Master Parameter Table 201110110856 current 001 pres pres Commonly used for atmospheric pressure, the pressure exerted by the atmosphere as a consequence of gravitational attraction exerted upon the "column" of air lying directly above the point in question. pa current 002 pres_reduced pres_reduced The conversion of an observed pressure value to the value it would theortically have at mean sea level. pa current 003 pres_tend pres_tend no definition available Pa/s listed 005 icao_std_atmos icao_std_atmos A hypothetical vertical distribution of atmospheric tmeperature, pressure, and density that, by internation agreement, is taken to be representative of the atmosphere. (AMS glossary) m listed 006 geop geop The potential energy of a unit mass relative to sea level, numerically equal to the work that would be done in lifting the unit mass from sea level to the height at which the mass is located. (AMS glossary) m2/s2 listed 007 geop_ht geop_ht The height of a given point in the atmosphere in units proportional to the potential energy of unit mas (geopotential) at this height relative to sea level. gpm current 008 height height The geometric height of layer or surface. m listed 009 ht_std_dev ht_std_dev no description available. m listed 010 total_ozone total_ozone The total quantity of ozone integrated in a column from the top of the atmosphere to the surface. dobson current 011 air_temp air_temp The degree of hotness or coldness measured against a definite scale, in this case for the atmosphere. deg_K current 012 virt_air_temp virt_air_temp Temperature that dry air would have if its pressure and density were equal to those of a given sample of moist air. deg_K listed 013 ptnl_temp ptnl_temp The temperature an unsaturated parcel of dry air would have if brought adiabatically and reversibly from its initial state to a standard pressure. deg_K listed 014 eq_ptnl_temp eq_ptnl_temp A thermodynamic quantity, with its natural logarithm proportional to the entropy of moist air, that is conserved in a reversible moist adiabatic process. (AMS Glossary) degK listed 015 max_air_temp max_air_temp The greatest air temperature in a given period of time. deg_K current 016 min_air_temp min_air_temp The lowest air temperature in a given period of time. deg_K current 017 dwpt_temp dwpt_temp The temperature to which a given parcel of air must be cooled at constant pressure and water vapor content in order for saturation to occur. deg_K listed 018 dwpt_dprs dwpt_dprs The quantity of difference between the air temperature and the dewpoint temperature. deg_K current 019 temp_lapse_rate temp_lapse_rate The decrease of atmospheric temperature with height. deg_K/m current 020 visib visib The greatest distance in which it is just possible to see and identify with the unaided eye 1) in the daytime, a prominent dark object against the sky at the horizon, and 2) at night, a known, preferably unfocused, moderately intense light source. m current 021 rad_spect_one rad_spect_one no definition available. none listed 022 rad_spect_two rad_spect_two no definition available. none listed 023 rad_spect_three rad_spect_three no definition available. none listed 024 prcl_lift_indx prcl_lift_indx no definition available. degK listed 025 temp_anom temp_anom no definition available. degK listed 026 pres_anom pres_anom no definition available. m listed 027 temp_dif temp_dif The difference between the standard atmosphere temperature (day) at a level and the measured air temperature at the same level. deg_K current 028 wav_spectra1 wav_spectra1 no definition available. numeric listed 029 wav_spectra2 wav_spectra2 no definition available. numeric listed 030 wav_spectra3 wav_spectra3 no definition available. numeric listed 031 wnd_dir wnd_dir The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing. deg_true current 032 wnd_spd wnd_spd The ratio of the distance covered by the air to the time taken to cover it. m/s current 033 wnd_ucmp wnd_ucmp The east-west component of the wind which is relative to the east-west axis of the grid. (This is true east for spherical and mercator but not for lambert conformal and others.) m/s current 034 wnd_vcmp wnd_vcmp The north-south componenet of the wind which is relative to the north-south axis of the grid. (This is true east for spherical and mercator but not for lambert conformal and others.) m/s current 035 strm_func strm_func The stream function of the geostrophic wind on a constant-pressure surface. m2/s current 036 vel_ptnl vel_ptnl A scalar function with its gradient equal to the velocity vector u of an irrotational flow. m2/s current 037 montg_strm_func montg_strm_func The stream function of the geostrophic wind on an isentropic surface. m2/s listed 038 sigma_coord_vert_vel sigma_coord_vert_vel The stream function of the geostrophic wind on an isentropic surface. 