01/07/2012 : missing params in ncep fire weather - screenscrape all tables from http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_doc.shtml - using ucar.nc2.grib.grib2.table.NcepHtmlScraper - put into directory grib\src\main\resources\resources\grib2\ncep 01/09/2012 result of comparing with current NCEP parameter tables (NcepTable.main()) using WMO 8.0 tables NcepTable{title='Temperature', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-0.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.0'} ud= 0.0.16 Wm-2 (wm-2) != W.m-2 for 0.0.16 (Snow Phase Change Heat Flux) ud= 0.0.20 m-2s-1 (m-2.s-1) != m2/s for 0.0.20 (Turbulent Diffusion Coefficient for Heat) ud= 0.0.204 J/m2K (1000.0 2k-1.kg.m2.s-2) != J/(m2.K) for 0.0.204 (Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential) Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=3 NcepTable{title='Moisture', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-1.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.1'} p1= 0.1.4 Vapor Pressure Pa VAPP p2= Vapour pressure Pa null p1= 0.1.32 Grauple kg.kg-1 GRLE p2= Graupel (snow pellets) kg/kg null p1= 0.1.43 Rain Fraction of Total Liquid Water Proportion FRAIN p2= Rain fraction of total cloud water null p1= 0.1.51 Total Column Water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour+cloud water/ice) kg.m-2 TCWAT p2= Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour + cloud water/ice)) kg.m-2 null p1= 0.1.69 Total Column Integrate Cloud Water kg.m-2 TCOLW p2= Total column integrated cloud water kg.m-2 null p1= 0.1.70 Total Column Integrate Cloud Ice kg.m-2 TCOLI p2= Total column integrated cloud ice kg.m-2 null p1= 0.1.72 Total Column Integrate Hail kg.m-2 TCOLH p2= Total column integrated hail kg.m-2 null p1= 0.1.73 Hail Prepitation Rate kg.m-2m-1 Validation p2= Hail precipitation rate kg.m-2.s-1 null ud= 0.1.73 kg.m-2m-1 (kg.m-3) != kg.m-2.s-1 for 0.1.73 (Hail Prepitation Rate) p1= 0.1.74 Total Column Integrate Graupel kg.m-2 TCOLG p2= Total column integrated graupel kg.m-2 null p1= 0.1.75 Graupel (Snow Pellets) Prepitation Rate kg.m-2m-1 Validation p2= Graupel (snow pellets) precipitation rate kg.m-2.s-1 null ud= 0.1.75 kg.m-2m-1 (kg.m-3) != kg.m-2.s-1 for 0.1.75 (Graupel (Snow Pellets) Prepitation Rate) ud= 0.1.76 kg.m-2m-1 (kg.m-3) != kg.m-2.s-1 for 0.1.76 (Convective Rain Rate) ud= 0.1.77 kg.m-2m-1 (kg.m-3) != kg.m-2.s-1 for 0.1.77 (Large Scale Rain Rate) p1= 0.1.78 Total Column Integrate Water (All components including precipitation) kg.m-2 TCOLWA p2= Total column integrated water (all components including precipitation) kg.m-2 null ud= 0.1.79 kg.m-2m-1 (kg.m-3) != kg.m-2.s-1 for 0.1.79 (Evaporation Rate) p1= 0.1.81 Total Column-Integrate Condensate kg.m-2 Validation p2= Total Column-Integrated Condensate kg.m-2 null Conflicts=12 extra=3 udunits=5 NcepTable{title='Aerosols', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-13.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.13'} Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Trace gases', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-14.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.14'} p1= 0.14.193 Ozone Concentration (PPB) PPB OZCON p2= 0.14.193 Ozone Concentration PPB OZCON udunits cant parse= 0.14.202 ?g/m3 ug/(m3) udunits cant parse= 0.14.203 ?g/m3 ug/(m3) Conflicts=1 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Radar', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-15.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.15'} ud= 0.15.3 kg.m-2 (kg.m-2) != kg/m for 0.15.3 (Vertically Integrated Liquid) Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=1 NcepTable{title='Forecast Radar Imagery', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-16.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.16'} ud= 0.16.0 mm6m-3 (1.00000000000000013E18 6m-3) != mm6.m-3 for 0.16.0 (Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain) ud= 0.16.1 mm6m-3 (1.00000000000000013E18 6m-3) != mm6.m-3 for 0.16.1 (Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow) ud= 0.16.2 mm6m-3 (1.00000000000000013E18 6m-3) != mm6.m-3 for 0.16.2 (Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for parameterized convection) p1= 0.16.3 Echo Top (See Note 1) m RETOP p2= Echo top m null p1= 0.16.192 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain mm6/m3 REFZR p2= 0.16.192 Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from rain mm6/m3 REFZR p1= 0.16.193 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow mm6/m3 REFZI p2= 0.16.193 Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from ice mm6/m3 REFZI p1= 0.16.194 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for parameterized convection mm6/m3 REFZC p2= 0.16.194 Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from parameterized convection mm6/m3 REFZC p1= 0.16.195 Reflectivity dB REFD p2= 0.16.195 Derived radar reflectivity dB REFD p1= 0.16.196 Composite reflectivity dB REFC p2= 0.16.196 Maximum / Composite radar reflectivity dB REFC p1= 0.16.197 Echo Top (See Note 1) m RETOP p2= 0.16.197 Radar Echo Top (18.3 DBZ) m RETOP Conflicts=7 extra=1 udunits=3 NcepTable{title='Nuclear/radiology', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-18.