/* * * US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) * For Aviation World Area Forecast/ICAO * * Center: 7 * Subcenter: 0 * Parameter table version: 140 */ TBLE2 ncep_140_params[] = { {1, "Pressure", "Pa", "PRES"}, {2, "Pressure reduced to MSL", "Pa", "PRMSL"}, {3, "Pressure tendency", "Pa/s", "PTEND"}, {4, "Potential vorticity", "km^2/kg/s", "PVORT"}, {5, "ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height", "M", "ICAHT"}, {6, "Geopotential", "m^2/s^2", "GP"}, {7, "Geopotential height", "gpm", "HGT"}, {8, "Geometric height", "m", "DIST"}, {9, "Std dev of height", "m", "HSTDV"}, {10, "Total ozone", "Dobson", "TOZONE"}, {11, "Temperature", "K", "TMP"}, {12, "Virtual temperature", "K", "VTMP"}, {13, "Potential temperature", "K", "POT"}, {14, "Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature", "K", "EPOT"}, {15, "Maximum temperature", "K", "T_MAX"}, {16, "Minimum temperature", "K", "T_MIN"}, {17, "Dew point temperature", "K", "DPT"}, {18, "Dew point depression", "K", "DEPR"}, {19, "Lapse rate", "K/m", "LAPR"}, {20, "Visibility", "m", "VIS"}, {21, "Radar spectra (1)", "non-dim", "RDSP1"}, {22, "Radar spectra (2)", "non-dim", "RDSP2"}, {23, "Radar spectra (3)", "non-dim", "RDSP3"}, {24, "Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)", "K", "PLI"}, {25, "Temperature anomaly", "K", "TMP_A"}, {26, "Pressure anomaly", "Pa", "PRESA"}, {27, "Geopotential height anomaly", "gpm", "GPA"}, {28, "Wave spectra (1)", "non-dim", "WVSP1"}, {29, "Wave spectra (2)", "non-dim", "WVSP2"}, {30, "Wave spectra (3)", "non-dim", "WVSP3"}, {31, "Wind direction", "deg", "WDIR"}, {32, "Wind speed", "m/s", "WIND"}, {33, "u-component of wind", "m/s", "U_GRD"}, {34, "v-component of wind", "m/s", "V_GRD"}, {35, "Stream function", "m^2/s", "STRM"}, {36, "Velocity potential", "m^2/s", "V_POT"}, {37, "Montgomery stream function", "m^2/s^2", "MNTSF"}, {38, "Sigma coord. vertical velocity", "/s", "SGCVV"}, {39, "Pressure vertical velocity", "Pa/s", "V_VEL"}, {40, "Geometric vertical velocity", "m/s", "DZDT"}, {41, "Absolute vorticity", "/s", "ABS_V"}, {42, "Absolute divergence", "/s", "ABS_D"}, {43, "Relative vorticity", "/s", "REL_V"}, {44, "Relative divergence", "/s", "REL_D"}, {45, "Vertical u-component shear", "/s", "VUCSH"}, {46, "Vertical v-component shear", "/s", "VVCSH"}, {47, "Direction of current", "deg", "DIR_C"}, {48, "Speed of current", "m/s", "SP_C"}, {49, "u-component of current", "m/s", "UOGRD"}, {50, "v-component of current", "m/s", "VOGRD"}, {51, "Specific humidity", "kg/kg", "SPF_H"}, {52, "Relative humidity", "%", "R_H"}, {53, "Humidity mixing ratio", "kg/kg", "MIXR"}, {54, "Precipitable water", "kg/m^2", "P_WAT"}, {55, "Vapor pressure", "Pa", "VAPP"}, {56, "Saturation deficit", "Pa", "SAT_D"}, {57, "Evaporation", "kg/m^2", "EVP"}, {58, "Cloud Ice", "kg/m^2", "C_ICE"}, {59, "Precipitation rate", "kg/m^2/s", "PRATE"}, {60, "Thunderstorm probability", "%", "TSTM"}, {61, "Total precipitation", "kg/m^2", "A_PCP"}, {62, "Large scale precipitation", "kg/m^2", "NCPCP"}, {63, "Convective precipitation", "kg/m^2", "ACPCP"}, {64, "Snowfall rate water equivalent.", "kg/m^2/s", "SRWEQ"}, {65, "Water equivalent of accum. snow depth", "kg/m^2", "WEASD"}, {66, "Snow depth", "m", "SNO_D"}, {67, "Mixed layer depth", "m", "MIXHT"}, {68, "Transient thermocline depth", "m", "TTHDP"}, {69, "Main thermocline depth", "m", "MTHD"}, {70, "Main thermocline anomaly", "m", "MTH_A"}, {71, "Total cloud cover", "%", "T_CDC"}, {72, "Convective cloud cover", "%", "CDCON"}, {73, "Low