1/s listed 039 wnd_vert_vel wnd_vert_vel The estimated vertical rate of movement of air relative to pressure coordinates. pa/s current 040 wnd_wcmp wnd_wcmp The estimated vertical rate of movement of air relative to geospatial coordinates. m/s current 041 abs_vort abs_vort The rotation, usually around the vertical axis, of a fluid particle determined with respect to an absolute coordinate system. 1/s current 042 div div The estimated rate of horizontal expansion of the vector wind components, about an absolute refence system. 1/s current 043 rltv_vort rltv_vort The estimated rate of horizontal expansion of the vector wind components, measured in a system relative to the earth's surface. 1/s current 044 rel_div rel_div The stream function of the geostrophic wind on an isentropic surface. 1/s listed 045 vert_ucmp_shr vert_ucmp_shr no defintion available. 1/s listed 046 vert_vcmp_shr vert_vcmp_shr no definition available. 1/s listed 047 curr_dir curr_dir no definition available. degTrue listed 048 curr_spd curr_spd no definition available. m/s listed 049 curr_ucmp curr_ucmp The west-east (u) motion of an ocean current. m/s current 050 curr_vcmp curr_vcmp The south-north (v) motion of an ocean current. m/s current 051 spec_hum spec_hum In a system of moist air, the (dimensionless) ratio of the mass of water vapor to the total mass of the system (AMS). kg/kg current 052 rltv_hum rltv_hum The ratio of the vapor pressure to the staturation vapor pressure with respect to water (AMS). % current 053 mix_ratio mix_ratio The ratio of the mass of water vapor to the mass of dry air. kg/kg current 054 prcp_h2o prcp_h2o Total atmospheric water vapor in a vertical column unit cross-sectional area between two levels. kg/m2 current 055 vpr_pres vpr_pres The partial pressure of water vapor in the atmosphere. pa current 056 sat_def sat_def The measure between the layer of saturation thickness and the actual thickness of a layer. Pa listed 057 evap evap The rate of change from liquid water to the gaseous state over a time period. kg/m2 listed 058 cld_ice cld_ice Column total of condensed frozen cloud water. mg/m2 current 059 rain_rate rain_rate The measure of the averate rate of rain occurring at a location. kg/m2/s current 060 tstm_prob tstm_prob no definition available. % listed 061 ttl_prcp ttl_prcp The estimated depth of the precipitation (water equivalent) that is forecast to accumulate in a specified period of time (accumulation period), for all precipitation types and both convective and non-convective. The accumulation period varies over the forecast period (taus). For NOGAPS: the accumulation starts at the base time and every 12 hours the 'bucket' is emptied (a bucket tip) and the accumulation starts again (12, 24, 36, ...). A grid is created at each bucket tip and at three hour intervals between them. The four grids created over one bucket tip period have accumulation periods of 3, 6, 9 and 12 hours. To determine the possible taus for a given accumulation period use taus = A + (n-1)B; where A is the accumulation period, B is the bucket tip, and n is the number grids desired. For COAMPS: the accumulation starts at the base time and is never emptied (infinite bucket tip). Grids are made at one hour intervals with the accumulation period equal to the forecast period (tau). kg/m2 current 062 stab_prcp stab_prcp The estimated depth of the precipitation (water equivalent) that accumulated in twelve hours from a non-convective or stable precipitation source. Here the accumulation starts at the base time and every 12 hours the 'bucket' is emptied and the accumulation starts again (0, 12, 24, 36, ...). A grid is created at each bucket tip and at three hour intervals between them. (NOGAPS) kg/m2 current 063 conv_prcp conv_prcp The estimated depth of the precipitation (water equivalent) that accumulated in twelve hours from a convective precipitation source. Here the accumulation starts at the base time and every 12 hours the 'bucket' is emptied and the accumulation starts again (0, 12, 24, 36, ...). A grid is created at each bucket tip and at three hour intervals between them. (NOGAPS) kg/m2 current 064 snwfl_rt_wtr_eq snwfl_rt_wtr_eq The estimated snowfall rate in water equivalency. kg/m2/s listed 065 ttl_snow ttl_snow The estimated depth of the snow (water equivalent) that accumulated over a fixed period of time (accumulation period). The accumulation period is the same regardless of the forecast period. (When the accumulation period ends, a snap-shot is taken (grid made), and then the accumulation is set to zero (the bucket tip). The accumulation begins again for the next accumulation period.) The accumulation period and the bucket tip are exactly the same for each grid. Grids are available at