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.18'} p1= 0.18.0 Air Concentration of Cesium 137 Bq.m-3 ACCES p2= Air concentration of Caesium 137 Bq.m-3 null p1= 0.18.3 Ground Deposition of Cesium 137 Bq.m-2 GDCES p2= Ground deposition of Caesium 137 Bq.m-2 null p1= 0.18.6 Time Integrated Air Concentration of Cesium Pollutant* Bq.m-3 TIACCP p2= Time-integrated air concentration of caesium pollutant Bq.s.m-3 null ud= 0.18.6 Bq.m-3 (m-3.s-1) != Bq.s.m-3 for 0.18.6 (Time Integrated Air Concentration of Cesium Pollutant*) ud= 0.18.7 Bq.m-3 (m-3.s-1) != Bq.s.m-3 for 0.18.7 (Time Integrated Air Concentration of Iodine Pollutant*) ud= 0.18.8 Bq.m-3 (m-3.s-1) != Bq.s.m-3 for 0.18.8 (Time Integrated Air Concentration of Radioactive Pollutant*) p1= 0.18.12 Total Deposition (Wet + Dry) Bq.m-2 TOTLWD p2= Dry deposition Bq.m-2 null Conflicts=4 extra=0 udunits=3 NcepTable{title='Physical atmospheric properties', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-19.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.19'} p1= 0.19.17 Maximum Snow Albedosee Note 2 % MXSALB p2= Maximum snow albedo % null p1= 0.19.23 Supercooled Large Droplet (SLD) Probabilitysee Note 2 % SLDP p2= Supercooled large droplet probability % null p1= 0.19.206 Confidence - Ceiling CICEL p2= 0.19.206 Confidence Ceiling CICEL p1= 0.19.207 Confidence - Visibility CIVIS p2= 0.19.207 Confidence Visibility CIVIS p1= 0.19.208 Confidence - Flight Category CIFLT p2= 0.19.208 Confidence Flight Category CIFLT p1= 0.19.217 Supercooled Large Droplet (SLD) Icingsee Note 2 See.Table.4.207 SIPD p2= 0.19.217 Supercooled Large Droplet Icing 0=None;.1=Light;.2=Moderate;.3=Severe;.4=Trace;.5=Heavy;.255=missing SIPD p1= 0.19.220 Categorical Severe Thunderstorm Code.table.4.222 SVRTS p2= 0.19.220 Reserved p1= 0.19.221 Probability of Convection % PROCON p2= 0.19.221 Reserved ud= 0.19.221 % != for 0.19.221 (Probability of Convection) p1= 0.19.222 Convection Potential Code.table.4.222 CONVP p2= 0.19.222 Reserved Conflicts=9 extra=2 udunits=1 NcepTable{title='CCITT IA5 string', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-190.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.190'} ud= 0.190.0 CCITTIA5 (ccittia5) != CCITT.IA5 for 0.190.0 (Arbitrary Text String) Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=1 NcepTable{title='Miscellaneous', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-191.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.191'} p1= 0.191.192 Latitude (-90 to +90) deg NLAT p2= 0.191.192 Latitude (-90 to 90) deg NLAT p1= 0.191.193 East Longitude (0 - 360) deg ELON p2= 0.191.193 East Longitude (0 to 360) deg ELON p1= 0.191.196 Latitude (nearest neighbor) (-90 to +90) deg NLATN p2= 0.191.196 Latitude (nearest neighbor) (-90 to 90) deg NLATN p1= 0.191.197 East Longitude (nearest neighbor) (0 - 360) deg ELONN p2= 0.191.197 East longitude (nearest neighbor) (0 to 360) deg ELONN Conflicts=4 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Covariance', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-192.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.192'} p1= 0.192.1 Covariance between zonal and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [uv]-[u][v], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVMZ p2= 0.192.1 Covariance between zonal and meridional components of the wind m2/s2 COVZM p1= 0.192.2 Covariance between izonal component of the wind and temperature. Defined as [uT]-[u][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K.m/s COVTZ p2= 0.192.2 Covariance between zonal component of the wind and temperature K.m/s COVTZ p1= 0.192.3 Covariance between meridional component of the wind and temperature. Defined as [vT]-[v][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K.m/s COVTM p2= 0.192.3 Covariance between meridional component of the wind and temperature K.m/s COVTM p1= 0.192.4 Covariance between temperature and vertical component of the wind. Defined as [wT]-[w][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K.m/s COVTW p2= 0.192.4 Covariance between temperature and vertical component of the wind K.m/s COVTW p1= 0.192.5 Covariance between zonal and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uu]-[u][u], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVZZ p2= 0.192.5 Covariance between zonal and zonal components of the wind m2/s2 COVZZ p1= 0.192.6 Covariance between meridional and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vv]-[v][v], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVMM p2= 0.192.6 Covariance between meridional and meridional components of the wind m2/s2 COVMM p1= 0.192.7 Covariance between specific humidity and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uq]-[u][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg.m/s COVQZ p2= 0.192.7 Covariance between specific humidity and zonal components of the wind kg/kg.m/s COVQZ p1= 0.192.8 Covariance between specific humidity and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vq]-[v][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg.m/s COVQM p2= 0.192.8 Covariance between specific humidity and meridional components of the wind kg/kg.m/s COVQM p1= 0.192.9 Covariance between temperature and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [?T]-[?][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K.Pa/s COVTVV p2= 0.192.9 Covariance between temperature and vertical components of the wind K.Pa/s COVTVV p1= 0.192.10 Covariance between specific humidity