
This capability allows DataSources that know how to produce data sets from a long time series to provide views of the DataSource for different times and resolutions. The getURI() method of the DataSource should return the original URI and getDataSet should return the original dataset. getURI if TimeSeriesBrowse should return the URI for the range and resolution specified. Note DataSources providing this capability must insert CacheTags into the QDataSets they produce.


problem message to use in reject when the timerange was not provided in the URI.


problem message to use in reject when the timerange does not parse properly.


blurURI( ) → String

return the URI without the timeSeriesBrowse settings, for use in .vap files and where the timerange is set elsewhere.


the URI simplified by removing the timerange and resolution.

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getTimeRange( ) → DatumRange

get the time range for the current view of the timeseries. Note this may not be the same as getTimeRange


the current time range.

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getTimeResolution( ) → Datum

get the resolution for the current view of the timeseries. Note this may not be the same as setTimeResolution. Also, this may be null, indicating the native resolution is used.


the resolution for the current view of the timeseries.

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getURI( ) → String

return the URI for the current time range and resolution. This is also used to identify the dataset, so the same urls returned from here must return the same dataset!


the URI to load this data.

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setTimeRange( DatumRange dr ) → void

set the time range for the desired view of the timeseries.


dr - the new time range.


void (returns nothing)

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setTimeResolution( Datum d ) → void

set the resolution for the desired view of the timeseries.


d - the time resolution


void (returns nothing)

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setURI( String suri ) → void

Added in effort to make it easier to set the timerange if we have a timerange already. This allows the timerange part of the URI to be set without having to understand the rest of it. set the URI, and possibly the timerange part.


suri - a String


void (returns nothing)

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