forecast hours that are multiples of the accumulation period. One or more accumulation periods should be specified in the request. If no period attribute is specified, the response will contain all grids for each accumulation period for that forecast hour. If period attribute is specified, the response will contain data only if the specified period matches one of the accumulation periods for that forecast hour. For COAMPS, the accumulation period is every 3 hours. For NOGAPS/Ensemble, the accumulation period is every 6 hours. kg/m2 current 066 snw_dpth snw_dpth The estimated depth of snow on the ground. m current 067 pbl_depth pbl_depth 1. (atmosphere) The height of the top of the lowest layer of the troposphere in contact with the earth's surface (often capped by a temperature inversion). 2. (ocean) The mixed layer depth in the ocean. m current 068 trans_thcln_dpth trans_thcln_dpth The depth of the layer of water that varies between the warmer surface zone and the colder deep zone of a thermally stratified body of water. In the thermocline, temperature decreases rapidly with depth. m listed 069 main_thcln_dpth main_thcln_dpth The depth of the layer of water between the warmer surface zone and the colder deep zone of a thermally stratified body of water. In the thermocline, temperature decreases rapidly with depth. m listed 070 main_thcln_anom main_thcln_anom The depth of changes in the layer of water between the warmer surface zone and the colder deep zone of a thermally stratified body of water. In the thermocline, temperature decreases rapidly with depth. m listed 071 ttl_cld_cvr ttl_cld_cvr no definition available fraction current 072 conv_cld conv_cld The estimated rate of the sky dome that is covered by convective clouds. fraction current 073 low_cld_cvr low_cld_cvr The estimated percentage of the sky dome that is covered by all low level clouds. fraction current 074 mid_cld_cvr mid_cld_cvr The estimated percentage of the sky dome that is covered by all middle level clouds. fraction current 075 hi_cld_cvr hi_cld_cvr The estimated percentage of the sky dome that is covered by all high level clouds. fraction current 076 cld_wtr cld_wtr Column total of condensed liquid cloud water. mg/m2 current 077 bst_lift_indx bst_lift_indx no definition available. degK listed 078 snw_conv snw_conv The quantity of snow precipitation that is estimated to occur over a period of time due to a convective precipitation source. kg/m2 listed 079 snw_lge_scl snw_lge_scl The total measure of snow expected from a large scale precipitation source. kg/m2 listed 080 sea_temp sea_temp The temperature of the water at the ocean surface. deg_K current 081 land_sea land_sea A representation of the earth's surface denoting if a point is land (1) or water (0). numeric current 082 dev_sea_lvl_mn dev_sea_lvl_mn no definition available. m listed 083 roughness_len roughness_len The height above the displacement plane at which the mean wind becomes zero when extrapolating the logarithmic wind-speed profile downward through the surface layer. (AMS Glossary) m current 084 albedo albedo The ratio of reflected over incoming flux density. fraction listed 085 soil_temp soil_temp The temperature of the soil at a specific depth. deg_K listed 087 veg_covr veg_covr no definition available. % listed 088 sal sal A measure of the quantity of dissolved salts in seawater. (AMS GLOSSARY) kg/kg current 089 dens dens no definition available. kg/m3 listed 090 wtr_roff wtr_roff The quantity of water derived from precipitation that ultimately reaches stream channels. kg/m2 listed 091 ice_cvrg ice_cvrg no definition available fraction current 092 ice_thkn ice_thkn no definition available m listed 093 dir_ice_drft dir_ice_drft The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction in which ice has drifted on the water's surface during the previous 12 hours. degTrue listed 094 spd_ice_drft spd_ice_drft no definition available. m/s listed 095 ice_drft_ucmp ice_drft_ucmp The estimated rate of movement of the ice in the west-east direction. m/s listed 096 ice_drft_vcmp ice_drft_vcmp The estimated rate of movement of the ice in the south-north direction. m/s listed 097 ice_grth ice_grth no definition available m/s listed 098 ice_div ice_div no definition available 1/s listed 099 snw_melt snw_melt The estimated melting rate of snow on the ground. kg/m2 listed 100 sig_wav_ht sig_wav_ht (ocean wave forecasting) A fictitious wave with a height and period equal to the average height of the highest third of the actual waves that pass a fixed point. m current 101 wnd_wav_dir wnd_wav_dir The direction of wave spectra which is under the influence of the local wind. deg current 102 wnd_wav_ht wnd_wav_ht no definition available m current 103 wnd_wav_per wnd_wav_per The mean direction