package; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import com.jmatio.common.MatDataTypes; import com.jmatio.types.ByteStorageSupport; /** * MAT-file input stream class. * * @author Wojciech Gradkowski */ public class MatFileInputStream { private final int type; private final ByteBuffer buf; /** * Attach MAT-file input stream to InputStream * * @param is - input stream * @param type - type of data in the stream * @see com.jmatio.common.MatDataTypes */ public MatFileInputStream( ByteBuffer buf, int type ) { this.type = type; this.buf = buf; } /** * Reads data (number of bytes red is determined by data type) * from the stream to int. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public int readInt() throws IOException { switch ( type ) { case MatDataTypes.miUINT8: return (int)( buf.get() & 0xFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT8: return (int) buf.get(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT16: return (int)( buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT16: return (int) buf.getShort(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT32: return (int)( buf.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT32: return (int) buf.getInt(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT64: return (int) buf.getLong(); case MatDataTypes.miINT64: return (int) buf.getLong(); case MatDataTypes.miDOUBLE: return (int) buf.getDouble(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown data type: " + type); } } /** * Reads data (number of bytes red is determined by data type) * from the stream to char. * * @return - char * @throws IOException */ public char readChar() throws IOException { switch ( type ) { case MatDataTypes.miUINT8: return (char)( buf.get() & 0xFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT8: return (char) buf.get(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT16: return (char)( buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT16: return (char) buf.getShort(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT32: return (char)( buf.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT32: return (char) buf.getInt(); case MatDataTypes.miDOUBLE: return (char) buf.getDouble(); case MatDataTypes.miUTF8: return (char) buf.get(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown data type: " + type); } } /** * Reads data (number of bytes red is determined by data type) * from the stream to double. * * @return - double * @throws IOException */ public double readDouble() throws IOException { switch ( type ) { case MatDataTypes.miUINT8: return (double)( buf.get() & 0xFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT8: return (double) buf.get(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT16: return (double)( buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT16: return (double) buf.getShort(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT32: return (double)( buf.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT32: return (double) buf.getInt(); case MatDataTypes.miDOUBLE: return (double) buf.getDouble(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown data type: " + type); } } public byte readByte() { switch ( type ) { case MatDataTypes.miUINT8: return (byte)( buf.get() & 0xFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT8: return (byte) buf.get(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT16: return (byte)( buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT16: return (byte) buf.getShort(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT32: return (byte)( buf.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT32: return (byte) buf.getInt(); case MatDataTypes.miDOUBLE: return (byte) buf.getDouble(); case MatDataTypes.miUTF8: return (byte) buf.get(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown data type: " + type); } } /** * Reads the data into a {@link ByteBuffer}. This method is * only supported for arrays with backing ByteBuffer ({@link ByteStorageSupport}). * * @param dest * the destination {@link ByteBuffer} * @param elements * the number of elements to read into a buffer * @param storage * the backing {@link ByteStorageSupport} that * gives information how data should be interpreted * @return reference to the destination {@link ByteBuffer} * @throws IOException * if buffer is under-fed, or another IO problem occurs */ public ByteBuffer readToByteBuffer(ByteBuffer dest, int elements, ByteStorageSupport storage) throws IOException { int bytesAllocated = storage.getBytesAllocated(); int size = elements * storage.getBytesAllocated(); //direct buffer copy if ( MatDataTypes.sizeOf(type) == bytesAllocated && buf.order().equals(dest.order()) ) { int bufMaxSize = 1024; int bufSize = Math.min(buf.remaining(), bufMaxSize); int bufPos = buf.position(); byte[] tmp = new byte[ bufSize ]; while ( dest.remaining() > 0 ) { int length = Math.min(dest.remaining(), tmp.length); buf.get( tmp, 0, length ); dest.put( tmp, 0, length ); } buf.position( bufPos + size ); } else { //because Matlab writes data not respectively to the declared //matrix type, the reading is not straight forward (as above) Class clazz = storage.getStorageClazz(); while ( dest.remaining() > 0 ) { if ( clazz.equals( Double.class) ) { dest.putDouble( readDouble() ); } else if ( clazz.equals( Byte.class) ) { dest.put( readByte() ); } else if ( clazz.equals( Integer.class) ) { dest.putInt( readInt() ); } else if ( clazz.equals( Long.class) ) { dest.putLong( readLong() ); } else if ( clazz.equals( Float.class) ) { dest.putFloat( readFloat() ); } else if ( clazz.equals( Short.class) ) { dest.putShort( readShort() ); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Not supported buffer reader for " + clazz ); } } } dest.rewind(); return dest; } private float readFloat() { switch ( type ) { case MatDataTypes.miUINT8: return (float)( buf.get() & 0xFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT8: return (float) buf.get(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT16: return (float)( buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT16: return (float) buf.getShort(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT32: return (float)( buf.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT32: return (float) buf.getInt(); case MatDataTypes.miSINGLE: return (float) buf.getFloat(); case MatDataTypes.miDOUBLE: return (float) buf.getDouble(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown data type: " + type); } } private short readShort() { switch ( type ) { case MatDataTypes.miUINT8: return (short)( buf.get() & 0xFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT8: return (short) buf.get(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT16: return (short)( buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT16: return (short) buf.getShort(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT32: return (short)( buf.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT32: return (short) buf.getInt(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT64: return (short) buf.getLong(); case MatDataTypes.miINT64: return (short) buf.getLong(); case MatDataTypes.miDOUBLE: return (short) buf.getDouble(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown data type: " + type); } } private long readLong() { switch ( type ) { case MatDataTypes.miUINT8: return (long)( buf.get() & 0xFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT8: return (long) buf.get(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT16: return (long)( buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT16: return (long) buf.getShort(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT32: return (long)( buf.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF); case MatDataTypes.miINT32: return (long) buf.getInt(); case MatDataTypes.miUINT64: return (long) buf.getLong(); case MatDataTypes.miINT64: return (long) buf.getLong(); case MatDataTypes.miDOUBLE: return (long) buf.getDouble(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown data type: " + type); } } public void skip(int padding) { buf.position( buf.position() + padding ); } }