/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.autoplot.datasource; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.WritableDataSet; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; /** * Provide a cache of datasets that are in memory, so that the same data is not * loaded twice. This first implementation uses WeakReferences, so that this * cache need not be emptied, but we will avoid the situation where the same * data is loaded twice. * * @author jbf */ public class ReferenceCache { /** * System property the enables the reference cache. Clients should check this before using the cache with code like: * * boolean useReferenceCache= "true".equals( System.getProperty( ReferenceCache.PROP_ENABLE_REFERENCE_CACHE, "false" ) ); * */ public static final String PROP_ENABLE_REFERENCE_CACHE= Version.PROP_ENABLE_REFERENCE_CACHE; private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("apdss.refcache"); private static ReferenceCache instance; private final Map uris= new LinkedHashMap(); private final Map locks= new LinkedHashMap(); /** * marker dataset used to indicate null was loaded for the URI. This * dataset should not be used. */ public static final QDataSet NULL= Ops.labelsDataset( new String[] { "NULL-REFCACHE" } ).slice(0); // no one can directly instantiate, see getInstance. private ReferenceCache() { } /** * get the single instance of the ReferenceCache * @return */ public synchronized static ReferenceCache getInstance() { if ( instance==null ) { instance= new ReferenceCache(); } return instance; } public enum ReferenceCacheEntryStatus { LOADING, DONE } /** * Keep track of the status of a load. This keeps track of the thread that is actually * loading the data and it's */ public static class ReferenceCacheEntry { String uri= null; WeakReference qds=null; // this is a weak reference to the data. Exception exception=null; ProgressMonitor monitor=null; // the progress monitor for the load. Thread loadThread=null; // the thread ReferenceCacheEntryStatus status=null; ReferenceCacheEntry( String uri, ProgressMonitor monitor ) { this.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.LOADING; this.uri= uri; this.monitor= monitor; } /** * query this to see if the current thread should load the resource, or just park while * the loading thread loads the resource. * @param t the current thread (Thread.currentThread()) * @return true if the data should be loaded. */ public boolean shouldILoad( Thread t ) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "shouldILoad({0})= {1}", new Object[]{Thread.currentThread(), this.loadThread==t } ); boolean result= ( this.loadThread==t && this.status!=ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE && !wasGarbageCollected() ); if ( wasGarbageCollected() ) { this.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.LOADING; } return result; } /** * park this thread until the other guy has finished loading. * @param mon monitor that will monitor the load status. * @return the dataset * @throws java.lang.Exception when the data cannot be read. */ public QDataSet park( ProgressMonitor mon ) throws Exception { logger.log( Level.FINE, "parking thread {0} {1}", new Object[]{Thread.currentThread(), uri} ); getInstance().park( this, mon ); if ( this.exception!=null ) { throw this.exception; } else { logger.log( Level.FINE, "park of {0} {1} resulted in {2}", new Object[]{Thread.currentThread(), uri, this.qds.get() } ); QDataSet result= this.qds.get(); return result; } } /** * hand the dataset resulting from the completed load off to the reference cache. * Threads that are parked will continue. If the dataset is mutable, then a * copy is made. * @param ds null or the dataset resolved from the URI. */ public void finished( QDataSet ds ) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "finished {0} {1} {2}", new Object[]{Thread.currentThread(), ds, uri} ); if ( ds instanceof MutablePropertyDataSet ) { MutablePropertyDataSet mpds= (MutablePropertyDataSet)ds; if ( mpds.isImmutable() ) { } else { WritableDataSet wds= Ops.copy(ds); //TODO: This extaneous copy will be removed once mutability concerns lessen. wds.makeImmutable(); ds= wds; } } else if ( ds==null ) { ds= NULL; } this.qds= new WeakReference<>(ds); this.