of the frequency wave spectra which is under the influence of the local wind, then take the inverse. s current 104 swl_wav_dir swl_wav_dir The direction of waves that are not under the influence of the local wind (swell waves). deg current 105 swl_wav_ht swl_wav_ht no definition available m current 106 swl_wav_per swl_wav_per An averate time interval between successive crests of those waves that are not under the influence of local wind (swell waves). s current 107 pr_wav_dir pr_wav_dir The angle measured clockwise from true north to the direction from which the primary waves are coming. deg current 108 pr_wav_per pr_wav_per The quantity of time required for two successive primary wave crests to pass a fixed point. s current 109 scdy_wav_dir scdy_wav_dir The angle measured clockwise from true north to the direction from which secondary waves are coming. deg current 110 scdy_wav_per scdy_wav_per The quantity of time required for two successive secondary wave crests to pass a fixed point. s current 111 sol_rad sol_rad The incoming instantaneous shortwave radiation from the sun. W/m2 current 112 ir_flux ir_flux Net infrared heat flux W/m2 current 113 net_shtwav_rad_flux_toa net_shtwav_rad_flux_toa no definition available. W/m2 listed 114 net_lngwav_rad_flux_toa net_lngwav_rad_flux_toa no definition available. W/m2 listed 115 lngwav_rad_flux lngwav_rad_flux no definition available. W/m2 listed 116 shtwav_rad_flux shtwav_rad_flux no definition available. W/m2 listed 117 global_rad_flux global_rad_flux no definition available. W/m2 listed 118 bri_temp bri_temp no definition available. K listed 121 ltnt_heat_flux ltnt_heat_flux The estimated rate of heat flow per unit mass for a system in a reversible, isobaric-isotheric change of phase. W/m2 current 122 snsb_heat_flux snsb_heat_flux The estimated rate of the flow of heat between two bodies. W/m2 current 123 bdy_layer_diss bdy_layer_diss no definition available. W/m2 listed 124 wnd_strs_ucmp wnd_strs_ucmp The drag force per unit area caused by the wind shear in the u component. Nt/m2 current 125 wnd_strs_vcmp wnd_strs_vcmp The drag force per unit area caused by the wind shear in the v component. Nt/m2 current 126 wnd_mix_energy wnd_mix_energy no definition available. J listed 128 duct_base_ht duct_base_ht The electromagnetic duct base (or lower) height. m current 129 duct_strength duct_strength The difference between the modified refractivity (M units) at the top of a duct and the trapping layer base height (M max). numeric current 130 qstar qstar Represents a potential, positive if surface has more moisture than air layer, negative if air layer has more moisture than surface. kg/kg current 131 tstar tstar no definition available deg_K current 132 grad_mod_refr grad_mod_refr The gradient of modified refractivity (dm/dz). 1/ft current 133 grnd_sea_temp grnd_sea_temp The temperature of the earth's skin, consisting of the ocean surface and land surface at the bottom of the atmosphere. deg_K current 134 geop_ht_mn geop_ht_mn The mean height of points in the atmsophere expressed in units proportional to the geopotential of those heights. gpm current 135 cld_base cld_base The estimated height, relative to mean sea level, of the lower surface of a cloud layer. m current 136 cld_top_temp cld_top_temp no definition available deg_K current 137 aero_vis_rng aero_vis_rng The greatest distance in a given direction at which it is just possible to see an object with the unaided eye in platform and target layers. m current 138 clr_air_turb clr_air_turb Scaled Elrod clear air turbulence index. 1/s2 current 139 contrail_prbl contrail_prbl The contrail formation probability using critical temperature. % current 144 geop_ht_24hr_dif geop_ht_24hr_dif The change in geopotential height over 24 hours at a given location. gpm current 145 dynm_ht dynm_ht The height of a point in the atmosphere expressed in a unit proporation to the geopotential at that point. m2/s2 current 147 duct_mexcess duct_mexcess The difference between the duct strength (modified refractivity or M units) and the magnitude (M-units) of the layer whose value is obtained from the differenced of the modified refractivity from the trapping layer base height and the value at the duct base height (or the surface in the case of surface-based ducts). numeric current 148 duct_thickness duct_thickness The thickness of the electromagnetic duct from the base, which may be at the surface, to the top of the layer. m current 149 duct_top duct_top The height of the top of an electromagnetic duct. m current 150 gale_wnd_prob gale_wnd_prob The probability of the near surface wind speed being equal to or greater than 34 knots (gale force winds lower boundary). fraction current 152 abs_vort_ens_stdev abs_vort_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the