and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [?q]-[?][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg.Pa/s COVQVV p2= 0.192.10 Covariance between specific humidity and vertical components of the wind kg/kg.Pa/s COVQVV p1= 0.192.11 Covariance between surface pressure and surface pressure. Defined as [Psfc]-[Psfc][Psfc], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. Pa.Pa COVPSPS p2= 0.192.11 Covariance between surface pressure and surface pressure Pa.Pa COVPSPS p1= 0.192.12 Covariance between specific humidity and specific humidy. Defined as [qq]-[q][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg.kg/kg COVQQ p2= 0.192.12 Covariance between specific humidity and specific humidity kg/kg.kg/kg COVQQ p1= 0.192.13 Covariance between vertical and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [??]-[?][?], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. Pa2/s2 COVVVVV p2= 0.192.13 Covariance between vertical and vertical components of the wind Pa2/s2 COVVVVV p1= 0.192.14 Covariance between temperature and temperature. Defined as [TT]-[T][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K.K COVTT p2= 0.192.14 Covariance between temperature and temperature K.K COVTT Conflicts=14 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Momentum', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-2.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.2'} p1= 0.2.0 Wind Direction (from which blowing) WDIR p2= Wind direction (from which blowing) (degree true) deg null ud= 0.2.0 != deg for 0.2.0 (Wind Direction (from which blowing)) ud= 0.2.6 m2.s-1 (m2.s-1) != m2.s-2 for 0.2.6 (Montgomery Stream Function) p1= 0.2.15 Vertical U-Component of Shear s-1 VUCSH p2= Vertical u-component shear 1/s null p1= 0.2.16 Vertical V-Component of Shear s-1 VVCSH p2= Vertical v-component shear 1/s null p1= 0.2.25 Vertical speed sheer s-1 VWSH p2= Vertical speed shear 1/s null ud= 0.2.31 m2s-1 (1000.0 2s-1) != m2/s for 0.2.31 (Turbulent Diffusion Coefficient for Momentum) p1= 0.2.192 Vertical speed sheer s-1 VW SH p2= 0.2.192 Vertical speed sheer 1/s VWSH p1= 0.2.202 Latitude of Presure Point deg LAPP p2= 0.2.202 Latitude of Pressure Point deg LAPP p1= 0.2.203 Longitude of Presure Point deg LOPP p2= 0.2.203 Longitude of Pressure Point deg LOPP ud= 0.2.219 1/s/m (m-1.s-1) != 1/(s/m) for 0.2.219 (Potential Vorticity (Mass-Weighted)) Conflicts=7 extra=5 udunits=4 NcepTable{title='Atmospheric Chemical Constituents', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-20.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.20'} p1= 0.20.1 Column-Integrated Mass Density (See Note 1) kg.m-2 COLMD p2= Column-integrated mass density kg.m-2 null p1= 0.20.5 Atmosphere Net Production And Emision Mass Flux kg.m-2s-1 ANPEMFLX p2= Atmosphere net production and emission mass flux kg.m-2.s-1 null p1= 0.20.56 Changes Of Amount in Atmosphere (See Note 1) mol.s-1 COAIA p2= Changes of amount in atmosphere mol/s null p1= 0.20.58 Total Yearly Average Atmospheric Loss (See Note 1) mol.s-1 TYAAL p2= Total yearly averaged atmospheric loss mol/s null Conflicts=4 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Mass', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-3.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.3'} p1= 0.3.21 Angle Of Sub-Grid Scale Orography Rad AOSGSO p2= Angle of sub-gridscale orography rad null p1= 0.3.22 Slope Of Sub-Grid Scale Orography Numeric SSGSO p2= Slope of sub-gridscale orography null p1= 0.3.23 Gravity Of Sub-Grid Scale Orography W.m-2 GSGSO p2= Gravity wave dissipation W.m-2 null p1= 0.3.24 Anisotropy Of Sub-Grid Scale Orography Numeric ASGSO p2= Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography null Conflicts=4 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Short wave radiation', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-4.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.4'} p1= 0.4.6 Radiance (with respect to wavelength) W.m-3.sr-1 SWRAD p2= Radiance (with respect to wave length) W.m-3.sr-1 null ud= 0.4.51 W.m-2 != for 0.4.51 (UV Index**) p1= 0.4.192 Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux W.m-2 DSWRF p2= 0.4.192 Downward Short-Wave Rad. Flux W/(m2) DSWRF p1= 0.4.193 Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux W.m-2 USWRF p2= 0.4.193 Upward Short-Wave Rad. Flux W/(m2) USWRF Conflicts=3 extra=0 udunits=1 NcepTable{title='Long wave radiation', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-5.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.5'} p1= 0.5.3 Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux W.m-2 DLWRF p2= Downward long-wave radiation flux W.m-2 null p1= 0.5.4 Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux W.m-2 ULWRF p2= Upward long-wave radiation flux W.m-2 null Conflicts=2 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Cloud', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-6.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.6'} Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Thermodynamic stability indices', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-7.