level cloud cover", "%", "L_CDC"}, {74, "Mid level cloud cover", "%", "M_CDC"}, {75, "High level cloud cover", "%", "H_CDC"}, {76, "Cloud water", "kg/m^2", "C_WAT"}, {77, "Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)", "K", "BLI"}, {78, "Convective snow", "kg/m^2", "SNO_C"}, {79, "Large scale snow", "kg/m^2", "SNO_L"}, {80, "Water temperature", "K", "WTMP"}, {81, "Land-sea mask (land=1;sea=0)", "fraction", "LAND"}, {82, "Deviation of sea level from mean", "m", "DSL_M"}, {83, "Surface roughness", "m", "SFC_R"}, {84, "Albedo", "%", "ALBDO"}, {85, "Soil temperature", "K", "TSOIL"}, {86, "Soil moisture content", "kg/m^2", "SOIL_M"}, {87, "Vegetation", "%", "VEG"}, {88, "Salinity", "kg/kg", "SALTY"}, {89, "Density", "kg/m^3", "DEN"}, {90, "Water runoff", "kg/m^2", "WATR"}, {91, "Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)", "fraction", "ICE_C"}, {92, "Ice thickness", "m", "ICETK"}, {93, "Direction of ice drift", "deg", "DICED"}, {94, "Speed of ice drift", "m/s", "SICED"}, {95, "u-component of ice drift", "m/s", "U_ICE"}, {96, "v-component of ice drift", "m/s", "V_ICE"}, {97, "Ice growth rate", "m/s", "ICE_G"}, {98, "Ice divergence", "/s", "ICE_D"}, {99, "Snow melt", "kg/m^2", "SNO_M"}, {100, "Sig height of wind waves and swell", "m", "HTSGW"}, {101, "Direction of wind waves", "deg", "WVDIR"}, {102, "Significant height of wind waves", "m", "WVHGT"}, {103, "Mean period of wind waves", "s", "WVPER"}, {104, "Direction of swell waves", "deg", "SWDIR"}, {105, "Significant height of swell waves", "m", "SWELL"}, {106, "Mean period of swell waves", "s", "SWPER"}, {107, "Primary wave direction", "deg", "DIRPW"}, {108, "Primary wave mean period", "s", "PERPW"}, {109, "Secondary wave direction", "deg", "DIRSW"}, {110, "Secondary wave mean period", "s", "PERSW"}, {111, "Net short wave radiation (surface)", "W/m^2", "NSWRS"}, {112, "Net long wave radiation(surface)", "W/m^2", "NLWRS"}, {113, "Net short wave radiation (top)", "W/m^2", "NSWRT"}, {114, "Net long wave radiation (top)", "W/m^2", "NLWRT"}, {115, "Long wave radiation", "W/m^2", "LWAVR"}, {116, "Short wave radiation", "W/m^2", "SWAVR"}, {117, "Global radiation", "W/m^2", "G_RAD"}, {118, "Brightness temperature", "K", "BRTMP"}, {119, "Radiance with respect to wave no.", "W/m/sr", "LWRAD"}, {120, "Radiance with respect ot wave len.", "W/m^3/sr", "SWRAD"}, {121, "Latent heat flux", "W/m^2", "LHTFL"}, {122, "Sensible heat flux", "W/m^2", "SHTFL"}, {123, "Boundary layer dissipation", "W/m^2", "BLYDP"}, {124, "Momentum flux, u component", "N/m^2", "U_FLX"}, {125, "Momentum flux, v component", "N/m^2", "V_FLX"}, {126, "Wind mixing energy", "J", "WMIXE"}, {127, "Image data", "none", "IMG_D"}, {168, "Mean Icing Potential", "non-dim", "MEIP"}, {169, "Maximum Icing Potential", "non-dim", "MAIP"}, {170, "Mean in-Cloud Turbulence Potential", "non-dim", "MECTP"}, {171, "Max in-Cloud Turbulence Potential", "non-dim", "MACTP"}, {172, "Mean Cloud Air Turbulence Potential", "non-dim", "MECAT"}, {173, "Maximum Cloud Air Turbulence Potential", "non-dim", "MACAT"}, {174, "Cumulonimbus Horizontal Extent", "%", "CBHE"}, {175, "Pressure at Cumulonimbus Base", "Pa", "PCBB"}, {176, "Pressure at Cumulonimbus Top", "Pa", "PCBT"}, {177, "Pressure at Embedded Cumulonimbus Base", "Pa", "PECBB"}, {178, "Pressure at Embedded Cumulonimbus Top", "Pa", "PECBT"}, {179, "ICAO Height at Cumulonimbus Base", "m", "HCBB"}, {180, "ICAO Height at Cumulonimbus Top", "m", "HCBT"}, {181, "ICAO Height at Embedded Cumulonimbus Base", "m", "HECBB"} };