absolute vorticity of the ensemble members for a point in time. 1/s current 153 air_temp_ens_stdev air_temp_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the air temperature of the ensemble members for a point in time. deg_K current 154 rltv_hum_ens_stdev rltv_hum_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the relative humidity of the ensemble members for a point in time. fraction current 155 wcap_prbl wcap_prbl The percent of occurrence of white caps forming on the crest of waves due to wind. % current 156 vrtx_wav vrtx_wav no definition available gpm current 157 wnd_vect_dif_mgtd wnd_vect_dif_mgtd no definition available m/s current 158 turb_ke turb_ke The mean kinetic energy per unit mass associated with eddies in turbulent flow. m2/s2 current 159 dust_sfc_concen dust_sfc_concen The mass of dust particles in a cubic meter of air. mg/m3 current 160 tot_dust_optdep tot_dust_optdep The optical thickness measured vertically above some given altitude due to the extinction and scattering by dust particles (integrated). m/m deprecated 162 tot_dust_concen tot_dust_concen The estimated total density of particulate matter of dust. mg/m3 current 163 cape cape Maximum buoyant energy that an unstable air parcel can aquire. J/Kg current 164 cin cin Energy needed to overcome atmospheric stability for continued spontaneous convection. J/Kg current 165 frozen_rain frozen_rain An accumulation of rain that freezes before reaching the ground or transparent or translucent pellets of ice less than or equal to 5mm in diameter. Ice pellets usually bounce when hitting hard ground and make a sound upon impact. These ice pellets can be 1) sleet or grains of ice, generally transparent, globular, solid grains of ice that have formed from the freezing of raindrops or the refreezing of largely melted snowflakes when falling though a below-freezing layer of air near the earth's surface; 2) small hail, generally translucent particles, consisting of snow pellets (white, opaque, approximately round ice particles having a snowlike structure, and about 2 - 5 mm in diameter) encased in a thin layer of ice. The ice layer may form either by the accretion of droplets upon the snow pellet or by the melting and refreezing of the surface of the snow pellet (AMS). The estimated depth of frozen rain or ice pellets (water equivalent) that accumulated over a fixed period of time (accumulation period). The accumulation period is the same regardless of the forecast period. (When the accumulation period ends, a snap-shot is taken (grid made), and then the accumulation is set to zero (the bucket tip). The accumulation begins again for the next accumulation period.) The accumulation period and the bucket tip are exactly the same for each grid. Grids are available at forecast hours that are multiples of the accumulation period. FOR COAMPS the accumulation is over six hours. kg/m2 current 167 ocn_heat_cntnt ocn_heat_cntnt The vertically integrated heat content of the ocean above the reference isotherm (26 deg C). kJ/cm2 current 171 geop_ht_ens_stdev geop_ht_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the geopotential height of the ensemble members for a point in time. gpm current 172 prob_sig_wav_ht_gt12ft prob_sig_wav_ht_gt12ft The probability that the significant wave height of ocean waves will be greater than 12 ft. fraction current 173 prob_sig_wav_ht_gt18ft prob_sig_wav_ht_gt18ft The probability that the significant wave height of ocean waves will be greater than 18 ft. fraction current 175 evap_duct_ht evap_duct_ht The estimated height of a duct formed from evaporation of seawater which begins at sea level and rises to an elevation (duct height) corresponding to a change in the slope in the index of refraction. m current 176 peak_wav_per_ens_stdev peak_wav_per_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the peak wave period of the ensemble members for a point in time. s current 177 pres_ens_stdev pres_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the pressure of the ensemble members for a point in time. Pa current 178 sig_wav_ht_ens_stdev sig_wav_ht_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the significant wave height of the ensemble members for a point in time. m current 179 swl_wav_ht_ens_stdev swl_wav_ht_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the swell wave height of the ensemble members for a point in time. m current 180 aero_optdep aero_optdep The optical thickness measured vertically above some given altitude due to the extinction by aerosol particles. numeric current 181 aero_extinct_part aero_extinct_part A coded long integer representing the proportions of sulfate and dust and smoke extinction in the layer. numeric current 182 ozone_mix_ratio ozone_mix_ratio The ratio of the mass of a variable atmospheric constituent (here ozone) to the mass of dry air. kg/kg current 183 aero_extinct_uv aero_extinct_uv The removal by aerosol particles of long infrared radiant energy from an incident beam by the process of absorption and scattering. 