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This is an ALPHA release and ; there are some known limitations which mean that it may fall over ; when reading some correctly formatted CEF files. ; ; To try and maximise the speed little syntax checking is performed, ; and if you supply an invalid CEF the most likely outcome is that ; the software will fall over! If you are only using CEF files ; obtained from the CAA then these should already have been syntax ; checked and you should not encounter problems with the majority ; of data sets. ; ; The software is 100% IDL so has the advantage that it should run ; on any platform that supports IDL. Of course the disadvantage of ; an IDL only solution is performance when reading the ASCII CEF ; format. Some testing has been performed on Linux and PC but not ; yet on Mac or other platforms. As a benchmark, on the test systems ; the software will read CEF files at about 1-2 MB/s so if you have ; a 20 MB file it will take about 10-20s to read. ; This is is still an Alpha release so you may encounter problems. ; If you do, PLEASE REPORT THEM so that we can try and resolve them ; for all users! ; ; Usage: ; result = cef_read( [filename], [/NODATA], [/JULDAY], [/CDFEPOCH] ) ; ; If filename is not supplied then a file selection widget will be ; displayed. ; The result is an array of pointers to parameter structure containing ; the data and associated global and variable metadata. ; If /NODATA is used then the global metadata as a top level structure. ; If the /NODATA flag is not used then the global metadata is copied ; into each of the indivdual parameter sub-structures along with a ; DATA element that contains the actual data values. The result ; array therefore only consists of a set of pointers to a parameter ; structures. ; By default time will be returned as the source ASCII time string ; but you can use the /JULDAY or /CDFEPOCH keywords in which case ; the DATA element will be returned as a DOUBLE and contain the ; converted time. ; ; Example: ; result = cef_read('fgm.cef.gz') ; (time to read 93MB compressed file on test system 3m09s) ; ; then: ; FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(result)-1 DO PRINT, i,': ',(*result(i)).VARNAME ; gives: ; 0: time_tags__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 1: half_interval__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 2: B_vec_xyz_gse__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 3: B_mag__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 4: sc_pos_xyz_gse__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 5: range__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 6: tm__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; ; HELP, (*result(0)).DATA, (*result(2)).DATA ; DOUBLE = Array[1, 5122157] ; FLOAT = Array[3, 5122157] ; ; ******************************************************************* ; $Id:,v 2.6 2007/08/22 08:54:54 cperry Exp cperry $ ; ******************************************************************* ; ******************************************************************* ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 2.6 2007/08/22 08:54:54 cperry ; Fixed problem with dimensioning of multi-dimensional arrays. ; See TN-0016 for details on how multi-dimensional arrays ; should be accessed using this software. ; ; ******************************************************************* ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; CaaNotify ; ; PURPOSE: ; Currently this is just a dummy error message handling routine. ; It just prints out the supplied string and if the error flag ; was raised then it STOPs allowing the developer to investigate ; the problem. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; CaaNotify, , [ /ERROR ], [ /WARN ], [/DEBUG], [ /QUIET ] ; ; INPUTS: ; The string to be printed on stdout ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /ERROR Halt the program ; /WARN (not currently used) ; /DEBUG Debugging message (need to set QUIET=-1 to view ; /QUIET /QUIET switches off all but ERR and WARN ; use QUIET=0 to re-enable standard messages ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; CaaNotify, 'File not found', /ERROR ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* PRO caanotify, message, ERROR=err, WARN=warn, DEBUG=dbug, QUIET=ql COMMON caanotify_cb, quiet_level IF ( N_ELEMENTS(quiet_level) EQ 0 ) THEN quiet_level = 0 IF ( N_ELEMENTS(ql) GT 0 ) THEN quiet_level = ql IF ( N_ELEMENTS(message) GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN IF ( quiet_level LE 2 AND KEYWORD_SET(err) ) THEN PRINT, "ERROR: "+message $ ELSE IF ( quiet_level LE 1 AND KEYWORD_SET(warn) ) THEN PRINT, "WARN: "+message $ ELSE IF ( quiet_level LE -1 AND KEYWORD_SET(dbug)) THEN PRINT, "DEBUG: "+systime()+" - "+message $ ELSE IF ( quiet_level LE 0 AND NOT KEYWORD_SET(dbug)) THEN PRINT, "INFO: "+message ENDIF IF (KEYWORD_SET(err)) THEN message, message END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; Iso2CdfEpoch ; ; PURPOSE: ; Function to convert a STRARR of standard ISO times into a ; corresponding DOUBLE array containing CDFepoch times. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; result = Iso2CdfEpoch( ) ; ; INPUTS: ; A STRARR of ISO times (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ) ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; A DBLARR of CDFepoch times ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; epoch = Iso2CdfEpoch( [ '2001-01-01T00:00:00', '2001-05-14T23:45:01' ] ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION iso2cdfepoch, iso ; *** Get the number of elements in the input array *** n = N_ELEMENTS(iso) ; *** Create a DBL array to hold the result CDF epoch values epoch = DBLARR(1,n) ; *** Convert each input string to the corresponding CDF epoch value FOR i=0L, n-1 DO BEGIN READS, iso(i), y, m, d, hr, mn, sc, $ FORMAT="(I4.4,X,I2.2,X,I2.2,X,I2.2,X,I2.2,X,F)" ms = ((hr*60.0+mn)*60.0+sc)*1000.0 CDF_EPOCH, ep, y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, ms, /COMPUTE epoch(0,i) = ep ENDFOR ; *** Return the result *** RETURN, epoch END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; Iso2Julday ; ; PURPOSE: ; Function to convert and STRARR of standard ISO times into a ; corresponding DOUBLE array containing Julian Dates. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; result = Iso2Julday( ) ; ; INPUTS: ; A STRARR of ISO times (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ) ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; A DBLARR of Julian Days ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; epoch = Iso2Julday( [ '2001-01-01T00:00:00', '2001-05-14T23:45:01' ] ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION iso2julday, iso ; *** Get the number of elements in the input array *** n = N_ELEMENTS(iso) ; *** We are assuming that we have a fully specified time! *** nf = N_ELEMENTS(STRSPLIT(iso(0),'-:TZ')) ; *** Join and then split array into required elements *** iso1 = REFORM(STRSPLIT(STRJOIN(iso,',',/SINGLE),'-:TZ,',/EXTRACT),nf,n) ; *** Convert to Julian day. NB: Month, Day, Year, Hour, Min, Sec RETURN, JULDAY(iso1(1,*),iso1(2,*),iso1(0,*),iso1(3,*),iso1(4,*),iso1(5,*)) END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; FilterNames ; ; PURPOSE: ; Procedure to select which var names are to be extracted from the file. ; By default the search is done on the var name but an alternative ; metadata item can be specified (e.g. CATDESC) by using the SEARCHTAG ; keyword. By default any variables referenced (e.g. DEPEND_0) are also ; selected. This can be switched off with the /NODEPEND keyword. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; FilterNames, cef, varnames, /NODEPEND, SEARCHTAG='CATDESC' ; ; INPUTS: ; cef The cef structure that contains the metadata ; varnames A STRARR that contains a set of search terms ; used to select variables. Standard wildcards ; can be specified. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /NODEPEND Don't try to include dependent variables ; SEARCHTAG The metadata item to search instead of varname ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None The REC_TYPE parameter attribute is updated in the ; cef structure ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; FilterNames, cef, ['B*'] ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* PRO FilterNames, cef, varnames, NODEPEND=nr_flag, SEARCHTAG=stag IF (N_ELEMENTS(stag) NE 1) THEN stag='VARNAME' stag = STRUPCASE(STRTRIM(stag,2)) tags = TAG_NAMES(cef) vidx = WHERE(STRMID(tags,0,6) EQ 'PARAM_', nvar) dep_tags = ['DEPEND_0', 'DEPEND_1', 'DEPEND_2', 'DEPEND_3', $ 'DELTA_PLUS', 'DELTA_MINUS' ] ndtags = N_ELEMENTS(dep_tags) ;*** If no variables detected then no point in continuing IF (nvar EQ 0 ) THEN RETURN ;*** Initialise the table var names vars = STRARR(nvar) varsd = STRARR(nvar) flags = INTARR(nvar) FOR i=0,nvar-1 DO BEGIN vtags = TAG_NAMES(cef.