
Divides a given range of input values into useful intervals. This can be used, for example, to determine the locations of tick marks on an axis. Implementations will vary their behavior based on a number of factors including the type of data in question.

Note that the intervals need not be uniformly sized. For example, this would be the case when dividing a time interval into months, or into log spaced intervals.

Implementations should have protected constructors so factory methods in DomainDividerUtil can access them.



boundaries( Datum min, Datum max ) → DatumVector

Returns the boundaries between intervals on the given data range. When min or max lay on a boundary, it should be returned. Note this is inconsistent with DatumRange logic, where the max is exclusive. If min>&eq;max, then an empty list should be returned.


min - the lower bound
max - the upper bound


a DatumVector containing the boundary values

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boundaryCount( Datum min, Datum max ) → long

Compute the number of intervals produced by this DomainDivider on the given range. This allows the DomainDivider to indicate the number of intervals (e.g. a zillion) without having to enumerate them. When min or max lay on a boundary, it should be counted (inclusive max). If min>&eq;max, then zero should be returned.


min - a Datum
max - a Datum


a long

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coarserDivider( boolean superset ) → DomainDivider

Return a new divider with larger intervals. If the superset parameter is true, the interval boundaries of the new divider are guaranteed to align with (some) interval boundaries of the existing one. In other words, the existing divider will subdivide the new one.


superset - true to force boundary alignment with the calling DomainDivider. For a given range, the boundaries will be aligned.


the new DomainDivider object

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finerDivider( boolean superset ) → DomainDivider

Return a new divider with smaller intervals. If the superset parameter is true, the interval boundaries of the existing divider are guaranteed to align with (some) intervals of the new one. In other words, the new divider will subdivide the existing one.


superset - true to force boundary alignment with the calling DomainDivider For a given range, the boundaries will be aligned.


the new DomainDivider object

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rangeContaining( Datum v ) → DatumRange

Return a DatumRange representing the interval containing the given value.


v - a Datum


the range containing a given value.

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