package ProGAL.geom3d.viewer; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.swing.*; // //import*; //import javax.vecmath.Color3f; //import javax.vecmath.Matrix3f; //import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; //import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; // //import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Primitive; //import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Text2D; //import com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickCanvas; //import com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickResult; //import com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickTool; //import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.SimpleUniverse; import ProGAL.math.Matrix; import ProGAL.geom3d.*; import ProGAL.geom3d.surface.ParametricParaboloid; import ProGAL.geom3d.surface.ParametricSurface; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.LSS; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Lens; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.OBB; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.RSS; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Sphere; /** A graphics class for viewing scenes using Java3D. * All the Shape-subclasses specified in the edu.geom3D * package can be added to a J3DScene object and are automatically * painted on a Canvas3D object. For * instance the following code creates a scene with a cylinder and a red * transparent box and adds the canvas to a frame. *
 * J3DScene scene = new J3DScene();
 * scene.addShape(  new Cylinder(new Vector(1,0,0), new Vector(0.5,0.5, 0.3), 0.1f) );
 * Vector boxCorner = new Vector(-1,0,0);
 * Vector[] boxBases = {new Vector(1,0,0), new Vector(0,1,0), new Vector(0,0,1)};
 * float[] boxExtents = {0.8f, 1, 2};
 * Box box = new Box( boxCorner, boxBases, boxExtents );
 * scene.addShape( box, new Color(200,0,0,100) );
 * Canvas3D canvas = scene.getCanvas();
 * JFrame frame = new JFrame();
 * frame.setSize(400,400);
 * frame.getContentPane().add( canvas );
 * frame.setVisible(true);
* Text can be added to the scene as well and will always face the camera. * * The repaint() method must be called every time the position of * shapes has changed and the canvas should be updated. The pointers * to added shapes are stored, so subsequent changes in the box * object in the above code will be visible on the canvas when repaint() * is called. The following example shows how to animate a sphere rotating around origo. *
 *  J3DScene scene = new J3DScene();
 *  Sphere sphere = new Sphere( new Vector(1,0,0), 0.1f); 
 *  scene.addShape(sphere);
 *  float t = 0;
 *  while(true){
 * 		t+=0.01f;
 * = new Vector(Math.cos(t), Math.sin(t), 0);
 * 		scene.repaint();
 * 		try{ Thread.sleep(30); }catch(InterruptedException exc){}
 *  }
* * A static method is supplied for conveniently creating a frame containing a scene-viewer. * The following example shows how to quickly create a J3DScene object * that is shown in a frame and ready for use: *
 * J3DScene scene = J3DScene.createJ3DSceneInFrame();
 * scene.setAxisEnabled(true);
 * scene.addShape(  new Cylinder(new Vector(1,0,0), new Vector0,1,0), 0.1f) );
* @author R. Fonseca */ public class J3DScene { public JFrame frame; // Canvas3D canvas; // private BranchGroup sceneRoot, scene; // // private CamBehavior camBehavior; // private RebuildBehavior rebuildBehavior; // private PickCanvas pickCanvas; // private Timer repaintTimer; // // private final BoundingSphere bounds = new BoundingSphere(new javax.vecmath.Point3d(0,0,0), 5000); // private Background background; // private final LinearFog fog = new LinearFog(); // // private final Map shapeTransforms = new HashMap(); final Map primitives = new HashMap(); // private final Map pickMap = new HashMap(); // private final List clickListeners = new LinkedList(); // private final List axisElements = new ArrayList(); // private Camera camera; // // OrbitBehavior orbitBehavior; // // private final Point sceneCenter = new Point(0,0,0); /** Set color of background. */ public void setBackgroundColor(Color c){ // background.setColor(c.getRed()/255f, c.getGreen()/255f, c.getBlue()/255f); // fog.setColor(c.getRed()/255f, c.getGreen()/255f, c.getBlue()/255f); } /** Removes one volume from the scene. */ public void removeShape(Shape v){ // primitives.remove(v); // BranchGroup bg = shapeTransforms.remove(v); // if(bg!