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-10-009 > | Geopotential height | 0-05-015 > | Latitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-06-015 > | Longitude displacement since launch site (high accuracy) | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature (scale 2) | 0-12-103 > | Dew-point temperature (scale 2) | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-04-001 | VSPTWDWS ; ; | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-04-002 | VSPRWDWS ; ; | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 | Wind speed 3-04-003 | VSIGTEMP ; ; | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance | 0-12-001 | Temperature 3-04-004 | VSPRCCTM ; ; | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-20-010 > | Cloud cover (total) | 0-12-001 | Temperature 3-04-005 | IMHCMPRH ; ; | 0-02-024 > | Integrated mean humidity computational method | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (1) | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (2) defines layer | 0-13-003 | Relative humidity 3-04-006 | OILWROSW ; ; | 0-14-001 > | Outgoing long-wave radiation | 0-14-001 > | Incoming long-wave radiation | 0-14-003 | Outgoing short-wave radiation 3-04-011 | GOESIMIN ; ; GOES-I/M info | 0-02-163 > | Height assignment method | 0-02-164 > | Tracer correlation method | 0-08-012 > | Land/sea qualifier | 0-07-024 > | Satellite zenith angle | 0-02-057 > | Origin of first guess information | 0-08-021 > | Time significance | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-08-021 > | Time significance | 0-04-024 > | Time period or displacement | 1-10-004 > | Replicate 10 descriptors 4 times | 0-08-021 > | Time significance | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-04-006 > | Second | 0-08-021 > | Time significance | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-04-006 > | Second | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 1-03-010 > | Replicate 3 descriptors 10 times | 0-02-163 > | Height assignment method | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-12-001 | Temperature 3-04-030 | LOCPLAT ; ; Location of platform | 0-27-031 > | In direction of 0 degree longitude, distance from the Earth's centre | 0-28-031 > | In direction of 90 degrees East longitude, distance from the Earth's centre | 0-10-031 | In direction of North Pole, distance from Earth's centre 3-04-031 | SPDPLAT ; ; Speed of platform | 0-01-041 > | Absolute platform velocity - first component | 0-01-042 > | Absolute platform velocity - second component | 0-01-043 | Absolute platform velocity - third component 3-04-032 | CLFRASEQ ; ; Cloud fraction | 0-02-153 > | Satellite channel centre frequency | 0-02-154 > | Satellite channel band width | 0-20-081 > | Cloud amount in segment | 0-20-082 > | Amount segment cloud free | 0-20-012 | Cloud type 3-04-033 | CSRADSEQ ; ; Clear sky radiance | 0-02-152 > | Satellite instrument used in data processing | 0-02-166 > | Radiance type | 0-02-167 > | Radiance computational method | 0-02-153 > | Satellite channel centre frequency | 0-02-154 > | Satellite channel band width | 0-12-075 > | Spectral radiance | 0-12-076 > | Radiance | 0-12-063 | Brightness temperature 3-04-034 | LLSEFCPQ ; ; | 1-02-004 > | Replicating next two descriptors 4 times | 0-27-001 > | Latitude (high accuracy) | 0-28-001 > | Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-022 > | Solar elevation | 0-05-043 > | Field of view number | 0-20-010 > | Cloud cover (total) | 0-20-016 > | Pressure at top of cloud | 0-33-003 > | Quality information table | 0-10-040 | Number of retrieved layers 3-05-003 | SADCHYCO ; ; SADC-HYCOS measurement array definition | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute of first single measurement minus increment | 0-04-065 > | Short time increment - time interval between measuremens | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-05-001 | Single measurement 3-05-006 | MEDHYCOM ; ; MEDHYCOS measurement | 0-13-072 > | Downstream water level | 0-13-082 > | Water temperature | 0-13-019 > | Precipitation last hour | 0-12-001 > | Air temperature | 0-13-073 > | Maximum water height observed | 0-13-060 | Total accumulated precipitation 3-05-007 | MEDHYCOR ; ; MEDHYCOS report | 3-01-029 > | Identification | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute (time of first measurement) | 0-04-065 > | Short time increment - time interval between measurements | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-05-006 | Single measurement 3-05-008 | AOCHYCOM ; ; AOCHYCOS - Chad measurement | 3-05-006 > | Same as MEDHYCOS type measurement | 0-12-030 | Soil temperature at -50 cm 3-05-009 | AOCHYVOR ; ; AOCHYCOS-Chad report | 3-01-029 > | Identification | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute (time of first measurement) | 0-04-065 > | Short time increment - time interval between measurements | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-05-008 | Single measurement 3-05-011 | MEDHYCO2 ; ; MEDHYCOS report type 2 | 3-01-029 > | Identification | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute (time of first measurement) | 0-04-065 > | Short time increment - time interval between measurements | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-05-010 | Single measurement 3-05-018 | MEDHYCOQ ; ; MEDHYCOS report with meteorology and water quality data | 3-01-029 > | Identification | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute (time) of first measurement | 0-04-065 > | Hour increment | 1-03-000 > | Delayed replication of 3 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-05-008 > | Same as AOCHYCOS type measurement | 3-05-016 > | Meteorological parameters associated to hydrological data | 3-05-017 | Water quality measurement 3-06-001 | IDDBSSST ; ; | 0-02-032 > | Indicator for digitization | 1-02-000 > | Delayed replication of 2 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-07-062 > | Depth below sea surface | 0-22-042 | Subsurface sea temperature 3-06-002 | MOCMDSOC ; ; | 0-02-031 > | Method of current measurement (duration and time) | 0-22-004 > | Direction of current | 0-22-031 | Speed of current 3-06-003 | WIWDWSDB ; ; | 0-02-002 > | Wind instrumentation | 0-11-011 > | Wind direction (10 m) | 0-11-012 > | Wind speed (10 m) | 0-12-004 | Dry-bulb temperature (2 m) 3-06-004 | IDMSMDBS ; ; | 0-02-032 > | Indicator for digitization | 0-02-033 > | Method of salinity/depth measurement | 1-03-000 > | Delayed replication of 3 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-07-062 > | Depth below sea surface | 0-22-043 > | Subsurface sea temperature | 0-22-062 | Salinity 3-06-005 | MOCMDBDS ; ; | 0-02-031 > | Method of current measurement (duration and time) | 1-03-000 > | Delayed replication of 3 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-07-062 > | Depth below sea surface | 0-22-004 > | Direction of current | 0-22-031 | Speed of current 3-06-006 | UWSNOPTP ; ; Under water sounding optional parameters | 3-06-003 > | Surface wind and temperature | 3-06-002 > | Current | 0-22-063 | Total water depth 3-06-007 | BUOYSPAR ; ; Buoy spare block parameters | 0-01-012 > | Direction of motion of moving observing platform | 0-01-014 > | Platform drift speed (high precision) | 3-06-008 > | Buoy instrumentation | 0-04-024 > | Time period | 0-27-003 > | Alternate latitude | 0-28-003 | Alternate longitude 3-06-008 | BUOYINST ; ; Buoy instrumentation parameters | 0-02-034 > | Drogue type | 0-02-035 > | Cable length | 0-02-036 | Buoy type 3-06-019 | TIDECKTI ; ; Tide report identification, water level checks, time increments | 0-01-075 > | Tide station alphanumeric identification | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute | 0-22-042 > | Sea/water temperature | 0-22-120 > | Tide station automated water level check | 0-22-121 > | Tide station manual water level check | 0-04-015 > | Time increment in minutes | 0-04-065 | Short time increment 3-06-023 | NLALODTP ; ; | 0-01-015 > | Station or site name | 3-01-023 > | Latitude, longitude | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute | 0-22-038 > | Tidal level with respect to local chart datum | 0-22-039 > | Meteorological residual tidal elevation | 0-22-120 > | Tide station automated water level check | 0-22-121 | Tide station manual water level check 3-07-001 | LOALSTNH ; ; Low altitude station | 3-01-031 > | Identification, type, date/time, position (high accuracy), height | 3-02-011 | Basic surface report 3-07-002 | LOALSTNC ; ; Low altitude station | 3-01-032 > | Identification, type, date/time, position (coarse accuracy), height | 3-02-011 | Basic surface report 3-07-003 | LOALSTCH ; ; Low altitude station | 3-07-001 > | Location (high accuracy) and basic report | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-02-005 | Cloud layer information 3-07-004 | LOALSTCC ; ; Low altitude station | 3-07-002 > | Location (coarse accuracy) and basic report | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-02-005 | Cloud layer information 3-07-005 | LOALST4H ; ; Low altitude station | 3-07-001 > | Location (high accuracy) and basic report | 1-01-004 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times | 3-02-005 | Cloud layer information (4 layers) 3-07-006 | LOALST4C ; ; Low altitude station | 3-07-002 > | Location (coarse accuracy) and basic report | 1-01-004 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times | 3-02-005 | Cloud layer information (4 layers) 3-07-007 | HIALSTNH ; ; High altitude station | 3-01-031 > | Identification, type, date/time, position (high accuracy), height | 3-02-012 | Basic surface report 3-07-008 | HIALSTNC ; ; High altitude station | 3-01-032 > | Identification, type, date/time, position (coarse accuracy), height | 3-02-012 | Basic surface report 3-07-009 | ITDALALO ; ; | 3-01-031 > | Identification, type, date/time, position (high accuracy), height | 3-02-013 | Basic surface report 3-07-011 | METARSPE ; ; Main part of data for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR | 0-01-063 > | ICAO location indicator | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day (YY) | 3-01-012 > | GG, gg | 3-01-024 > | Latitude, longitude (coarse accuracy), height of station | 0-07-006 > | Height above station (= height of an anemometer) | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-016 > | Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind | 0-11-017 > | Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-11-041 > | Maximum wind speed (gusts) | 0-07-006 > | Height above station (= height of a thermometer) | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-12-003 > | Dew-point temperature | 0-10-052 > | Altimeter setting (QNH) | 0-20-009 | General Weather Indicator TAF/METAR 3-07-012 | DSVWWSEQ ; ; DvVVVV | 1-03-000 > | Delayed replication of 3 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication (up to 3) | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-05-021 > | Direction of visibility observed | 0-20-001 | Horizontal visibility 3-07-013 | DSR2VSR4 ; ; DRDRVRVRVRVR | 1-06-000 > | Delayed replication of 6 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication (up to 4) | 0-01-064 > | Runway designator | 0-08-014 > | Qualification for runway visual range | 0-20-061 > | Runway visual range | 0-08-014 > | Qualification for runway visual range | 0-20-061 > | Runway visual range | 0-20-018 | Tendency of runway visual range 3-07-014 | WPRIMEWS ; ; w'w' | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication (up to 3) | 0-20-019 | Significant present weather 3-07-015 | CLOUDGRP ; ; Clouds groups | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication | 3-02-005 > | (NsNsNs, CC, hshshs) | 0-20-002 | Vertical visibility 3-07-016 | REWPRMEW ; ; REw'w' | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication (up to 3) | 0-20-020 | Significant recent weather phenomena 3-07-017 | WSHRRWAY ; ; Wind shear on runwayss | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication | 0-11-070 | Runway designator of the runway affected by wind shear (including ALL) 3-07-018 | TTYPLFST ; ; Trend-type landing forecast | 0-08-016 > | Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast | 1-02-000 > | Delayed replication of 2 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication (up to 2) | 0-08-017 > | Qualifier of the time when the forecast change is expected (FM, TL, AT) | 3-01-012 > | GG, gg | 1-04-000 > | Delayed replication of 4 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication (up to 1) | 0-07-006 > | Height above station | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-11-041 > | Maximum wind speed (gusts) | 0-20-009 > | General Weather Indicator | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Number of replication (up to 1) | 0-20-001 > | Horizontal visibility | 3-07-014 | w'w' 3-07-020 | SMETARSP ; ; Short METAR/SPECI | 3-07-011 > | Main part of data | 3-07-014 > | w'w' | 3-07-016 | REw'w' 3-07-021 | TMETARSP ; ; Total sequence for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR | 3-07-011 > | Main part of data | 3-07-012 > | DvVVVV | 3-07-013 > | DRDRVRVRVRVR | 3-07-014 > | w'w' | 3-07-015 > | Clouds group(s) | 3-07-016 > | REw'w' | 3-07-017 > | Wind shear on runway(s) | 3-07-018 > | Trend-type landing forecast | 3-07-015 | Clouds group(s) 3-07-022 | GBGNSSDA ; ; Ground-based GNSS data | 0-01-015 > | Station or site name | 3-01-011 > | Year, Month, Day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, Minute | 3-01-022 > | Latitude (high accuracy), Longitude (high accuracy), Height of station | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= 23, monitoring period) | 0-04-025 > | Time period or displacement | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 0-33-038 > | Quality flags for ground-based GNSS data | 0-08-022 > | Total number (Number of GNSS satellites used) | 1-06-025 > | Replication | 0-02-020 > | Satellite classification | 0-01-050 > | Platform transmitter Id. number | 0-05-021 > | Azimuth | 0-07-021 > | Elevation | 0-15-031 > | Atmospheric path delay in satellite signal | 0-15-032 > | Estimated error in atmospheric path delay | 0-08-060 > | Sample scanning mode significance (=5 for North/South) | 0-15-033 > | Difference in path delays for limb views at extremes of scan | 0-15-034 > | Estimated error in path delay difference | 0-08-060 > | Sample scanning mode significance (=6 for East/West) | 0-15-033 > | Difference in path delays for limb views at extremes of scan | 0-15-034 > | Estimated error in path delay difference | 0-15-035 > | Component of zenith path delay due to water vapour | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-13-016 > | Precipitable water | 2-02-000 > | Reset scale | 2-01-000 > | Reset data width | 0-15-011 | Log10 of integrated electron density 3-07-071 | MNTHVLND ; ; Monthly values of a land station - CLIMAT Data of the month | 3-01-090 > | Surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates | 0-04-074 > | Short time displacement (= UTC - LST) | 0-04-023 > | Time period ( = number of days in the month) | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics = 4, mean value | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-10-051 > | Pressure reduced to mean sea level | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (standard level) (for lowland stations = missing value) | 0-10-009 > | Geopotential height of the standard level (for lowland stations = missing value) | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-02-051 > | Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures | 0-04-051 > | Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature | 0-12-118 > | Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours | 0-04-052 > | Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature | 0-12-119 > | Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours | 0-13-004 > | Vapour pressure | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (=63, missing value) | 0-12-151 > | Standard deviation of daily mean temperature | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 1-02-005 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 5 times | 0-08-050 > | Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic. | 0-08-020 > | Total number of missing entities (days) | 0-14-032 > | Total sunshine | 0-14-033 > | Total sunshine | 0-08-050 > | Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic | 0-08-020 > | Total number of missing entities (days) | 1-02-018 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 18 times (Number of days of occurrence) | 0-08-052 > | Conditions for which number of days of occurrence follows | 0-08-022 > | Total number (of days) | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-08-053 > | Day of occurrence qualifier = 0 (on 1 day only), = 1 (on 2 or more days) | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-12-152 > | Highest daily mean temperature | 0-08-053 > | Day of occurrence qualifier = 0 (on 1 day only), = 1 (on 2 or more days) | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-12-153 > | Lowest daily mean temperature | 0-08-053 > | Day of occurrence qualifier = 0 (on 1 day only), = 1 (on 2 or more days) | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics ( = 2, maximum value) | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-08-053 > | Day of occurrence qualifier = 0 (on 1 day only), = 1 (on 2 or more days) | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 3, minimum value) | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 63, missing value) | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-02-002 > | Type of instrumentation for wind measurement | 0-08-053 > | Day of occurrence qualifier = 0 (on 1 day only), = 1 (on 2 or more days) | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-11-046 > | Maximum instantaneous wind speed | 0-08-053 > | Day of occurrence qualifier (set to missing = 3 to cancel the previous value) | 0-04-003 > | Day (= 1) (Precipitation) | 0-04-004 > | Hour (= 6) | 0-04-023 > | Time period (= number of days in the month) | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-13-060 > | Total accumulated precipitation | 0-13-051 > | Frequency group, precipitation | 0-04-053 > | Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm | 0-08-050 > | Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic, = 5 (precipitation) | 0-08-020 > | Total number of missing entities (days) | 1-02-006 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 6 times (Number of days of occurrence) | 0-08-052 > | Conditions for which number of days of occurrence follows | 0-08-022 > | Total number (of days) | 0-08-053 > | Day of occurrence qualifier = 0 (on 1 day only), = 1 (on 2 or more days) (Occurrence of extreme precipitation) | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-13-052 > | Highest daily amount of precipitation | 0-07-032 | Height of sensor above local ground (set to missing to cancel the previous value) 3-07-072 | MNTHNLND ; ; Monthly normals from a land station | 0-04-001 > | Year (of beginning of the reference period) | 0-04-001 > | Year (of ending of the reference period) | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day (= 1) | 0-04-004 > | Hour (= 0) | 0-04-074 > | Short time displacement (= UTC- LST) | 0-04-022 > | Time period (= 1) | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 4, mean value) | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-10-051 > | Pressure reduced to Mean Sea Level | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (standard level) | 0-10-009 > | Geopotential height of the standard level | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-02-051 > | Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures | 0-04-051 > | Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature | 0-12-118 > | Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 h. | 0-04-052 > | Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature | 0-12-119 > | Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 h. | 0-13-004 > | Vapour pressure | 0-12-151 > | Standard deviation of daily mean temperature | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 0-14-032 > | Total sunshine (Normal of sunshine duration) | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 63, missing value) | 0-04-001 > | Year (of beginning of the reference period) (Normals of precipitation) | 0-04-001 > | Year (of ending of the reference period) | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day (= 1) | 0-04-004 > | Hour (= 6) | 0-04-022 > | Time period (= 1) | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above local ground | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 4, mean value) | 0-13-060 > | Total accumulated precipitation | 0-04-053 > | Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 63, missing value) | 1-02-008 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 8 times | 0-08-050 > | Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic. | 0-08-020 | Total number of missing entities (years) 3-07-073 | CLIMATML ; ; Representation of CLIMAT data of the actual month and for monthly normals | 3-07-071 > | Monthly values of a land station - CLIMAT Data of the month | 3-07-072 | Monthly normals from a land station 3-07-080 | SYNFLNDS ; ; Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data | 3-01-090 > | Fixed surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-02-031 > | Pressure data | 3-02-035 > | Basic synoptic 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-036 > | Clouds with bases below station level | 3-02-047 > | Direction of cloud drift | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 3-02-048 > | Direction and elevation of cloud | 3-02-037 > | State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature | 3-02-043 > | Basic synoptic 'period' data | 3-02-044 > | Evaporation data | 1-01-002 > | Replicate next descriptor 2 times | 3-02-045 > | Radiation data (from 1 hour and/or 24 hour period) | 3-02-046 | Temperature change 3-07-081 | SYNFLND1 ; ; Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA I | 3-01-090 > | Fixed surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-02-031 > | Pressure data | 3-02-035 > | Basic synoptic 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-036 > | Clouds with bases below station level | 3-02-047 > | Direction of cloud drift | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-048 > | Direction and elevation of cloud | 3-02-037 > | State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature | 0-12-122 > | Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night | 0-13-056 > | Character and intensity of precipitation | 0-13-057 > | Time of beginning or end of precipitation | 0-20-101 > | Locust (acridian) name | 0-20-102 > | Locust (maturity) color | 0-20-103 > | Stage of development of locusts | 0-20-104 > | Organization state of swarm or band of locusts | 0-20-105 > | Size of swarm or band of locusts and duration of passage of swarm | 0-20-106 > | Locust population density | 0-20-107 > | Direction of movements of locust swarm | 0-20-108 > | Extent of vegetation | 3-02-043 > | Basic synoptic 'period' data | 3-02-044 > | Evaporation data | 1-01-002 > | Replicate next descriptor 2 times | 3-02-045 > | Radiation data (from 1 hour and/or 24 hour period) | 3-02-046 | Temperature change 3-07-082 | SYNFLND2 ; ; Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA II | 3-01-090 > | Fixed surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-02-031 > | Pressure data | 3-02-035 > | Basic synoptic 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-036 > | Clouds with bases below station level | 3-02-047 > | Direction of cloud drift | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-048 > | Direction and elevation of cloud | 3-02-037 > | State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature | 0-12-121 > | Ground minimum temperature (at the time of observation) | 0-12-122 > | Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night | 3-02-043 > | Basic synoptic 'period' data | 3-02-044 > | Evaporation data | 1-01-002 > | Replicate next descriptor 2 times | 3-02-045 > | Radiation data (from 1 hour and/or 24 hour period) | 3-02-046 | Temperature change 3-07-083 | SYNFLND3 ; ; Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA III | 3-01-090 > | Fixed surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-02-031 > | Pressure data | 3-02-035 > | Basic synoptic 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-036 > | Clouds with bases below station level | 3-02-047 > | Direction of cloud drift | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-048 > | Direction and elevation of cloud | 3-02-037 > | State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature | 0-12-122 > | Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night | 3-02-043 > | Basic synoptic 'period' data | 3-02-044 > | Evaporation data | 1-01-002 > | Replicate next descriptor 2 times | 3-02-045 > | Radiation data (from 1 hour and/or 24 hour period) | 3-02-046 | Temperature change 3-07-084 | SYNFLND4 ; ; Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA IV | 3-01-090 > | Fixed surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-02-031 > | Pressure data | 3-02-035 > | Basic synoptic 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-036 > | Clouds with bases below station level | 3-02-047 > | Direction of cloud drift | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-048 > | Direction and elevation of cloud | 3-02-037 > | State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature | 0-20-055 > | State of sky in tropics | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 2-05-001 > | Character field of 1 character | 3-02-043 > | Basic synoptic 'period' data | 3-02-044 > | Evaporation data | 1-01-002 > | Replicate next descriptor 2 times | 3-02-045 > | Radiation data (from 1 hour and/or 24 hour period) | 3-02-046 | Temperature change 3-07-086 | SYNFLND6 ; ; Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA VI | 3-01-090 > | Fixed surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-02-031 > | Pressure data | 3-02-035 > | Basic synoptic 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-036 > | Clouds with bases below station level | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-037 > | State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature | 3-02-066 > | Dangerous weather phenomena | 3-02-043 > | Basic synoptic 'period' data | 3-02-044 > | Evaporation data | 1-01-002 > | Replicate next descriptor 2 times | 3-02-045 | Radiation data (from 1 hour and/or 24 hour period) 3-07-090 | SYNMLNDS ; ; Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a mobile land station suitable for SYNOP MOBIL data | 3-01-092 > | Mobile surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-02-031 > | Pressure data | 3-02-035 > | Basic synoptic 'instantaneous' data | 3-02-036 > | Clouds with bases below station level | 3-02-047 > | Direction of cloud drift | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 3-02-048 > | Direction and elevation of cloud | 3-02-037 > | State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature | 3-02-043 > | Basic synoptic 'period' data | 3-02-044 > | Evaporation data | 1-01-002 > | Replicate next descriptor 2 times | 3-02-045 > | Radiation data (from 1 hour and/or 24 hour period) | 3-02-046 | Temperature change 3-08-001 | BUOYFIXH ; ; Buoy/platform - fixed | 3-01-033 > | Identification, type, date/time, position (high accuracy) | 3-02-011 > | Basic surface report | 0-22-042 | Sea-surface temperature 3-08-002 | BUOYFIXC ; ; Buoy/platform - fixed | 3-01-034 > | Identification, type, date/time, position (coarse accuracy) | 3-02-011 > | Basic surface report | 0-22-042 | Sea-surface temperature 3-08-003 | BUOYMOVE ; ; Buoy/platform - moving | 3-01-035 > | Identification, movement, type, date/time, position (coarse accuracy) | 3-02-011 > | Basic surface report | 0-22-042 | Sea-surface temperature 3-08-004 | SHIPSEQ2 ; ; Ship | 3-01-036 > | Identification, movement, type, date/time, position (coarse accuracy) | 3-02-011 > | Basic surface report | 0-22-042 | Sea-surface temperature 3-08-005 | SHIPWASW ; ; | 3-08-004 > | Basic ship report | 3-02-024 | Wind waves and swell waves 3-08-006 | BUOYSEC1 ; ; Buoy Section 1 optional parameters | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-10-061 > | 3-hour pressure change | 0-10-063 > | Characteristic of pressure tendency | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-12-004 > | Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 0-22-042 | Sea temperature 3-08-007 | IDMDLBDS ; ; | 3-01-055 > | Identification, movement type, date/time, position (high accuracy) | 3-02-011 > | Basic surface report | 0-07-062 > | Depth below sea/water surface | 0-22-042 | Sea/water temperature 3-08-009 | SYNPSHIP ; ; Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a sea station suitable for SHIP data | 3-01-093 > | Ship identification, movement, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates | 3-02-001 > | Pressure data | 3-02-054 > | SHIP 'instantaneous' data | 0-08-002 > | Vertical significance | 3-02-055 > | Icing and ice | 3-02-057 > | SHIP marine data | 3-02-060 | SHIP 'period' data 3-08-010 | TRACKOBB ; ; TRACKOB Template | 0-01-011 > | Ship or mobile land station identifier | 1-13-000 > | Delayed replication of 13 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude/Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-04-080 > | Averaging period for following value | 0-22-049 > | Sea surface temperature | 0-04-080 > | Averaging period for following value | 0-22-059 > | Sea surface salinity | 0-04-080 > | Averaging period for following value | 0-22-005 > | Direction of sea surface current | 0-02-042 > | Indicator for sea surface current speed | 0-22-032 > | Speed of sea surface current | 0-02-042 > | Indicator for sea surface current speed (cancel) | 0-04-080 | Averaging period for following value (cancel) 3-08-011 | MNTHVSEA ; ; Monthly values from an ocean weather station - CLIMAT SHIP | 0-01-011 > | Ship's call sign | 0-02-001 > | Type of station | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-023 > | Latitude (coarse accuracy), Longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-07-030 > | Height of station platform above mean sea level | 0-07-031 > | Height of barometer above mean sea level | 0-04-074 > | Short time displacement (= UTC - LST) | 0-04-023 > | Time period (= number of days in the month) | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 4, mean value) | 0-10-051 > | Pressure reduced to mean sea level | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (for temperature measurement) | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (for temperature measurement) | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-13-004 > | Vapour pressure | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-056 > | Sea surface temperature, method of measurement, and depth below sea surface | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 63, missing value) | 0-04-003 > | Day (= 1) (Precipitation) | 0-04-004 > | Hour(= 6) | 0-04-023 > | Time period (= number of days in the month) | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform | 0-13-060 > | Total accumulated precipitation | 0-13-051 > | Frequency group, precipitation | 0-04-053 > | Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm | 0-07-032 | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (set to missing to cancel the previous value) 3-08-012 | MNTHNSEA ; ; Monthly normals from an ocean weather station | 0-04-001 > | Year (of beginning of the reference period) | 0-04-001 > | Year (of ending of the reference period) | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day (= 1) | 0-04-004 > | Hour (= 0) | 0-04-074 > | Short time displacement (= UTC - LST) | 0-04-022 > | Time period (= 1) | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 4, mean value) | 0-10-051 > | Pressure reduced to mean sea level | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (for temperature measurement) | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (for temperature measurement) | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-13-004 > | Vapour pressure | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 0-07-033 > | Height of sensor above water surface (set to missing to cancel the previous value) | 3-02-056 > | Sea surface temperature, method of measurement, and depth below sea surface | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 63, missing value) | 0-04-001 > | Year (of beginning of the reference period) | 0-04-001 > | Year (of ending of the reference period) | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day (= 1) | 0-04-004 > | Hour (= 6) | 0-04-022 > | Time period (= 1) | 0-07-032 > | Height of sensor above marine deck platform (for precipitation measurement) | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 4, mean value) | 0-13-060 > | Total accumulated precipitation | 0-04-053 > | Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm | 0-08-023 | First order statistics (= 63, missing value) 3-08-013 | CLIMATMS ; ; Representation of CLIMAT SHIP data of the actual month and for monthly normals | 3-08-011 > | Monthly values from an ocean weather station - CLIMAT SHIP | 3-08-012 | Monthly normals from an ocean weather station 3-09-001 | VRTWNLHH ; ; Vertical wind profile | 3-01-037 > | Identification, etc. (land station, high accuracy position) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-011 | Winds at heights 3-09-002 | VRTWNDHC ; ; Vertical wind profile | 3-01-038 > | Identification, etc. (land station, coarse accuracy position) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-011 | Winds at heights 3-09-003 | VRTWNDPH ; ; Vertical wind profile | 3-01-037 > | Identification, etc. (land station, high accuracy position) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-012 | Winds at pressure levels 3-09-004 | VRTWNDPC ; ; Vertical wind profile | 3-01-038 > | Identification, etc. (land station, coarse accuracy position) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-012 | Winds at pressure levels 3-09-005 | VRTSDRLH ; ; Vertical sounding with relative humidity | 3-01-037 > | Identification, etc. (land station, high accuracy position) | 3-02-004 > | Significant cloud information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-013 | Pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind data 3-09-006 | VRTSDRHC ; ; Vertical sounding with relative humidity | 3-01-038 > | Identification, etc. (land