package ProGAL.geom3d.volumes; import ProGAL.geom3d.Circle; import ProGAL.geom3d.ParametricPlane; import ProGAL.geom3d.Point; import ProGAL.geom3d.Vector; /** * A lens is the intersection between two spheres. * * @todo Add getters and setters for the focal points and radii * @author R.Fonseca */ public class Lens implements Volume { private final Sphere s0, s1; private Circle equator; private ParametricPlane plane; private double d0, d1, r; /** * Construct a lens from the two spheres. A IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the spheres * have empty or single point intersection. Note that the two spheres given as arguments are * not stored, and subsequent changes to the lens should be performed through appropriate setters. */ public Lens(Sphere s0, Sphere s1){ this.s0 = s0.clone(); this.s1 = s1.clone(); double d = s0.getCenter().distance(s1.getCenter()); d0 = (d*d-s1.getRadiusSquared()+s0.getRadiusSquared())/(2*d); d1 = d-d0; if(d0<=0 || d1<=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lens spheres are not allowed to contain eachother"); r = Math.sqrt(s0.getRadiusSquared()-d0*d0); if(Double.isNaN(r)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lens is undefined unless the lens-spheres intersect"); Vector normal = s0.getCenter().vectorTo(s1.getCenter()).divideThis(d); Point center = s0.getCenter().add(normal.multiply(d0)); equator = new Circle(center, r, normal); Vector x = new Vector(1,0.001,0.0001).crossThis(normal).normalizeThis(); Vector y = normal.cross(x); plane = new ParametricPlane(center, x,y); // System.out.printf("d %.3f, d0 %.3f, d1 %.3f, r %.3f\n", d,d0,d1,r); } /** Radius of the equator of the lens */ public double getRadius(){ return r; } /** The distance from a focal point to the equator of the lens */ public double getFocalDistance(int i){ if(i==0) return d0; else return d1; } public double getSphereRadius(int i){ if(i==0) return s0.getRadius(); else return s1.getRadius(); } public Point getSphereCenter(int i){ if(i==0) return s0.getCenter().clone(); else return s1.getCenter().clone(); } @Override public Point getCenter() { double dSq = s0.getCenter().distanceSquared(s1.getCenter()); double d0p = (dSq-s1.getRadius()*s1.getRadius()+s0.getRadius()*s0.getRadius())/(2*dSq); return s0.getCenter().add(s0.getCenter().vectorTo(s1.getCenter()).multiplyThis(d0p)); } @Override public boolean overlaps(Volume vol) { throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented"); } /** The volume of the lens */ public double getVolume() { // double R = s0.getRadius(); double r = s1.getRadius(); double dSq = s0.getCenter().distanceSquared(s1.getCenter()); double d = Math.sqrt(dSq); return Math.PI*(R+r-d)*(R+r-d)*(dSq+(2*d-3*r)*r+(2*d+6*r-3*R)*R)/12*d; } public Lens clone(){ return new Lens(s0.clone(), s1.clone()); } public double distance(Point p){ Vector cp = equator.getCenter().vectorTo(p); if(>0){//Its on the s1 side Vector a0p =;double a0pDist = a0p.length(); if(a0pDistgetRadius()) proj.multiplyThis(getRadius()/len); // // return plane.getP(proj.getCoords()); // } private Point getCirclePoint(double s){ return equator.getCenter().add(plane.v1.multiply(Math.cos(s)*getRadius()).addThis(plane.v2.multiply(Math.sin(s)*getRadius()))); } public double distance(Lens l){ // J3DScene scene = J3DScene.createJ3DSceneInFrame(); // if(scene!=null){ // scene.setAxisEnabled(true); // scene.addShape(s0, new Color(100,100,100,100)); // scene.addShape(s1, new Color(100,100,100,100)); // scene.addShape(l.s0, new Color(100,250,100,100)); // scene.addShape(l.s1, new Color(100,250,100,100)); // scene.addShape(new Sphere(,0.03), Color.BLACK); // scene.addShape(new Sphere(,0.03), Color.BLACK); // scene.addShape(new Sphere(,0.03), Color.BLACK); // scene.addShape(new Sphere(,0.03), Color.BLACK); // } Vector a0b0 =; Vector a0b1 =; Vector a1b0 =; Vector a1b1 =; //TODO: Replace angle with acos( double a0b0Angle = a0b0.angle(equator.getNormal()); double a0b1Angle = a0b1.angle(equator.getNormal()); double a1b0Angle = Math.PI- a1b0.angle(equator.getNormal()); double a1b1Angle = Math.PI- a1b1.angle(equator.getNormal()); double b0a0Angle = Math.PI- a0b0.angle(l.equator.getNormal()); double b0a1Angle = Math.PI- a1b0.angle(l.equator.getNormal()); double b1a0Angle = a0b1.angle(l.equator.getNormal()); double b1a1Angle = a1b1.angle(l.equator.getNormal()); double a0Theta = Math.atan(r/d0); double a1Theta = Math.atan(r/d1); double b0Theta = Math.atan(l.r/l.d0); double b1Theta = Math.atan(l.r/l.d1); double a0b0Dist = Math.max(0,; double a0b1Dist = Math.max(0,; double a1b0Dist = Math.max(0,; double a1b1Dist = Math.max(0,; if(a0b0Angle<=a0Theta && b0a0Angle<=b0Theta ) return a0b0Dist; if(a0b1Angle<=a0Theta && b1a0Angle<=b1Theta ) return a0b1Dist; if(a1b0Angle<=a1Theta && b0a1Angle<=b0Theta ) return a1b0Dist; if(a1b1Angle<=a1Theta && b1a1Angle<=b1Theta ) return a1b1Dist; //The shortest distance must lie between the discs or between a disc and a sphere. Point disc1Point=null, disc2Point=null; double delta = Math.PI, scale = 0.5, deltaRed = 0.5; double sDist, tDist, tmpPlusDist=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, tmpMinusDist = 0; double s = 0, t=0; // Point p = getPoint(s); // pDist = c.discDistance(p); while(delta>0.001){ Point tmpPlus = getCirclePoint(s+delta/100); tmpPlusDist = l.discDistance(tmpPlus);//c.discDistance(tmpPlus); Point tmpMinus = getCirclePoint(s-delta/100); tmpMinusDist = l.discDistance(tmpMinus); if(tmpPlusDist0.001){ Point tmpPlus = l.getCirclePoint(t+delta/100); tmpPlusDist = discDistance(tmpPlus); Point tmpMinus = l.getCirclePoint(t-delta/100); tmpMinusDist = discDistance(tmpMinus); if(tmpPlusDist