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.0.7'} p1= 0.7.0 Parcel Lifted Index (to 500 mb) K PLI p2= Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) K null p1= 0.7.1 Best Lifted Index (to 500 mb) K BLI p2= Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K null ud= 0.7.15 m2s-2 (1000000.0 2s-2) != m2.s-2 for 0.7.15 (Updraft Helicity) p1= 0.7.192 Surface Lifted Index K LFT X p2= 0.7.192 Surface Lifted Index K LFTX ud= 0.7.197 m2s-2 (1000000.0 2s-2) != m2/s2 for 0.7.197 (Updraft Helicity) Conflicts=3 extra=1 udunits=2 NcepTable{title='Hydrology basic', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-1-0.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.1.0'} p1= 1.0.4 Snow Water Equivalent Percent of Normal % SWEPON p2= Snow water equivalent per cent of normal % null Conflicts=1 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Hydrology probabilities', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-1-1.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.1.1'} p1= 1.1.0 Conditional percent precipitation amount fractile for an overall period (encoded as an accumulation) kg.m-2 CPPOP p2= Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an overall period (Encoded as an accumulation) kg.m-2 null p1= 1.1.1 Percent Precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (encoded as a percent accumulation over the sub-period) % PPOSP p2= Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period) % null p1= 1.1.195 Probability of Wetting Rain, exceeding in 0.10" in a given time period % CWR p2= 1.1.195 Probability of Wetting Rain; exceeding in 0.1 inch in a given time period % CWR Conflicts=3 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Waves', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-10-0.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.10.0'} p1= 10.0.4 Direction of Wind Waves WVDIR p2= Direction of wind waves (degree true) deg null ud= 10.0.4 != deg for 10.0.4 (Direction of Wind Waves) p1= 10.0.7 Direction of Swell Waves SWDIR p2= Direction of swell waves (degree true) deg null ud= 10.0.7 != deg for 10.0.7 (Direction of Swell Waves) p1= 10.0.10 Primary Wave Direction DIRPW p2= Primary wave direction (degree true) deg null ud= 10.0.10 != deg for 10.0.10 (Primary Wave Direction) p1= 10.0.12 Secondary Wave Direction DIRSW p2= Secondary wave direction (degree true) deg null ud= 10.0.12 != deg for 10.0.12 (Secondary Wave Direction) p1= 10.0.14 Direction of Combined Wind Waves and Swell WWSDIR p2= Direction of combined wind waves and swell (degree true) deg null ud= 10.0.14 != deg for 10.0.14 (Direction of Combined Wind Waves and Swell) p1= 10.0.18 Waves Stress N.m-2 Validation p2= Wave stress N.m-2 null p1= 10.0.19 Normalise Waves Stress Validation p2= Normalised wave stress null p1= 10.0.20 iMean Square Slope of Waves Validation p2= Mean square slope of waves null p1= 10.0.31 Wave Direction Width Validation p2= Wave directional width null p1= 10.0.33 Directional Width Of The Swell Validation p2= Directional width of the total swell null p1= 10.0.40 10 Meter Neutral Wind Speed Over Waves ms-1 Validation p2= 10 metre neutral wind speed over waves m.s-1 null ud= 10.0.40 ms-1 (1000.0 s-1) != m.s-1 for 10.0.40 (10 Meter Neutral Wind Speed Over Waves) p1= 10.0.41 10 Meter Wind Direction Over Waves Validation p2= 10 metre wind direction over waves deg null ud= 10.0.41 != deg for 10.0.41 (10 Meter Wind Direction Over Waves) p1= 10.0.42 Wave Engery Spectrum m-2s.rad-1 Validation p2= Wave energy spectrum m2.s.rad-1 null ud= 10.0.42 m-2s.rad-1 (m-2.rad-1.s) != m2.s.rad-1 for 10.0.42 (Wave Engery Spectrum) p1= 10.0.46 2-Dimension Spectral Energy Density E(f,?) m.s-2 Validation p2= 2-dim spectral energy density E (f, ?) m2.s null ud= 10.0.46 m.s-2 (m.s-2) != m2.s for 10.0.46 (2-Dimension Spectral Energy Density E(f,?)) p1= 10.0.47 Frequency Spectral Energy Density E(f)=?E(f,?)d? m.s-2 Validation p2= Frequency spectral energy density E (f) = ? E (f,?) d? m2.s null ud= 10.0.47 m.s-2 (m.s-2) != m2.s for 10.0.47 (Frequency Spectral Energy Density E(f)=?E(f,?)d?) p1= 10.0.48 Directional Spectral Energy Density E(?)=?E(f,?)d?/m0 m.s-2 Validation p2= Directional spectral energy density E (?)= ? E (f,?) df / m0 null ud= 10.0.48 m.s-2 != for 10.0.48 (Directional Spectral Energy Density E(?)=?E(f,?)d?/m0) ud= 10.0.192 != 0 for 10.0.192 (Wave Steepness) Conflicts=16 extra=0 udunits=12 NcepTable{title='Currents', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-10-1.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.10.1'} p1= 10.1.0 Current Direction Degree.True DIR C p2= Current direction (degree true) deg null ud= 10.1.0 Degree.True (1.7453292519943295E10 rad.rue) != deg for 10.1.0 (Current Direction) Conflicts=1 extra=0 udunits=1 NcepTable{title='Miscellaneous', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-10-191.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.10.191'} ud= 10.191.1 m3s-1 (1000.0 3s-1) != m3/s for 10.191.1 (Meridional Overturning Stream Function) Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=1 NcepTable{title='Ice', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-10-2.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.10.2'} p1= 10.2.2 Direction of Ice Drift Degree.True DICED p2= Direction of ice drift (degree true) deg null ud= 10.2.2 Degree.True (1.7453292519943295E10 rad.rue) != deg for 10.2.2 (Direction of Ice Drift) Conflicts=1 extra=0 udunits=1 NcepTable{title='Surface properties', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-10-3.