station, coarse accuracy position) | 3-02-004 > | Significant cloud information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-013 | Pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind data 3-09-007 | VRTSDDLH ; ; Vertical sounding with dew-point data | 3-01-037 > | Identification, etc. (land station, high accuracy position) | 3-02-004 > | Significant cloud information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-014 | Pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind data 3-09-008 | VRTSDDPC ; ; Vertical sounding with dew-point data | 3-01-038 > | Identification, etc. (land station, coarse accuracy position) | 3-02-004 > | Significant cloud information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-014 | Pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind data 3-09-011 | VRTWNDSH ; ; Vertical wind profile | 3-01-039 > | Ship's identification, etc. | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-011 | Winds at heights 3-09-012 | VRTWNDSP ; ; Vertical wind profile | 3-01-039 > | Ship's identification, etc. | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-012 | Winds at pressure levels 3-09-013 | VRTSDRHS ; ; Vertical sounding with relative humidity | 3-01-039 > | Ship's identification, etc. | 3-02-004 > | Significant cloud information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-013 | Pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind data 3-09-014 | VRTSDDPS ; ; Vertical sounding with dew-point data | 3-01-039 > | Ship's identification, etc. | 3-02-004 > | Significant cloud information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-014 | Pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind data 3-09-015 | VRTWNSHH ; ; Vertical wind profile | 3-01-040 > | Ship's identification, etc. | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-011 | Winds at heights 3-09-016 | VRTWNDHP ; ; Vertical wind profile | 3-01-040 > | Ship's identification, etc. | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-012 | Winds at pressure levels 3-09-017 | VRTSDRSH ; ; Vertical sounding with relative humidity | 3-01-040 > | Ship's identification, etc. | 3-02-004 > | Significant cloud information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-013 | Pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind data 3-09-018 | VRTSDDSH ; ; Vertical sounding with dew-point data | 3-01-040 > | Ship's identification, etc. | 3-02-004 > | Significant cloud information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-014 | Pressure, geopotential, temperature and wind data 3-09-019 | WNPROFSD ; ; Wind profiler - wind data sounding | 3-01-031 > | Identification, etc. | 0-02-003 > | Type of measuring equipment used | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-03-011 | Winds at heights 3-09-020 | WNPROFCC ; ; Wind profiler - Cartesian coordinates | 3-01-031 > | Identification, etc. | 0-02-003 > | Type of measuring equipment used | 1-04-000 > | Delayed replication of 4 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-07-003 > | Geopotential | 0-11-003 > | u-component | 0-11-004 > | v-component | 0-11-005 | w-component 3-09-030 | OZSNDFLT ; ; Ozone sonde flight data | 0-15-004 > | Ozone sounding correction factor | 0-15-005 > | Ozone p | 1-04-000 > | Delayed replication of 4 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-04-015 > | Time increment since launch time, if needed; in minutes | 0-08-006 > | Ozone vertical sounding significance | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-15-003 | Measured ozone partial pressure 3-09-031 | OZONFLTD ; ; Ozone sonde flight data | 0-15-004 > | Ozone sounding correction factor | 0-15-005 > | Ozone p | 1-04-000 > | Delayed replication of 4 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-04-025 > | Time displacement (since launch time) in minutes | 0-08-006 > | Ozone vertical sounding significance | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-15-003 | Measured ozone partial pressure 3-09-050 | PILOTSMP ; ; Sequence for representation of PILOT, PILOT SHIP and PILOT MOBIL observation type data with pressure as the vertical coordinate | 3-01-110 > | Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements | 3-01-113 > | Date/time of launch | 3-01-114 > | Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-050 > | Wind data at a pressure level | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-051 | Wind shear data at a pressure level 3-09-051 | PILOTSMH ; ; Sequence for representation of PILOT, PILOT SHIP and PILOT MOBIL observation type data with height as the vertical coordinate | 3-01-110 > | Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements | 3-01-113 > | Date/time of launch | 3-01-114 > | Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-052 > | Wind data at a height level | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-053 | Wind shear data at a height level 3-09-052 | TEMPSHMO ; ; Sequence for representation of TEMP, TEMP SHIP and TEMP MOBIL observation type data | 3-01-111 > | Identification of launch site and instrumentation for P, T, U and wind measurements | 3-01-113 > | Date/time of launch | 3-01-114 > | Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site | 3-02-049 > | Cloud information reported with vertical soundings | 0-22-043 > | Sea water temperature | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-054 > | Temperature, dew-point and wind data at a pressure level | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-051 | Wind shear data at a pressure level 3-09-053 | TEMPDROP ; ; Sequence for representation of TEMP DROP observation type data | 3-01-112 > | Identification of launch point and instrumentation of dropsonde | 3-01-113 > | Date/time of launch | 3-01-114 > | Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-054 > | Temperature, dew-point and wind data at a pressure level | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-051 | Wind shear data at a pressure level 3-09-054 | CLIMATTS ; ; Sequence for representation of CLIMAT TEMP and CLIMAT TEMP SHIP data | 3-01-001 > | Identification of launch site | 0-01-011 > | Ship's call sign | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Horizontal and vertical coordinates | 0-07-030 > | Height of station ground above mean sea level | 0-07-031 > | Height of barometer above mean sea level | 0-07-007 > | Height release of sonde above mean sea level | 0-04-023 > | Time period (= number of days in the month) (Monthly mean data) | 0-04-059 > | Times of observations used to compute the reported mean values | 1-15-000 > | Delayed replication of 15 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-08-001 > | Vertical sounding significance | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 4, mean value) | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-10-009 > | Geopotential height | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-12-103 > | Dew-point temperature | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 32, vector mean) | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics (= 63, missing value) | 0-11-019 > | Steadiness of wind | 0-08-050 > | Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic (= 2, temperature) | 0-08-020 > | Total number of missing entities (days) | 0-08-050 > | Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic (= 9, wind) | 0-08-020 | Total number of missing entities (days) 3-09-060 | RAOBRGSF ; ; Radiosonde complete registration and surface observation | 3-01-123 > | Radiosonde full header information | 3-01-121 > | Radiosonde launch point location | 3-02-050 > | Radiosonde surface observation | 3-03-040 | Radiosonde duration of flight and termination information 3-09-061 | RAWPTUSQ ; ; Raw PTU | 3-01-120 > | Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (6 = "flight level observation" ) | 3-01-122 > | Date/time (to hundredths of second) | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-25-069 > | Flight level pressure correction | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-33-007 > | Percent confidence (for Pressure) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Pressure) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Pressure) | 0-13-009 > | Relative humidity | 0-33-007 > | Percent confidence (for Relative humidity) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Relative humidity) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Relative humidity) | 0-02-013 > | Solar and infrared radiation correction | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry bulb temperature | 0-33-007 > | Percent confidence (for Temperature) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Temperature) | 0-33-015 | Data quality-check indicator (for Temperature) 3-09-062 | RAWGPSUS ; ; Raw GPS unsmoothed wind | 3-01-120 > | Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (6 = "flight level observation" ) | 3-01-122 > | Date/time (to hundredths of second) | 0-05-001 > | Latitude (high accuracy) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Latitude) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Latitude) | 0-06-001 > | Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Longitude) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Longitude) | 0-07-007 > | Height | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Height) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Height) | 0-11-003 > | U-component | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for U-component) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for U-component) | 0-11-004 > | V-component | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for V-component) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for V-component) | 0-33-007 | Percent confidence (for Raw GPS unsmoothed wind) 3-09-063 | RAWGPSSM ; ; Raw GPS smoothed wind | 3-01-120 > | Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (6 = "flight level observation" ) | 3-01-122 > | Date/time (to hundredths of second) sequence | 0-05-001 > | Latitude (high accuracy) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Latitude) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Latitude) | 0-06-001 > | Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Longitude) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Longitude) | 0-07-007 > | Height | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Height) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Height) | 0-11-003 > | U-component | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for U-component) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for U-component) | 0-11-004 > | V-component | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for V-component) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for V-component) | 0-33-007 | Percent confidence (for Raw GPS smoothed wind) 3-09-064 | PROCPTUS ; ; Processed PTU | 3-01-120 > | Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (6 = "flight level observation" ) | 3-01-122 > | Date/time (to hundredths of second) | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 1-04-002 > | Replicate 4 descriptors 2 times | 0-25-069 > | Flight level pressure correction | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Pressure) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Pressure) | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Relative humidity) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Relative humidity) | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 1-04-002 > | Replicate 4 descriptors 2 times | 0-02-013 > | Solar and infrared radiation correction | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry bulb temperature | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Temperature) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Temperature) | 0-12-103 > | Dew-point temperature | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Dew-point temperature) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Dew-point temperature) | 0-10-009 > | Geopotential height | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Geopotential height) | 0-33-015 | Data quality-check indicator (for Geopotential height) 3-09-065 | PROCGPSS ; ; Processed GPS | 3-01-120 > | Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (6 = "flight level observation" ) | 3-01-122 > | Date/time (to hundredths of second) | 0-05-001 > | Latitude (high accuracy) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Latitude) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Latitude) | 0-06-001 > | Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Longitude) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Longitude) | 0-07-007 > | Height | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for Height) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for Height) | 0-11-003 > | U-component | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for U-component) | 0-33-015 > | Data quality-check indicator (for U-component) | 0-11-004 > | V-component | 0-33-035 > | Manual/automatic quality control (for V-component) | 0-33-015 | Data quality-check indicator (for V-component) 3-09-066 | STDSIGLV ; ; Standard and significant levels | 3-01-120 > | Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information | 0-08-041 > | Data significance (6 = "flight level observation" ) | 3-01-122 > | Date/time (to hundredths of second) | 0-08-040 > | Flight level significance | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-25-069 > | Flight level pressure correction | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-02-013 > | Solar and infrared radiation correction | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry bulb temperature | 0-12-103 > | Dew-point temperature | 0-10-009 > | Geopotential height | 0-10-007 > | Height | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-11-001 | Wind direction 3-10-001 | SATBTEMP ; ; Satellite - brightness temperature | 3-01-042 > | Identification, method, date/time | 3-03-031 > | Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature | 3-03-032 > | Cloud | 1-01-026 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 26 times | 3-03-025 | Satellite channel and brightness temperature 3-10-002 | SATLLEVL ; ; Satellite - low level | 3-01-042 > | Identification, method, date/time | 3-03-031 > | Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature | 3-03-032 > | Cloud | 1-01-009 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 9 times | 3-03-023 | Layer mean temperature 3-10-003 | SATHLEVL ; ; Satellite - high level | 3-01-042 > | Identification, method, date/time | 3-03-031 > | Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature | 3-03-032 > | Cloud | 1-01-006 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 6 times | 3-03-023 | Layer mean temperature 3-10-004 | SATPWATR ; ; Satellite - precipitable water | 3-01-042 > | Identification, method, date/time | 3-03-031 > | Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature | 3-03-032 > | Cloud | 1-01-003 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times | 3-03-024 | Precipitable water 3-10-005 | IMDLSCSB ; ; | 3-01-042 > | Identification, method, date/time | 3-03-031 > | Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature | 3-03-033 > | Cloud | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-025 | Satellite channel and brightness temperature 3-10-006 | IMDLSCLT ; ; | 3-01-042 > | Identification, method, date/time | 3-03-031 > | Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature | 3-03-033 > | Cloud | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-023 | Layer mean temperature 3-10-007 | IMDLSCPW ; ; | 3-01-042 > | Identification, method, date/time | 3-03-031 > | Significance data, land/sea, skin temperature | 3-03-033 > | Cloud | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-03-024 | Precipitable water 3-10-008 | ATOVHIRS ; ; ATOVS HIRS report | 3-10-011 > | ATOVS field of view variables | 1-01-019 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 19 times | 3-10-012 > | ATOVS channel variables | 0-02-150 > | TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number | 0-25-079 > | Albedo-radiance solar filtered irradiance for ATOVS | 0-25-080 > | Albedo-radiance equivalent filter width for ATOVS | 0-33-032 > | Channel quality flags for ATOVS | 0-14-045 | Channel radiance 3-10-009 | ATOVAMUA ; ; ATOVS AMSU-A report | 3-10-011 > | ATOVS field of view variables | 1-01-015 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 15 times | 3-10-012 | ATOVS channel variables 3-10-010 | ATOVAMUB ; ; ATOVS AMSU-B report | 3-10-011 > | ATOVS field of view variables | 1-01-005 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times | 3-10-012 | ATOVS channel variables 3-10-011 | ATFOV ; ; ATOVS field of view variables | 0-08-070 > | TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier | 0-01-033 > | Identification of originating/generating centre | 0-01-034 > | Identification of originating/generating centre | 0-08-070 > | TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier | 0-01-033 > | Identification of originating/generating centre | 0-01-034 > | Identification of originating/generating centre | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identification | 0-02-048 > | Satellite sensor indicator | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-25-075 > | Satellite antenna corrections version number | 2-01-133 > | Change width | 0-05-041 > | Scan line number | 2-01-000 > | Change width | 0-05-043 > | Field of view number | 0-25-070 > | Major frame count | 0-33-030 > | Scan line status flags for ATOVS | 0-33-031 > | Scan line quality flags for ATOVS | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 2-02-131 > | Change scale | 2-01-138 > | Change width | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-01-000 > | Change width | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 0-05-001 > | Latitude | 0-06-001 > | Longitude | 2-02-126 > | Change scale | 0-07-001 > | Height of station | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 0-07-024 > | Satellite zenith angle | 0-05-021 > | Satellite azimuth | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-05-022 > | Solar azimuth | 0-33-033 > | Field of view quality flags for ATOVS | 0-02-151 > | Radiometer identifier | 0-12-064 > | Instrument temperature | 0-02-151 > | Radiometer identifier | 0-12-064 > | Instrument temperature | 0-02-151 > | Radiometer identifier | 0-12-064 > | Instrument temperature | 0-02-151 > | Radiometer identifier | 0-12-064 | Instrument temperature 3-10-012 | ATCHV ; ; ATOVS channel variables | 0-02-150 > | TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number | 0-25-076 > | Log-10 of (temperature-radiance central wavenumber) for ATOVS | 0-25-077 > | Bandwidth correction coefficient 1 for ATOVS | 0-25-078 > | Bandwidth correction coefficient 2 for ATOVS | 0-33-032 > | Channel quality flags for ATOVS | 2-01-132 > | Change width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 2-01-000 | Change width 3-10-013 | AVHRRGAC ; ; AVHRR GAC report | 0-01-007 > | Satellite ID | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-04-006 > | Second | 0-05-001 > | Latitude | 0-06-001 > | Longitude | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-05-043 > | Field of view number | 0-25-085 > | Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS field of view | 2-01-131 > | Change width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-02-150 > | TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-14-027 > | Albedo | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-14-027 > | Albedo | 0-02-150 > | TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-14-027 > | Albedo | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-14-027 > | Albedo | 0-02-150 > | ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-14-027 > | Albedo | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-14-027 > | Albedo | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 2-01-000 > | Change width | 2-01-132 > | Change width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-02-150 > | ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-02-150 > | ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-02-150 > | ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number | 0-08-023 > | First order statistics | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-08-072 > | Pixel(s) type | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 2-01-000 | Change width 3-10-014 | GEOSTWND ; ; Satellite - geostationnary wind data | 3-01-072 > | Satellite identification, date, time, latitude, longitude | 3-03-041 > | Wind sequence | 3-04-011 | GOES-I/M information 3-10-015 | METEORAD ; ; Meteosat radiace data | 3-01-072 > | Satellite identification | 0-07-024 > | Satellite zenith angle | 0-10-002 > | Height | 3-03-041 > | Wind sequence | 1-01-003 > | Replicate next descriptor 3 times | 3-04-032 > | Cloud fraction | 0-02-152 > | Satellite instrument used in data processing | 0-02-024 > | Integrated mean humidity computational method | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 1-01-003 > | Replicate next descriptor 3 times | 3-04-033 | Clear sky radiance 3-10-016 | MSGRADAT ; ; Meteosat Second Generation MSG radiance data | 3-01-072 > | Satellite identification | 0-07-024 > | Satellite zenith angle | 0-10-002 > | Height | 3-03-041 > | Wind sequence | 1-01-012 > | Replicate next descriptor 12 times | 3-04-032 > | Cloud fraction | 0-02-152 > | Satellite instrument used in data processing | 0-02-024 > | Integrated mean humidity computational method | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 1-01-012 > | Replicate next descriptor 12 times | 3-04-033 | Clear sky radiance 3-10-019 | SBUV2OZN ; ; Ozone data | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instruments (= 624 - SBUV/2) | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-023 > | Lat/long (coarse accuracy) | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= 28 - start of scan) | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= 29 - end of scan) | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 0-08-029 > | Remotely-sensed surface type | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-08-075 > | Ascending/descending orbit qualifier | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance (satellite observations) (= 0 - surface) | 0-10-004 > | Pressure (terrain) | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance (satellite observations) (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 2-07-002 > | Increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-15-001 > | Total ozone | 2-07-000 > | Cancel increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-33-070 > | SBUV total ozone quality | 0-15-030 > | Aerosol contamination index | 2-07-002 > | Increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-20-081 > | Cloud amount in segment (cloud fraction) | 2-07-000 > | Cancel increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance (satellite observations) (= 2 - cloud top) | 0-33-042 > | Type of limit represented by following value (= 0 - exclusive lower limit) | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 2-07-002 > | Increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-15-001 > | Total ozone (below cloud top pressure) | 2-07-000 > | Cancel increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance (satellite observations) (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 1-13-021 > | Repeat next 13 descriptors 21 times | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (at bottom of layer) | 0-07-004 > | Pressure (at top of layer) | 2-07-002 > | Increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= 27 - first guess) | 0-15-005 > | Ozone p | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 0-15-005 > | Ozone p | 0-33-007 > | Percent confidence | 2-07-000 > | Cancel increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-08-026 > | Matrix significance (= 4 - row of averaging kernel matrix) | 1-01-020 > | Repeat next descriptor 20 times | 0-25-143 > | Linear coefficient | 0-08-026 > | Matrix significance (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 0-08-043 > | Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type (= 0 - ozone) | 1-09-015 > | Repeat next 9 descriptors 15 times | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-08-090 > | Decimal scale of following Table B values | 2-07-006 > | Increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-15-008 > | Scaled mixing ratio (volumetric) | 2-07-000 > | Cancel increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-08-090 > | Decimal scale applying to following Table B values (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 2-07-002 > | Increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-33-007 > | Percent confidence | 2-07-000 > | Cancel increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-08-043 > | Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type (= missing to cancel the previous value) | 0-33-071 > | SBUV profile ozone quality | 1-08-008 > | Repeat next 6 descriptors 8 times | 2-02-124 > | Decrease scale by 4 | 2-01-107 > | Decrease bit width by 21 | 0-02-071 > | Spectrographic wavelength | 2-01-000 > | Cancel decrease bit width | 2-02-000 > | Cancel decrease scale | 2-07-002 > | Increase scale, reference value and bit width | 0-20-081 > | Cloud amount in segment (cloud fraction) | 2-07-000 | Cancel increase scale, reference value and bit width 3-10-020 | RETROZON ; ; Retrieved ozone data | 3-10-022 > | Satellite, instrument and product | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-013 > | Hour, minute, second | 3-01-021 > | Lat., long. (high accuracy) | 3-04-034 > | Latitude/longitude, solar elevation, number of layers | 3-10-021 | Ozone layers 3-10-021 | PRLYIODH ; ; | 1-08-000 > | Delayed replication of 8 next descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 2-01-000 > | Change data width back to Table B | 0-15-020 > | Integrated ozone density | 0-10-002 | Height 3-10-022 | SIIDSEQ ; ; | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instrument used | 0-01-033 > | Identification of originating/generating centre | 0-02-172 | Product type for retrieved atmospheric gases 3-10-023 | GSRADSEQ ; ; Geostationary multi-channel satellite radiance data | 3-01-072 > | Satellite identification | 0-30-021 > | Number of pixels per row | 0-30-022 > | Number of pixels per column | 0-08-012 > | Land/sea qualifier | 0-07-024 > | Satellite zenith angle | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-10-002 > | Height | 1-01-012 > | Replicate next descriptor 12 times | 3-04-032 > | Cloud fraction | 1-05-002 > | Replicate next 5 descriptors 2 times | 0-02-152 > | Satellite instrument used in data processing | 0-02-024 > | Integrated mean humidity computational method | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 1-01-012 > | Replicate next descriptor 12 times | 3-04-033 | Radiance 3-10-024 | GS3CHRAD ; ; Geostationary three-channel satellite radiance data | 3-01-072 > | Satellite identification | 0-30-021 > | Number of pixels per row | 0-30-022 > | Number of pixels per column | 0-08-012 > | Land/sea qualifier | 0-07-024 > | Satellite zenith angle | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-10-002 > | Height | 1-01-003 > | Replicate next descriptor 3 times | 3-04-032 > | Cloud fraction | 1-05-002 > | Replicate next 5 descriptors 2 times | 0-02-152 > | Satellite instrument used in data processing | 0-02-024 > | Integrated mean humidity computational method | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-13-003 > | Relative humidity | 1-01-003 > | Replicate next descriptor 3 times | 3-04-033 | Radiance 3-10-025 | SSMISTEM ; ; SSMIS Temperature data record | 0-01-007 > | Satellite id | 0-08-021 > | Scan start | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 2-01-138 > | Change bit width | 2-02-131 > | Change scale | 0-04-006 > | (Milli)seconds | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change bit width | 2-01-132 > | Change bit width | 0-05-041 > | Scan number | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change bit width | 2-01-129 > | Change bit width | 0-05-043 > | Scene number | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change bit width | 0-05-002 > | Latitude | 0-06-002 > | Longitude | 0-13-040 > | Surface flag | 0-20-029 > | Rain flag | 1-04-024 > | Repeat next 4 descriptors 24 times | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 0-12-163 > | Temperature | 0-21-083 > | Warm target calibration | 0-21-084 > | Cold target calibration | 1-15-003 > | Replicate ephemeris data (15 descriptors) 3 times | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 2-01-142 > | Change data width | 2-02-131 > | Change scale | 0-04-026 > | Ephemeris (milli)seconds | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-05-001 > | Ephemeris latitude | 0-06-001 > | Ephemeris longitude | 2-01-138 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-07-001 > | Ephemeris height | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-08-021 > | Orbit start | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 1-01-003 > | Repeat 3 times | 0-12-070 > | Warm load temperature | 0-25-054 > | SSMIS subframe id number | 1-01-004 > | Repeat 4 times | 0-25-055 > | Multiplexer housekeeping values | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (line) | 1-04-028 > | Repeat 28 times next 4 descriptors | 0-05-002 > | Latitude | 0-06-002 > | Longitude | 0-02-111 > | Earth angle | 0-05-021 | Azimuth 3-10-026 | RAOCSEQ ; ; Satellite radio occultation data | 3-10-022 > | Satellite, instrument and product | 0-25-060 > | Software identification | 0-08-021 > | Time significance ('17' = start of phenomenon) | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute | 2-01-138 > | Change width to 16 bits | 2-02-131 > | Change scale to 3 | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 0-33-039 > | Quality flags for Radio Occultation data | 0-33-007 > | Per cent confidence (for whole message) | 3-04-030 > | Location of platform | 3-04-031 > | Speed of platform | 0-02-020 > | Satellite classification | 0-01-050 > | Platform transmitter ID number | 2-02-127 > | Change scale to 1 | 3-04-030 > | Location of platform | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 3-04-031 > | Speed of platform | 2-01-133 > | Change width to 18 bits | 2-02-131 > | Change scale to 3 | 0-04-016 > | Time increment | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B. | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 3-01-021 > | Latitude, longitude (high accuracy) | 3-04-030 > | Location of point | 0-10-035 > | Earth's local radius of curvature | 0-05-021 > | Bearing or azimuth | 0-10-036 > | Geoid undulation | 1-13-000 > | Delayed replication of 13 descriptors | 0-31-002 > | Replication factor (16 bits) | 3-01-021 > | Latitude, longitude (high accuracy) | 0-05-021 > | Bearing or azimuth | 1-08-000 > | Delayed replication of 8 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-02-121 > | Mean frequency | 0-07-040 > | Impact parameter | 0-15-037 > | Bending angle | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics ('13' = r.m.s.) | 2-01-125 > | Change width to 20 bits | 0-15-037 > | Bending angle | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics ('63' = missing) | 0-33-007 > | Per cent confidence (all data for current replication | 1-08-000 > | Delayed replication of 8 descriptors | 0-31-002 > | Replication factor (16 bits) | 0-07-007 > | Height | 0-15-036 > | Atmospheric refractivity | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics ('13' = r.m.s.) | 2-01-123 > | Change width to 14 bits | 0-15-036 > | Atmospheric refractivity | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics ('63' = missing) | 0-33-007 > | Per cent confidence (all data for current height) | 1-16-000 > | Delayed replication of 16 descriptors | 0-31-002 > | Replication factor (16 bits) | 0-07-009 > | Geopotential height | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-13-001 > | Specific humidity | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics ('13' = r.m.s.) | 2-01-120 > | Change width to 6 bits | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 2-01-122 > | Change width to 6 bits | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 2-01-123 > | Change width to 9 bits | 0-13-001 > | Specific humidity | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics ('63' = missing) | 0-33-007 > | Per cent confidence (all data for current height) | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance ('0' = surface) | 0-07-009 > | Geopotential height | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics ('13' = r.m.s.) | 2-01-120 > | Change width to 6 bits | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics ('63' = missing) | 0-33-007 | Per cent confidence (for surface data) 3-10-029 | LYOZHTWV ; ; Layer, ozone, height, temperature and water vapour | 1-10-000 > | Delayed replication of 10 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 2-01-138 > | Change data width | 2-02-130 > | Change scale | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-15-020 > | Integrated ozone density | 0-10-002 > | Height | 0-12-101 > | Temperature | 0-13-098 | Integrated water vapour density 3-10-030 | GOMOSINS ; ; MIPAS or GOMOS instruments reporting | 3-10-022 > | Satellite identification, product type | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude/longitude | 3-04-034 > | Latitude/longitude, solar elevation, number of layers | 3-10-029 | Layer, ozone, height, temperature and water vapour 3-10-050 | SCO1C3IN ; ; Satellite collocated 1C reports with 3 instruments | 3-10-051 > | Satellite position and instrument temperatures | 3-10-052 > | Satellite instrument type and position (AIRS) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-10-053 > | Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set (AIRS) | 1-01-004 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times | 3-10-054 > | Satellite visible channels and albedos with expanded channel set | 0-20-010 > | Cloud cover (total) | 3-10-052 > | Satellite instrument type and position (AMSU-A) | 1-01-015 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 15 times | 3-10-053 > | Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set (AMSU-A) | 3-10-052 > | Satellite instrument type and position (HSB) | 1-01-005 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times | 3-10-053 | Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set (HSB) 