
DataRequestThread( )

Creates a new instance of DataRequestThread


cancelCurrentRequest( ) → void


void (returns nothing)

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request( org.das2.dataset.DataSetDescriptor dsd, Datum start, Datum end, Datum resolution, org.das2.dataset.DataRequestor requestor, ProgressMonitor monitor ) → void

Begins a data reqest operation that will be executed in a separate thread and pass the resulting DataSet to the org.das2.event.DataRequestListener#finished(org.das2.event.DataRequestEvent) finished() method of the DataRequestor specified.


dsd - the DataSetDescriptor used to obtain the DataSet
start - the start of the requested time interval
end - the end of the requested time interval
resolution - the requested resolution of the data set
requestor - DataRequestor that is notified when the data loading operation is complete.
monitor - a ProgressMonitor


void (returns nothing)

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requestAndWait( org.das2.dataset.DataSetDescriptor dsd, Object params, Datum start, Datum end, Datum resolution, org.das2.dataset.DataRequestor requestor, ProgressMonitor monitor ) → void

Begins a data reqest operation that will be executed in a separate thread and pass the resulting DataSet to the org.das2.event.DataRequestListener#finished(org.das2.event.DataRequestEvent) finished() method of the DataRequestor specified. This method does not return until after the data loading is complete or the request had been canceled.


dsd - the DataSetDescriptor used to obtain the DataSet
params - extra parameters passed to the DataSetDescriptor#getDataSet(org.das2.util.Datum,org.das2.util.Datum,org.das2.util.Datum,org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor) getDataSet() method. (TODO: these are ignored)
start - the start of the requested time interval
end - the end of the requested time interval
resolution - the requested resolution of the data set
requestor - DataRequestor that is notified when the data loading operation is complete.
monitor - a ProgressMonitor


void (returns nothing)

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run( ) → void


void (returns nothing)

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