package ProGAL.geom3d.volumes;
import ProGAL.geom3d.Circle;
import ProGAL.geom3d.Point;
import ProGAL.geom3d.Vector;
import ProGAL.geom3d.viewer.J3DScene;
* An infinite cone is the union of all half-lines starting at an apex-point whose angle to a specified
* axis-vector is less than a specified constant. This class represents an infinitely extended cone
* defined by these three elements.
* @author R.Fonseca
public class InfCone {
protected Point apex;
protected Vector axis;
protected double angle;
* Construct the cone by specifying the apex-point, direction-vector and angle.
* @param apex
* @param axis
* @param angle
public InfCone(Point apex, Vector axis, double angle){
this.apex = apex;
this.axis = axis;
this.angle = angle;
* Construct the cone with the specified apex such that the points p1
, p2
* p3
are all on the boundary of the cone.
* @param apex
* @param p1
* @param p2
* @param p3
public InfCone(Point apex, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3){
Vector v1 = apex.vectorTo(p1); v1.normalizeThis();
Vector v2 = apex.vectorTo(p2); v2.normalizeThis();
Vector v3 = apex.vectorTo(p3); v3.normalizeThis();
Circle c = new Circle( apex.add(v1), apex.add(v2), apex.add(v3) );
axis = apex.vectorTo(c.getCenter()).normalizeThis();
angle = 2*Math.atan(c.getRadius()/apex.distance(c.getCenter()));
public Point getApex(){ return apex; }
public Vector getAxis(){ return axis; }
public double getAngle(){ return angle; }
public String toString(int dec){
return String.format("Cone[apex:%s,axis:%s,angle:%."+dec+"f]", apex,axis,angle);
public String toString(){ return toString(2); }
public static void main(String[] args){
J3DScene scene = J3DScene.createJ3DSceneInFrame();
Point p0 = new Point(Point.getRandomPoint(3, -1.0, 1.0).getCoords());
Point p1 = new Point(Point.getRandomPoint(3, -1.0, 1.0).getCoords());
Point p2 = new Point(Point.getRandomPoint(3, -1.0, 1.0).getCoords());
Point p3 = new Point(Point.getRandomPoint(3, -1.0, 1.0).getCoords());
InfCone n = new InfCone(p0, p1, p2, p3);
Cone c = new Cone( n.getApex().add(n.getAxis()),n.getApex(), Math.tan(n.getAngle()/2) );
// System.out.println(c);
// Cone c = new Cone(new Point(0,0,1),new Point(1,1,0), 0.1);
scene.addShape(new Sphere(p0,0.05), java.awt.Color.BLACK);
scene.addShape(new Sphere(p1,0.05));
scene.addShape(new Sphere(p2,0.05));
scene.addShape(new Sphere(p3,0.05));
scene.addShape(c, new java.awt.Color(0,0,200,240), 100);