1/km current 184 aero_extinct_vis aero_extinct_vis The removal by aerosol particles of long infrared radiant energy from an incident beam by the process of absorption and scattering. 1/km current 185 aero_extinct_nir aero_extinct_nir The removal by aerosol particles of long infrared radiant energy from an incident beam by the process of absorption and scattering. 1/km current 186 ttl_prcp_ens_stdev ttl_prcp_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the total precipitation of the ensemble members for a point in time. kg/m**2 current 187 aero_extinct_mw aero_extinct_mw The removal by aerosol particles of long infrared radiant energy from an incident beam by the process of absorption and scattering. 1/km current 188 aero_extinct_lw aero_extinct_lw The removal by aerosol particles of long infrared radiant energy from an incident beam by the process of absorption and scattering. 1/km current 189 aero_asym_uv aero_asym_uv Asymmetry parameter (or asymmetry factor) in each layer at ultraviolet wavelengths. (Asymmetry factor is a fundamental property of a scattering medium that affects the transfer of radiant energy) numeric current 190 aero_asym_vis aero_asym_vis Asymmetry parameter (or asymmetry factor) in each layer at visible wavelengths. (Asymmetry factor is a fundamental property of a scattering medium that affects the transfer of radiant energy) numeric current 191 aero_asym_nir aero_asym_nir Asymmetry parameter (or asymmetry factor) in each layer at near infrared wavelengths. (Asymmetry factor is a fundamental property of a scattering medium that affects the transfer of radiant energy) numeric current 192 aero_asym_mw aero_asym_mw Asymmetry parameter (or asymmetry factor) in each layer at mid infrared wavelengths. (Asymmetry factor is a fundamental property of a scattering medium that affects the transfer of radiant energy) numeric current 193 aero_asym_lw aero_asym_lw Asymmetry parameter (or asymmetry factor) in each layer at long infrared wavelengths. (Asymmetry factor is a fundamental property of a scattering medium that affects the transfer of radiant energy) numeric current 194 aero_scatter_uv aero_scatter_uv A measure of the extinction due to scattering of ultraviolet radiation as it traverses a medium containing scattering particles (scattering coefficient). 1/km current 195 aero_scatter_vis aero_scatter_vis A measure of the extinction due to scattering of visible radiation as it traverses a medium containing scattering particles (scattering coefficient). 1/km current 196 aero_scatter_nir aero_scatter_nir A measure of the extinction due to scattering of near infrared radiation as it traverses a medium containing scattering particles (scattering coefficient). 1/km current 198 aero_optdep_sm aero_optdep_sm The optical thickness measured vertically above some given altitude due to the extinction and scattering by smoke particles (integrated). numeric current 199 aero_optdep_su aero_optdep_su The optical thickness measured vertically above some given altitude due to the extinction and scattering by sulfate aerosols (integrated). numeric current 200 aero_optdep_sa aero_optdep_sa The optical thickness measured vertically above some given altitude due to the extinction and scattering by salt particles (integrated). numeric current 201 aero_optdep_du aero_optdep_du The optical thickness measured vertically above some given altitude due to the extinction and scattering by dust particles (integrated). numeric current 202 temp_grad temp_grad The rate of variation in temperature in a medium (salt water) over a specified distance (ocean surface to bottom). deg_K/m current 206 freezing_rain freezing_rain The estimated depth of mixed sleet (rain and snow) or rain (falls in liquid form) that freezes upon impact to form a coating of glaze upon the ground and on exposed objects (AMS Glossary, water equivalent) that accumulated over a fixed period of time (accumulation period). The accumulation period is the same regardless of the forecast period. (When the accumulation period ends, a snap-shot is taken (grid made), and then the accumulation is set to zero (the bucket tip). The accumulation begins again for the next accumulation period.) The accumulation period and the bucket tip are exactly the same for each grid. Grids are available at forecast hours that are multiples of the accumulation period. kg/m2 current 207 peak_wav_dir peak_wav_dir The angle measured clockwise from true north to the direction from which the peak waves are coming. deg current 208 