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.10.3'} p1= 10.3.192 Storm Surge m SURGE p2= 10.3.192 Hurricane Storm Surge m SURGE ud= 10.3.199 degree.per.day (1.5079644737231007E-9 er.rad.s) != degree/day for 10.3.199 (Surface Temperature Trend) ud= 10.3.200 psu.per.day (8.639999999999999E-20 er.s.su) != psu/day for 10.3.200 (Surface Salinity Trend) Conflicts=1 extra=0 udunits=2 NcepTable{title='Sub-surface properties', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-10-4.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.10.4'} ud= 10.4.4 m2s-1 (1000.0 2s-1) != m2.s-1 for 10.4.4 (Ocean Vertical Heat Diffusivity) ud= 10.4.5 m2s-1 (1000.0 2s-1) != m2.s-1 for 10.4.5 (Ocean Vertical Salt Diffusivity) ud= 10.4.6 m2s-1 (1000.0 2s-1) != m2.s-1 for 10.4.6 (Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity) udunits cant parse= 10.4.192 c deg.C p1= 10.4.194 Barotropic Kinectic Energy J.kg-1 BKENG p2= 10.4.194 Barotropic Kinetic Energy J/kg BKENG Conflicts=1 extra=0 udunits=3 NcepTable{title='Vegetation/Biomass', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-2-0.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.2.0'} p1= 2.0.0 Land Cover (0=sea, 1=land) Proportion LAND p2= Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land) null p1= 2.0.14 Blackadar's Mixing Length Scale m BMIXL p2= Blackadar�s mixing length scale m null p1= 2.0.19 Temperature parameter in canopy conductance Proportion RCT p2= Temperature parameter in canopy null p1= 2.0.20 Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance Proportion RCSOL p2= Humidity parameter in canopy conductance null p1= 2.0.21 Humidity parameter in canopy conductance Proportion RCQ p2= Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance null ud= 2.0.25 m3m-3 (1.0E9 3m-3) != m3.m-3 for 2.0.25 (Volumetric Soil Moisture) p1= 2.0.27 Volumetric Wilting Moisture m3m-3 VWILTM p2= Volumetric wilting point m3.m-3 null ud= 2.0.27 m3m-3 (1.0E9 3m-3) != m3.m-3 for 2.0.27 (Volumetric Wilting Moisture) p1= 2.0.31 Normalized Differential Vegetation Index Numeric Validation p2= Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) null p1= 2.0.197 Blackadars Mixing Length Scale m BMIXL p2= 2.0.197 Blackadar's Mixing Length Scale m BMIXL udunits cant parse= 2.0.198 Integer.(0-13) 0..13 ud= 2.0.206 != unknown for 2.0.206 (Rate of water dropping from canopy to ground) ud= 2.0.211 Kg/m2 (kg.m-2) != K.g/m2 for 2.0.211 (Surface water storage) ud= 2.0.212 Kg/m2 (kg.m-2) != K.g/m2 for 2.0.212 (Liquid soil moisture content (non-frozen)) p1= 2.0.218 Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1,sea=0] LANDN p2= 2.0.218 Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) 0=sea;.1=land LANDN p1= 2.0.222 Water Vapor Flux Convergance (Vertical Int) kg/m2 WVCONV p2= 2.0.222 Water vapor flux convergence (vertical int) kg/m2 WVCONV p1= 2.0.223 Water Condensate Flux Convergance (Vertical Int) kg/m2 WCCONV p2= 2.0.223 Water condensate flux convergence (vertical int) kg/m2 WCCONV Conflicts=11 extra=0 udunits=5 NcepTable{title='Soil', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-2-3.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.2.3'} ud= 2.3.10 m3m-3 (1.0E9 3m-3) != m3.m-3 for 2.3.10 (Liquid Volumetric Soil Moisture (Non-Frozen)) p1= 2.3.11 Volumetric Transpiration Stree-Onset(Soil Moisture) m3m-3 VOLTSO p2= Volumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) m3.m-3 null ud= 2.3.11 m3m-3 (1.0E9 3m-3) != m3.m-3 for 2.3.11 (Volumetric Transpiration Stree-Onset(Soil Moisture)) p1= 2.3.12 Transpiration Stree-Onset(Soil Moisture) kg.m-3 TRANSO p2= Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) kg.m-3 null p1= 2.3.13 Volumetric Direct Evaporation Cease(Soil Moisture) m3m-3 VOLDEC p2= Volumetric direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) m3.m-3 null ud= 2.3.13 m3m-3 (1.0E9 3m-3) != m3.m-3 for 2.3.13 (Volumetric Direct Evaporation Cease(Soil Moisture)) p1= 2.3.14 Direct Evaporation Cease(Soil Moisture) kg.m-3 DIREC p2= Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) kg.m-3 null ud= 2.3.15 m3m-3 (1.0E9 3m-3) != m3.m-3 for 2.3.15 (Soil Porosity) ud= 2.3.16 m3m-3 (1.0E9 3m-3) != m3.m-3 for 2.3.16 (Volumetric Saturation Of Soil Moisture) ud= 2.3.17 kgm-3 (1.0E-9 gm-3) != kg.m-3 for 2.3.17 (Saturation Of Soil Moisture) ud= 2.3.198 W/m-2 (kg.m4.s-3) != W/m2 for 2.3.198 (Direct evaporation from bare soil) Conflicts=4 extra=0 udunits=7 NcepTable{title='Fire Weather', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-2-4.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.2.4'} Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Image format', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-3-0.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.3.0'} Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Quantitative', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-3-1.