(vidx(i))) sidx = WHERE(vtags EQ stag, sc) IF (sc EQ 1) THEN vars(i) = cef.(vidx(i)).(sidx(0)) varsd(i) = cef.(vidx(i)).VARNAME ENDFOR ;*** Search for vars that match requested input FOR i=0,N_ELEMENTS(varnames)-1 DO $ flags = flags + STRMATCH(vars, varnames(i), /FOLD_CASE) ;*** Check if we need to look for dependencies IF ( NOT KEYWORD_SET(nr_flag) ) THEN BEGIN ;*** Take the vars that match our request nmatch1 = 0 idx = WHERE(flags GT 0, nmatch) WHILE( nmatch1 LT nmatch ) DO BEGIN ;*** For each of these matches FOR j=0,nmatch-1 DO BEGIN ;*** Check the metadata items vtags = TAG_NAMES(cef.(vidx(idx(j)))) ;*** For each of the tags that may contain a reference FOR k=0,ndtags-1 DO BEGIN ;*** See if this tag is included for this var didx = WHERE( vtags EQ dep_tags(k), dn ) IF ( dn GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN ;*** Check that its a simple string attribute ;*** If so then check it against our var list IF (N_ELEMENTS(cef.(vidx(idx(j))).(didx[0])) EQ 1 $ AND SIZE(cef.(vidx(idx(j))).(didx[0]),/TYPE) EQ 7 ) THEN $ flags = flags + STRMATCH(varsd, cef.(vidx(idx(j))).(didx[0]), /FOLD_CASE) ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR nmatch1 = nmatch idx = WHERE(flags GT 0, nmatch) ENDWHILE ENDIF ;*** Disable parameters that we don't want to keep FOR i=0,nvar-1 DO IF (flags(i) LE 0) THEN cef.(vidx(i)).REC_TYPE=-99 END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; FindInclude ; ; PURPOSE: ; Function to try and resolve an include file name by checking ; the ':' seperated list of include directories given by the ; environment variable CEF_INCLUDE. If no match is found then ; an error is generated. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; result = FindInclude( ) ; ; INPUTS: ; A string containing the include filename ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The fully resolved directory/filename ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; epoch = FindInclude( 'test.ceh' ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION FindInclude, inc_name ; *** Get the list of include directories from the environment variable inc_dirs = [STRSPLIT(GETENV('CEF_INCLUDE'),':',/EXTRACT)] flag = 0 ; *** =0 if no match, 1 if match is found i = 0 ; *** index into array of includ directories ; *** Look for includ file in the include directories WHILE( flag EQ 0 AND i LT N_ELEMENTS(inc_dirs) ) DO BEGIN fname = FILEPATH( inc_name, ROOT=inc_dirs(i) ) IF ( inc_dirs(i) NE '' AND FILE_TEST( fname, /READ ) ) THEN $ flag = 1 $ ELSE i = i + 1 ENDWHILE ; *** Found a match! IF ( flag EQ 1 ) THEN RETURN, fname ; *** Didn't find a match CaaNotify, "Include file not found: "+inc_name, /ERR RETURN, inc_name END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; CefSplitRec ; ; PURPOSE: ; Just splits a CEF header record into its key and value parts ; using the first '=' in the record as the delimiter. The key ; part is converted to upper case to ease comparison. The value ; is split into an array of elements separated by ','. If the ; elements are quoted strings then the quotes are removed. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; = CefSplitRec( , , ) ; ; INPUTS: ; The CEF header record being processed ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The function returns 1 if successful and 0 otherwise ; The key part of the 'key = value' ; The value part of the 'key = value' ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IF ( CefSplitRec( 'VALUE_TYPE = FLOAT', key, value ) ) THEN PRINT, key, value ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION CefSplitRec, record, key, val status = 0 ;*** Set default status ; *** look for comment pos = STRPOS( record, '!', /REVERSE_SEARCH ) IF ( pos GT -1 ) THEN record = STRMID(record,0,pos-1) ; *** look for key/value delimiter *** pos = STRPOS( record, '=' ) IF ( pos GT -1 ) THEN BEGIN status = 1 ;*** Extract the key *** key = STRUPCASE(STRTRIM(STRMID(record,0,pos),2)) ;*** Extract the value *** val = STRTRIM(STRMID(record,pos+1),2) ;*** Split value into separate array elements ;*** Handle quoted string elements IF (STRMID(val,0,1) EQ '"') THEN BEGIN val = STRSPLIT(STRMID(val,1,STRLEN(val)-2), $ '"[ '+STRING(9B)+']*,[ '+STRING(9B)+']*"',/REGEX, /EXTRACT) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN val = STRTRIM(STRSPLIT(val,',',/EXTRACT),2) ENDELSE ENDIF RETURN, status END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; CefReadHeadRec ; ; PURPOSE: ; Reads the next CEF header line from the specified unit. If a continuation ; marker is encountered then the next line is read and appended to the ; the record. Comment lines are ignored. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; = CefReadHeadRec( , ) ; ; INPUTS: ; The logical unit which is connected to the input file ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; 1 if header record was extracted and 0 if EOF is reached. ; A string that contains the full header record ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IF ( CefReadHeadRec( lun, record ) ) THEN PRINT, record ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION CefReadHeadRec, lun, record status = 0 ; *** Status flag, set to 1 if complete record found readFlag = 1 ; *** used to flag multi-line records record = '' ; *** String used to hold input ;*** Keep reading unit until got complete entry or end of file *** WHILE ( readFlag AND (NOT EOF(lun)) ) DO BEGIN ;*** read next record *** tempRecord = '' READF, lun, tempRecord tempRecord = STRTRIM(tempRecord, 2) ;*** Trim blanks from start/end ;*** skip comment lines *** IF (STRMID(tempRecord,0,1) EQ '!' ) THEN BEGIN ; PRINT, tempRecord ENDIF ELSE IF ( STRMID(tempRecord, 0, 1, /REVERSE) EQ '\' ) THEN BEGIN record = record + STRMID(tempRecord,0,STRLEN(tempRecord)-1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN record = record + tempRecord ; *** If not blank then finish read of this record *** IF ( STRTRIM(record, 2) NE '' ) THEN BEGIN readFlag = 0 status = 1 ENDIF ELSE record = '' ENDELSE ENDWHILE RETURN, status END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; CefReadData ; ; PURPOSE: ; Reads the data part of a CEF file. It is assumed that the logical unit points ; to the start of the first record to be read from the file. To maximise performace ; there is no error checking so if it hits a file that it does not like then it ; will probably fall over. Note that if it does fall over then there maybe some ; very large unreferenced heap variables left over. To garbage collect these do a ; RETALL then HEAP_GC,/VER or exit from IDL and then restart. Use HELP,/MEM if ; you are unsure as to how much memory IDL is currently using. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; CefReadData, , , ; ; INPUTS: ; Logical unit connected to the input file ; The structure containing the header information ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /JULDAY Returns times in Julian day rather than string ; /CDFEPOCH Returns times in CDF epoch rather than string ; /NOCONV No conversion. Leave all data fields as strings. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The output array containing pointers to the parameter data ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; CefReadData, lun, cef, param ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* PRO CefReadData, lun, cef, param, TRANGE=trange, $ JULDAY=jd_flag, CDFEPOCH=ep_flag, NOCONV=nc_flag CaaNotify, 'Reading data records, please wait...' ; *** Define the read buffer that we'll use to pull in chunks ; *** of the file. This is a trade off between memory footprint ; *** and speed. Note that the working buffer is twice this size. ; *** The buffer size should be much bigger than the typical ; *** record size or perfromance will be worse than just reading ; *** a records at a time. buffer_size = 2000000L read_buffer = BYTARR(buffer_size) work_buffer = BYTARR(2*buffer_size) work_size = 0L ; *** Define the delimeters used in the CEF file comment=(BYTE('!'))[0] eor=(BYTE(cef.EOR))[0] comma=(BYTE(','))[0] eol=10B ; *** Build a new CEF structure so that we can modify the parameter ; *** sub-structures. ceftags = TAG_NAMES(cef) FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(ceftags) - 1 DO BEGIN IF ( i EQ 0 ) THEN cef1 = CREATE_STRUCT(ceftags(i), cef.(i)) $ ELSE IF ( STRMID(ceftags(i),0,6) NE 'PARAM_' ) THEN $ cef1 = CREATE_STRUCT( cef1, ceftags(i), cef.