/* * Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD): Offenbach * Center: 78 * Subcenter: 0 * Parameter table version: 202 */ TBLE2 dwd_202_params[] = { {1, "jonswap parameter fm", "s**(-1)", "SEEG_PEAK"}, {2, "jonswap parameter alpha", "1", "SEEG_ALPHA"}, {3, "jonswap parameter gamma", "1", "SEEG_GAMMA"}, {4, "Seegang direction", "degree true", "SEEG_DIR"}, {5, "Seegang energy densitiy", "(m**2)*(s**2)", "SEEG_ENERG"}, {6, "Seegang ice mask", "1", "SEEG_ICEMK"}, {7, "peak period of swell", "s", "PEAK_P_SW"}, {8, "peak period of wind waves", "s", "PEAK_P_WW"}, {20, "Varianz Geopotential", "(m/s)**4", "VAR_GEOP"}, {21, "Varianz Temperatur", "K**2", "VAR_T"}, {22, "Varianz Zonalwind", "(m/s)**2", "VAR_U"}, {23, "Varianz Meridionalwind", "(m/s)**2", "VAR_V"}, {24, "Varianz spezifische Feuchte", "(kg/kg)**2", "VAR_Q"}, {25, "Meridionaler Impulstransport", "(m/s)**2", "MER_IMPTR"}, {26, "Meridionaler Transport potentieller Energie", "(m/s)**3", "MER_TREPT"}, {27, "Meridionaler Transport sensibler Waerme", "K*(m/s)", "MER_TRSW"}, {28, "Meridionaler Transport latenter Waerme", "(kg/kg)*(m/s)", "MER_TRLW"}, {29, "Vertikaler Transport potentieller Energie", "(m/s)**2*(Pa/s)", "VER_TREPT"}, {30, "Vertikaler Transport sensibler Waerme", "K*(Pa/s)", "VER_TRSW"}, {31, "Vertikaler Transport latenter Waerme", "(kg/kg)*(Pa/s)", "VER_TRLW"}, {40, "Varianz des Analyse-Fehlers Geopotential", "(m/s)**4", "VARAF_GEOP"}, {41, "Varianz des Analyse-Fehlers Zonalwind", "(m/s)**2", "VARAF_U"}, {42, "Varianz des Analyse-Fehlers Meridionalwind", "(m/s)**2", "VARAF_V"}, {46, "standard deviation of subgrid scale orogr. height", "m", "SSO_STDH"}, {47, "anisotropy of topography", "1", "SSO_GAMMA"}, {48, "angle betw. principal axis of orogr. and global E", "1", "SSO_THETA"}, {49, "mean slope of subgrid scale orography", "1", "SSO_SIGMA"}, {50, "subgrid-scale variance of orography", "m**2", "ORO_VARIAN"}, {51, "E-W component of subgrid-scale variance of orogr", "m**2", "E_W_ORO_VA"}, {52, "N-S component of subgrid-scale variance of orogr", "m**2", "N_S_ORO_VA"}, {53, "NW-SE component of subgrid-scale variance of orogr", "m**2", "NW_SE_O_VA"}, {54, "NE-SW component of subgrid-scale variance of orogr", "m**2", "NE_SW_O_VA"}, {55, "fraction of inland water", "1", "INL_W_FRAC"}, {56, "surface emissivity", "1", "SURF_EMISS"}, {57, "soil texture", "1", "SOILTYP"}, {58, "soil color", "1", "SOIL_COLOR"}, {59, "soil drainage", "1", "SOIL_DRAIN"}, {60, "ground water table", "m", "GROUND_WAT"}, {61, "leaf area index", "1", "LAI"}, {62, "root depth", "m", "ROOT"}, {63, "root density", "1", "ROOT_DENS"}, {64, "height of maximum of ozone concentration", "Pa", "HMO3"}, {65, "total vertically integrated ozone content", "Pa", "VIO3"}, {66, "land-sea mask", "1", "LD_SEA_MSK"}, {67, "ground fraction covered by plants (vegetation p.)", "1", "PLCOV_MX"}, {68, "ground fraction covered by plants (time of rest)", "1", "PLCOV_MN"}, {69, "leaf area index (vegetation period)", "1", "LAI_MX"}, {70, "leaf area index (time of rest)", "1", "LAI_MN"}, {71, "Orographie + Land-Meer-Verteilung", "m", "OROGRAPHIE"}, {72, "roughness length momentum", "m", "R_LENGTH_M"}, {73, "roughness length heat", "m", "R_LENGTH_H"}, {74, "variance of soil moisture content", "kg**2/m**4", "VAR_SMC"}, {75, "fractional coverage with evergreen forest", "1", "FOR_E"}, {76, "fractional coverage with deciduous forest", "1", "FOR_D"}, {77, "normalized differential vegetation index", "index", "NORDIFVEGI"}, {78, "annual max. of norm. differential vegetation index", "index", "AMNODIVEGI"}, {79, "proportion of act.value/max. norm.diff.veg.index", "index", "PROPVI_MVI"}, {80, "aerosol optical depth, type sea", "index", "AOD_SEA"}, {81, "aerosol optical depth, type land", "index", "AOD_LAND"}, {82, "aerosol optical depth, type