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.3.1'} ud= 3.1.4 m-1 (m-1) != m/s for 3.1.4 (Estimated u-Component of Wind) ud= 3.1.5 m-1 (m-1) != m/s for 3.1.5 (Estimated v-Component of Wind) p1= 3.1.6 Number Of Pixels Used Numeric NPIXU p2= Number of pixel used null ud= 3.1.7 != deg for 3.1.7 (Solar Zenith Angle) ud= 3.1.8 != deg for 3.1.8 (Relative Azimuth Angle) p1= 3.1.16 Clear Sky Radiance (with respect to wave number) W.m-1sr-1 CSKYRAD p2= Cloudy radiance (with respect to wave number) W.m-1.sr-1 null ud= 3.1.19 ms-1 (1000.0 s-1) != m/s for 3.1.19 (Wind Speed) p1= 3.1.20 Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.635 m AOT06 p2= Aerosol optical thickness at 0.635 ?m null null p1= 3.1.21 Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.810 m AOT08 p2= Aerosol optical thickness at 0.810 ?m null null p1= 3.1.22 Aerosol Optical Thickness at 1.640 m AOT16 p2= Aerosol optical thickness at 1.640 ?m null null p1= 3.1.23 Angstrom Coefficien ANGCOE p2= Angstrom coefficient null null p1= 3.1.192 Scatterometer Estimated U Wind Component m.s-1 USCT p2= 3.1.192 Scatterometer Estimated U Wind m/s USCT p1= 3.1.193 Scatterometer Estimated V Wind Component m.s-1 VSCT p2= 3.1.193 Scatterometer Estimated V Wind m/s VSCT Conflicts=8 extra=0 udunits=5 NcepTable{title='Forecast Satellite Imagery', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-3-192.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.3.192'} p1= 3.192.3 Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 12, Channel 6 K SBT126 p2= 3.192.3 Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 12, Channel 5 K SBT125 ud= 3.192.4 Byte != numeric for 3.192.4 (Simulated Brightness Counts for GOES 12, Channel 3) ud= 3.192.5 Byte != numeric for 3.192.5 (Simulated Brightness Counts for GOES 12, Channel 4) Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=3, category=192, number=6, name='Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 2', unit='K', abbrev='SBT112'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=3, category=192, number=7, name='Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 3', unit='K', abbrev='SBT113'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=3, category=192, number=8, name='Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 4', unit='K', abbrev='SBT114'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=3, category=192, number=9, name='Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 5', unit='K', abbrev='SBT115'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=3, category=192, number=10, name='Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 9', unit='K', abbrev='AMSRE9'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=3, category=192, number=11, name='Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 10', unit='K', abbrev='AMSRE10'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=3, category=192, number=12, name='Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 11', unit='K', abbrev='AMSRE11'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=3, category=192, number=13, name='Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 12', unit='K', abbrev='AMSRE12'} Conflicts=1 extra=8 udunits=2 NcepTable{title='Temperature', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-0.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.0'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=0, number=0, name='Temperature', unit='K', abbrev='TMP'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=0, number=1, name='Electron Temperature', unit='K', abbrev='ELECTMP'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=0, number=2, name='Proton Temperature', unit='K', abbrev='PROTTMP'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=0, number=3, name='Ion Temperature', unit='K', abbrev='IONTMP'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=0, number=4, name='Parallel Temperature', unit='K', abbrev='PRATMP'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=0, number=5, name='Perpendicular Temperature', unit='K', abbrev='PRPTMP'} Conflicts=0 extra=6 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Momentum', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-1.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.1'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=1, number=0, name='Velocity Magnitude (Speed)', unit='m.s-1', abbrev='SPEED'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=1, number=1, name='1st Vector Component of Velocity (Coordinate system dependent)', unit='m.s-1', abbrev='VEL1'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=1, number=2, name='2nd Vector Component of Velocity (Coordinate system dependent)', unit='m.s-1', abbrev='VEL2'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=1, number=3, name='3rd Vector Component of Velocity (Coordinate system dependent)', unit='m.s-1', abbrev='VEL3'} Conflicts=0 extra=4 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Charged Particle Mass and Number', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-2.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.2'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=0, name='Particle Number Density', unit='m-3', abbrev='PLSMDEN'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=1, name='Electron Density', unit='m-3', abbrev='ELCDEN'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=2, name='Proton Density', unit='m-3', abbrev='PROTDEN'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=3, name='Ion Density', unit='m-3', abbrev='IONDEN'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=4, name='Vertical Electron Content', unit='m-2', abbrev='VTEC'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=5, name='HF Absorption Frequency', unit='Hz', abbrev='ABSFRQ'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=6, name='HF Absorption', unit='dB', abbrev='ABSRB'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=7, name='Spread F', unit='m', abbrev='SPRDF'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=8, name='h'F', unit='m', abbrev='HPRIMF'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=9, name='Critical Frequency', unit='Hz', abbrev='CRTFRQ'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=2, number=10, name='Scintillation', unit='Numeric', abbrev='SCINT'} Conflicts=0 extra=11 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Electric and Magnetic Fields', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-3.