(i)) ENDFOR cef1.nparam =1 ;*** set nparam to 1 when it is added to the parameter data ; *** Set the processing state flag (1=first record, 2=subsequent records, 0 = end of file ) flag = 1 ;*** set to 1 for first page, 2 for subsequent pages and 0 when read to end of file trflag = 1 ;*** set to 0 if no more data required in requested time range n_rec = 0 ;*** number of records read n_fields = 0 ;*** number of fields per record ; *** Keep reading until we reach the end of the file. WHILE( NOT EOF(lun) AND trflag GT 0 ) DO BEGIN ;*** read the next chunk of the file ;*** catch errors to avoid warning message if we read past end of file ON_IOERROR, skip READU, lun, read_buffer skip: ON_IOERROR, NULL ;*** calculate how much data we've read IF ( read_buffer(buffer_size - 1) NE 0B ) THEN read_size = buffer_size $ ELSE read_size=(WHERE(read_buffer EQ 0B))[0] ;*** transfer this onto the end of the work buffer and update size of work buffer IF (read_size GT 0 ) THEN work_buffer[work_size] = $ read_buffer[0:read_size-1] work_size = work_size + read_size ;*** look for delimeters, EOR, comments, EOL etc pos_eor = WHERE( work_buffer(0:work_size-1) EQ eor, n_eor ) IF ( n_eor GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN pos1 = pos_eor(n_eor-1)+1 pos2 = work_size-1 work_size = pos1-1 ENDIF ELSE BREAK pos_comment = WHERE( work_buffer(0:work_size-1) EQ comment, n_comment ) pos_eol = WHERE( work_buffer(0:work_size-1) EQ eol, n_eol ) ;*** search for blank lines and remove (only important if eol is also eor) ;*** DEBUG - this has not yet been tested and is currently disabled ;idx_el = WHERE( idx2(1:c-1)-idx2(0:c-2) LE 10, c1 ) ;IF (c1 GT 0) THEN $ ; FOR i=0L, c1-1 DO buf(idx2(idx2a(i)+1)) = 32B ;*** remove comment lines by setting to spaces (32B) IF (n_comment GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0L, n_comment-1 DO BEGIN j = pos_comment(i) WHILE( work_buffer(j) NE eol ) DO BEGIN work_buffer(j) = 32B j = j+1 ENDWHILE work_buffer(j) = 32B ENDFOR ENDIF ;*** remove eol by setting to spaces (32B) IF (n_eol GT 0 ) THEN work_buffer(pos_eol) = 32B ;*** we replace all eor with comma so we can quickly split the buffer ;*** this assumes that the data is well formed with the same number ;*** of fields on every record. work_buffer(pos_eor) = comma ;*** work out number of fields per record by counting commas up to first eor IF ( n_fields EQ 0 ) THEN temp = WHERE( work_buffer(0:pos_eor(0)) EQ comma, n_fields ) ;*** split the buffer into separate fields fields = STRTRIM(STRSPLIT(STRING(work_buffer(0:work_size-1)), ',', /EXTRACT),2) nt_fields = N_ELEMENTS(fields) if ( fields[nt_fields-1] eq '' ) then begin ; test_read_caa(2) fields= fields[0:nt_fields-2] nt_fields = N_ELEMENTS(fields) endif ;*** reform the to a num_fields x num_rec array IF ( (nt_fields MOD n_fields) NE 0 ) THEN CaaNotify, "Bad number of fields - truncated file?",/ERR fields = REFORM(fields, n_fields, N_ELEMENTS(fields)/n_fields, /OVERWRITE ) n_recp = N_ELEMENTS(fields)/n_fields ;*** see if we want to subset the data range IF ( N_ELEMENTS(trange) GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN ridx = LONARR(n_recp) trflag = 0 FOR it=0,N_ELEMENTS(trange)-1 DO BEGIN ts = STRSPLIT(trange[it],'/',/EXTRACT) idx1 = WHERE(fields(0,*) GE ts(0) AND fields(0,*) LT ts(1), tcount) IF ( tcount GT 0 ) THEN ridx(idx1)=ridx(idx1)+1 IF ( fields(0,n_recp-1) LT ts(1) ) THEN trflag = trflag + 1 ENDFOR ridx = WHERE( ridx GT 0, tcount ) IF ( tcount LE 0 ) THEN GOTO, skip1 ENDIF ELSE ridx = LINDGEN(n_recp) n_rec = n_rec + N_ELEMENTS(ridx) CaaNotify, "Reading data, "+fields(0,0)+" to "+fields(0,n_recp-1)+" Stored rec #:"+STRING(n_rec), /DEBUG tmp_dpa = PTRARR(cef.nparam) FOR i = 0, cef.nparam-1 DO BEGIN name = STRING('PARAM_',i+1, FORMAT='(A,I3.3)') idx = (WHERE(ceftags EQ name))[0] ;IF ( i GT 0 ) THEN cef.(idx).REC_TYPE = -2 IF ( cef.(idx).REC_TYPE GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN IF ( KEYWORD_SET(nc_flag) ) THEN vt = 'CHAR' ELSE vt = cef.(idx).VALUE_TYPE s1 = cef.(idx).CEF_FIELD_POS(0) s2 = cef.(idx).CEF_FIELD_POS(1) CASE vt OF 'CHAR': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(fields[s1:s2,ridx]) 'DOUBLE': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(DOUBLE(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) 'FLOAT': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(FLOAT(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) 'INT': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(LONG(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) 'ISO_TIME': IF (KEYWORD_SET(jd_flag) ) THEN $ tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(iso2julday(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) $ ELSE IF (KEYWORD_SET(ep_flag) ) THEN $ tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(iso2cdfepoch(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) $ ELSE tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(fields[s1:s2,ridx]) 'ISO_TIME_RANGE': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(fields[s1:s2,ridx]) ELSE: tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(fields[s1:s2,ridx]) ENDCASE ENDIF ENDFOR IF ( flag EQ 2 ) THEN dpa = [ [dpa], [TEMPORARY(tmp_dpa)] ] $ ELSE BEGIN flag = 2 dpa = REFORM(TEMPORARY(tmp_dpa),cef.nparam,1) ENDELSE ;*** we want to keep the part of the buffer not yet processed skip1: IF (pos2-pos1 GE 0 ) THEN BEGIN work_buffer(0) = work_buffer(pos1:pos2) work_size = pos2-pos1+1 ENDIF ELSE work_size = 0 ;*** keep going until there is no more file to read IF ( read_size LT buffer_size ) THEN flag = 0 ENDWHILE ;*** Finished with input file FREE_LUN, lun ;*** Release memory used by the work and read buffers work_buffer = 0 read_buffer = 0 ;*** Build the result array - we've read all the data so we know how many records there are! cef1.nrec = n_rec ;*** Store the number of records in the metadata structure cef.nrec = n_rec ;*** For each parameter build a metadata/data struture ;*** In theory we could filter out parameters that we don't want ;*** which would save processing time and memory. Ideally we would ;*** also do that above when we generate the dpa pointers. IF ( N_ELEMENTS(dpa) GT 0 ) THEN npage = (SIZE(dpa,/DIM))[1] ELSE npage =0 flag = 0 FOR i = 0, cef.nparam-1 DO BEGIN name = STRING('PARAM_',i+1, FORMAT='(A,I3.3)') idx = (WHERE(ceftags EQ name))[0] pstru = CREATE_STRUCT(cef1, cef.(idx)) ;*** Hack so we don't fall over if we get an empty file ;*** REC_TYPE: -2=no rec, -1=param disabled, 0=non-record vary, 1=normal IF ( n_rec EQ 0 AND pstru.REC_TYPE GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN pstru.REC_TYPE = -2 pstru.nrec = 0 ENDIF IF ( pstru.REC_TYPE GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN ;***For record varying parameters *** ;*** Check value type for conversion IF ( KEYWORD_SET(nc_flag) ) THEN vt = 'CHAR' ELSE vt = pstru.VALUE_TYPE CaaNotify, "Creating data array for "+pstru.VARNAME, /DEBUG ;*** Create the DATA array *** CASE vt OF 'CHAR': pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', STRARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'DOUBLE': pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( psrtu, 'DATA', DBLARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'FLOAT': pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', FLTARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'INT': pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', LONARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'ISO_TIME': IF ( KEYWORD_SET(jd_flag) OR KEYWORD_SET(ep_FLAG) ) THEN $ pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', DBLARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) $ ELSE pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', STRARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'ISO_TIME_RANGE':pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', STRARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) ELSE: pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', STRARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) ENDCASE ;*** Fill the arrays *** dpos = 0L ;*** Current record number s = pstru.CEF_FIELD_POS(1) - pstru.CEF_FIELD_POS(0) + 1 ;*** Check value type for conversion ;*** For each of data pages that we've read FOR j=0, npage-1 DO BEGIN siz = SIZE(*dpa(i,j),/DIM) IF (N_ELEMENTS(siz) EQ 2 ) THEN pn = siz(1) ELSE pn = 1 ;*** Number of records in this block *** p1 = dpos*s ;*** Start psoition p2 = p1 + pn*s - 1 ;*** End position pstru.DATA[p1:p2] = *dpa(i,j) PTR_FREE, dpa(i,j) dpos = dpos+pn ;*** Update record position ENDFOR ENDIF ;*** Create the output array as a collection of the parameter strutures IF ( pstru.REC_TYPE GT -99 ) THEN BEGIN IF ( flag EQ 0 ) THEN param = [ PTR_NEW(pstru, /NO_COPY) ] $ ELSE param = [ param, PTR_NEW(pstru, /NO_COPY) ] flag = flag + 1 ENDIF ENDFOR ;*** Make sure we don't leave any unwanted storage allocated IF (N_ELEMENTS(dpa) GT 0) THEN HEAP_FREE, dpa CaaNotify, "Reading of data complete", /DEBUG END ;============================================================================================== ; *** START OF PUBLIC ROUTINES ;============================================================================================== ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; cef_get_attr ; ; PURPOSE: ; Returns the requested attribute from the variable ; ; CATEGORY: ; Public-Support ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; = cef_get_attr( vararr, varid, attr, STATUS=status ) ; ; INPUTS: ; vararr The variable pointer array returned from cef_read ; varid The variable index. This can be either the index number ; for the variable array element in vararr or the name of ; the variable. ; attr The attribute name to be searched for ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; STATUS=stat Returns the status of the search ; -1 If the variable could not be identified ; -2 If the attribute was not found ; 1 If a unique match was found ; 2 If multiple attributes match, only the first is returned ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Either the attribute from the requested variable or an empty string. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; result = cef_get_attr( vararr, 0, 'VARNAME') ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION cef_get_attr, varptr, varid, attr, STATUS=status status = 0 ; *** If varid given as STRING then need to work out varptr index IF ( SIZE(varid,/TYPE) EQ 7 ) THEN BEGIN varidx = -1 FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(varptr)-1 DO BEGIN IF ( STRMATCH(cef_get_attr(varptr, i, 'VARNAME'), varid, /FOLD_CASE) ) THEN BEGIN varidx = i BREAK ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF ( varid GE 0 AND varid LT N_ELEMENTS(varptr) ) THEN varidx = varid $ ELSE varidx = -1 ENDELSE ; *** Check if we found a variable IF ( varidx LT 0 ) THEN BEGIN CaaNotify, 'Request for attribute from unknown variable: '+varid, /DEBUG status = -1 RETURN, '' ENDIF ; *** Now check for attribute tags = TAG_NAMES(*varptr(varidx)) idx = WHERE(STRMATCH(tags, attr, /FOLD_CASE), count) IF ( count EQ 0 ) THEN BEGIN ;*** No matches, return empty string and set status status = -2 RETURN, '' ENDIF ELSE IF ( count EQ 1 ) THEN BEGIN ;*** One match status = 1 RETURN, (*varptr(varidx)).(idx(0)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;*** Multiple matches, just return first but set status status = 2 RETURN, (*varptr(varidx)).(idx(0)) ENDELSE END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; cef_read ; ; PURPOSE: ; Read a CEF file into an IDL struture ; ; CATEGORY: ; Public-Support ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; cef_read( [filename], [INCLUDE=cef], [/NODATA], [/JULDAY], [/CDFEPOCH] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; filename Filename of CEF to be read. If not supplied a file selection ; widget is displayed. CEF or Gzip'd CEF can be specified. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; VAR=[names] Array of regular expression of names to match. By default ; all variables will be returned. ; INCLUDE=cef [PRIVATE] Used for recursive reading of include files. ; /NODEPEND Normally any depend variables will be included even if ; not explicitly requested. Use this option to disable ; the inclusion of any referenced variables. ; /NODATA Only read header information ; /JULDAY Returns times in Julian Days rather than the default iso string ; /CDFEPOCH Returns times in CDF EPOCH rather than the default iso string ; ; OUTPUTS: ; An array (or structure, when /NODATA) that contains the result ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; result = cef_read( 'fgm.cef' ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION cef_read, readFile, INCLUDE=cef, NODATA=nd_flag, VAR=vnames, $ NODEPEND=nr_flag, SEARCHTAG=stag, _EXTRA=extra HEAP_GC,/VER ;*** If the header structure is not yet defined then create it IF (N_ELEMENTS(cef) EQ 0) THEN cef = { ERROR: 0, NGLOBAL:0, NPARAM:0, NREC:0L, EOR:10B } ;*** Check flags IF ( NOT KEYWORD_SET(nr_flag) ) THEN nr_flag = 0 nv_flag = N_ELEMENTS(vnames) ;*** If a file is not specified ask user to pick one IF ( NOT KEYWORD_SET(readFile)) THEN $ readFile=DIALOG_PICKFILE(FILTER="*.cef;*.cef.gz", /READ, /MUST_EXIST) ;*** Make sure the input file is accessible IF (NOT FILE_TEST(readFile, /READ)) THEN BEGIN CaaNotify,"Can't open or read file "+readFile+" for import", /ERROR cef.ERROR = 1 RETURN, cef ENDIF ;*** Set result to dummy value param = -1 CaaNotify, "Reading "+readFile ;*** Look at file extension to determine if it is a compressed file IF ( STRUPCASE(STRMID(readFile,2,3,/REVERSE)) EQ ".GZ" ) THEN $ compressFlag = 1 $ ELSE compressFlag = 0 ; *** Open the file *** OPENR, lun, readFile, /GET_LUN, COMPRESS=compressFlag, ERROR=err IF ( err NE 0 ) THEN BEGIN dummy = DIALOG_MESSAGE(!ERROR_STATE.MSG, /ERROR) cef.ERROR = 1 RETURN, cef ENDIF ; *** Set the initial state of the header parser *** state = "TOP" state1 = "END" ; *** data index pdata = 0 ; *** Keep reading until end of header information or no more records *** WHILE( state NE "DATA_READ" AND state NE "END" ) DO BEGIN ;*** Try to read header record IF ( NOT CefReadHeadRec(lun, record) ) THEN BREAK ; *** Get the keyword/value(s) for this record IF ( CefSplitRec(record, key, value) ) THEN BEGIN ;*** Use the parser state to check what we are looking for CASE state OF "TOP": BEGIN ;*** Use the keyword to determine the action CASE key OF "START_META": BEGIN ;*** New global metadata item *** state = "GLOBAL" gName = value[0] gStru = { VALUE_TYPE: "CHAR" } eCount = 0 END "START_VARIABLE": BEGIN ;*** New parameter *** state = "PARAM" pName = value[0] pStru = { REC_TYPE:1, VARNAME:pName } END "INCLUDE": IF ( value[0] NE readFile ) THEN $ param = cef_read(findinclude(value[0]), INCLUDE=cef, _EXTRA=extra) "DATA_UNTIL": BEGIN ;*** Start of data *** state = "DATA_READ" cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, 'DATA_UNTIL', value[0]) END ;*** Special CEF defined items at the top level *** "FILE_NAME": cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, 'FILE_NAME', value[0] ) "FILE_FORMAT_VERSION": cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, 'FILE_FORMAT_VERSION', value[0] ) "END_OF_RECORD_MARKER": cef.EOR = (BYTE(value[0]))[0] ELSE: CaaNotify, "Unsupported key "+key,/ERR ENDCASE END "GLOBAL": BEGIN ;*** Global metadata handling IF (N_ELEMENTS(value) GT 1) THEN $ CaaNotify, "Global entry not allowed multiple values per entry : "+gName,/ERR CASE key OF "END_META": BEGIN state = "TOP" IF (value[0] NE gName) THEN $ CaaNotify, "END_VARIABLE expected "+gName+" got "+value[0],/ERROR IF ( ecount EQ 1 ) THEN gStru = CREATE_STRUCT( gStru, 'ENTRY', element[0] ) $ ELSE gStru = CREATE_STRUCT( gStru, 'ENTRY', element ) cef.nglobal = cef.nglobal+1 IF ( gstru.VALUE_TYPE EQ 'CHAR' ) THEN cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, gname, gStru.ENTRY ) $ ELSE cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, gname, gStru ) END ; *** WARNING: In theory CEF allows a different VALUE_TYPE for each entry ; *** this is a 'feature' from CDF but I can't think of a situation where ; *** it is useful. This feature is not currently supported by this ; *** software and so we just assign a type based on the last specification ; *** of the VALUE_TYPE. "VALUE_TYPE": gStru.VALUE_TYPE = value[0] "ENTRY": BEGIN ; *** If this is the second entry then must be multi entry global *** IF ( eCount EQ 0 ) THEN element = [ value[0] ] $ ELSE element = [ element, value[0] ] eCount = eCount + 1 END ELSE: CaaNotify, "Unsupported global key "+key , /ERR ENDCASE END "PARAM": BEGIN ;*** Parameter description handling IF ( key EQ "END_VARIABLE") THEN BEGIN ;*** Set some defaults if not provided in the file tags = TAG_NAMES(pStru) id = WHERE( tags EQ 'SIZES', c ) IF ( c EQ 0 ) THEN pStru = CREATE_STRUCT( pStru, 'SIZES', 1L ) IF (pStru.REC_TYPE EQ 0) THEN data_idx = [-1L,-1L] $ ELSE BEGIN n = LONG(pstru.SIZES[0]) FOR i=1, N_ELEMENTS(pstru.SIZES)-1 DO n = n * LONG(pstru.SIZES[i]) data_idx = [pdata,pdata+n-1] pdata = pdata+n ENDELSE pStru = CREATE_STRUCT(pStru, 'CEF_FIELD_POS', data_idx) ;*** Change parser state state = "TOP" ;*** Check this is the end of the correct parameter! IF (value[0] NE pName) THEN $ CaaNotify, "END_VARIABLE expected "+pName+" got "+value[0],/ERROR ;*** Update the number of parameters cef.nparam = cef.nparam + 1 ;*** Parameter names can be too long for structure element name ;*** so just use a sequential number pname = STRING('PARAM_',cef.nparam, FORMAT='(A,I3.3)') cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, pname, pStru ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF ( key EQ 'DATA' ) THEN BEGIN pStru.REC_TYPE = 0 ;*** Flag non-record varying data ;******************************** ;At the moment we just add non-record varying data as string array ;we should really check SIZES and VALUE_TYPE and reform and retype ;data as we do for the real data fields. Something for the next release? ;******************************** ENDIF ELSE IF ( key EQ 'SIZES' AND N_ELEMENTS(value) GT 1 ) THEN BEGIN value = REVERSE( value ) ENDIF IF (N_ELEMENTS(value) GT 1 ) THEN pStru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, key, value ) $ ELSE pStru = CREATE_STRUCT( pStru, key, value[0] ) ENDELSE END ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE CaaNotify, "Bad record? "+record, /ERROR ENDWHILE ;*** Finished reading the header in the current file ;*** if state is END then we are at the end of the file ;*** for example this may be the end of an include file ;*** If the state is DATA_READ then we've reached the ;*** end of the header and are currently pointed at the ;*** start of the actual data! IF ( state EQ "DATA_READ" ) THEN BEGIN ;*** Check if not all vars are to be returned. IF (nv_flag GT 0) THEN filterNames, cef, vnames, NODEPEND=nr_flag, SEARCHTAG=stag IF ( KEYWORD_SET(nd_flag) ) THEN param = cef $ ELSE BEGIN CefReadData, lun, cef, param, _EXTRA=extra ENDELSE ENDIF ;*** Done with this file so close it FREE_LUN, lun CaaNotify, "Finished reading "+readFile ;*** Return the result RETURN, param END ;########################## EXAMPLES ############################ PRO example1 ;*** When using pointers its a good idea garbage collect ;*** any allocated memory that is no longer referenced HEAP_GC ;*** Read the CEF file. The JULDAY flag is used to get the ;*** times returned in MJD so that we can use the IDL ;*** LABEL_DATE function for easy time axis plotting. ;*** The TR lets us specify a time range for the interval ;*** to be returned. result = cef_read( 'cis.cef.gz', /JULDAY ) FOR i=0,N_ELEMENTS(result)-1 DO BEGIN PRINT, STRTRIM(i,2)+ ': '+ (*result(i)).VARNAME+ $ ' ('+STRJOIN(STRTRIM((*result(i)).SIZES,2),',')+')' PRINT, ' ', (*result(i)).CATDESC PRINT ENDFOR np=3 dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT="%H:%I:%S!C%Y-%N-%D") PLOT, (*result(0)).DATA, (*result(np)).DATA, $ YTITLE=(*result(np)).LABLAXIS + '!C' + (*result(np)).UNITS, $ XSTYLE=1, XTICKUNITS='TIME', XTICKFORMAT='LABEL_DATE', $ YRANGE=[0.001,1], /YLOG, PSYM=3 ;*** We've finished with the data so free up the memory HEAP_FREE, result END ;################ ;*** This is a slightly more advanced example that tries to plot ;*** time series of all the returned data parameters. ;*** This is just intended as an example! Don't expect it to ;*** to produce sensible results with all products! PRO example2, filename IF ( N_ELEMENTS(filename) EQ 0 ) THEN filename = 'cis.cef.gz' ;*** Again we start by trying to free any unused space on the heap HEAP_GC ;*** Read the data file result = cef_read( filename, /JULDAY ) ;*** Get the number of variables and create some arrays to hold ;*** the names and status of the parameters n_var = N_ELEMENTS(result) var_name = STRARR(n_var) d_var = INTARR(n_var) ;*** First pass to extract var names and identify data variables ;*** Note that we use the PARAMETER_TYPE attribute to ignore ;*** support variables. FOR i = 0, n_var-1 DO BEGIN var_name(i) = cef_get_attr( result, i, 'VARNAME' ) d_var(i) = STRMATCH(cef_get_attr( result, i, 'PARAMETER_TYPE'),'DATA*',/FOLD_CASE) IF ( N_ELEMENTS(cef_get_attr( result, i, 'SIZES')) GT 1 ) THEN d_var(i) = 0 ENDFOR ;*** Now we are ready to do a second pass where we will produce the plot n_plots = TOTAL(d_var) ; *** Number of panels *** dy = 0.90/n_plots ; *** Height of panels *** yoff = 0.05 ; *** Vertical offset *** dx = 0.80 ; *** Width of panels *** xoff = 0.10 ; *** Horizontal offset ** ;*** Use the DATASET_TITLE to label the plot title = cef_get_attr(result,0,'DATASET_TITLE') + '!C'+ $ cef_get_attr(result,0,'INSTRUMENT_NAME') + ' - ' + $ cef_get_attr(result,0,'DATASET_ID') ;*** Flag used with the NOERASE keyword on PLOT ne_flag = 0 ;*** Loop through each of the variables FOR i = 0, n_var-1 DO BEGIN ;*** Check if this is a parameter to be plotted IF ( d_var(i) ) THEN BEGIN n_plots = n_plots - 1 ;*** Update the panel count *** ;*** If we are at the last panel we want a time axis otherwise we don't *** IF ( n_plots EQ 0 ) THEN dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT="%H:%I:%S!C%Y-%N-%D") $ ELSE dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT=" ") ;*** Set the plot position for this panel *** !P.POSITION=[ xoff, yoff+n_plots*dy, xoff+dx, yoff+(n_plots+0.98)*dy ] ;*** Look for the DEPEND_0 - In the previous example we just ;*** assumed that it was the first variable which should be ;*** safe most of the time, but here we actually check! depend0 = WHERE( var_name EQ cef_get_attr(result,i,'DEPEND_0'), count ) ;*** If not found then skip to the next parameter IF ( count EQ 0 ) THEN BREAK ;*** Look for fill values and replace with NaNs fillval = cef_get_attr(result,i,'FILLVAL', STATUS=status) IF ( status GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN idx = WHERE( (*result(i)).DATA EQ fillval, count ) IF ( count GT 0 ) THEN (*result(i)).DATA(idx) = !VALUES.F_NAN ENDIF ;*** Use MIN/MAX to determine data range v2 = MAX( (*result(i)).DATA, MIN=v1, /NAN ) IF (v2 EQ v1) THEN v2 = v1 + 1.0 ;*** Based on data range decide if we want to do a log plot IF ( v1 GT 0 AND v2/v1 GT 50 AND (*result(i)).VALUE_TYPE EQ 'FLOAT' ) THEN ylog=1 ELSE ylog=0 ;*** Plot the panel PLOT, (*result(depend0(0))).DATA, (*result(i)).DATA(0,*), $ YTITLE=cef_get_attr(result,i,'LABLAXIS') + '!C' + cef_get_attr(result,i,'UNITS'), $ XTICKUNITS='TIME', XTICKFORMAT='LABEL_DATE', $ YRANGE=[v1,v2], YLOG=ylog, TITLE=title, $ NOERASE=ne_flag ;*** If there are multiple components, overplot in the same panel IF ( FIX((*result(i)).SIZES) GT 1 ) THEN BEGIN FOR j=1,FIX((*result(i)).SIZES)-1 DO BEGIN OPLOT, (*result(depend0(0))).DATA, (*result(i)).DATA(j,*), LINESTYLE=j ENDFOR lab = cef_get_attr(result,i,'LABEL_1') IF ( N_ELEMENTS(lab) EQ 1 ) THEN lab = cef_get_attr(result,i,'REPRESENTATION_1') IF ( N_ELEMENTS(lab) EQ 1 ) THEN $ lab = cef_get_attr(result,cef_get_attr(result,i,'DEPEND_1'),'DATA') FOR j=0, N_ELEMENTS(lab)-1 DO BEGIN x = xoff+dx+0.01 y = yoff+(n_plots+1)*dy-(j+1)*0.015 XYOUTS, x, y, lab(j), /NORM, CHARSIZE=0.75 PLOTS, [x, x+0.05], [y-0.005,y-0.005], /NORM, LINESTYLE=j ENDFOR ENDIF title = '' ;*** only want title on first panel *** ne_flag = 1 ;*** don't want to erase previous panels *** ENDIF ENDFOR XYOUTS, 0.01, 0.005, 'File ID: '+cef_get_attr(result,0,'LOGICAL_FILE_ID'), CHARSIZE=0.5, /NORM XYOUTS, 0.99, 0.005, 'Plotted: '+SYSTIME(), /NORM,ALIGN=1.0,CHARSIZE=0.5 ;*** Finished with the data so free the heap memory HEAP_FREE, result ;*** Put plot position back to the default !P.POSITION=0 END PK 5IX04org/autoplot/cefdatasource/; ******************************************************************* ; PROJECT: ESA Cluster Active Archive ; COMPONENT: Cluster Exchange Format ; MODULE: IDL CEF Reader ; LANGUAGE: IDL 6.3 ; AUTHOR: ; DATE: 2007-08-16 ; ; Description: ; This is a preliminary simple IDL based reader for CAA data downloaded ; in the Cluster Exchange Format (CEF-2). This is an ALPHA release and ; there are some known limitations which mean that it may fall over ; when reading some correctly formatted CEF files. ; ; To try and maximise the speed little syntax checking is performed, ; and if you supply an invalid CEF the most likely outcome is that ; the software will fall over! If you are only using CEF files ; obtained from the CAA then these should already have been syntax ; checked and you should not encounter problems with the majority ; of data sets. ; ; The software is 100% IDL so has the advantage that it should run ; on any platform that supports IDL. Of course the disadvantage of ; an IDL only solution is performance when reading the ASCII CEF ; format. Some testing has been performed on Linux and PC but not ; yet on Mac or other platforms. As a benchmark, on the test systems ; the software will read CEF files at about 1-2 MB/s so if you have ; a 20 MB file it will take about 10-20s to read. ; This is is still an Alpha release so you may encounter problems. ; If you do, PLEASE REPORT THEM so that we can try and resolve them ; for all users! ; ; Usage: ; result = cef_read( [filename], [/NODATA], [/JULDAY], [/CDFEPOCH] ) ; ; If filename is not supplied then a file selection widget will be ; displayed. ; The result is an array of pointers to parameter structure containing ; the data and associated global and variable metadata. ; If /NODATA is used then the global metadata as a top level structure. ; If the /NODATA flag is not used then the global metadata is copied ; into each of the indivdual parameter sub-structures along with a ; DATA element that contains the actual data values. The result ; array therefore only consists of a set of pointers to a parameter ; structures. ; By default time will be returned as the source ASCII time string ; but you can use the /JULDAY or /CDFEPOCH keywords in which case ; the DATA element will be returned as a DOUBLE and contain the ; converted time. ; ; Example: ; result = cef_read('fgm.cef.gz') ; (time to read 93MB compressed file on test system 3m09s) ; ; then: ; FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(result)-1 DO PRINT, i,': ',(*result(i)).VARNAME ; gives: ; 0: time_tags__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 1: half_interval__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 2: B_vec_xyz_gse__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 3: B_mag__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 4: sc_pos_xyz_gse__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 5: range__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; 6: tm__C1_CP_FGM_FULL ; ; HELP, (*result(0)).DATA, (*result(2)).DATA ; DOUBLE = Array[1, 5122157] ; FLOAT = Array[3, 5122157] ; ; ******************************************************************* ; $Id:,v 2.6 2007/08/22 08:54:54 cperry Exp cperry $ ; ******************************************************************* ; ******************************************************************* ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 2.6 2007/08/22 08:54:54 cperry ; Fixed problem with dimensioning of multi-dimensional arrays. ; See TN-0016 for details on how multi-dimensional arrays ; should be accessed using this software. ; ; ******************************************************************* ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; CaaNotify ; ; PURPOSE: ; Currently this is just a dummy error message handling routine. ; It just prints out the supplied string and if the error flag ; was raised then it STOPs allowing the developer to investigate ; the problem. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; CaaNotify, , [ /ERROR ], [ /WARN ], [/DEBUG], [ /QUIET ] ; ; INPUTS: ; The string to be printed on stdout ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /ERROR Halt the program ; /WARN (not currently used) ; /DEBUG Debugging message (need to set QUIET=-1 to view ; /QUIET /QUIET switches off all but ERR and WARN ; use QUIET=0 to re-enable standard messages ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; CaaNotify, 'File not found', /ERROR ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* PRO caanotify, message, ERROR=err, WARN=warn, DEBUG=dbug, QUIET=ql COMMON caanotify_cb, quiet_level IF ( N_ELEMENTS(quiet_level) EQ 0 ) THEN quiet_level = 0 IF ( N_ELEMENTS(ql) GT 0 ) THEN quiet_level = ql IF ( N_ELEMENTS(message) GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN IF ( quiet_level LE 2 AND KEYWORD_SET(err) ) THEN PRINT, "ERROR: "+message $ ELSE IF ( quiet_level LE 1 AND KEYWORD_SET(warn) ) THEN PRINT, "WARN: "+message $ ELSE IF ( quiet_level LE -1 AND KEYWORD_SET(dbug)) THEN PRINT, "DEBUG: "+systime()+" - "+message $ ELSE IF ( quiet_level LE 0 AND NOT KEYWORD_SET(dbug)) THEN PRINT, "INFO: "+message ENDIF IF (KEYWORD_SET(err)) THEN message, message END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; Iso2CdfEpoch ; ; PURPOSE: ; Function to convert a STRARR of standard ISO times into a ; corresponding DOUBLE array containing CDFepoch times. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; result = Iso2CdfEpoch( ) ; ; INPUTS: ; A STRARR of ISO times (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ) ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; A DBLARR of CDFepoch times ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; epoch = Iso2CdfEpoch( [ '2001-01-01T00:00:00', '2001-05-14T23:45:01' ] ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION iso2cdfepoch, iso ; *** Get the number of elements in the input array *** n = N_ELEMENTS(iso) ; *** Create a DBL array to hold the result CDF epoch values epoch = DBLARR(1,n) ; *** Convert each input string to the corresponding CDF epoch value FOR i=0L, n-1 DO BEGIN READS, iso(i), y, m, d, hr, mn, sc, $ FORMAT="(I4.4,X,I2.2,X,I2.2,X,I2.2,X,I2.2,X,F)" ms = ((hr*60.0+mn)*60.0+sc)*1000.0 CDF_EPOCH, ep, y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, ms, /COMPUTE epoch(0,i) = ep ENDFOR ; *** Return the result *** RETURN, epoch END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; Iso2Julday ; ; PURPOSE: ; Function to convert and STRARR of standard ISO times into a ; corresponding DOUBLE array containing Julian Dates. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; result = Iso2Julday( ) ; ; INPUTS: ; A STRARR of ISO times (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ) ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; A DBLARR of Julian Days ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; epoch = Iso2Julday( [ '2001-01-01T00:00:00', '2001-05-14T23:45:01' ] ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION iso2julday, iso ; *** Get the number of elements in the input array *** n = N_ELEMENTS(iso) ; *** We are assuming that we have a fully specified time! *** nf = N_ELEMENTS(STRSPLIT(iso(0),'-:TZ')) ; *** Join and then split array into required elements *** iso1 = REFORM(STRSPLIT(STRJOIN(iso,',',/SINGLE),'-:TZ,',/EXTRACT),nf,n) ; *** Convert to Julian day. NB: Month, Day, Year, Hour, Min, Sec RETURN, JULDAY(iso1(1,*),iso1(2,*),iso1(0,*),iso1(3,*),iso1(4,*),iso1(5,*)) END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; FilterNames ; ; PURPOSE: ; Procedure to select which var names are to be extracted from the file. ; By default the search is done on the var name but an alternative ; metadata item can be specified (e.g. CATDESC) by using the SEARCHTAG ; keyword. By default any variables referenced (e.g. DEPEND_0) are also ; selected. This can be switched off with the /NODEPEND keyword. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; FilterNames, cef, varnames, /NODEPEND, SEARCHTAG='CATDESC' ; ; INPUTS: ; cef The cef structure that contains the metadata ; varnames A STRARR that contains a set of search terms ; used to select variables. Standard wildcards ; can be specified. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /NODEPEND Don't try to include dependent variables ; SEARCHTAG The metadata item to search instead of varname ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None The REC_TYPE parameter attribute is updated in the ; cef structure ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; FilterNames, cef, ['B*'] ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* PRO FilterNames, cef, varnames, NODEPEND=nr_flag, SEARCHTAG=stag IF (N_ELEMENTS(stag) NE 1) THEN stag='VARNAME' stag = STRUPCASE(STRTRIM(stag,2)) tags = TAG_NAMES(cef) vidx = WHERE(STRMID(tags,0,6) EQ 'PARAM_', nvar) dep_tags = ['DEPEND_0', 'DEPEND_1', 'DEPEND_2', 'DEPEND_3', $ 'DELTA_PLUS', 'DELTA_MINUS' ] ndtags = N_ELEMENTS(dep_tags) ;*** If no variables detected then no point in continuing IF (nvar EQ 0 ) THEN RETURN ;*** Initialise the table var names vars = STRARR(nvar) varsd = STRARR(nvar) flags = INTARR(nvar) FOR i=0,nvar-1 DO BEGIN vtags = TAG_NAMES(cef.(vidx(i))) sidx = WHERE(vtags EQ stag, sc) IF (sc EQ 1) THEN vars(i) = cef.(vidx(i)).(sidx(0)) varsd(i) = cef.(vidx(i)).VARNAME ENDFOR ;*** Search for vars that match requested input FOR i=0,N_ELEMENTS(varnames)-1 DO $ flags = flags + STRMATCH(vars, varnames(i), /FOLD_CASE) ;*** Check if we need to look for dependencies IF ( NOT KEYWORD_SET(nr_flag) ) THEN BEGIN ;*** Take the vars that match our request nmatch1 = 0 idx = WHERE(flags GT 0, nmatch) WHILE( nmatch1 LT nmatch ) DO BEGIN ;*** For each of these matches FOR j=0,nmatch-1 DO BEGIN ;*** Check the metadata items vtags = TAG_NAMES(cef.(vidx(idx(j)))) ;*** For each of the tags that may contain a reference FOR k=0,ndtags-1 DO BEGIN ;*** See if this tag is included for this var didx = WHERE( vtags EQ dep_tags(k), dn ) IF ( dn GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN ;*** Check that its a simple string attribute ;*** If so then check it against our var list IF (N_ELEMENTS(cef.(vidx(idx(j))).(didx[0])) EQ 1 $ AND SIZE(cef.(vidx(idx(j))).(didx[0]),/TYPE) EQ 7 ) THEN $ flags = flags + STRMATCH(varsd, cef.(vidx(idx(j))).(didx[0]), /FOLD_CASE) ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR nmatch1 = nmatch idx = WHERE(flags GT 0, nmatch) ENDWHILE ENDIF ;*** Disable parameters that we don't want to keep FOR i=0,nvar-1 DO IF (flags(i) LE 0) THEN cef.