3-10-051 | SPITSEQN ; ; Satellite position and instrument temperatures | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 2-01-133 > | Change data width | 0-05-041 > | Scan line number | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 2-01-132 > | Change data width | 0-25-070 > | Major frame count | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 2-02-126 > | Change scale | 0-07-001 > | Height of station | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-05-022 > | Solar azimuth | 1-02-009 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 9 times | 0-02-151 > | Radiometer identifier | 0-12-064 | Instrument temperature 3-10-052 | SITPSEQN ; ; Satellite instrument type and position | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instruments | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, minute | 2-02-131 > | Change scale | 2-01-138 > | Change data width | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-024 > | Satellite zenith angle | 0-05-021 > | Bearing or azimuth | 0-05-043 | Field of view number 3-10-053 | SCBTSEQN ; ; Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set | 2-01-134 > | Change data width | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-25-076 > | Log-10 of temperature-radiance central wave number for ATOVS | 0-33-032 > | Channel quality flags for ATOVS | 0-12-163 | Brightness temperature (scale 2) 3-10-054 | SVCASEQN ; ; Satellite visible channels and albedos with expanded channel set | 2-01-134 > | Change data width | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-25-076 > | Log-10 of temperature-radiance central wave number for ATOVS | 0-33-032 > | Channel quality flags for ATOVS | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 1-02-002 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics | 0-14-027 > | Albedo | 0-08-023 > | First-order statistics | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scale | 2-01-000 | Cancel change data width 3-10-055 | SATRCPRC ; ; Satellite radiance/channel principle components | 3-10-051 > | Satellite position and instrument temperatures | 3-10-052 > | Satellite instrument type and position (AIRS) | 1-02-020 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 20 times | 0-25-076 > | Log-10 of temperature-radiance central wave number for ATOVS | 0-25-052 > | Log-10 of principal components normalized fit to data | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-25-050 | Principal components of satellite radiance 3-11-001 | AIRCRAFT ; ; Aircraft reports | 3-01-051 > | ASDAR aircraft flight number, navigational system, date/time, position, phase of aircraft flight | 0-07-002 > | Altitude | 0-12-001 > | Temperature | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-11-031 > | Degree of turbulence | 0-11-032 > | Height of base of turbulence | 0-11-033 > | Height of top of turbulence | 0-20-041 | Airframe icing 3-11-002 | ACARSREP ; ; ACARS reports | 3-01-065 > | ACARS identification | 3-01-066 > | ACARS location | 3-11-003 > | ACARS standard reported variables | 3-11-004 | ACARS supplementary reported variables 3-11-003 | ACARSV ; ; ACARS standard reported variables | 0-10-070 > | Indicated aircraft altitude | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-12-001 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-13-002 | Mixing ratio 3-11-004 | ACARSSRV ; ; ACARS supplementary reported variables | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of one descriptor | 0-31-000 > | Short delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-11-034 > | Vertical gust velocity | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of one descriptor | 0-31-000 > | Short delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-11-035 > | Vertical gust acceleration | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of one descriptor | 0-31-000 > | Short delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-11-075 > | Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of one descriptor | 0-31-000 > | Short delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-11-076 > | Peak turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of one descriptor | 0-31-000 > | Short delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-33-025 > | ACARS interpolated values | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of one descriptor | 0-31-000 > | Short delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-33-026 | Mixing ratio quality 3-11-005 | AMDARSTD ; ; Standard AMDAR reports | 0-01-008 > | Aircraft identification | 0-01-023 > | Sequence number | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude | 3-01-011 > | Year, month and day | 3-01-013 > | Hour, minute and second | 0-07-010 > | Flight level | 0-08-009 > | Detailed phase of flight | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-11-031 > | Degree of turbulence | 0-11-036 > | Derived equivalent vertical gust speed | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-33-025 | ACARS interpolated values 3-11-006 | AMDARNOL ; ; AMDAR data or Aircraft data for one level without latitude/longitude | 0-07-010 > | Flight level | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-02-064 > | Roll angle quality | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-12-103 | Dew-point temperature 3-11-007 | ACFTLALO ; ; Aircraft data for one level with latitude/longitude indicated | 0-07-010 > | Flight level | 3-01-021 > | Latitude, longitude | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-02-064 > | Roll angle quality | 0-12-101 > | Temperature/dry-bulb temperature | 0-12-103 | Dew-point temperature 3-11-008 | ASDSNOLL ; ; Aircraft ascent/descent profile without latitude/longitude indicated at each level | 0-01-008 > | Aircraft identification | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-013 > | Hour, Min, second | 3-01-021 > | Latitude, Longitude | 0-08-004 > | Phase of flight | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of one descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-11-006 | Aircraft data for one level without latitude/longitude 3-11-009 | ASDSLALO ; ; Aircraft ascent/descent profile with latitude/longitude given for each level | 0-01-008 > | Aircraft identification | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 3-01-013 > | Hour, Min, second | 3-01-021 > | Latitude, Longitude | 0-08-004 > | Phase of flight | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of one descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication factor | 3-11-007 | Aircraft data for one level with latitude/longitude indicated 3-12-001 | SAIDCPTW ; ; | 3-01-043 > | Satellite identifier, instrumentation, location, date/time | 3-04-001 | Cloud top pressure, temperature, wind 3-12-002 | SAIDCPWN ; ; | 3-01-043 > | Satellite identifier, instrumentation, location, date/time | 3-04-002 | Cloud top pressure, wind 3-12-003 | SAIDSFCT ; ; | 3-01-042 > | Satellite identifier, instrumentation, location, date/time | 3-04-003 | Surface temperature 3-12-004 | SAIDCLDC ; ; | 3-01-042 > | Satellite identifier, instrumentation, location, date/time | 3-04-004 | Cloud cover 3-12-005 | SAIDHOCT ; ; | 3-01-042 > | Satellite identifier, instrumentation, location, date/time | 0-20-014 | Height of top of cloud 3-12-006 | SAIDLMRH ; ; | 3-01-044 > | Satellite identifier, instrumentation, location, date/time | 3-04-005 | Layer mean relative humidity 3-12-007 | SAIDRADN ; ; | 3-01-042 > | Satellite identifier, instrumentation, location, date/time | 3-04-006 | Radiation 3-12-010 | ORBITAL1 ; ; Orbital information, Part I | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-02-021 > | Satellite instrumentation | 0-05-041 > | Scan line number | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-043 | Day of year 3-12-011 | ORBITAL2 ; ; Orbital information, Part II | 2-02-131 > | Change scale | 2-01-149 > | Change width | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-01-000 > | Change width | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 2-02-126 > | Change scale | 0-10-002 > | Height | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 0-05-043 > | Field of view number | 0-05-053 | Field of view number increment 3-12-012 | HIRSB119 ; ; HIRS brightness temperatures - channels 1-19 | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 2-01-132 > | Change width | 1-01-019 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 19 times | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 2-01-000 > | Change width | 2-02-000 | Change scale 3-12-013 | HIRSBT20 ; ; HIRS brightness temperatures - channel 20 | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 2-01-135 > | Change width | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 2-01-000 > | Change width | 2-02-000 | Change scale 3-12-014 | HIRSDATA ; ; HIRS satellite data | 3-12-010 > | Orbital information, Part I | 3-12-011 > | Orbital information, Part II | 1-05-056 > | Replicate 5 descriptors 56 times | 3-01-023 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 0-05-052 > | Channel number increment | 3-12-012 > | HIRS brightness temperatures - channels 1-19 | 3-12-013 | HIRS brightness temperature - channel 20 3-12-015 | MSUB1234 ; ; MSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-4 | 1-09-011 > | Replicate 9 descriptors 11 times | 3-01-023 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 0-05-052 > | Channel number increment | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 2-01-132 > | Change width | 1-01-004 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 2-01-000 | Change width 3-12-016 | MSUSDATA ; ; MSU satellite data | 3-12-010 > | Orbital information, Part I | 3-12-011 > | Orbital information, Part II | 3-12-015 | MSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-4 3-12-017 | SSUBT123 ; ; SSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-3 | 1-09-008 > | Replicate 9 descriptors 8 times | 3-01-023 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 0-05-052 > | Channel number increment | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 2-01-132 > | Change width | 1-01-003 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 2-02-000 > | Change scale | 2-01-000 | Change width 3-12-018 | SSUSDATA ; ; SSU satellite data | 3-12-010 > | Orbital information, Part I | 3-12-011 > | Orbital information, Part II | 3-12-017 | SSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-3 3-12-019 | SCATWNML ; ; Wave scatterometer product with width change for wave number spectral | 3-01-047 > | Product header | 3-01-048 > | Radar parameters | 0-15-015 > | Maximum spectrum composition before normalisation | 0-29-002 > | Coordinate grid type | 0-21-076 > | Representation of intensities | 1-06-012 > | Repeat next 6 descriptors 12 times | 2-01-129 > | Change width to 14 bits | 0-06-030 > | Wave number (spectral) | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 1-02-012 > | Repeat next 2 descriptors 12 times | 0-05-030 > | Direction (spectral) | 0-21-075 > | Image spectrum intensity | 0-21-066 | Wave scatterometer product confidence data 3-12-020 | SCATPRD1 ; ; Wave scatterometer product | 3-01-047 > | Product header | 3-01-048 > | Radar parameters | 0-15-015 > | Maximum spectrum composition before normalization | 0-29-002 > | Coordinate grid type | 0-21-076 > | Representation of intensities | 1-04-012 > | Repeat next 4 descriptors 12 times | 0-06-030 > | Wave number (spectral) | 1-02-012 > | Repeat next 2 descriptors 12 times | 0-05-030 > | Direction (spectral) | 0-21-075 > | Spectral intensity | 0-21-066 | Wave scatterometer product confidence data 3-12-021 | SCATPRD2 ; ; Wind scatterometer product | 3-01-047 > | Product header | 1-01-003 > | Repeat 1 descriptor 3 times | 3-01-049 > | Radar beam data | 0-11-012 > | Wind speed at 10 m | 0-11-011 > | Wind direction at 10 m | 0-21-067 | Wind product confidence data 3-12-022 | RALTPROD ; ; Radar altimeter product | 3-01-047 > | Product header | 0-08-022 > | Number in average | 0-11-012 > | Wind speed | 0-11-050 > | Standard deviation of horizontal wind speed | 0-22-070 > | Significant wave height | 0-22-026 > | Standard deviation of significant wave height | 3-12-041 > | Altitude | 0-10-050 > | Standard deviation of altitude | 0-21-068 > | Radar altimeter product confidence data | 0-21-071 > | Peakiness | 0-21-072 > | Altimeter calibration status | 0-21-073 > | Altimeter instrument mode | 3-12-042 > | Altitude corrections | 0-21-062 > | Backscatter | 0-15-011 | Log 10 of integrated electron density 3-12-023 | ATSRSSTP ; ; ATSR sea surface temperature product | 3-01-047 > | Product header | 1-03-003 > | Repeat 3 descriptors 3 times | 0-08-022 > | Number in average | 0-12-061 > | Skin temperature | 0-22-050 > | Standard deviation of sea surface temperature | 0-21-069 > | SST product confidence data | 0-21-085 | ATSR sea surface temperature across-track band number 3-12-024 | SCATPRDE ; ; Wave scatterometer product enhanced | 3-12-020 > | (Wave scatterometer product) | 0-08-060 > | Sample scanning mode significance - range | 0-08-022 > | Number in sample | 0-08-060 > | Sample scanning mode signification - horizontal | 0-08-022 > | Number in sample | 0-25-014 > | Azimuth clutter cut-off | 0-22-101 > | Total energy (wavelength > 731 m) | 0-22-097 > | Mean wavelength of image spectrum | 0-22-098 > | Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) | 0-22-099 > | Mean direction (wavelength > 731 m) | 0-22-100 | Direction spread (wavelength > 731 m) 3-12-025 | SCATWNME ; ; Wave scatterometer enhanced product with change of width for wave number spectral | 3-12-019 > | Wave scatterometer product with width change for wave number (spectral) | 0-08-060 > | Sample scanning mode significance - range | 0-08-022 > | Number in sample | 0-08-060 > | Sample scanning mode signification - horizontal | 0-08-022 > | Number in sample | 0-25-014 > | Azimuth clutter cut-off | 0-22-101 > | Total energy (wavelength > 731 m) | 0-22-097 > | Mean wavelength of image spectrum | 0-22-098 > | Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) | 0-22-099 > | Mean direction (wavelength > 731 m) | 0-22-100 | Direction spread (wavelength > 731 m) 3-12-026 | QUIKSCAT ; ; QUIKSCAT data | 3-01-046 > | Satellite ID, motion, resolution and orbit number | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-12-031 > | Model wind data | 1-01-004 > | Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times | 3-12-030 > | Wind data | 0-21-110 > | Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite) | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-21-027 > | Radar data | 0-21-111 > | Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite) | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-21-027 > | Radar data | 0-21-112 > | Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite) | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-21-027 > | Radar data | 0-21-113 > | Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite) | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-21-027 | Radar data 3-12-027 | SADIDTD2 ; ; ATSR SST Product SADIST-2 | 3-01-047 > | ERS product header | 1-05-009 > | Repeat next 5 descriptors 9 times | 3-01-023 > | Location (coarse Latitude + Longitude) of 10-arcmin cell | 0-07-021 > | Elevation: Incidence angle Nadir view [set to zero] | 0-12-061 > | Skin temperature: SST [Nadir-only view] | 0-07-021 > | Elevation: Incidence angle Dual view [set to 'missing'] | 0-12-061 > | Skin temperature: SST [Dual view] | 0-21-085 > | ATSR SST across-track band number [0-9] | 0-21-070 | SST product confidence data (SADIST-2) [23-bit flag] 3-12-028 | SWNDQKST ; ; SEAWINDS QUIKSCAT data | 3-01-046 > | Satellite ID, motion, resolution and orbit number | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-023 > | Location | 0-08-025 > | Time difference qualifier | 2-01-136 > | Change data width | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-01-000 > | Change data width back to Table B | 3-12-031 > | Model wind data | 3-12-032 > | Rain data | 1-01-004 > | Next descriptor replicated 4 times | 3-12-030 > | Wind data | 1-01-002 > | Next descriptor replicated 2 times | 3-12-033 > | Brightness temperature data | 0-21-110 > | Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite) | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-21-028 > | Radar data | 0-21-111 > | Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite) | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-21-028 > | Radar data | 0-21-112 > | Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite) | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-21-028 > | Radar data | 0-21-113 > | Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite) | 3-01-023 > | Location | 3-21-028 | Radar data 3-12-030 | WNFRMUNL ; ; | 2-01-130 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-11-012 > | Wind speed at 10 m | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 2-01-000 > | Change data width back to Table B | 0-11-052 > | Formal uncertainty in wind speed | 2-01-135 > | Change data width | 2-02-130 > | Change scale | 0-11-011 > | Wind direction at 10 m | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 2-01-000 > | Change data width back to Table B | 0-11-053 > | Formal uncertainty in wind direction | 0-21-104 | Likelihood computed for solution 3-12-031 | ACQMWDAI ; ; | 0-05-034 > | Along-track row number | 0-06-034 > | Cross-track cell number | 0-21-109 > | SEAWINDS wind vector cell quality | 0-11-081 > | Model wind direction at 10 m | 0-11-082 > | Model wind speed at 10 m | 0-21-101 > | Number of vector ambiguities | 0-21-102 > | Index of selected wind vector | 0-21-103 | Total number of sigma-0 measurements 3-12-032 | SEAWPROR ; ; | 0-21-120 > | Probability of rain | 0-21-121 > | SEAWINDS NOF rain index | 0-13-055 > | Intensity of precipitation | 0-21-122 | Attenuation correction on sigma-0 (from tB) 3-12-033 | ANTPBTMP ; ; | 0-02-104 > | Antenna polarisation | 0-08-022 > | Total number (with respect to accumulation) | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-12-065 | Standard deviation brightness temperature 3-12-041 | ALTITUDE ; ; Altitude | 2-01-141 > | Change width to 28 bits | 2-02-130 > | Change scale to 2 | 0-07-001 > | Altitude | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 2-02-000 | Change scale back to Table B 3-12-042 | ALTCORRN ; ; Altitude corrections | 0-21-077 > | Altitude correction, ionosphere | 0-21-078 > | Altitude correction, dry troposphere | 0-21-079 > | Altitude correction, wet troposphere | 0-21-080 > | Altitude correction, calibration constant | 0-21-081 > | Open loop height-time loop calibration correction | 0-21-082 | Open loop automatic gain control calibration correction 3-12-045 | AATSRSST ; ; AATSR sea surface temperatures | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instruments | 0-01-096 > | Station acquisition | 0-25-061 > | Software identification and version number | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude/longitude | 0-07-002 > | Height or altitude | 0-12-180 > | Average 12 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir | 0-12-181 > | Average 11 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir | 0-12-182 > | Average 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir | 0-12-183 > | Average 12 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view | 0-12-184 > | Average 11 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view | 0-12-185 > | Average 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view | 0-02-174 > | Mean across track pixel number | 0-21-086 > | Number of pixels in nadir only, average | 0-12-186 > | Mean nadir sea surface temperature | 0-21-087 > | Number of pixels in dual view, average | 0-12-187 > | Mean dual view sea surface temperature | 0-33-043 | ATS confidence 3-12-050 | MERISINS ; ; MERIS instrument reporting | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Instrument type | 0-01-096 > | Station acquisition | 0-25-061 > | Software identification | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude/longitude | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-05-022 > | Solar azimuth | 0-10-080 > | Viewing zenith angle | 0-27-080 > | Viewing azimuth angle | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-13-093 > | Cloud optical thickness | 0-08-003 > | Vertical significance | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 0-07-004 > | Pressure | 2-02-000 > | Cancel operator | 2-01-000 > | Cancel operator | 0-13-095 | Total column water vapour 3-12-051 | OCRSPWVS ; ; Ocean cross spectra - WVS | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instrument type | 0-01-096 > | Station acquisition | 0-25-061 > | Software identification | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-08-075 > | Ascending/descending orbit qualifier | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude/longitude | 0-01-012 > | Direction of motion of moving observing platform | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 0-01-013 > | Speed of motion of moving observing platform | 2-01-000 > | Cancel operator | 0-10-032 > | Satellite distance to Earth centre | 0-10-033 > | Altitude (platform to ellipsoid) | 0-10-034 > | Earth radius | 0-07-002 > | Height | 0-08-012 > | Land/sea qualifier | 0-25-110 > | Image processing summary | 0-25-111 > | Number of input data gaps | 0-25-102 > | Number of missing lines excluding data gaps | 0-02-104 > | Antenna polarisation | 0-25-103 > | Number of directional bins | 0-25-104 > | Number of wave-length bins | 0-25-105 > | First directional bin | 0-25-106 > | Directional bin step | 0-25-107 > | First wave-length bin | 0-25-108 > | Last wave-length bin | 0-02-111 > | Radar incidence angle | 0-02-121 > | Mean frequency | 0-02-026 > | Cross track resolution | 0-02-027 > | Along track resolution | 0-21-130 > | Spectrum total energy | 0-21-131 > | Spectrum maximum energy | 0-21-132 > | Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid | 0-21-133 > | Wavelength of spectrum max on higher resolution grid | 0-21-064 > | Clutter noise estimate | 0-25-014 > | Azimuth clutter cut-off | 0-21-134 > | Range resolution of cross covariance spectrum | 1-07-018 > | Replicate next 7 descriptors 18 times | 0-05-030 > | Direction (spectral) | 1-05-024 > | Replicate 5 descriptors 24 times | 2-01-130 > | Change data width | 0-06-030 > | Wave number (spectral) | 2-01-000 > | Cancel operator | 0-21-135 > | Real part of cross spectra | 0-21-136 > | Imaginary part of cross spectra | 0-33-044 | ASAR quality 3-12-052 | RALTIMR2 ; ; RA2- Radar Altimeter-2 | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instrument type | 0-01-096 > | Station acquisition | 0-25-061 > | Software identification | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-25-120 > | RA2 L2 processing flag | 0-25-121 > | RA2 L2 processing quality | 0-25-124 > | MWR L2 processing flag | 0-25-125 > | MWR L2 processing quality | 0-25-122 > | Hardware configuration for RF | 0-25-123 > | Hardware configuration for HPA | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude/longitude | 0-07-002 > | Height or altitude | 0-02-119 > | Instrument operations | 0-33-047 > | Measurement confidence data | 0-10-081 > | Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid | 0-10-082 > | Instantaneous altitude rate | 0-10-083 > | Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data | 0-10-084 > | Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data | 0-02-116 > | Percentage of 320 MHz band processed | 0-02-117 > | Percentage of 80 MHz band processed | 0-02-118 > | Percentage of 20 MHz band processed | 0-02-156 > | Percentage of valid Ku ocean retracker measurements | 0-02-157 > | Percentage of valid S ocean retracker measurements | 0-14-055 > | Solar activity index | 0-22-150 > | Number of 18 Hz valid points for Ku band | 0-22-151 > | Ku band ocean range | 0-22-152 > | STD of 18Hz Ku band ocean range | 0-22-153 > | Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band | 0-22-154 > | S band ocean range | 0-22-155 > | STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range | 0-22-156 > | Ku band significant wave height | 0-22-157 > | STD of 18 Hz Ku band significant wave height | 0-22-158 > | S band significant wave height | 0-22-159 > | STD 18 Hz S band significant wave height | 0-21-137 > | Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient | 0-21-138 > | STD Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient | 0-21-139 > | Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC | 0-21-140 > | S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient | 0-21-141 > | STD S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient | 0-21-142 > | S band net instrumental correction for AGC | 0-10-085 > | Mean sea surface height | 0-10-086 > | Geoid height | 0-10-087 > | Ocean depth/land elevation | 0-10-088 > | Total geocentric ocean tide height solution 1 | 0-10-089 > | Total geocentric ocean tide height solution 2 | 0-10-090 > | Long period tide height | 0-10-091 > | Tidal loading height | 0-10-092 > | Solid earth tide height | 0-10-093 > | Geocentric pole tide height | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-25-126 > | Model dry tropospheric correction | 0-25-127 > | Inverted barometer correction | 0-25-128 > | Model wet tropospheric correction | 0-25-129 > | MWR derived wet tropospheric correction | 0-25-130 > | RA2 ionospheric correction on Ku band | 0-25-131 > | Ionospheric correction from Doris on Ku band | 0-25-132 > | Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band | 0-25-133 > | Sea state bias correction on Ku band | 0-25-134 > | RA2 ionospheric correction on S band | 0-25-135 > | Ionospheric correction from Doris on S band | 0-25-136 > | Ionospheric correction from model on S band | 0-25-137 > | Sea state bias correction on S band | 0-13-096 > | MWR water vapour content | 0-13-097 > | MWR liquid water content | 0-11-095 > | U component of model wind vector | 0-11-096 > | V component of model wind vector | 0-12-188 > | Interpolated 23.8 GHz brightness temperature from MWR | 0-12-189 > | Interpolated 36.5 GHz brightness temperature from MWR | 0-02-158 > | RA2 instrument | 0-02-159 > | MWR instrument | 0-33-052 > | S band ocean retracking quality | 0-33-053 > | Ku band ocean retracking quality | 0-21-143 > | Ku band rain attenuation | 0-21-144 | Altimeter rain flag 3-12-053 | OCWAVESP ; ; Ocean wave spectra | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instrument type | 0-01-096 > | Station acquisition | 0-25-061 > | Software identification and version number | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-08-075 > | Ascending/descending orbit qualifier | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude/longitude | 0-01-012 > | Direction of motion of moving observing platform | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 0-01-013 > | Speed of motion of moving observing platform | 2-01-000 > | Cancel operator | 0-10-032 > | Satellite distance to Earth centre | 0-10-033 > | Altitude (platform to ellipsoid) | 0-10-034 > | Earth radius | 0-07-002 > | Height or altitude | 0-08-012 > | Land/sea qualifier | 0-25-110 > | Image processing summary | 0-25-111 > | Number of input data gaps | 0-25-102 > | Number of missing lines excluding data gaps | 0-02-104 > | Antenna polarisation | 0-25-103 > | Number of directional bins | 0-25-104 > | Number of wave-length bins | 0-25-105 > | First directional bin | 0-25-106 > | Directional bin step | 0-25-107 > | First wave-length bin | 0-25-108 > | Last wave-length bin | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-22-160 > | Normalized inverse wave age | 0-25-138 > | Average signal to noise ratio | 2-01-130 > | Change data width | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 0-22-021 > | Height of waves | 2-02-000 > | Cancel operator | 2-01-000 > | Cancel operator | 0-33-048 > | Confidence measure for SAR inversion | 0-33-049 > | Confidence measure for wind retrieval | 0-02-026 > | Cross track resolution | 0-02-027 > | Along track resolution | 0-21-130 > | Spectrum total energy | 0-21-131 > | Spectrum max energy | 0-21-132 > | Direction of spectrum max | 0-21-133 > | Wave-length of spectrum max | 0-25-014 > | Azimuth clutter cut-off | 1-06-036 > | Replicate 6 descriptors 36 times | 0-05-030 > | Direction (spectral) | 1-04-024 > | Replicate 4 descriptors 24 times | 2-01-130 > | Change data width | 0-06-030 > | Wave number (spectral) | 2-01-000 > | Cancel operator | 0-22-161 > | Wave spectra | 0-33-044 | ASAR quality 3-12-055 | ASCAT1BC ; ; ASCAT level 1b cell information | 0-05-033 > | Pixel size on horizontal-1 | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-06-034 > | Cross track cell number | 0-10-095 > | Height of atmosphere used | 0-21-157 | Loss per unit length of atmosphere used 3-12-056 | SCATWNDC ; ; Scatterometer wind cell information | 0-25-060 > | Software identification | 0-01-032 > | Generating application | 0-11-082 > | Model wind speed at 10 m | 0-11-081 > | Model wind direction at 10 m | 0-20-095 > | Ice probability | 0-20-096 > | Ice age (a-parameter) | 0-21-155 > | Wind vector cell quality | 2-01-133 > | Increase data width by 5 bits | 0-21-101 > | Number of vector ambiguities | 0-21-102 > | Index of selected wind vector | 2-01-000 | Cancel change data width 3-12-057 | AMBIGWND ; ; Ambiguous wind data | 2-01-130 > | Increase data width by 2 bits | 2-02-129 > | Increase scaling by 101 | 0-11-012 > | Wind speed at 10 m | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scaling | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 2-01-131 > | Increase data width by 3 bits | 2-02-129 > | Increase scaling by 101 | 0-11-011 > | Wind direction at 10 m | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scaling | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 0-21-156 > | Backscatter distance | 0-21-104 | Likelihood computed for solution 3-12-058 | ASCAT1BD ; ; ASCAT level 1b data | 3-01-125 > | ASCAT header information | 3-01-011 > | Date information | 3-01-013 > | Time information | 3-01-021 > | Position information | 3-12-055 > | ASCAT level 1b cell information | 0-21-150 > | Beam co-location | 1-01-003 > | Repeat next 1 descriptor 3 times | 3-21-030 | ASCAT sigma-0 information 3-12-059 | SCATWNDD ; ; Scatterometer wind data | 3-12-056 > | Scatterometer wind cell information | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of next 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Delayed replication factor | 3-12-057 | Ambiguous wind data 3-12-060 | SCATSMST ; ; Scatterometer soil moisture data | 0-25-060 > | Software identification | 0-25-062 > | Database identification | 0-40-001 > | Surface soil moisture (ms) | 0-40-002 > | Estimated error in surface soil moisture | 0-21-062 > | Extrapolated backscatter at 40deg incidence angle (sigma0_40) | 0-21-151 > | Estimated error in sigma0 at 40deg incidence angle | 0-21-152 > | Slope at 40deg incidence angle | 0-21-153 > | Estimated error in slope at 40deg incidence angle | 0-21-154 > | Soil moisture sensitivity | 0-21-062 > | Dry backscatter | 0-21-088 > | Wet backscatter | 0-40-003 > | Mean surface soil moisture | 0-40-004 > | Rain fall detection | 0-40-005 > | Soil moisture correction flag | 0-40-006 > | Soil moisture processing flag | 0-40-007 > | Soil moisture quality | 0-20-065 > | Snow cover | 0-40-008 > | Frozen land surface fraction | 0-40-009 > | Inundation and wetland fraction | 0-40-010 | Topographic complexity 3-12-061 | ASCAT1B2 ; ; ASCAT Level 1b and level 2 data | 3-12-058 > | ASCAT level 1b data | 3-12-060 > | Scatterometer soil moisture data | 3-12-059 | Scatterometer wind data 3-12-070 | SMOSDATA ; ; SMOS data | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instruments | 0-01-144 > | Snapshot identifier | 0-01-124 > | Gridpoint identifier | 0-30-010 > | Number of grid points | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-013 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-012 > | Gridpoint altitude | 0-15-012 > | Total electron count per square meter | 0-12-165 > | Direct sun brightness temperature | 0-12-166 > | Snapshot accuracy | 0-12-167 > | Radiometric accuracy (pure polarisation) | 0-12-168 > | Radiometric accuracy (cross polarisation) | 0-27-010 > | Footprint axis 1 | 0-28-010 > | Footprint axis 2 | 0-02-099 > | Polarization | 0-13-048 > | Water fraction | 0-25-081 > | Incidence angle | 0-25-082 > | Azimuth angle | 0-25-083 > | Faraday rotational angle | 0-25-084 > | Geometric rotational angle | 0-12-080 > | Brightness temperature real part | 0-12-081 > | Brightness temperature imaginary part | 0-12-082 > | Pixel radiometric accuracy | 0-25-174 > | SMOS information flag | 0-33-028 | Snapshot overall quality 3-13-009 | RADARREF ; ; Radar reflectivity values | 0-21-001 > | Horizontal reflectivity | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-21-001 | Horizontal reflectivity 3-13-010 | RADARAIN ; ; Radar rainfall intensities | 0-21-036 > | Radar rainfall intensity | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-21-036 | Radar rainfall intensity 3-13-031 | NRLERPXV ; ; Non run-length encoded row for Pixel value 4 bits | 0-06-002 > | First longitude location minus one increment | 0-06-012 > | Longitude increment | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended replication factor | 0-30-001 | Pixel value (4 bits) 3-13-032 | NRLEPPXV ; ; Non run-length encoded picture data for Pixel value 4 bits | 0-05-002 > | First latitude location minus one increment | 0-05-012 > | Latitude increment (signed value so cannot cross pole) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended replication factor | 3-13-031 | Non run-length encoded row 3-13-041 | RLGERPXV ; ; Run-length encoded row for Pixel value 4 bits | 0-06-002 > | First longitude location minus one increment | 1-10-000 > | Delayed replication of 10 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 1-04-000 > | Delayed replication of 4 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-06-012 > | Longitude increment | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-012 > | Repetition factor | 0-30-001 > | Pixel value (4 bits) | 0-06-012 > | Longitude increment | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-30-001 | Pixel value (4 bits) 3-13-042 | RLGEPPXV ; ; Run-length encoded picture data for Pixel value 4 bits | 0-05-002 > | First latitude location minus one increment | 0-05-012 > | Latitude increment (signed value so cannot cross pole) | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-002 > | Extended replication factor | 3-13-041 | Run-length encoded row 3-13-043 | RLGEPPXR ; ; Run-length encoded picture data for Pixel value 4 bits, regular grid | 0-06-002 > | First longitude location minus one increment | 0-05-002 > | First latitude location minus one increment | 0-05-012 > | Latitude increment | 1-12-000 > | Delayed replication of 12 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 1-10-000 > | Delayed replication of 10 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 1-04-000 > | Delayed replication of 4 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-06-012 > | Longitude increment | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-011 > | Repetition factor | 0-30-001 > | Pixel value (4 bits) | 0-06-012 > | Longitude increment | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-30-001 | Pixel value (4 bits) 3-15-001 | TUSWODTM ; ; Typically reported underwater sounding without optional fields | 0-01-011 > | Ship's call sign | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-023 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) | 3-06-001 | Depth, temperature 3-15-002 | TUSWODTS ; ; Typically reported underwater sounding without optional fields | 0-01-011 > | Ship's call sign | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-023 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) | 3-06-004 | Depth, temperature, salinity 3-15-003 | TEMSALFL ; ; Temperature and salinity profile observed by profile floats | 0-01-087 > | WMO Marine observing platform extended identifier | 0-01-085 > | Observing platform manufacturers model | 0-01-086 > | Observing platform manufacturers serial number | 0-02-036 > | Buoy type | 0-02-148 > | Data collection and/or location system | 0-02-149 > | Type of data buoy | 0-22-055 > | Float cycle number | 0-22-056 > | Direction of profile | 0-22-067 > | Instrument type for water temperature profile measurement | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 3-01-021 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) | 0-08-080 > | Qualifier for quality class | 0-33-050 > | GTSPP quality class | 1-09-000 > | Delayed replication of 9 descriptors | 0-31-002 > | Extended delayed descriptor replication factor | 0-07-065 > | Water pressure | 0-08-080 > | Qualifier for quality class | 0-33-050 > | GTSPP quality class | 0-22-045 > | Subsurface sea temperature | 0-08-080 > | Qualifier for quality class | 0-33-050 > | GTSPP quality class | 0-22-064 > | Salinity | 0-08-080 > | Qualifier for quality class | 0-33-050 | GTSPP quality class 3-16-001 | DLIMTPRT ; ; | 3-01-011 > | Year, month, day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 3-01-023 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-01-021 > | Synoptic feature identifier | 0-02-041 > | Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features | 0-19-001 > | Type of synoptic feature | 0-10-051 > | Pressure reduced to mean sea level | 0-19-002 > | Effective radius of feature | 0-19-003 > | Wind speed threshold (15 m s-1 typically) | 0-19-004 | Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold 3-16-002 | HEADRSEQ ; ; Header | 0-08-021 > | Data time (analysis) | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-01-033 > | Originating/generating centre | 0-08-021 > | Validity time (fcst) | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-07-002 > | Flight level (altitude) (base of chart layer) | 0-07-002 | Flight level (altitude) (top of chart layer) 3-16-003 | JTSTREAM ; ; Jet stream | 1-10-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature (jet stream value) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for line) | 1-04-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-10-002 > | Flight level (altitude) | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-011 | Meteorological feature (cancel/end of object) 3-16-004 | TURBLNCE ; ; Turbulence | 1-11-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature (value for turbulence) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for area) | 0-07-002 > | Flight level (altitude) (base of layer) | 0-07-002 > | Flight level (altitude) (top of layer) | 1-02-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-11-031 > | Degree of turbulence | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-011 | Meteorological feature (cancel/end of object) 3-16-005 | STORMSEQ ; ; Storm | 1-08-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-005 > | Meteorological attribute significance (storm centre) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for point) | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-01-026 > | WMO storm name (use "UNKNOWN" for a sandstorm) | 0-19-001 > | Synoptic features (value for type of storm) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-005 | Meteorological attribute significance (cancel/end of object) 3-16-006 | CLOUDSQ2 ; ; Cloud | 1-12-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature (value for cloud) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for area) | 0-07-002 > | Flight level (altitude) (base of layer) | 0-07-002 > | Flight level (altitude) (top of layer) | 1-02-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-20-011 > | Cloud amount | 0-20-012 > | Cloud type | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-011 | Meteorological feature (cancel/end of object) 3-16-007 | FRONTSEQ ; ; Front | 1-10-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature (value for type of front) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for line) | 1-04-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-19-005 > | Direction of feature | 0-19-006 > | Speed of feature | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-011 | Meteorological feature (cancel/end of object) 3-16-008 | TROPAUSE ; ; Tropopause | 1-11-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-001 > | Vertical significance (bit 3 set for tropopause) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for point) | 0-08-023 > | Statistic (type of tropopause value) | 1-03-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-10-002 > | Height/altitude | 0-08-023 > | Statistic (cancel) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-001 | Vertical significance (cancel/end of object) 3-16-009 | AFRMICEA ; ; Airframe icing area | 1-11-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature (value for airframe icing) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for area) | 0-07-002 > | Flight level (altitude) (base of layer) | 0-07-002 > | Flight level (altitude) (top of layer) | 1-02-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-20-041 > | Airframe icing (type of airframe icing) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-011 | Meteorological feature (cancel/end of object) 3-16-010 | NAMEFEAT ; ; Name of feature | 1-07-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for point) | 0-01-022 > | Name of feature | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-011 | Meteorological feature (cancel/end of object) 3-16-011 | VCNOERPT ; ; Volcano erupting | 1-17-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature (value for special clouds) | 0-01-022 > | Name of feature (volcano name) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (value for point) | 1-02-000 > | Delayed replication | 0-31-001 > | Replication | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse) | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (eruption starting time) | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-20-090 > | Special clouds (clouds from volcanic eruptions) | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (cancel) | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance (cancel) | 0-08-011 | Meteorological feature (cancel/end of object) 3-16-022 | FORECAST ; ; Forecast data | 0-01-032 > | Generating application (NWP model name, etc. code table defined by originating/generating centre) | 0-02-041 > | Method for estimating reports related to synoptic feature | 0-19-001 > | Type of synoptic feature | 0-19-010 > | Method for tracing of the centre of synoptic feature | 1-18-000 > | Delayed replication of 18 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (forecast) | 0-04-014 > | Time increment (hour) | 0-08-005 > | Surface synoptic feature significance | 3-01-023 > | Latitude (coarse accuracy), longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-19-005 > | Direction of motion of feature | 0-19-006 > | Speed of motion of feature | 0-10-004 > | Pressure | 0-11-041 > | Maximum wind speed (gust: e.g. used in US) | 0-08-021 > | Time significance (forecast time averaged) | 0-04-075 > | Time period (minutes) | 0-11-040 > | Maximum wind speed (mean wind) | 0-19-008 > | Vertical extent of feature | 1-05-004 > | Replicate 5 descriptors 4 times | 0-05-021 > | Starting bearing or azimuth | 0-05-021 > | Ending bearing or azimuth | 1-02-002 > | Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times | 0-19-003 > | Wind speed threshold | 0-19-004 | Effective radius with respect to wind speed above threshold 3-16-030 | SIGMETHD ; ; SIGMET header | 3-01-014 > | Time period (for which SIGMET is valid) | 0-01-037 > | SIGMET sequence identifier | 0-10-064 > | SIGMET cruising level | 0-08-019 > | Qualifier for location identifier, 1=ATS unit serving FIR | 0-01-062 > | Short ICAO location identifier | 0-08-019 > | Qualifier for location identifier, 2=FIR, 3=UIR, 4=CTA | 0-01-065 > | ICAO region identifier | 0-08-019 > | Qualifier for location identifier, 6=MWO | 0-01-062 > | Short ICAO location identifier | 0-08-019 | Qualifier for location identifier, Missing=Cancel 3-16-031 | SIGMETOF ; ; SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion | 0-08-021 > | Time Significance, 16=Analysis, 4=Forecast | 3-01-011 > | Year, Month, Day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, Minute | 3-01-027 > | Description of feature | 0-19-005 > | Direction of motion | 0-19-006 > | Speed of motion | 0-20-028 > | Expected change in intensity | 0-08-021 | Time significance, Missing=Cancel 3-16-032 | SIGMETFC ; ; SIGMET, Forecast position | 0-08-021 > | Time Significance, 4=Forecast | 3-01-011 > | Year, Month, Day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, Minute | 3-01-027 > | Description of feature | 0-08-021 | Time significance, Missing=Cancel 3-16-033 | SIGMETOU ; ; SIGMET, Outlook | 0-08-021 > | Time Significance, 4=Forecast | 3-01-011 > | Year, Month, Day | 3-01-012 > | Hour, Minute | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-01-027 > | Description of feature | 0-08-021 | Time significance, Missing=Cancel 3-16-034 | SIGMETVA ; ; Volcanic Ash SIGMET | 0-08-079 > | Product status, 0=Normal Issue, 1=Correction | 3-16-030 > | SIGMET Header | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, 17=Volcano | 0-01-022 > | Name of feature | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance, 0=Point | 3-01-023 > | Location | 0-08-007 > | Dimensional significance, Missing=Cancel | 0-20-090 > | Special Clouds, 5=Clouds from volcanic eruptions | 3-16-031 > | SIGMET Observed or forecast location and motion | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-000 > | Short replication factor | 3-16-032 > | SIGMET Forecast position | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-16-033 > | SIGMET Outlook | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, Missing=Cancel | 0-08-079 | Product status, Missing=Cancel 3-16-035 | SIGMETTH ; ; Thunderstorm SIGMET | 0-08-079 > | Product status, 0=Normal Issue, 1=Correction | 3-16-030 > | SIGMET Header | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, 21=Thunderstorm | 0-20-023 > | Other weather phenomenon, bit 2=Squalls or all 18 bits = Missing | 0-20-021 > | Type of precipitation, bit 14=Hail or all 30 bits=Missing | 0-20-008 > | Cloud distribution 15=OBSC, 16=EMBD, 12=FRQ, 31=Missing | 3-16-031 > | SIGMET Observed or forecast location and motion | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, Missing=Cancel | 0-08-079 | Product status, Missing=Cancel 3-16-036 | SIGMETTC ; ; Tropical Cyclone SIGMET | 0-08-079 > | Product status, 0=Normal Issue, 1=Correction | 3-16-030 > | SIGMET Header | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, 22=Tropical Cyclone | 0-01-027 > | WMO long storm name | 3-16-031 > | SIGMET Observed or forecast location and motion | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-000 > | Short replication factor | 3-16-032 > | SIGMET Forecast position | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-16-033 > | SIGMET Outlook | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, Missing=Cancel | 0-08-079 | Product status, Missing=Cancel 3-16-037 | SIGMETTU ; ; Turbulence SIGMET | 0-08-079 > | Product status, 0=Normal Issue, 1=Correction | 3-16-030 > | SIGMET Header | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, 13=Turbulence | 0-11-031 > | Degree of turbulence, 10=Moderate, 11=Severe | 3-16-031 > | SIGMET Observed or forecast location and motion | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, Missing=Cancel | 0-08-079 | Product status, Missing=Cancel 3-16-038 | SIGMETIC ; ; Icing SIGMET | 0-08-079 > | Product status, 0=Normal Issue, 1=Correction | 3-16-030 > | SIGMET Header | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, 15=Airframe Icing | 0-20-041 > | Airframe icing, 7=Severe | 0-20-021 > | Type of precipitation, bit 3=Liquid freezing or all 30 bits = Missing | 3-16-031 > | SIGMET Observed or forecast location and motion | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, Missing=Cancel | 0-08-079 | Product status, Missing=Cancel 3-16-039 | SIGMETMT ; ; Mountain Wave, Duststorm or Sandstorm SIGMET | 0-08-079 > | Product status, 0=Normal Issue, 1=Correction | 3-16-030 > | SIGMET Header | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, 23=MountainWave, 24=Duststorm, 25=Sandstorm | 0-20-024 > | Intensity of phenomena, 3=Heavy, 5=Severe | 3-16-031 > | SIGMET Observed or forecast location and motion | 0-08-011 > | Meteorological feature, Missing=Cancel | 0-08-079 | Product status, Missing=Cancel 3-16-040 | SIGMETCA ; ; Cancellation of SIGMET | 3-16-030 > | SIGMET header | 0-08-079 > | Product status, 4=Cancellation | 3-01-014 > | Time period (of the SIGMET to be cancelled) | 0-01-037 > | SIGMET sequence identifier (of the SIGMET to be cancelled) | 0-10-064 > | SIGMET cruising level (of the SIGMET to be cancelled) | 0-08-079 | Product status, Missing=Cancel 3-16-050 | RADOBPTA ; ; RADOB Template (part A: Information on tropical cyclone) | 3-01-001 > | WMO block and station number | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 0-02-160 > | Wave length of the radar | 0-08-005 > | Meteorological attribute significance (=1) | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-08-005 > | Cancel Meteorological attribute significance | 0-19-100 > | Time interval to calculate the movement of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-005 > | Direction of motion of feature | 0-19-006 > | Speed of motion of feature | 0-19-101 > | Accuracy of the position of the centre of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-102 > | Shape and definition of the eye of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-103 > | Diameter of major axis of the eye of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-104 > | Change in character of the eye during the 30 minutes | 0-19-105 | Distance between the end of spiral band and the centre 3-16-052 | SAREPPTA ; ; SAREP Template (part A: Information on tropical cyclone) | 3-01-005 > | Originating centre/sub-centre | 3-01-011 > | Date | 3-01-012 > | Time | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-25-150 > | Method of tropical cyclone intensity analysis using satellite data | 1-22-000 > | Delayed replication of 22 descriptors | 0-31-001 > | Delayed descriptor replication facto | 0-01-027 > | WMO long storm name | 0-19-150 > | Typhoon International Common Number (Typhoon Committee) | 0-19-106 > | Identification number of tropical cyclone | 0-08-005 > | Meteorological attribute significance (=1) | 0-05-002 > | Latitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-06-002 > | Longitude (coarse accuracy) | 0-08-005 > | Cancel Meteorological attribute significance | 0-19-107 > | Time interval of the tropical cyclone analysis | 0-19-005 > | Direction of motion of feature | 0-19-006 > | Speed of motion of feature | 0-19-108 > | Accuracy of geographical position of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-109 > | Mean diameter of the overcast cloud of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-110 > | Apparent 24-hour change in intensity of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-111 > | Current Intensity (CI) number of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-112 > | Data tropical (DT) number of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-113 > | Cloud pattern type of the DT-number | 0-19-114 > | Model Expected tropical (MET) number of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-115 > | Trend of the past 24-hour change (+: Developed, -: Weakened) | 0-19-116 > | Pattern tropical (PT) number of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-117 > | Cloud picture type of the PT-number | 0-19-118 > | Final tropical (T) number of the tropical cyclone | 0-19-119 | Type of the final T-number 3-18-001 | LALODOSE ; ; | 