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.3'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=3, number=0, name='Magnetic Field Magnitude', unit='T', abbrev='BTOT'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=3, number=1, name='1st Vector Component of Magnetic Field', unit='T', abbrev='BVEC1'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=3, number=2, name='2nd Vector Component of Magnetic Field', unit='T', abbrev='BVEC2'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=3, number=3, name='3rd Vector Component of Magnetic Field', unit='T', abbrev='BVEC3'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=3, number=4, name='Electric Field Magnitude', unit='V.m-1', abbrev='ETOT'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=3, number=5, name='1st Vector Component of Electric Field', unit='V.m-1', abbrev='EVEC1'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=3, number=6, name='2nd Vector Component of Electric Field', unit='V.m-1', abbrev='EVEC2'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=3, number=7, name='3rd Vector Component of Electric Field', unit='V.m-1', abbrev='EVEC3'} Conflicts=0 extra=8 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Energetic Particles', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-4.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.4'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=4, number=0, name='Proton Flux (Differential)', unit='(m2.s.sr.eV)-1', abbrev='DIFPFLUX'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=4, number=1, name='Proton Flux (Integral)', unit='(m2.s.sr)-1', abbrev='INTPFLUX'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=4, number=2, name='Electron Flux (Differential)', unit='(m2.s.sr.eV)-1', abbrev='DIFEFLUX'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=4, number=3, name='Electron Flux (Integral)', unit='(m2.s.sr)-1', abbrev='INTEFLUX'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=4, number=4, name='Heavy Ion Flux (Differential)', unit='(m2.s.sr.eV/nuc)-1', abbrev='DIFIFLUX'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=4, number=5, name='Heavy Ion Flux (iIntegral)', unit='(m2.s.sr)-1', abbrev='INTIFLUX'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=4, number=6, name='Cosmic Ray Neutron Flux', unit='h-1', abbrev='NTRNFUX'} Conflicts=0 extra=7 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Waves', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-5.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.5'} Conflicts=0 extra=0 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Solar Electromagnetic Emissions', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-6.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.6'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=6, number=0, name='Integrated Solar Irradiance', unit='W.m-2', abbrev='TSI'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=6, number=1, name='Solar X-ray Flux (XRS Long)', unit='W.m-2', abbrev='XLONG'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=6, number=2, name='Solar X-ray Flux (XRS Short)', unit='W.m-2', abbrev='XSHRT'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=6, number=3, name='Solar EUV Irradiance', unit='W.m-2', abbrev='EUVIRR'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=6, number=4, name='Solar Spectral Irradiance', unit='W.m-2nm-1', abbrev='SPECIRR'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=6, number=5, name='F10.7', unit='W.m-2Hz-1', abbrev='F107'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=6, number=6, name='Solar Radio Emissions', unit='W.m-2Hz-1', abbrev='SOLRF'} Conflicts=0 extra=7 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Terrestrial Electromagnetic Emissions', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-7.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.7'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=7, number=0, name='Limb Intensity', unit='m-2s-1', abbrev='LMBINT'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=7, number=1, name='Disk Intensity', unit='m-2s-1', abbrev='DSKINT'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=7, number=2, name='Disk Intensity Day', unit='m-2s-1', abbrev='DSKDAY'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=7, number=3, name='Disk Intensity Night', unit='m-2s-1', abbrev='DSKNGT'} Conflicts=0 extra=4 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Imagery', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-8.