(vidx(i)).REC_TYPE=-99 END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; FindInclude ; ; PURPOSE: ; Function to try and resolve an include file name by checking ; the ':' seperated list of include directories given by the ; environment variable CEF_INCLUDE. If no match is found then ; an error is generated. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; result = FindInclude( ) ; ; INPUTS: ; A string containing the include filename ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The fully resolved directory/filename ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; epoch = FindInclude( 'test.ceh' ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION FindInclude, inc_name ; *** Get the list of include directories from the environment variable inc_dirs = [STRSPLIT(GETENV('CEF_INCLUDE'),':',/EXTRACT)] flag = 0 ; *** =0 if no match, 1 if match is found i = 0 ; *** index into array of includ directories ; *** Look for includ file in the include directories WHILE( flag EQ 0 AND i LT N_ELEMENTS(inc_dirs) ) DO BEGIN fname = FILEPATH( inc_name, ROOT=inc_dirs(i) ) IF ( inc_dirs(i) NE '' AND FILE_TEST( fname, /READ ) ) THEN $ flag = 1 $ ELSE i = i + 1 ENDWHILE ; *** Found a match! IF ( flag EQ 1 ) THEN RETURN, fname ; *** Didn't find a match CaaNotify, "Include file not found: "+inc_name, /ERR RETURN, inc_name END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; CefSplitRec ; ; PURPOSE: ; Just splits a CEF header record into its key and value parts ; using the first '=' in the record as the delimiter. The key ; part is converted to upper case to ease comparison. The value ; is split into an array of elements separated by ','. If the ; elements are quoted strings then the quotes are removed. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; = CefSplitRec( , , ) ; ; INPUTS: ; The CEF header record being processed ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The function returns 1 if successful and 0 otherwise ; The key part of the 'key = value' ; The value part of the 'key = value' ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IF ( CefSplitRec( 'VALUE_TYPE = FLOAT', key, value ) ) THEN PRINT, key, value ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION CefSplitRec, record, key, val status = 0 ;*** Set default status ; *** look for comment pos = STRPOS( record, '!', /REVERSE_SEARCH ) IF ( pos GT -1 ) THEN record = STRMID(record,0,pos-1) ; *** look for key/value delimiter *** pos = STRPOS( record, '=' ) IF ( pos GT -1 ) THEN BEGIN status = 1 ;*** Extract the key *** key = STRUPCASE(STRTRIM(STRMID(record,0,pos),2)) ;*** Extract the value *** val = STRTRIM(STRMID(record,pos+1),2) ;*** Split value into separate array elements ;*** Handle quoted string elements IF (STRMID(val,0,1) EQ '"') THEN BEGIN val = STRSPLIT(STRMID(val,1,STRLEN(val)-2), $ '"[ '+STRING(9B)+']*,[ '+STRING(9B)+']*"',/REGEX, /EXTRACT) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN val = STRTRIM(STRSPLIT(val,',',/EXTRACT),2) ENDELSE ENDIF RETURN, status END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; CefReadHeadRec ; ; PURPOSE: ; Reads the next CEF header line from the specified unit. If a continuation ; marker is encountered then the next line is read and appended to the ; the record. Comment lines are ignored. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; = CefReadHeadRec( , ) ; ; INPUTS: ; The logical unit which is connected to the input file ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; 1 if header record was extracted and 0 if EOF is reached. ; A string that contains the full header record ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IF ( CefReadHeadRec( lun, record ) ) THEN PRINT, record ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION CefReadHeadRec, lun, record status = 0 ; *** Status flag, set to 1 if complete record found readFlag = 1 ; *** used to flag multi-line records record = '' ; *** String used to hold input ;*** Keep reading unit until got complete entry or end of file *** WHILE ( readFlag AND (NOT EOF(lun)) ) DO BEGIN ;*** read next record *** tempRecord = '' READF, lun, tempRecord tempRecord = STRTRIM(tempRecord, 2) ;*** Trim blanks from start/end ;*** skip comment lines *** IF (STRMID(tempRecord,0,1) EQ '!' ) THEN BEGIN ; PRINT, tempRecord ENDIF ELSE IF ( STRMID(tempRecord, 0, 1, /REVERSE) EQ '\' ) THEN BEGIN record = record + STRMID(tempRecord,0,STRLEN(tempRecord)-1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN record = record + tempRecord ; *** If not blank then finish read of this record *** IF ( STRTRIM(record, 2) NE '' ) THEN BEGIN readFlag = 0 status = 1 ENDIF ELSE record = '' ENDELSE ENDWHILE RETURN, status END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; CefReadData ; ; PURPOSE: ; Reads the data part of a CEF file. It is assumed that the logical unit points ; to the start of the first record to be read from the file. To maximise performace ; there is no error checking so if it hits a file that it does not like then it ; will probably fall over. Note that if it does fall over then there maybe some ; very large unreferenced heap variables left over. To garbage collect these do a ; RETALL then HEAP_GC,/VER or exit from IDL and then restart. Use HELP,/MEM if ; you are unsure as to how much memory IDL is currently using. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Private-Support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; CefReadData, , , ; ; INPUTS: ; Logical unit connected to the input file ; The structure containing the header information ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /JULDAY Returns times in Julian day rather than string ; /CDFEPOCH Returns times in CDF epoch rather than string ; /NOCONV No conversion. Leave all data fields as strings. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; The output array containing pointers to the parameter data ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; CefReadData, lun, cef, param ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* PRO CefReadData, lun, cef, param, TRANGE=trange, $ JULDAY=jd_flag, CDFEPOCH=ep_flag, NOCONV=nc_flag CaaNotify, 'Reading data records, please wait...' ; *** Define the read buffer that we'll use to pull in chunks ; *** of the file. This is a trade off between memory footprint ; *** and speed. Note that the working buffer is twice this size. ; *** The buffer size should be much bigger than the typical ; *** record size or perfromance will be worse than just reading ; *** a records at a time. buffer_size = 2000000L read_buffer = BYTARR(buffer_size) work_buffer = BYTARR(2*buffer_size) work_size = 0L ; *** Define the delimeters used in the CEF file comment=(BYTE('!'))[0] eor=(BYTE(cef.EOR))[0] comma=(BYTE(','))[0] eol=10B ; *** Build a new CEF structure so that we can modify the parameter ; *** sub-structures. ceftags = TAG_NAMES(cef) FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(ceftags) - 1 DO BEGIN IF ( i EQ 0 ) THEN cef1 = CREATE_STRUCT(ceftags(i), cef.(i)) $ ELSE IF ( STRMID(ceftags(i),0,6) NE 'PARAM_' ) THEN $ cef1 = CREATE_STRUCT( cef1, ceftags(i), cef.(i)) ENDFOR cef1.nparam =1 ;*** set nparam to 1 when it is added to the parameter data ; *** Set the processing state flag (1=first record, 2=subsequent records, 0 = end of file ) flag = 1 ;*** set to 1 for first page, 2 for subsequent pages and 0 when read to end of file trflag = 1 ;*** set to 0 if no more data required in requested time range n_rec = 0 ;*** number of records read n_fields = 0 ;*** number of fields per record ; *** Keep reading until we reach the end of the file. WHILE( NOT EOF(lun) AND trflag GT 0 ) DO BEGIN ;*** read the next chunk of the file ;*** catch errors to avoid warning message if we read past end of file ON_IOERROR, skip READU, lun, read_buffer skip: ON_IOERROR, NULL ;*** calculate how much data we've read IF ( read_buffer(buffer_size - 1) NE 0B ) THEN read_size = buffer_size $ ELSE read_size=(WHERE(read_buffer EQ 0B))[0] ;*** transfer this onto the end of the work buffer and update size of work buffer IF (read_size GT 0 ) THEN work_buffer[work_size] = $ read_buffer[0:read_size-1] work_size = work_size + read_size ;*** look for delimeters, EOR, comments, EOL etc pos_eor = WHERE( work_buffer(0:work_size-1) EQ eor, n_eor ) IF ( n_eor GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN pos1 = pos_eor(n_eor-1)+1 pos2 = work_size-1 work_size = pos1-1 ENDIF ELSE BREAK pos_comment = WHERE( work_buffer(0:work_size-1) EQ comment, n_comment ) pos_eol = WHERE( work_buffer(0:work_size-1) EQ eol, n_eol ) ;*** search for blank lines and remove (only important if eol is also eor) ;*** DEBUG - this