/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.autoplot.pngwalk; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.datum.LoggerManager; /** * ImageOp that draws the reflection as well as the perspective view of the data. * @author jbf */ public class ScalePerspectiveImageOp implements BufferedImageOp { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("autoplot.pngwalk"); final int w; final int h; // subsample final int ssx; final int ssy; // output offset final int x1; // output offset final int y1; final double p; int nw; int nh; final int maxidx; private int w1; private int h1; private int rh1; // reflection height private boolean reflect; // enable/disable reflections /** * * @param w original width * @param h original height * @param x1 upper left hand corner * @param y1 upper left hand corner ( when p=0 ) * @param w1 new width * @param h1 new height at the middle * @param ssx subsampling factor. =1 no subsampling. -1 means subsampling allowed, and will be picked automatically. * @param ssy subsampling factor. =1 no subsampling. -1 means subsampling allowed, and will be picked automatically. * @param rh1 extra height for the reflection * @param p rockiness, similar to the tan of the angle of the top of the image. Zero means no perspective (flat). */ public ScalePerspectiveImageOp(int w, int h, int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1, int rh1, int ssx, int ssy, double p, boolean reflect) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.w1 = w1; this.h1= h1; this.reflect= reflect; this.rh1= rh1 * h / h1; this.x1= x1; this.y1= y1; this.p = p; this.nw = (int) w1; this.nh = (int) h1 + rh1; this.maxidx= nw*nh-1; if ( ssx==-1 ) { this.ssx= Math.max( 1, w / w1 / 2 ); } else { this.ssx= ssx; } if ( ssy==-1 ) { if ( p!=0 ) { this.ssy= 1; } else { this.ssy= Math.max( 1, h / h1 ); } } else { this.ssy= ssy; } } // private Shape getOutline( double x, double y ) { // GeneralPath path= new GeneralPath(); // Point2D dst= new Point2D.Float(); // dst= this.getPoint2D( new Point2D.Float(0,0), dst); // path.moveTo((float)dst.getX(), (float)dst.getY()); // dst= this.getPoint2D( new Point2D.Float(w,0), dst); // path.lineTo((float)dst.getX(), (float)dst.getY()); // dst= this.getPoint2D( new Point2D.Float(w,h), dst); // path.lineTo((float)dst.getX(), (float)dst.getY()); // dst= this.getPoint2D( new Point2D.Float(0,h), dst); // path.lineTo((float)dst.getX(), (float)dst.getY()); // dst= this.getPoint2D( new Point2D.Float(0,0), dst); // path.lineTo((float)dst.getX(), (float)dst.getY()); // path.transform( AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x,y) ); // return path; // } private int index(int i, int j) { int ii= i + j * nw; ii= ( ii>this.maxidx ) ? maxidx : ii; ii= ( ii<0 ) ? 0 : ii; return ii; } @Override public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dest) { logger.entering("ScalePerspectiveImageOp", "filter"); if ( dest!=null && dest.getWidth()==nw && dest.getHeight()==nh ) { logger.fine("recycling old image"); } else { dest = new BufferedImage(nw, nh, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); } int[] rr = new int[nw * nh]; int[] gg = new int[nw * nh]; int[] bb = new int[nw * nh]; int[] aa = new int[nw * nh]; int[] nn = new int[nw * nh]; final int AVG = 0; final int BG_WEIGHT=1; // weight (1-255) applied when background color is detected. boolean hasBg = true; int bgColor = src.getRGB(3, 3); if ( ( bgColor >> 24 & 0xFF ) !=255 ) hasBg= false; if (src.getRGB(3, 3) != bgColor) hasBg = false; if (src.getRGB(3, h - 4) != bgColor) hasBg = false; if (src.getRGB(w - 4, 3) != bgColor) hasBg = false; if (src.getRGB(w - 4, h - 4) != bgColor) hasBg = false; // make sure that all the borders are included in the averages. int[] jj= new int[h/ssy+1]; for ( int k1=0; k10 ? ( i * p) : ( ( i-w ) *p ); double hai= h1 - 2 * pp; int j1= y1 + (int) ( pp + j * ( hai / h ) ); int didx = index(i1, j1); int weight; if (hasBg) { weight = color == bgColor ? BG_WEIGHT : 255; } else { weight = (color >> 24 & 0xff); } rr[didx] += weight * ((color >> 16 & 0xff) - AVG); gg[didx] += weight * ((color >> 8 & 0xff) - AVG); bb[didx] += weight * (( color & 0xff) - AVG); aa[didx] += 255 * weight; nn[didx] += weight; if ( this.reflect ) { j1= (int) ( pp + hai + (h-j) * ( hai / h ) ); //j1 = ( y1 + (int) (((j * (1000 - pp * 2)) + pp * h) * h1 / h / 1000 ) ) + j/10; didx = index(i1, j1); weight = (color >> 24 & 0xff); double ww1 = Math.max( 1,weight * ( ( (0.4 ) / (rh1) ) *(j - (h-rh1) ) ) ); rr[didx] += 255*((color >> 16 & 0xff) - AVG); gg[didx] += 255*((color >> 8 & 0xff) - AVG); bb[didx] += 255*(( color & 0xff) - AVG); aa[didx] += 255* ww1; nn[didx] += 255; } } } for (int i = 0; i < nw; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nh; j++) { int didx = index(i, j); int n = nn[didx]; if (n > 0) { int weight = aa[didx] / nn[didx]; if (hasBg) { int color; if (weight == 0) { color = bgColor; } else if ( weight<255 ) { color = (weight << 24) + ((rr[didx] / n + AVG) << 16) + ((gg[didx] / n + AVG) << 8) + (bb[didx] / n + AVG); } else { //int rr1= (rr[didx] / n + AVG); color = (255 << 24) + ((rr[didx] / n + AVG) << 16) + ((gg[didx] / n + AVG) << 8) + (bb[didx] / n + AVG); } dest.setRGB(i, j, color); } else { int color = (weight << 24) + ((rr[didx] / n + AVG) << 16) + ((gg[didx] / n + AVG) << 8) + (bb[didx] / n + AVG); dest.setRGB(i, j, color); } } else { //if ( hasBg && j<=h1 ) { // if it's not part of the reflection // dest.setRGB(i, j, bgColor ); //} } } } logger.exiting("ScalePerspectiveImageOp", "filter"); return dest; } @Override public Rectangle2D getBounds2D(BufferedImage src) { return new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, src.getWidth(), src.getHeight()); } @Override public BufferedImage createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage src, ColorModel destCM) { return new BufferedImage(src.getWidth(), src.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); } @Override public Point2D getPoint2D(Point2D srcPt, Point2D dstPt) { double i1 = x1 + (int) (srcPt.getX() * w1 / w ); double pp = (int) Math.round( p>0 ? ( srcPt.getX() * p) : ( ( srcPt.getX()-w ) *p ) ); double j1 = y1 + (int) (((srcPt.getY() * (1000 - pp * 2)) + pp * h) * h1 / h / 1000 ); if (dstPt == null) { dstPt = new Point2D.Double(i1, j1); } else { dstPt.setLocation(i1, j1); } return dstPt; } @Override public RenderingHints getRenderingHints() { return new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); } }