urban", "index", "AOD_URBAN"}, {83, "aerosol optical depth, type desert", "index", "AOD_DESERT"}, {101, "tidal tendencies", "(m/s)**2", "TIDAL_TEND"}, {102, "sum of diabatic heating terms", "K/s", "DIAB_HEATG"}, {103, "total adiabatic heating", "K/s", "ADIAB_HEAT"}, {104, "advective tendency of specific humidity", "s**(-1)", "ADV_Q_TEND"}, {105, "non-advective tendency of specific humidity", "s**(-1)", "NADV_Q_TEN"}, {106, "advective momentum tendency (X component)", "m/s**2", "ADV_M_TE_X"}, {107, "advective momentum tendency (Y component)", "m/s**2", "ADV_M_TE_Y"}, {108, "non-advective momentum tendency (X component)", "m/s**2", "NAD_M_TE_X"}, {109, "non-advective momentum tendency (Y component)", "m/s**2", "NAD_M_TE_Y"}, {110, "sum of mountain and frictional torque", "kg*(m/s)**2", "TORQUE"}, {111, "budget values", "1", "BUDGET_VAL"}, {112, "scale factor", "1", "SCALE_FACT"}, {113, "Coriolis parameter", "s**(-1)", "CORIOL_PAR"}, {114, "latitude", "degr N", "PHI"}, {115, "longitude", "degr E", "RLA"}, {116, "relaxation factor (lateral boundary, LAM)", "1", "RELAX_FACT"}, {117, "climatic sea surface temp interpolated in time", "degr C", "CLIMSSTINT"}, {118, "potential vorticity", "K*m**2/(s*kg)", "POT_VORTIC"}, {119, "log surface pressure", "1", "LN_PS"}, {120, "undefined","undefined","EXP_SI"}, {121, "undefined","undefined","RHS_SI"}, {122, "undefined","undefined","DTTDIV"}, {123, "integrated dry atmospheric refractivity", "m", "ZHD"}, {150, "SO2-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "SO2_CONC"}, {151, "SO2-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "SO2_DRYD"}, {152, "SO2-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "SO2_WETD"}, {153, "SO4-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "SO4_CONC"}, {154, "SO4-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "SO4_DRYD"}, {155, "SO4-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "SO4_WETD"}, {156, "NO-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "NO_CONC"}, {157, "NO-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NO_DRYD"}, {158, "NO-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NO_WETD"}, {159, "NO2-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "NO2_CONC"}, {160, "NO2-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NO2_DRYD"}, {161, "NO2-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NO2_WETD"}, {162, "NO3-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "NO3_CONC"}, {163, "NO3-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NO3_DRYD"}, {164, "NO3-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NO3_WETD"}, {165, "HNO3-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "HNO3_CONC"}, {166, "HNO3-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "HNO3_DRYD"}, {167, "HNO3-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "HNO3_WETD"}, {168, "NH3-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "NH3_CONC"}, {169, "NH3-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NH3_DRYD"}, {170, "NH3-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NH3_WETD"}, {171, "NH4-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "NH4_CONC"}, {172, "NH4-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NH4_DRYD"}, {173, "NH4-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "NH4_WETD"}, {174, "O3-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "O3_CONC"}, {175, "PAN-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "PAN_CONC"}, {176, "PAN-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "PAN_DRYD"}, {177, "OH-concentration", "10**(-6)*g/m**3", "OH_CONC"}, {178, "O3-dry deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "O3_DRYD"}, {179, "O3-wet deposition", "10**(-3)*g/m**2", "O3_WETD"}, {180, "specific ozone