/* * Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD): Offenbach * Center: 78 * Subcenter: 0 * Parameter table version: 207 */ TBLE2 dwd_207_params[] = { {2, "pressure reduced to MSL (calibrated)", "Pa", "PRESSURE_C"}, {8, "geometrical height (calibrated)", "m", "GEOMET_H_C"}, {11, "temperature (calibrated)", "K", "TEMPERAT_C"}, {15, "maximum temperature (calibrated)", "K", "MAX_TEMP_C"}, {16, "minimum temperature (calibrated)", "K", "MIN_TEMP_C"}, {17, "dew-point temperature (calibrated)", "K", "D_P_TEMP"}, {20, "visibility (calibrated)", "m", "VISIBILI_C"}, {33, "u-component of wind (calibrated)", "m/s", "WIND_U_C"}, {34, "v-component of wind (calibrated)", "m/s", "WIND_V_C"}, {61, "total precipitation (calibrated)", "kg/(m**2)", "TOT_PREC_C"}, {65, "water equivalent of accum. snow depth (calibrated)", "kg/(m**2)", "SN_DEPWE_C"}, {71, "total cloud cover (calibrated)", "%", "CL_COV_C"}, {73, "low cloud cover (calibrated)", "%", "CL_COVCL_C"}, {74, "medium cloud cover (calibrated)", "%", "CL_COVCM_C"}, {75, "high cloud cover (calibrated)", "%", "CL_COVCH_C"}, {79, "large scale snow (calibrated)", "kg/(m**2)", "LS_SNOW_C"}, {81, "land cover (1=land, 0=sea) (calibrated)", "proportion", "LAND_COV_C"}, {84, "albedo (calibrated)", "%", "ALBEDO_C"}, {85, "soil temperature (calibrated)", "K", "SOIL_TE_C"}, {111, "net short-wave radiation flux (surf.)(calibrated)", "W/(m**2)", "NETSWRAD_C"}, {112, "net long-wave radiation flux (surface)(calibrated)", "W/(m**2)", "NETLWRAD_C"}, {117, "global radiation flux (calibrated)", "W/(m**2)", "GLOB_RAD_C"}, {118, "brightness temperature (calibrated)", "K", "BRIGHT_T_C"}, {187, "maximum wind speed (smoothed)", "m/s", "MAXWIND_C"}, };