3-01-025 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy), day and time | 0-24-011 | Dose 3-18-003 | LALOTPER ; ; | 3-01-026 > | Latitude and longitude (high accuracy), time periods in days, hours and minutes | 0-24-005 > | Isotope mass | 0-24-004 > | Element name | 0-24-021 | Air concentration 3-18-004 | LALODISP ; ; Air concentration | 3-01-025 > | Latitude and longitude (coarse accuracy), day and time | 0-04-023 > | Time period or displacement | 0-13-011 > | Total precipitation/total water equivalent | 0-24-005 > | Isotope mass | 0-24-004 > | Element name | 0-24-022 | Concentration in precipitation 3-21-001 | WNPROFAN ; ; Wind profiler - antenna characteristics | 0-02-101 > | Type of antenna | 0-02-114 > | Antenna effective surface area | 0-02-105 > | Maximum antenna gain | 0-02-106 > | 3-dB beamwidth | 0-02-107 > | Sidelobe suppression | 0-02-121 | Mean frequency 3-21-003 | WNPROFMD ; ; Wind profiler - moment data | 0-21-051 > | Signal power above 1 mW | 0-21-014 > | Doppler mean velocity (radial) | 0-21-017 > | Doppler velocity spectral width | 0-21-030 | Signal to noise ratio 3-21-004 | WNPROFMS ; ; Wind profiler - moment data sounding | 3-01-031 > | Identification, type, date/time, position (high accuracy), height | 0-02-003 > | Type of measuring equipment used | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 3-21-003 | Wind profiler - moment data 3-21-005 | TRANRECV ; ; Transmitter-receiver characteristics | 0-25-004 > | Echo processing | 0-02-121 > | Mean frequency | 0-02-122 > | Frequency agility range | 0-02-123 > | Peak power | 0-02-124 > | Average power | 0-02-125 > | Pulse repetition frequency | 0-02-126 > | Pulse width | 0-02-127 > | Receiver intermediate frequency | 0-02-128 > | Intermediate frequency bandwidth | 0-02-129 > | Minimum detectable signal | 0-02-130 > | Dynamic range | 0-02-131 | Sensitivity time control 3-21-006 | INTGCHAR ; ; Integration characteristics | 0-25-001 > | Range-gate length | 0-25-002 > | Number of gates averaged | 0-25-003 > | Number of integrated pulses | 0-25-005 | Echo integration 3-21-007 | CORRECTS ; ; Corrections | 0-25-009 > | Calibration method | 0-25-010 > | Clutter treatment | 0-25-011 > | Ground occultation correction | 0-25-012 > | Range attenuation correction | 0-25-013 > | Bright-band correction | 0-25-015 > | Radome attenuation correction | 0-25-016 > | Clear-air attenuation correction | 0-25-017 | Precipitation attenuation correction 3-21-008 | Z2RCONVR ; ; Z to R conversion | 0-25-006 > | Z to R conversion | 0-25-007 > | Z to R conversion factor | 0-25-008 | Z to R conversion exponent 3-21-009 | A2ZLAWSQ ; ; A to Z law | 0-25-018 > | A to Z law for attenuation factor | 0-25-019 | A to Z law for attenuation exponent 3-21-010 | ANTACHAR ; ; Antenna characteristics | 0-02-101 > | Type of antenna | 0-07-002 > | Altitude of the tower base | 0-02-102 > | Antenna height above tower base | 0-02-103 > | Radome | 0-02-104 > | Antenna polarisation | 0-02-105 > | Maximum antenna gain | 0-02-106 > | 3-dB beamwidth | 0-02-107 > | Sidelobe suppression | 0-02-108 > | Crosspol discrimination (on axis) | 0-02-109 > | Antenna speed (azimuth) | 0-02-110 > | Antenna speed (elevation) | 0-02-132 > | Azimuth pointing accuracy | 0-02-133 | Elevation pointing accuracy 3-21-011 | GNRLCHAR ; ; General characteristics | 0-30-031 > | Picture type | 0-30-032 > | Combination with other data | 0-29-002 | Coordinate grid type 3-21-012 | ANTAELEV ; ; Antenna elevations | 1-01-000 > | Delayed replication of 1 descriptor | 0-31-001 > | Replication factor | 0-02-135 | Antenna elevation 3-21-021 | PROFRASS ; ; Basic information System/site header on Wind profiler/RASS | 0-02-003 > | Type of measuring equipment used | 0-02-101 > | Type of antenna | 2-01-130 > | Change width to 8 bits | 0-02-106 > | 3-dB beamwidth | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 2-01-132 > | Change width to 11 bits | 2-02-130 > | Change scale to -6 | 0-02-121 > | Mean frequency | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to Table B | 2-01-133 > | Change width to 11 bits | 2-02-129 > | Change scale to 0 | 0-25-001 > | Range-gate length | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 2-01-000 | Change width back to Table B 3-21-022 | WNPROFPW ; ; Wind profiler: Processed-data winds | 0-07-007 > | Height | 2-04-001 > | Add associated field of 1 bit in length | 0-31-021 > | Associated field significance | 0-11-001 > | Wind direction | 2-04-000 > | Cancel add associated field | 0-11-002 > | Wind speed | 2-04-001 > | Add associated field of 1 bit in length | 0-31-021 > | Associated field significance | 0-11-006 > | w-component | 2-04-000 > | Cancel add associated field | 0-21-030 | Signal to noise ratio 3-21-023 | WNPROFRW ; ; Wind profiler: Raw-data winds | 0-07-007 > | Height | 0-21-091 > | Radar signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment | 0-21-030 > | Signal to noise ratio | 2-02-129 > | Change scale to 2 | 0-21-014 > | Doppler mean velocity (radial) | 2-01-129 > | Change width to 9 bits | 0-21-017 > | Doppler velocity spectral width | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to table B | 2-01-000 | Change width back to table B 3-21-024 | RASSPROC ; ; RASS-Mode: Processed-data RASS | 0-07-007 > | Height | 2-04-001 > | Add associated field of 1 bit in length | 0-31-021 > | Associated field significance | 0-12-007 > | Virtual temperature | 0-11-006 > | w-component | 2-04-000 > | Cancel add associated field | 0-21-030 | Signal to noise ratio 3-21-025 | RASSRAWD ; ; RASS-Mode: Raw-data RASS | 0-07-007 > | Height | 0-21-091 > | Radar signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment | 0-21-030 > | Signal to noise ratio | 2-02-129 > | Change scale to 2 | 0-21-014 > | Doppler mean velocity (radial) | 2-01-129 > | Change width to 9 bits | 0-21-017 > | Doppler velocity spectral width | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to table B | 2-01-000 > | Change width back to table B | 0-21-092 > | RASS signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment, referring to RASS signal | 0-21-030 > | Signal to noise ratio, referring to RASS signal | 0-25-092 > | Acoustic propagation velocity | 2-01-129 > | Change width to 9 bits | 2-02-129 > | Change scale to 2 | 0-21-017 > | Doppler velocity spectral width, referring to RASS signal | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to table B | 2-01-000 | Change width back to table B 3-21-026 | RASSFLUX ; ; RASS data - fluxes | 0-07-007 > | Height | 2-04-001 > | Add associated field of 1 bit in length | 0-31-021 > | Associated field significance | 0-12-007 > | Virtual temperature | 0-25-091 > | Structure constant of the refraction index (Cn2) | 0-11-071 > | Turbulent vertical momentum flux | 0-11-072 > | Turbulent vertical buoyancy flux | 0-11-073 > | Turbulent kinetic energy | 0-11-074 > | Dissipation energy | 2-04-000 | Cancel add associated field 3-21-027 | SIGMA0PR ; ; | 0-21-118 > | Attenuation correction on sigma-0 | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 2-01-132 > | Change data width | 0-02-112 > | Radar look angle | 2-01-000 > | Change data width back to Table B | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 0-02-111 > | Radar incidence angle | 2-01-000 > | Change data width back to Table B | 2-02-000 > | Change scale back to Table B | 0-02-104 > | Antenna polarization | 0-21-105 > | Normalized radar cross-section | 0-21-106 > | Kp variance coefficient (alpha) | 0-21-107 > | Kp variance coefficient (beta) | 0-21-114 > | Kp variance coefficient (gamma) | 0-21-115 > | SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality | 0-21-116 > | SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode | 0-08-018 > | SEAWINDS land/ice surface type | 0-21-117 | Sigma-0 variance quality control 3-21-028 | SIGMA0FL ; ; | 0-21-118 > | Attenuation correction on sigma-0 | 2-02-129 > | Change scale | 2-01-132 > | Change data width | 0-02-112 > | Radar look angle | 2-01-000 > | Data width back to Table B | 2-01-131 > | Change data width | 0-02-111 > | Radar incidence angle | 2-01-000 > | Data width back to Table B | 2-02-000 > | Scale back to table B | 0-02-104 > | Antenna polarization | 0-21-123 > | SEAWINDS normalized radar cross section | 0-21-106 > | Kp variance coefficient (alpha) | 0-21-107 > | Kp variance coefficient (beta) | 0-21-114 > | Kp variance coefficient (gamma) | 0-21-115 > | SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality flag | 0-21-116 > | SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode flag | 0-08-018 > | SEAWINDS land/ice surface flag | 0-21-117 | Sigma-0 variance quality control 3-21-030 | ASCATSG0 ; ; ASCAT sigma-0 information | 0-08-085 > | Beam identifier | 2-02-129 > | Increase scaling by 10^1 | 2-01-131 > | Increase data width by 3 bits | 0-02-111 > | Radar incidence angle | 2-01-000 > | Cancel change data width | 2-02-000 > | Cancel change scaling | 0-02-134 > | Antenna beam azimuth | 0-21-062 > | Backscatter | 0-21-063 > | Radiometric resolution (noise value) | 0-21-158 > | ASCAT kp estimate quality | 0-21-159 > | ASCAT sigma-0 usability | 0-21-160 > | ASCAT synthetic data quality | 0-21-161 > | ASCAT synthetic data quantity | 0-21-162 > | ASCAT satellite orbit and attitude quality | 0-21-163 > | ASCAT solar array reflection contamination | 0-21-164 > | ASCAT telemetry presence and quality | 0-21-165 > | ASCAT extrapolated reference function | 0-21-166 | Land fraction 3-40-001 | IASIL1CD ; ; IASI Level 1c data | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-01-031 > | Identification of originating/generating centre | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instruments | 0-02-020 > | Satellite classification | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 2-02-131 > | Add 3 to scale | 2-01-138 > | Add 10 to width | 0-04-006 > | Second | 2-01-000 > | Reset width | 2-02-000 > | Reset scale | 0-05-001 > | Latitude (high accuracy) | 0-06-001 > | Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-07-024 > | Satellite zenith angle | 0-05-021 > | Bearing or azimuth | 0-07-025 > | Solar zenith angle | 0-05-022 > | Solar azimuth | 0-05-043 > | Field of view number | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 2-01-133 > | Add 5 to width | 0-05-041 > | Scan line number | 2-01-000 > | Reset width | 2-01-132 > | Add 4 to width | 0-25-070 > | Major frame count | 2-01-000 > | Reset width | 2-02-126 > | Subtract 2 from scale | 0-07-001 > | Height of station | 2-02-000 > | Reset scale | 0-33-060 > | Individual IASI-system quality flag | 0-33-061 > | Indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral and radiometric) | 0-33-062 > | Indicator for geometric quality index | 0-33-063 > | Indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from radiometric calibration) | 0-33-064 > | Indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral calibration) | 0-33-065 > | Output of system TEC (Technical Expertise Center) quality function | 1-01-010 > | Repeat next 1 descriptor 10 times | 3-40-002 > | IASI Level 1c band description | 1-01-087 > | Repeat next 1 descriptor 87 times | 3-40-003 > | IASI Level 1c 100 channel sequence | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instruments | 0-25-051 > | AVHRR channel combination | 1-01-007 > | Repeat next 1 descriptor 7 times | 3-40-004 | IASI Level 1c AVHRR single scene sequence 3-40-002 | IASIL1CB ; ; IASI Level 1c band description | 0-25-140 > | Start channel | 0-25-141 > | End channel | 0-25-142 | Channel scale factor 3-40-003 | IASIL1CC ; ; IASI Level 1c 100 channel | 1-04-100 > | Repeat next 4 descriptor 100 times | 2-01-136 > | Add 8 to width | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 2-01-000 > | Reset width | 0-14-046 | Scaled IASI radiance 3-40-004 | IASIL1CS ; ; IASI Level 1c AVHRR single scene | 0-05-060 > | Y angular position from centre of gravity | 0-05-061 > | Z angular position from centre of gravity | 0-25-085 > | Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS FOV | 1-05-006 > | Repeat next 5 descriptor 6 times | 0-05-042 > | Channel number | 0-25-142 > | Channel scale factor | 0-14-047 > | Scaled mean AVHRR radiance | 0-25-142 > | Channel scale factor | 0-14-048 | Scaled std dev AVHRR radiance 3-40-005 | JASNOGDR ; ; | 0-01-007 > | Satellite identifier | 0-02-019 > | Satellite instrument used | 0-01-096 > | Station acquisition | 0-25-061 > | Software identification | 0-05-044 > | Satellite cycle number | 0-05-040 > | Orbit number | 0-01-030 > | Numerical model identifier | 0-04-001 > | Year | 0-04-002 > | Month | 0-04-003 > | Day | 0-04-004 > | Hour | 0-04-005 > | Minute | 0-04-007 > | Second within a minute (microsecond accuracy) | 0-05-001 > | Latitude (high accuracy) | 0-06-001 > | Longitude (high accuracy) | 0-08-029 > | Remotely sensed surface type | 0-08-074 > | Altimeter echo type | 0-08-077 > | Radiometer sensed surface type | 0-40-011 > | Interpolation flag | 0-25-097 > | Three-dimensional error estimate of the navigator orbit | 0-25-095 > | Altimeter state flag | 0-25-098 > | Altimeter data quality flag | 0-25-099 > | Altimeter correction quality flag | 0-21-144 > | Altimeter rain flag | 0-25-096 > | Radiometer state flag | 0-40-012 > | Radiometer data quality flag | 0-40-013 > | Radiometer brightness temperature interpretation flag | 0-21-169 > | Ice presence indicator | 0-22-151 > | Ku band ocean range | 0-22-162 > | RMS of 20 Hz Ku band ocean range | 0-22-163 > | Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band | 0-25-160 > | Ku band net instrumental correction | 0-25-133 > | Sea state bias correction on Ku band | 0-22-156 > | Ku band significant wave height | 0-22-164 > | RMS 20 Hz Ku band significant wave height | 0-22-165 > | Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band significant wave height | 0-22-166 > | Ku band net instrumental correction for significant wave height | 0-21-137 > | Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient | 0-21-138 > | STD Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient | 0-22-167 > | Number of valid points for Ku band backscatter | 0-21-139 > | Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC | 0-21-118 > | Attenuation correction on sigma-0 | 0-21-145 > | Ku band automatic gain control | 0-21-146 > | RMS Ku band automatic gain control | 0-21-147 > | Number of valid points for Ku band automatic gain control | 0-22-168 > | C band ocean range | 0-22-169 > | RMS of C band ocean range | 0-22-170 > | Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band | 0-25-161 > | C band net instrumental correction | 0-25-162 > | Sea state bias correction on C band | 0-22-171 > | C band significant wave height | 0-22-172 > | RMS 20 Hz C band significant wave height | 0-22-173 > | Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band significant wave height | 0-22-174 > | C band net instrumental correction for significant wave height | 0-21-170 > | C band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient | 0-21-171 > | RMS C band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient | 0-22-175 > | Number of valid points for C band backscatter | 0-21-172 > | C band net instrumental correction for AGC | 0-21-118 > | Attenuation correction on sigma-0 | 0-21-173 > | C band automatic gain control | 0-21-174 > | RMS C band automatic gain control | 0-21-175 > | Number of valid points for C band automatic gain control | 0-02-153 > | Satellite channel center frequency | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-02-153 > | Satellite channel center frequency | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-02-153 > | Satellite channel center frequency | 0-12-063 > | Brightness temperature | 0-13-090 > | Radiometer water vapor content | 0-13-091 > | Radiometer liquid content | 0-07-002 > | Height or altitude | 0-11-097 > | Wind speed from altimeter | 0-11-098 > | Wind speed from radiometer | 0-07-002 > | Height or altitude | 0-11-095 > | U component of model wind vector | 0-11-096 > | V component of model wind vector | 0-10-096 > | Mean dynamic topography | 0-10-081 > | Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid | 0-10-082 > | Instantaneous altitude rate | 0-10-083 > | Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data | 0-10-101 > | Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data | 0-25-132 > | Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band | 0-25-163 > | Altimeter ionospheric correction on Ku band | 0-25-126 > | Model dry tropospheric correction | 0-25-128 > | Model wet tropospheric correction | 0-25-164 > | Radiometer wet tropospheric correction | 0-10-085 > | Mean sea surface height | 0-10-097 > | Mean sea surface height from altimeter only | 0-10-086 > | Geoid height | 0-10-087 > | Ocean depth/land elevation | 0-10-092 > | Solid earth tide height | 0-10-088 > | Total geocentric ocean tide height solution 1 | 0-10-089 > | Total geocentric ocean tide height solution 2 | 0-10-098 > | Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 1 | 0-10-099 > | Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 2 | 0-10-090 > | Long period tide height | 0-10-100 > | Non-equilibrium long period tide height | 0-10-093 > | Geocentric pole tide height | 0-25-127 > | Inverted barometer correction | 0-40-014 | High frequency fluctuations of the sea surface topography correction END