Changes between #183 and #184

#184 (Nov 22, 2024 6:21:06 PM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. make logic for detecting and handling timetags consistent — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. clean up the description, removing the formatting for fixed-width font and newlines encoded as 
 — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. support BIT_STRING in — Jeremy Faden / detail
  6. hapi-cache-command has default cache-dir location, use this. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  7. allow hapi-cache-command to be set to '' to disable cache — Jeremy Faden / detail
  8. remove debug code — Jeremy Faden / detail
  9. time column was never automatically identified for PDS3.  See if the first column is TIME or a DATE. — Jeremy Faden / detail