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE; } /** * Notify the reference cache that the load resulted in an exception. * Threads that are parked will continue * @param ex the exception that occurred during the load. */ public void exception( Exception ex ) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "finished {0} {1} {2}", new Object[]{Thread.currentThread(), ex, uri} ); this.exception= ex; this.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE; } /** * returns true if the entry was loaded, but now has been garbage collected. * @return true if the reference was garbage collected and is no longer available. */ public boolean wasGarbageCollected( ) { return ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE==this.status && ( this.qds==null || this.qds.get()==null ); } @Override public String toString( ) { QDataSet _qds= qds==null ? null : qds.get(); return String.format( "loadThread=%s \tmonitor=%s \tstatus=%s \turi=%s \tqds=%s", loadThread.getName(), monitor, status, uri, String.valueOf(_qds) ); } } /** * return the ReferenceCacheEntry, if any, for the URI. This is to resolve * the ambiguity of the getDataSet call. Typically the status of the * entry is called. * @param uri the URI that can be resolved into a dataset. * @return null or the ReferenceCacheEntry. */ public synchronized ReferenceCacheEntry getReferenceCacheEntry( String uri ) { ReferenceCacheEntry entry= uris.get(uri); return entry; } /** * Query to see if the dataset exists in the cache. Null is returned if it * is not, or a QDataSet is returned if it is. * NOTE: the entry might be ReferenceCache.NULL, meaning the load resulted in no data. * @param uri the URI that can be resolved into a dataset. * @return the dataset or null */ public synchronized QDataSet getDataSet( String uri ) { ReferenceCacheEntry entry= uris.get(uri); if ( entry==null ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "getDataSet {0} -> no entry", uri); return null; } else { if ( entry.qds==null ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "getDataSet {0} -> no entry.qds==null", uri); return null; } else { QDataSet result= entry.qds.get(); logger.log(Level.FINER, "getDataSet {0} -> entry.qds.get()=={1}", new Object[]{uri, result}); return result; } } } /** * Get a ReferenceCacheEntry for the URI, which will indicate the thread which has been designated as the load thread. **
     *rcent= ReferenceCache.getInstance().getDataSetOrLock( this.tsb.getURI(), mon);
     *if ( !rcent.shouldILoad( Thread.currentThread() ) ) { 
     *   QDataSet result= rcent.park( mon );
* * Be sure to use try/finally when using this cache! * * @param uri the URI to load. * @param monitor to monitor the load. * @return the ReferenceCacheEntry */ public ReferenceCacheEntry getDataSetOrLock( String uri, ProgressMonitor monitor ) { tidy(); if ( monitor.isFinished() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Finished monitor was sent to reference cache getDataSetOrLock"); } logger.log( Level.FINE, "getDataSetOrLock on thread {0} {1}", new Object[]{Thread.currentThread(), uri}); ReferenceCacheEntry result; synchronized (this) { result= uris.get(uri); if ( result!=null ) { if ( result.wasGarbageCollected() ) { // it was garbage collected. result= new ReferenceCacheEntry(uri,monitor); result.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.LOADING; // TODO: study Why shouldn't we just set the loading status here? result.loadThread= Thread.currentThread(); uris.put( uri, result ); logger.log( Level.FINEST, "this thread must reload garbage-collected uri" ); } else { logger.log( Level.FINEST, "wait for another thread which is loading uri" ); if ( result.monitor.isFinished() && result.status!=ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "cache entry was never cleared: {0}", result.uri); } } } else { result= new ReferenceCacheEntry(uri,monitor); result.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.LOADING; result.loadThread= Thread.currentThread(); uris.put( uri, result ); logger.log( Level.FINEST, "this thread will load uri" ); } } return result; } /** * park this thread until the other guy has finished loading. * @param ent * @param monitor the monitor of the load. */ public void park( ReferenceCacheEntry ent, ProgressMonitor monitor ) { if ( ent.loadThread==Thread.currentThread() && ent.status!=ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE ) { throw new IllegalStateException("This thread was supposed to load the data"); } if ( monitor.isFinished() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Finished monitor was sent to reference cache park"); } monitor.started(); monitor.setProgressMessage("waiting for load"); int warn1095Count=0; while ( true ) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } if ( !( ent.monitor.isFinished() || ent.monitor.isCancelled() ) ) { monitor.setTaskSize( ent.monitor.getTaskSize()); monitor.setTaskProgress( ent.monitor.getTaskProgress()); } if ( ent.monitor.isFinished() && ent.status!=ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE ) { if ( warn1095Count>100 ) { // give it 10 seconds to resolve this. logger.warning("bug 1095: there is a monitor that is finished, but the reference cache entry is not marked as done."); } warn1095Count++; //ent.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE; } if ( ent.status==ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE ) break; } monitor.finished(); } /** * put the dataset into the ReferenceCache. If it is mutable, then a copy is * made. * @param uri * @param ds */ private synchronized void putDataSet( String uri, QDataSet ds ) { ReferenceCacheEntry result= uris.get(uri); if ( result==null ) throw new IllegalStateException("nobody asked for this dataset, use offerDataSet"); logger.log( Level.FINEST, "putDataSet on thread {0} {1}", new Object[]{Thread.currentThread(), uri}); if ( ds instanceof MutablePropertyDataSet ) { MutablePropertyDataSet mpds= (MutablePropertyDataSet)ds; if ( !mpds.isImmutable() ) { ds= Ops.copy(mpds); ((MutablePropertyDataSet)ds).makeImmutable(); } } else if ( ds==null ) { ds= NULL; } result.qds= new WeakReference<>(ds); result.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE; } //experiments to see if Jython Caching works if the garbage collector unable to clean weak references. Map strongReferences= new HashMap<>(); /** * like putDataSet, but if no one has requested this dataset, then simply add * it to the cache of datasets in case someone else wants it. Be sure to call * this before the call to putDataSet that will release the lock. * @param uri the URI * @param ds the dataset */ public synchronized void offerDataSet( String uri, QDataSet ds ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "offerDataSet {0} {1}", new Object[]{uri, ds}); ReferenceCacheEntry result= uris.get(uri); if ( result==null ) { ProgressMonitor mon= new NullProgressMonitor(); mon.finished(); result= new ReferenceCacheEntry(uri,mon); result.status= ReferenceCacheEntryStatus.DONE; result.loadThread= Thread.currentThread(); uris.put( uri, result ); } //strongReferences.put( uri, ds ); putDataSet( uri, ds ); } /** * explicitly remove entries from the cache. */ public synchronized void reset() { logger.fine("reset"); uris.clear(); locks.clear(); } /** * remove all the entries that have been garbage collected. */ public synchronized void tidy() { List rm= new ArrayList(); for ( Entry ent : instance.uris.entrySet() ) { ReferenceCacheEntry ent1= ent.getValue(); if ( ent1.wasGarbageCollected() ) { rm.add(ent1.uri); } } for ( String uri: rm ) { instance.uris.remove(uri); } } /** * display the status of all the entries. */ public synchronized void printStatus() { int i; System.err.println("== uris =="); i=0; for ( Entry ent : instance.uris.entrySet() ) { System.err.printf( "%3d %s%n", ++i, String.valueOf(ent.getValue()) ); ReferenceCacheEntry ent1= ent.getValue(); QDataSet ds= ent1.qds==null ? null : ent1.qds.get(); if ( ds!=null ) { Class dsclass= ds.getClass(); Method m=null; try { m= dsclass.getDeclaredMethod( "jvmMemory" ); } catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex) { try { m= dsclass.getSuperclass().getDeclaredMethod( "jvmMemory" ); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex1) { Logger.getLogger(ReferenceCache.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1); } } if ( m!=null ) { try { Object r= m.invoke( ds ); System.err.println(" jvmMemory (bytes): "+r + " "+dsclass.getName() ); } catch (SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ReferenceCache.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } System.err.println("== locks =="); i=0; for ( Entry ent : instance.locks.entrySet() ) { System.err.printf( "%3d %s%n", ++i, String.valueOf(ent.getValue()) ); } } }