package ProGAL.geom3d.volumes; import ProGAL.geom3d.*; import ProGAL.math.Constants; import ProGAL.math.Matrix3x3; /** * A line-segment swept sphere (also known as a line-swept-sphere, capsule or sometimes * 'cigar') class. The LSS is represented by a line-segment and a radius, and is a cylinder * capped with hemispheres. * * Distance calculations (and thereby collision checks) can be performed very fast, but * finding the minimum capsule bounding a set of points can be somewhat time-consuming and * no well-documented methods exist for doing this. For a heuristic see [Ericsson 05]. */ public class LSS implements Volume{ public LineSegment segment; public double rad; /** * Construct a capsule using two endpoints (center of hemispheres) and a radius (used * both for hemispheres and cylinder shape). */ public LSS(Point p1, Point p2, double r){ this(new LineSegment(p1,p2), r); } /** * Construct a capsule using a line-segment and a radius (used both for hemispheres and * cylinder shape). */ public LSS(LineSegment segment, double r){ this.segment = segment; this.rad = r; } public static LSS createBoundingLSS(PointList points){ return createBoundingLSS_covariance(points); } public static LSS createBoundingLSS_covariance(PointList points){ if(points.size()<=0) throw new Error("Cannot create capsule enclosing 0 points"); if(points.size()==1) return new LSS(points.get(0).clone(), points.get(0).clone(), 0); if(points.size()==2) return new LSS(points.get(0).clone(), points.get(1).clone(), 0); Matrix3x3 covMatr = points.getCovariance(); covMatr.toConsole(3); Vector[] eigenVecs = covMatr.getEigenvectors(); // eigenVecs[0].toConsole(3); // eigenVecs[1].toConsole(3); // eigenVecs[2].toConsole(3); if(eigenVecs[0]==null) eigenVecs[0] = eigenVecs[1].cross(eigenVecs[2]); if(eigenVecs[1]==null) eigenVecs[1] = eigenVecs[2].cross(eigenVecs[0]); if(eigenVecs[2]==null) eigenVecs[2] = eigenVecs[0].cross(eigenVecs[1]); Vector dir = eigenVecs[0]; if ((eigenVecs[1] != null) && (eigenVecs[1].length()>dir.length())) dir = eigenVecs[1]; if ((eigenVecs[2] != null) && (eigenVecs[2].length()>dir.length())) dir = eigenVecs[2]; InfCylinder iCyl = InfCylinder.createMinRadCylinderFromDirection(points, dir.normalizeThis()); LSS ret = iCyl.capWithHalfSpheres(points); return ret; } /* 284HOps */ public static LSS createBoundingLSS_MaxDist(LSS v1, LSS v2) { double[] rads = {v1.rad, v1.rad, v2.rad, v2.rad}; Point[] points = {v1.segment.getA(), v1.segment.getB(), v2.segment.getA(), v2.segment.getB()}; int m1 = 0, m2 = 1; double best = v1.segment.getLength() + v1.rad+v1.rad;//4HOps double dist = v2.segment.getLength() + v2.rad+v2.rad;//4HOps if (dist > best) { best = dist; m1 = 2; m2 = 3; } double sumOfRads = v1.rad + v2.rad; for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { for (int j=2; j<4; j++) { dist = points[i].distance(points[j]) + sumOfRads;//4HOps if (dist > best) { best = dist; m1 = i; m2 = j; } } } Vector dir = points[m1].vectorTo(points[m2]).scaleToLength(1);//8HOps int exclude = 0; if(m1>1 && m2>1) exclude = 2;//A circle enclosing only 0,1 and 3 must be created else { if(rads[m1]>rads[m2]) exclude = m2;//A circle enclosing all but m2 must be created else exclude = m1;//A circle enclosing all but m1 must be created; } //32HOps so far. InfCylinder iCyl = createCylinderFromDirAndThreeSpheres(dir,rads,points,exclude);//126HOps LSS ret = iCyl.capWithHalfSpheres(v1, v2); //74HOps return ret; } /* 126 HOps */ private static final InfCylinder createCylinderFromDirAndThreeSpheres(Vector dir, double[] rads, Point[] points, int exclude){ Plane p = new Plane(new Point(0,0,0),dir); //Rand is guaranteed not to be parallel with dir Vector rand = new Vector(1,(dir.x()==-1||dir.x()==1)?1:0,0); Vector x = rand.cross(dir).scaleToLength(1); //10HOps Vector y = x.cross(dir); //6HOps ProGAL.geom2d.Circle[] cArr = new ProGAL.geom2d.Circle[3]; int c=0; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ if(exclude==c) c++; Vector proj = p.projectPoint(points[c]).toVector(); //6HOps cArr[i] = new ProGAL.geom2d.Circle(new ProGAL.geom2d.Point(,, rads[c]); //6HOps c++; } //10+6+12*3=52HOps so far ProGAL.geom2d.Circle mec = new ProGAL.geom2d.Circle( cArr[0],cArr[1],cArr[2]);//68HOps Point linePoint = x.multiply(;//6HOps return new InfCylinder(new Line(linePoint,dir), mec.getRadius()); } private static double clamp(double s){ if(s<0) return 0; if(s>1) return 1; return s; } public double distanceToPoint(Point point){ Vector d = segment.getAToB(); double t = clamp( -(point.vectorTo(segment.getA()).dot(d))/( ); return ( segment.getA().add(d.multiplyThis(t)).subtractThis(point.toVector()) ).toVector().length(); } public boolean overlaps(LSS capsule){ double minDist = closestSegmentPoint(capsule); return minDist<=(rad+capsule.rad); } public double closestSegmentPoint(LSS capsule){ Point startPoint1 = segment.getA(); Point startPoint2 = capsule.segment.getA(); Vector dir1 = segment.getAToB(); Vector dir2 = capsule.segment.getAToB(); double a = dir1.getLengthSquared(); //|S1| squared .. 3HOp double e = dir2.getLengthSquared(); //|S2| squared .. 3HOp if(ae){ t = 1.0f; s = clamp( (b-c)/a ); }else{ t = tnom/e; } Point c1 = startPoint1.add(dir1.multiplyThis(s));// vec-scalar mult .. 3HOp Point c2 = startPoint2.add(dir2.multiplyThis(t));// vec-scalar mult .. 3HOp return c1.distance(c2); // .. 3HOp } private static double closestSegmentPoint(Point p11, Point p12, Point p2){ Line l = new Line(p11, p11.vectorTo(p12)); double t = l.orthogonalProjectionParameter(p2); t = clamp(t)*p11.distance(p12); return l.getPoint(t).distance(p2); } public boolean overlaps(Volume vol) { if(vol instanceof LSS) return overlaps((LSS)vol); throw new Error("Unimplemented"); } public boolean contains(Point p){ Line l = new Line(segment); double t = l.orthogonalProjectionParameter(p); if(t>1) t=1; else if(t<0) t=0; return l.getPoint(t).distance(p)<=this.rad; } public double getVolume() { double sphereVols = (4d/3d)*Math.PI*rad*rad*rad; double cylVol = Math.PI*rad*rad*segment.getLength(); return sphereVols+cylVol; } public LSS clone(){ return new LSS(segment.clone(), rad); } public Point getCenter() { return segment.getMidPoint(); } public String toString(){ return String.format("LSS[ls=%s,r=%f]", segment, rad); } }