=null){ // bg.detach(); // scene.removeChild(bg); // } // // for(Entry entry: new LinkedList>(pickMap.entrySet())){ // if(entry.getValue()==v){ // pickMap.remove(entry.getKey()); // } // } // // if(camera.getControlPanel()!=null && camera.getControlPanel().isVisible()) // // camera.collectShapes(); } /** Remove all volumes from the scene. */ public void removeAllShapes(){ // while(!primitives.isEmpty()) // removeShape(primitives.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey()); // primitives.clear(); // shapeTransforms.clear(); // pickMap.clear(); } /** Add a volume object. The standard color gray will be used */ public void addShape(Shape v){ addShape(v,Color.gray); } /** Add a volume object with a specified color */ public void addShape(Shape v, Color c){ addShape(v,c,12); } /** Add a volume object with a specified color and detail-level */ public void addShape(Shape v, Color c, int divisions){ // primitives.put(v, c); // Node p = genPrimitive(v, c, divisions); // if(p!=null){ // scene.addChild(p); // // // if(camera!=null && camera.getControlPanel()!=null && camera.getControlPanel().isVisible()) // // camera.collectShapes(); // } } /** Add a text-object at the specified position. */ public TextShape addText(String t, Point pos){ TextShape text = new TextShape(t,pos); addShape(text, Color.GRAY); return text; } public void addText(String t, Point pos, double height){ addShape(new TextShape(t,pos,height), Color.GRAY); } public TextShape addText(String t, Point pos, double height, Color c){ TextShape text = new TextShape(t,pos,height); addShape(text, c); return text; } public void addSurface(ParametricSurface surface){ addSurface(surface, Color.GRAY, -10, 10, 10, -10, 10, 10); } public void addSurface(ParametricSurface surface, Color col){ addSurface(surface, col, -10, 10, 10, -10, 10, 10); } public void addSurface(ParametricSurface surface, Color col, double uMin, double uMax, int uDivs, double vMin, double vMax, int vDivs){ primitives.put(surface, col); // Node p = genSurface(surface,uMin, uMax, uDivs, vMin, vMax, vDivs, col); // if(p!=null) scene.addChild(p); } /** Sets the location that the camera looks at to the center of all the shapes added * to the scene. */ public void centerCamera(){ Vector newCenter = new Vector(0,0,0); if(!primitives.isEmpty()){ for(Entry entry: primitives.entrySet()){ // System.out.println(entry.getKey()+" .. "+entry.getKey().getCenter().toVector()); newCenter.addThis(entry.getKey().getCenter().toVector()); } newCenter.multiplyThis(1f/primitives.entrySet().size()); } // centerCamera(newCenter.toPoint()); // Transform3D transform = new Transform3D(); // transform.setTranslation(new Vector3f(-(float)newCenter.x(), -(float)newCenter.y(), -(float)newCenter.z())); // TransformGroup tg = ((TransformGroup)((TransformGroup)sceneRoot.getChild(0)).getChild(0)); // tg.setTransform(transform); // sceneCenter = newCenter.toPoint(); //camera.setLookingAt(newCenter.toPoint()); } public void centerCamera(Point newCenter){ // Point lookingAt = camera.getLookingAt(); // Line l = new Line(lookingAt.clone(), camera.getLookingAt().vectorTo(newCenter)); // for(double t=0;t<=1;t+=(Math.sin(t*Math.PI)/10+0.01)){ // lookingAt.set(l.getPoint(t)); // camera.updateView(); // // float x = (float)( sceneCenter.x()*(1-t) + newCenter.x()*t ); // // float y = (float)( sceneCenter.y()*(1-t) + newCenter.y()*t ); // // float z = (float)( sceneCenter.z()*(1-t) + newCenter.z()*t ); // // Transform3D transform = new Transform3D(); // // transform.setTranslation(new Vector3f(-x,-y,-z)); // // TransformGroup tg = ((TransformGroup)((TransformGroup)sceneRoot.getChild(0)).getChild(0)); // // tg.setTransform(transform); // try{Thread.sleep(50);}catch(InterruptedException exc){} // } // // Transform3D transform = new Transform3D(); // // transform.setTranslation(new Vector3f(-(float)newCenter.x(), -(float)newCenter.y(), -(float)newCenter.z())); // // TransformGroup tg = ((TransformGroup)((TransformGroup)sceneRoot.getChild(0)).getChild(0)); // // tg.setTransform(transform); // // sceneCenter.set(newCenter); } /** Zooms such that the maximal distance between two objects is within the view */ public void autoZoom(){ // if(primitives.isEmpty()) return; // //View axis // Line l = new Line(camera.getEye(), camera.getEye().vectorTo(camera.getLookingAt()).normalizeThis()); // double tanAlpha = Math.tan(0.8*camera.getViewAngle()/2); // try{ // double minT = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // for(Entry entry: primitives.entrySet()){ // Point p = entry.getKey().getCenter(); // double tProj = l.orthogonalProjectionParameter(p); // double h = p.distance(l.getPoint(tProj)); // double t = -h/tanAlpha+tProj; // if(t entry: primitives.entrySet()){ // // for(Entry entry2: primitives.entrySet()){ // // double d = entry.getKey().getCenter().distance(entry2.getKey().getCenter()); // // if(d>maxDist) maxDist=d; // // } // // } // // }catch(ConcurrentModificationException exc){ // // try{ Thread.sleep(300); }catch(InterruptedException exc2){} // // autoZoom(); // // return; // // } // // if(maxDist>0){ // // this.camBehavior.setScale(4/(maxDist+10)); // // this.repaint(); // // } } private boolean parallelProjection = false; /** Enables and disables parallel projection (as opposed to perspective projection). */ public void setParallelProjection(boolean enabled) { // if(enabled && !parallelProjection){ // canvas.getView().setProjectionPolicy(View.PARALLEL_PROJECTION); // } // if(!enabled && parallelProjection){ // canvas.getView().setProjectionPolicy(View.PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION); // } // parallelProjection = enabled; } public void setAntialiasing(boolean enabled){ //canvas.getView().setSceneAntialiasingEnable(enabled); } // private class RotThread extends Thread { // boolean stop = false; // public void run() { // stop = false; // while(!stop){ // // camBehavior.rotate(0.01f); // double angle = 0.01; // Point eye = camera.getEye(); // Point center = camera.getLookingAt(); // Vector up = camera.getUp(); // Vector x = eye.vectorTo(center); // Vector y = x.cross(up); // eye = eye.addThis(x.multiplyThis(1-Math.cos(angle))).addThis(y.multiplyThis(Math.sin(angle))); // camera.updateView(); // try {Thread.sleep(40);} catch (InterruptedException e) { } // } // } // } // // private RotThread rotThread; /** Toggles rotation */ public void toggleRotation(){ // //Thread t = new RotThread(); // //t.start(); // if(rotThread!=null && rotThread.isAlive()){ // rotThread.stop = true; // }else{ // rotThread = new RotThread(); // rotThread.start(); // } } // /** // * Add a click-listener that gets called every time an object or the background is clicked // * @param cl // */ // public void addClickListener(ClickListener cl){ // clickListeners.add(cl); // } // public List getClickListeners(){ // return clickListeners; // } private boolean axisEnabled = false; /** Enables or disables xyz-axis from the origo */ public void setAxisEnabled(boolean axisEnabled){ // if(axisEnabled && axisElements.isEmpty()){ // float rad = 0.02f; // axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cylinder(new Point(0,0,0),new Point(1-2*rad,0,0), rad)); // axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cylinder(new Point(0,0,0),new Point(0,1-2*rad,0), rad)); // axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cylinder(new Point(0,0,0),new Point(0,0,1-2*rad), rad)); // axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cone(new Point(1,0,0), new Point(1-2*rad,0,0), 2*rad)); // axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cone(new Point(0,0,1), new Point(0,0,1-2*rad), 2*rad)); // axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cone(new Point(0,1,0), new Point(0,1-2*rad,0), 2*rad)); //// axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cone(new Point(1-2*rad,0,0),new Point(1,0,0), 2*rad)); //// axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cone(new Point(0,0,1-2*rad),new Point(0,0,1), 2*rad)); //// axisElements.add(new ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Cone(new Point(0,1-2*rad,0),new Point(0,1,0), 2*rad)); // // axisElements.add(new TextShape("x", new Point(1,0,0), 0.3)); // axisElements.add(new TextShape("y", new Point(0,1,0), 0.3)); // axisElements.add(new TextShape("z", new Point(0,0,1), 0.3)); // } // if(axisEnabled && !this.axisEnabled){ // for(Shape s: axisElements) addShape(s, Color.GRAY); // } // if(!axisEnabled && this.axisEnabled){ // for(Shape s: axisElements) removeShape(s); // } // this.axisEnabled = axisEnabled; } // // // private void initialBuild(){ // sceneRoot = new BranchGroup(); // sceneRoot.setCapability(BranchGroup.ALLOW_CHILDREN_READ); // TransformGroup tgroup = new