peak_wav_per peak_wav_per The quantity of time required for two successive peak wave crests to pass a fixed point. s current 210 shrt_wav shrt_wav no definition available gpm current 211 rsdl_wav rsdl_wav no definition available gpm current 212 lng_wav lng_wav no definition available gpm current 213 mag_ditch_hdg mag_ditch_hdg The estimated angle, in a clockwise direction, between true north and the recommended direction of ditching an aircraft in a body of water. deg_+N current 214 wnd_ucmp_mn wnd_ucmp_mn no definition available m/s current 215 wnd_vcmp_mn wnd_vcmp_mn no definition available m/s current 216 wnd_dif_ucmp_mn wnd_dif_ucmp_mn no definition available m/s current 217 wnd_dif_vcmp_mn wnd_dif_vcmp_mn no definition available m/s current 218 grnd_wet grnd_wet The estimated rate of ground coverage that is determined to be wet as compared to the entire surface. fraction current 219 pres_err pres_err The quantity of error in the estimated air pressure. pa current 220 max_wav_ht max_wav_ht The mean height of the highest one tenth of the waves measured from trough to crest. m current 221 snsb_ltnt_heat_flux snsb_ltnt_heat_flux The rate of transfer of sensible heat (enthalphy) plus latent heat from one region to another. W/m2 current 222 ttl_heat_flux ttl_heat_flux The estimated total rate of flow of heat in the atmosphere. W/m2 current 223 geop_ht_err geop_ht_err The geopotential height of level or surface error estimate. gpm current 224 frnt_anal frnt_anal The estimated rate of the psychometric parameters indicating the presence of a frontal boundary. deg K/m2 current 225 fog fog The rate of probability of the occurrence of fog. % current 226 rltv_hum_err rltv_hum_err The quantity of error in the estimated ratio of measured vapor pressure to the computed saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the measurement. fraction current 227 wnd_ucmp_err wnd_ucmp_err Wind u component (east-west) error estimate. m/s current 228 wnd_vcmp_err wnd_vcmp_err Wind v component (north-south) error estimate. m/s current 229 wnd_spd_ens_stdev wnd_spd_ens_stdev The standard deviation of the wind speed of the ensemble members for a point in time. m/s current 230 frz_ht frz_ht The vertical dimension above a vertical reference data where the air temperature is 0 degrees Celsius. m current 231 air_temp_err air_temp_err Analysis air temperature error from truth (observations). deg_K current 232 sea_sfc_ht_corr sea_sfc_ht_corr The sea height anomaly about a long term sea height mean. m current 234 ceil_ht ceil_ht The height above ground level (AGL) of the lowest cloud or obscuring phenomena layer aloft with 5/8 or more summation total sky cover, which may be predominantly opaque, or the visibility into a surfaced-based obscuration. m current 235 wnd_strs wnd_strs The drag force per unit area caused by the wind shear. Nt/m2 current 236 snw_age snw_age The time difference between the data analysis and the date of the last measurable snow fall. day current 238 terr_ht terr_ht no definition available m current 239 latitude latitude Angular distance north or south from the earth's equator measure through 90 degrees. (Webster 1983) deg_+N listed 240 longitude longitude The arc or portion of the earth's equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the prime meridian (as from Greenwich, England) and expressed either in degrees or time. (Webster 1983) deg_+E listed 241 cld_top cld_top The estimated height of the upper surface of a cloud layer, ice or liquid. m current 243 sea_temp_anom sea_temp_anom The difference between sea temperature analysis values and climatology. deg_K current 245 stab_cld stab_cld The estimated rate of the sky dome that is covered by non-convective or stable clouds. fraction current 246 lift_cdns_lvl lift_cdns_lvl The level at which a parcel of moist air lifted dry-adiabatically would become saturated. m current 247 thkn thkn The geometric thickness of layer. gpm current 248 peak_wnd_spd peak_wnd_spd The highest instantaneous wind speed during a specified time period. m/s current 249 cld_wtr_dnst cld_wtr_dnst The density of condensed liquid cloud water at a given level. g/m3 current 250 cld_ice_dnst cld_ice_dnst The density of condensed frozen cloud water. g/m3 current 251 wnd_utru wnd_utru The east-west wind component based on true east. (correct for lambert conformal projection) m/s current 252 wnd_vtru wnd_vtru The north-south wind component based on true north (correction for lambert conformal projection). m/s current 253 ustar ustar Motion near the surface where the shearing stress is often assumed to be independent of height and approximately proportional to the square of the mean velocity. The friction velocity is, therefore, exactly the velocity for which this square law would be valid. m/s current