NCL GRIB1 table notes 9/7/2011 download NCL version 6.0.0 from ESG website. The grib1 tables are in ncl_ncarg-6.0.0/ni/src/ncl/*gtb*.h; copy to resources/grib1/ncl also see: - NCL describes their processing of GRIB: - NCL describes their GRIB1 table handling : Compare a few random tables: 1)Grib1ParamTable{center_id=98, subcenter_id=-1, version=128, name='ECMWF local table 2: Version Number 128 (Standard).', path='resources/grib1/ecmwf/local_table_2_version_128'} Grib1ParamTable{center_id=0, subcenter_id=0, version=0, name='ecmwf_128_gtb.h', path='C:/dev/github/thredds/grib/src/main/resources/resources/grib1/ncl/ecmwf_128_gtb.h'} 20 desc Clear sky surface photosynthetically active radiation Clear sky surface PAR **No key 61 (GridParameter{number=61, name='TPO', description='Total precipitation from observations', unit='Millimetres.100.+.number.of.stations'}) in second table 77 desc Vertical velocity in the hybrid eta vertical coordinate system Eta-coordinate vertical velocity 156 desc Gepotential Height Height 232 cleanUnits kg.m-2.s kg.m-2.s-1 **No key 255 (GridParameter{number=255, name='-', description='Indicates a missing value', unit=''}) in second table **No key 999 (GridParameter{number=999, name='.', description='', unit='null'}) in second table ***Check if entries are missing in first table **No key 75 (GridParameter{number=75, name='CRWC', description='Cloud rain water content', unit=''}) in first table **No key 76 (GridParameter{number=76, name='CSWC', description='Cloud snow water content', unit=''}) in first table 2)Compare Grib1ParamTable{center_id=34, subcenter_id=-1, version=3, name='WMO_GRIB1.34-0.3.xml', path='resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.34-0.3.xml'} Grib1ParamTable{center_id=0, subcenter_id=0, version=0, name='jma_3_gtb.h', path='C:/dev/github/thredds/grib/src/main/resources/resources/grib1/ncl/jma_3_gtb.h'} 146 desc Cloud workfunction Cloud work function 162 desc Clear sky upward longwave flux Clear sky upward long wave flux 163 desc Clear sky downward longwave flux Clear sky downward long wave flux 204 desc Downward shortwave radiation flux Downward short wave radiation flux 205 desc Downward longwave radiation flux Downward long wave radiation flux 211 desc Upward shortwave radiation flux Upward short wave radiation flux 212 desc Upward longwave radiation flux Upward long wave radiation flux 11/21/2011 remove ncep 128-141 from table, use screen scrape 01/29/2014 - Removed all ECMWF tables, as these are now coming from GRIB-API