TransformGroup(); // sceneRoot.addChild(tgroup); // tgroup.setCapability(TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE); // tgroup.setCapability(TransformGroup.ALLOW_CHILDREN_EXTEND); // tgroup.setCapability(TransformGroup.ALLOW_CHILDREN_WRITE); // tgroup.setCapability(TransformGroup.ALLOW_CHILDREN_READ); // // // camBehavior = new CamBehavior(tgroup); // // camBehavior.setSchedulingBounds(bounds); // // sceneRoot.addChild(camBehavior); // // //rebuildBehavior = new RebuildBehavior(tgroup); // rebuildBehavior = new RebuildBehavior(); // rebuildBehavior.setSchedulingBounds(bounds); // sceneRoot.addChild(rebuildBehavior); // // // //BranchGroup scene = buildScene(); // //BranchGroup scene = new BranchGroup(); // // Transform3D transform = new Transform3D(); // transform.setTranslation(toJ3DVec(new Vector(0,0,0))); // TransformGroup tg = new TransformGroup(transform); // tg.setCapability(TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE); // // scene = new BranchGroup(); // //scene.setCapability(BranchGroup.ALLOW_DETACH); // scene.setCapability(BranchGroup.ALLOW_CHILDREN_EXTEND); // scene.setCapability(BranchGroup.ALLOW_CHILDREN_WRITE); // // for(Entry entry: primitives.entrySet()) // scene.addChild(genPrimitive(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), 32)); // //for(TextPrimitive tp: texts) movedScene.addChild(genTextPrimitive(tp)); // genLights(scene); // scene.addChild(genBackground()); // //if(paintAxis) scene.addChild(genAxis()); // tg.addChild(scene); // //scene.addChild(tg); // tgroup.addChild(tg); // // fog.setColor(new Color3f(Color.WHITE)); // fog.setFrontDistance(9); // fog.setBackDistance(10); // // fog.setCapability(Fog.ALLOW_COLOR_WRITE); // fog.setCapability(LinearFog.ALLOW_DISTANCE_WRITE); // fog.setCapability(LinearFog.ALLOW_DISTANCE_READ); // fog.setCapability(LinearFog.ALLOW_COLOR_WRITE); // fog.setInfluencingBounds(bounds); // scene.addChild(fog); // // //tgroup.addChild(scene); // scene.compile(); // sceneRoot.compile(); // // // } public J3DScene(){ //this.initialBuild(); } //public Camera getCamera(){ // return camera; //} // private class HudCanvas3D extends Canvas3D implements MouseListener{ // private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // // public HudCanvas3D(GraphicsConfiguration arg0) { // super(arg0); // this.addMouseListener(this); // } // // public void postRender(){ // super.postRender(); // J3DGraphics2D g = super.getGraphics2D(); // g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); // int w = 30; // int h = 30; // int x = getWidth()-w-2; // int y = getHeight()-h-2; // // //Fill circle // g.setColor(new Color(200,200,200)); // g.fillOval(x, y, w, h); // x+=2;y+=2;w-=4;h-=4; // g.setColor(new Color(100,100,200)); // g.fillOval(x, y, w, h); // // //Highlights // for(int i=1;i<10;i++){ // g.setColor(new Color(200-10*i,200-10*i,250-5*i)); // g.fillOval((int)(x+5), y+i, (int)(w-10), h/2-i); // } // for(int i=1;i<6;i++){ // g.setColor(new Color(200-20*i,200-20*i,250-10*i)); // g.fillOval((int)(x+5), y-i+h/2, (int)(w-10), h/2-i); // } // // //Camera // g.setColor(Color.WHITE); // g.fillRoundRect((int)(x+w*0.16), (int)(y+h*0.47), (int)(w*0.5), (int)(h*0.3), (int)(w*0.15), (int)(w*0.15)); // g.fillOval((int)(x+w*0.13), (int)(y+h*0.27), (int)(h*0.25), (int)(h*0.25)); // g.fillOval((int)(x+w*0.4), (int)(y+h*0.22), (int)(h*0.3), (int)(h*0.3)); // g.fillPolygon( // new int[]{(int)(x+w*0.69), (int)(x+w*0.69), (int)(x+w*0.84), (int)(x+w*0.84)}, // new int[]{(int)(y+h*0.68), (int)(y+h*0.50), (int)(y+h*0.45), (int)(y+h*0.71)}, 4 ); // // g.flush(false); // } // // public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { } // public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {} // public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) { } // public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) { } // public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) { // java.awt.Point p = arg0.getPoint(); // // int w = 30; // int h = 30; // int x = getWidth()-w-2; // int y = getHeight()-h-2; // java.awt.Point buttonCenter = new java.awt.Point(x+w/2, y+h/2); // if(p.distance(buttonCenter)<15){ // JFrame ctrlPanel = camera.getControlPanel(); // if(ctrlPanel==null) camera.createControlPanel(); // ctrlPanel = camera.getControlPanel(); // ctrlPanel.setVisible(true); // java.awt.Point loc = arg0.getLocationOnScreen(); // loc.x-=ctrlPanel.getWidth(); // loc.y-=ctrlPanel.getHeight(); // ctrlPanel.setLocation(loc); // camera.collectShapes(); // } // } // // } /** Get the canvas that displays the scene. If this method is called * several times the same Canvas3D object will be returned * every time.