content", "kg/kg", "O3"}, {194, "Ru103-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "RU103_CONC"}, {195, "Ru103-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "RU103_DRYD"}, {196, "Ru103-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "RU103_WETD"}, {197, "Sr90-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "SR90_CONC"}, {198, "Sr90-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "SR90_DRYD"}, {199, "Sr90-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "SR90_WETD"}, {200, "I131-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "I131_CONC"}, {201, "I131-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "I131_DRYD"}, {202, "I131-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "I131_WETD"}, {203, "Cs137-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "CS137_CONC"}, {204, "Cs1370dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "CS137_DRYD"}, {205, "Cs137-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "CS137_WETD"}, {206, "Te132-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "TE132_CONC"}, {207, "Te132-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "TE132_DRYD"}, {208, "Te132-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "TE132_WETD"}, {209, "Zr95-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "ZR95_CONC"}, {210, "Zr95-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "ZR95_DRYD"}, {211, "Zr95-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "ZR95_WETD"}, {212, "Kr85-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "KR85_CONC"}, {213, "Kr85-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "KR85_DRYD"}, {214, "Kr85-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "KR85_WETD"}, {215, "TRACER-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "TRACERCONC"}, {216, "TRACER-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "TRACERDRYD"}, {217, "TRACER-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "TRACERWETD"}, {218, "Xe133-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "XE133_CONC"}, {219, "Xe133-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "XE133_DRYD"}, {220, "Xe133-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "XE133_WETD"}, {221, "I131g-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "I131G_CONC"}, {222, "I131g-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "I131G_DRYD"}, {223, "I131g-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "I131G_WETD"}, {224, "I131o-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "I131O_CONC"}, {225, "I131o-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "I131O_DRYD"}, {226, "I131o-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "I131O_WETD"}, {227, "Ba140-concentration", "Bq/m**3", "BA140_CONC"}, {228, "Ba140-dry deposition", "Bq/m**2", "BA140_DRYD"}, {229, "Ba140-wet deposition", "Bq/m**2", "BA140_WETD"}, {231, "Mom. flux, u component, due to SSO-effects", "(N/(m**2)", "SSO_MFLU_U"}, {232, "Mom. flux, v component, due to SSO-effects", "(N/(m**2)", "SSO_MFLU_V"}, {233, "Dissipation of kinetic energy due to SSO-effects", "(W/(m**2)", "SSO_KE_DIS"}, {240, "UV_Index corr. for albedo+altitude,cloudless(F), h", "index", "UV_IND_F_H"}, {241, "Basic UV_Index m.s.l.,fixed albedo,cloudless(F), h", "index", "BASICUV_IF"}, {242, "UV_Index corrected for albedo+altitude+clouds(W),h", "index", "UV_IND_W_H"}, {243, "UV-Index, cloudless (wolkenlos=F) Maximum", "1", "UV_INDMAXF"}, {244, "Sonnenbrand-Index", "(W*10**(-3))/m**2", "SB_INDEX"}, {245, "Sonnenbrand-Index bei mittl. Bewoelkung (08z-12z)", "(W*10**(-3))/m**2", "SB_INDEX_W"}, {246, "Kanadischer UVB-Warnindex (bew|lkungsreduziert)", "(W*10**(-3))/m**2", "KAN_UVB_WI"}, {247, "total column ozone (Gesamtozon)", "Dobson", "GESAMT_O3"}, {248, "UV-Index, clouded (bewoelkt=W) Maximum", "1", "UV_INDMAXW"}, {249, "time (Zeit) of UV-Index-Maximum", "h UTC", "H_UV_INDMX"}, };