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.8'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=8, number=0, name='X-Ray Radiance', unit='W.sr-1m-2', abbrev='XRAYRAD'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=8, number=1, name='EUV Radiance', unit='W.sr-1m-2', abbrev='EUVRAD'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=8, number=2, name='H-Alpha Radiance', unit='W.sr-1m-2', abbrev='HARAD'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=8, number=3, name='White Light Radiance', unit='W.sr-1m-2', abbrev='WHTRAD'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=8, number=4, name='CaII-K Radiance', unit='W.sr-1m-2', abbrev='CAIIRAD'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=8, number=5, name='White Light Coronagraph Radiance', unit='W.sr-1m-2', abbrev='WHTCOR'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=8, number=6, name='Heliospheric Radiance', unit='W.sr-1m-2', abbrev='HELCOR'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=8, number=7, name='Thematic Mask', unit='Numeric', abbrev='MASK'} Conflicts=0 extra=8 udunits=0 NcepTable{title='Ion-Neutral Coupling', source='http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-4-9.shtml', tableName='Table4.2.4.9'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=9, number=0, name='Pedersen Conductivity', unit='S.m-1', abbrev='SIGPED'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=9, number=1, name='Hall Conductivity', unit='S.m-1', abbrev='SIGHAL'} Missing Grib2Parameter{discipline=4, category=9, number=2, name='Parallel Conductivity', unit='S.m-1', abbrev='SIGPAR'} Conflicts=0 extra=3 udunits=0 01/18/2012 NAM_Firewxnest_20111231_1800.grib2 - missing parameter 2-4-3, not in Table4.2.2.4 Table4.2.2.4
Fire Weather http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-2-4.shtml FIREOLK Fire Outlook See Table 4.224 FIREODT Fire Outlook Due to Dry Thunderstorm See Table 4.224 HINDEX Haines Index Numeric
- email from boi.vuong@noaa.gov: "I find that the parameter 2-4-3 (Haines Index) now is parameter 2 in WMO version 8. The NAM fire weather nested will take change in next implementation of cnvgrib (NCEP conversion program)." so i could modify the table to duplicate 2-4-2 to 2-4-3 for now (!) really its a defect that should be corrected on the dataset level. 01/23/2012 E:/datasets/cfsr/dss/flxf01.gdas.2008080100.grb2 - missing parameter 2-0-209 Discipline 2 = Land surface products Category 0 = Maintenance mode - missing in resources\grib2\ncep\Table4.2.2.0.xml - present in http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-2-0.shtml so perhaps was updated or bug in scraper ? = messing up because didnt have an abbreviation (name). seems to be the only one. now fixed. 01/25/2012 RUC2 CONUS 20 km on pressure levels - Im seeing a parameter 0-19-242 not in http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-19.shtml -reply from boi: The parameter 0-19-242 (Relative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water) was in http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-1.shtml It was a mistake in table conversion (from grib1 to grib2) in cnvgrib. It will be fixed in next implementation of cnvgrib in June or July, 2012. RHPW in grib1 in table 129 parameter 230 and in grib2 in 0-1-242 - so in NcepLocalParam, redirect 0-19-242 -> 0-1-242 2-4-3 -> 2-4-2 05/16/2013 NCDC fsanl-4 is using both 2-4-2 and 2-4-3, but ncep tables had them duplicated. rescrape the NCEP HTML GRIB2 pages - screenscrape all tables from http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_doc.shtml - using ucar.nc2.grib.grib2.table.NcepHtmlScraper - put into directory grib\src\main\resources\resources\grib2\ncep remove this crap in NcepLocalTables: /* email from boi.vuong@noaa.gov 1/19/2012 "I find that the parameter 2-4-3 (Haines Index) now is parameter 2 in WMO version 8. The NAM fire weather nested will take change in next implementation of cnvgrib (NCEP conversion program)." */ //if (makeHash(discipline, category, number) == makeHash(2,4,3)) // return getParameter(2,4,2); /* email from boi.vuong@noaa.gov 1/26/2012 The parameter 0-19-242 (Relative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water) was in http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-2-0-1.shtml It was a mistake in table conversion (from grib1 to grib2) in cnvgrib. It will be fixed in next implementation of cnvgrib in June or July, 2012. RHPW in grib1 in table 129 parameter 230 and in grib2 in 0-1-242 */ // if (makeHash(discipline, category, number) == makeHash(0, 19, 242)) // return getParameter(0, 1, 242); but likely some older files will now be wrong. yeah for GRIB! 09/10/2014 caron screen scraped NCEP again. Havent yet integerated, put into ncep/v13.0.0 to compare with old. 11/17/2016 sarms - updated ncep grib2 table using ucar/nc2/grib/grib2/table/NcepHtmlScraper.java 12/01/2017 sarms - updated ncep grib2 tables to v20.0.0 using ucar/nc2/grib/grib2/table/NcepHtmlScraper.java. Noticed a warning that "*** Cant parse 0-90 == 0-90 Elevation in increments of 100 m" on http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_table4-216.shtml. Not sure how to interpret without an example file, so will leave out for now. Has been left out since 2015, when this table appeared. 02/11/2019 sarms - updated ncep grib2 tables to v21.0.0 using grib\src\test\java\ucar\nc2\grib\grib2\table\NcepHtmlScraper.java of 5.0 branch. URL of NCEP GRIB2 docs changed (to https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_doc/), so updated that as well 06/16/2020 sarms - updated ncep grib2 tables to v23.0.0 using grib/src/test/java/ucar/nc2/grib/grib2/table/NcepHtmlScraper.java 02/02/2021 sarms - checked ncep grib2 tables, current version is still v23.0.0.