*/ // public Canvas3D getCanvas(){ // return null; // if(canvas==null){ // //initialBuild(); // // // GraphicsConfiguration config = SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration(); // GraphicsConfigTemplate3D template = new GraphicsConfigTemplate3D(); // template.setSceneAntialiasing(GraphicsConfigTemplate3D.PREFERRED); // template.setRedSize(6); // template.setGreenSize(6); // template.setBlueSize(6);//Fixes the weird ugly rastering on mac // GraphicsConfiguration config = // GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(). // getDefaultScreenDevice().getBestConfiguration(template); // // // canvas = new HudCanvas3D(config); // canvas = new Canvas3D(config); // // SimpleUniverse universe = new SimpleUniverse(canvas); // //universe.getViewer().getView().setProjectionPolicy(View.PARALLEL_PROJECTION); // universe.addBranchGraph(sceneRoot); // universe.getViewingPlatform().setNominalViewingTransform(); // universe.getViewer().getView().setLocalEyeLightingEnable(true); // // camera = new Camera(this, universe.getViewingPlatform(), fog); // // universe.getViewer().getView().setSceneAntialiasingEnable(true); // // // CamListener cl = new CamListener(); // // canvas.addMouseListener(cl); // // canvas.addMouseMotionListener(cl); // // canvas.addKeyListener(cl); // // canvas.addMouseWheelListener(cl); // // // orbitBehavior = new OrbitBehavior(canvas, // // OrbitBehavior.PROPORTIONAL_ZOOM | OrbitBehavior.REVERSE_ROTATE // // | OrbitBehavior.REVERSE_TRANSLATE ); // // orbitBehavior.setSchedulingBounds(bounds); // // universe.getViewingPlatform().setViewPlatformBehavior(orbitBehavior); // // pickCanvas = new PickCanvas(canvas, sceneRoot); // pickCanvas.setMode(PickCanvas.GEOMETRY); // addClickListener(new ClickListener(){ // public void shapeClicked(Shape shape, MouseEvent e) { // if(e.getClickCount()==2 && shape!=null){ // centerCamera(shape.getCenter()); // // camera.setLookingAt(shape.getCenter()); // } // }}); // // canvas.addMouseListener(new PickListener()); // // canvas.getView().setTransparencySortingPolicy(View.TRANSPARENCY_SORT_GEOMETRY); // // } // // return canvas; // } /** Repaint the canvas. If the scene has been changed in any way the * scene displayer will update the view when repaint() is called * and no sooner. If the scene is repeatedly changed, and repaint repeatedly * called the viewer will show an animation. */ public void repaint(){ // rebuildBehavior.rebuild(); // if(camera.getControlPanel()!=null && camera.getControlPanel().isVisible()) // camera.collectShapes(); } /** Repaint the canvas repeatedly every millisecondDelay milliseconds. */ public void repaintRepeatedly(long millisecondDelay){ // if(repaintTimer!=null){ // repaintTimer.cancel(); // }else{ // repaintTimer = new Timer(); // } // class RepaintTask extends TimerTask{ // public void run() { // repaint(); // } // } // repaintTimer.schedule(new RepaintTask(), 1, millisecondDelay); } // private class CamListener extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMotionListener, MouseWheelListener, KeyListener{ // private boolean shiftPressed = false; // private java.awt.Point lastPoint = null; // private long lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { lastPoint = e.getPoint(); } // public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { lastPoint = null; } // public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ // rebuildBehavior.rebuild(); // } // // public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { // if(lastPoint==null) { // lastPoint = e.getPoint(); // lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // return; // } // java.awt.Point point = e.getPoint(); // float dX = point.x-lastPoint.x; // float dY = point.y-lastPoint.y; // float damper = Math.max(10, (float)(System.currentTimeMillis()-lastTime))*10f; // // if(shiftPressed){ // Vector delta = new Vector(dX, -dY, 0).multiplyThis(1/damper); // camBehavior.translate(delta); // }else{ // // camBehavior.rotate(dX*(float)Math.PI/damper); // } // lastPoint = point; // lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // } // // public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e){ // float damper = Math.max(10, (float)(System.currentTimeMillis()-lastTime))*10f; // camBehavior.scale(e.getWheelRotation()/damper); // //// orbitBehavior.setZoomFactor(orbitBehavior.getZoomFactor()+e.getWheelRotation()); //// System.out.println(orbitBehavior.getZoomFactor()); // lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // } // // public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {} // public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { // if( e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT ) shiftPressed = true; // // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_DOWN && shiftPressed){ // float damper = Math.max(10, (float)(System.currentTimeMillis()-lastTime)); // camBehavior.scale(10f/damper); // lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_UP && shiftPressed){ // float damper = Math.max(10, (float)(System.currentTimeMillis()-lastTime)); // camBehavior.scale(-10f/damper); // lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_LEFT && shiftPressed){ // camBehavior.rotate(0.1f); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT && shiftPressed){ // camBehavior.rotate(-0.1f); // } // // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_UP && !shiftPressed){ // camBehavior.translate(new Vector(0,-0.1,0)); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_DOWN && !shiftPressed){ // camBehavior.translate(new Vector(0,0.1,0)); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_LEFT && !shiftPressed){ // camBehavior.translate(new Vector(0.1,0,0)); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT && !shiftPressed){ // camBehavior.translate(new Vector(-0.1,0,0)); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_S){ // J3DImageFileWriter.writeJPEGFile("J3DScene.jpg", canvas); // System.out.println("Stored view to J3DScene.jpg"); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_E){ // J3DImageFileWriter.writeEPSFile("J3DScene.eps", canvas); // System.out.println("Stored view to J3DScene.eps"); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_C){ // J3DScene.this.centerCamera(); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_Z){ // J3DScene.this.autoZoom(); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_R){ // J3DScene.this.toggleRotation(); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_P){ // J3DScene.this.setParallelProjection(!parallelProjection); // } // if(e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_A){ // J3DScene.this.setAxisEnabled(!axisEnabled); // } // } // public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { // if( e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT ) shiftPressed = false; // } // public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {} // // } // private static class CamBehavior extends Behavior { // // private TransformGroup transformGroup; // private Transform3D trans = new Transform3D(); // private WakeupCriterion criterion; // private double yAngle = 0.0f; // private Vector3f translation = new Vector3f(0,0,0); // private double scale = 1f; // //// private Point3d eye, center; //// private Vector3d up; // // // // private final int ROTATE = 1; // // // create a new RotateBehavior // CamBehavior(TransformGroup tg) { // transformGroup = tg; //// eye = new Point3d(0,0,1); //// center = new Point3d(0,0,0); //// up = new Vector3d(0,1,0); // } // // // initialize behavior to wakeup on a behavior post with id = ROTATE // public void initialize() { // criterion = new WakeupOnBehaviorPost(this, ROTATE); // wakeupOn(criterion); // } // // // processStimulus to rotate the cube // @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // public void processStimulus(Enumeration criteria) { // trans.rotY(yAngle); // trans.setTranslation(translation); // trans.setScale(scale); //// trans.lookAt(eye, center, up); // transformGroup.setTransform(trans); // wakeupOn(criterion); // //System.out.println("Scale "+scale); // } // // // when the mouse is clicked, postId for the behavior // void rotate(float dY) { // yAngle+=dY; // postId(ROTATE); // } // void translate(Vector delta){ // translation.add(new Vector3f((float)delta.x(), (float)delta.y(), (float)delta.z())); // postId(ROTATE); // } // void scale(double s){ // scale-=s; // if(scale<=0.001) scale=0.001f; // postId(ROTATE); // } // void setScale(double s){ // scale=s; // if(scale<=0.001) scale=0.001f; // postId(ROTATE); // } // } /** * Create a frame containing a canvas, display it and return the J3DScene object shown in the frame. * The frame can be retrieved using the J3DScene.frame field. */ public static J3DScene createJ3DSceneInFrame() { return null; } }