has not yet been tested and is currently disabled ;idx_el = WHERE( idx2(1:c-1)-idx2(0:c-2) LE 10, c1 ) ;IF (c1 GT 0) THEN $ ; FOR i=0L, c1-1 DO buf(idx2(idx2a(i)+1)) = 32B ;*** remove comment lines by setting to spaces (32B) IF (n_comment GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0L, n_comment-1 DO BEGIN j = pos_comment(i) WHILE( work_buffer(j) NE eol ) DO BEGIN work_buffer(j) = 32B j = j+1 ENDWHILE work_buffer(j) = 32B ENDFOR ENDIF ;*** remove eol by setting to spaces (32B) IF (n_eol GT 0 ) THEN work_buffer(pos_eol) = 32B ;*** we replace all eor with comma so we can quickly split the buffer ;*** this assumes that the data is well formed with the same number ;*** of fields on every record. work_buffer(pos_eor) = comma ;*** work out number of fields per record by counting commas up to first eor IF ( n_fields EQ 0 ) THEN temp = WHERE( work_buffer(0:pos_eor(0)) EQ comma, n_fields ) ;*** split the buffer into separate fields fields = STRTRIM(STRSPLIT(STRING(work_buffer(0:work_size-1)), ',', /EXTRACT),2) nt_fields = N_ELEMENTS(fields) if ( fields[nt_fields-1] eq '' ) then begin ; test_read_caa(2) fields= fields[0:nt_fields-2] nt_fields = N_ELEMENTS(fields) endif ;*** reform the to a num_fields x num_rec array IF ( (nt_fields MOD n_fields) NE 0 ) THEN CaaNotify, "Bad number of fields - truncated file?",/ERR fields = REFORM(fields, n_fields, N_ELEMENTS(fields)/n_fields, /OVERWRITE ) n_recp = N_ELEMENTS(fields)/n_fields ;*** see if we want to subset the data range IF ( N_ELEMENTS(trange) GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN ridx = LONARR(n_recp) trflag = 0 FOR it=0,N_ELEMENTS(trange)-1 DO BEGIN ts = STRSPLIT(trange[it],'/',/EXTRACT) idx1 = WHERE(fields(0,*) GE ts(0) AND fields(0,*) LT ts(1), tcount) IF ( tcount GT 0 ) THEN ridx(idx1)=ridx(idx1)+1 IF ( fields(0,n_recp-1) LT ts(1) ) THEN trflag = trflag + 1 ENDFOR ridx = WHERE( ridx GT 0, tcount ) IF ( tcount LE 0 ) THEN GOTO, skip1 ENDIF ELSE ridx = LINDGEN(n_recp) n_rec = n_rec + N_ELEMENTS(ridx) CaaNotify, "Reading data, "+fields(0,0)+" to "+fields(0,n_recp-1)+" Stored rec #:"+STRING(n_rec), /DEBUG tmp_dpa = PTRARR(cef.nparam) FOR i = 0, cef.nparam-1 DO BEGIN name = STRING('PARAM_',i+1, FORMAT='(A,I3.3)') idx = (WHERE(ceftags EQ name))[0] ;IF ( i GT 0 ) THEN cef.(idx).REC_TYPE = -2 IF ( cef.(idx).REC_TYPE GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN IF ( KEYWORD_SET(nc_flag) ) THEN vt = 'CHAR' ELSE vt = cef.(idx).VALUE_TYPE s1 = cef.(idx).CEF_FIELD_POS(0) s2 = cef.(idx).CEF_FIELD_POS(1) CASE vt OF 'CHAR': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(fields[s1:s2,ridx]) 'DOUBLE': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(DOUBLE(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) 'FLOAT': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(FLOAT(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) 'INT': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(LONG(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) 'ISO_TIME': IF (KEYWORD_SET(jd_flag) ) THEN $ tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(iso2julday(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) $ ELSE IF (KEYWORD_SET(ep_flag) ) THEN $ tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(iso2cdfepoch(fields[s1:s2,ridx]),/NO_COPY) $ ELSE tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(fields[s1:s2,ridx]) 'ISO_TIME_RANGE': tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(fields[s1:s2,ridx]) ELSE: tmp_dpa(i) = PTR_NEW(fields[s1:s2,ridx]) ENDCASE ENDIF ENDFOR IF ( flag EQ 2 ) THEN dpa = [ [dpa], [TEMPORARY(tmp_dpa)] ] $ ELSE BEGIN flag = 2 dpa = REFORM(TEMPORARY(tmp_dpa),cef.nparam,1) ENDELSE ;*** we want to keep the part of the buffer not yet processed skip1: IF (pos2-pos1 GE 0 ) THEN BEGIN work_buffer(0) = work_buffer(pos1:pos2) work_size = pos2-pos1+1 ENDIF ELSE work_size = 0 ;*** keep going until there is no more file to read IF ( read_size LT buffer_size ) THEN flag = 0 ENDWHILE ;*** Finished with input file FREE_LUN, lun ;*** Release memory used by the work and read buffers work_buffer = 0 read_buffer = 0 ;*** Build the result array - we've read all the data so we know how many records there are! cef1.nrec = n_rec ;*** Store the number of records in the metadata structure cef.nrec = n_rec ;*** For each parameter build a metadata/data struture ;*** In theory we could filter out parameters that we don't want ;*** which would save processing time and memory. Ideally we would ;*** also do that above when we generate the dpa pointers. IF ( N_ELEMENTS(dpa) GT 0 ) THEN npage = (SIZE(dpa,/DIM))[1] ELSE npage =0 flag = 0 FOR i = 0, cef.nparam-1 DO BEGIN name = STRING('PARAM_',i+1, FORMAT='(A,I3.3)') idx = (WHERE(ceftags EQ name))[0] pstru = CREATE_STRUCT(cef1, cef.(idx)) ;*** Hack so we don't fall over if we get an empty file ;*** REC_TYPE: -2=no rec, -1=param disabled, 0=non-record vary, 1=normal IF ( n_rec EQ 0 AND pstru.REC_TYPE GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN pstru.REC_TYPE = -2 pstru.nrec = 0 ENDIF IF ( pstru.REC_TYPE GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN ;***For record varying parameters *** ;*** Check value type for conversion IF ( KEYWORD_SET(nc_flag) ) THEN vt = 'CHAR' ELSE vt = pstru.VALUE_TYPE CaaNotify, "Creating data array for "+pstru.VARNAME, /DEBUG ;*** Create the DATA array *** CASE vt OF 'CHAR': pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', STRARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'DOUBLE': pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( psrtu, 'DATA', DBLARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'FLOAT': pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', FLTARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'INT': pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', LONARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'ISO_TIME': IF ( KEYWORD_SET(jd_flag) OR KEYWORD_SET(ep_FLAG) ) THEN $ pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', DBLARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) $ ELSE pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', STRARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) 'ISO_TIME_RANGE':pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', STRARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) ELSE: pstru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, 'DATA', STRARR([pstru.SIZES, n_rec]) ) ENDCASE ;*** Fill the arrays *** dpos = 0L ;*** Current record number s = pstru.CEF_FIELD_POS(1) - pstru.CEF_FIELD_POS(0) + 1 ;*** Check value type for conversion ;*** For each of data pages that we've read FOR j=0, npage-1 DO BEGIN siz = SIZE(*dpa(i,j),/DIM) IF (N_ELEMENTS(siz) EQ 2 ) THEN pn = siz(1) ELSE pn = 1 ;*** Number of records in this block *** p1 = dpos*s ;*** Start psoition p2 = p1 + pn*s - 1 ;*** End position pstru.DATA[p1:p2] = *dpa(i,j) PTR_FREE, dpa(i,j) dpos = dpos+pn ;*** Update record position ENDFOR ENDIF ;*** Create the output array as a collection of the parameter strutures IF ( pstru.REC_TYPE GT -99 ) THEN BEGIN IF ( flag EQ 0 ) THEN param = [ PTR_NEW(pstru, /NO_COPY) ] $ ELSE param = [ param, PTR_NEW(pstru, /NO_COPY) ] flag = flag + 1 ENDIF ENDFOR ;*** Make sure we don't leave any unwanted storage allocated IF (N_ELEMENTS(dpa) GT 0) THEN HEAP_FREE, dpa CaaNotify, "Reading of data complete", /DEBUG END ;============================================================================================== ; *** START OF PUBLIC ROUTINES ;============================================================================================== ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; cef_get_attr ; ; PURPOSE: ; Returns the requested attribute from the variable ; ; CATEGORY: ; Public-Support ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; = cef_get_attr( vararr, varid, attr, STATUS=status ) ; ; INPUTS: ; vararr The variable pointer array returned from cef_read ; varid The variable index. This can be either the index number ; for the variable array element in vararr or the name of ; the variable. ; attr The attribute name to be searched for ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; STATUS=stat Returns the status of the search ; -1 If the variable could not be identified ; -2 If the attribute was not found ; 1 If a unique match was found ; 2 If multiple attributes match, only the first is returned ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Either the attribute from the requested variable or an empty string. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; result = cef_get_attr( vararr, 0, 'VARNAME') ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION cef_get_attr, varptr, varid, attr, STATUS=status status = 0 ; *** If varid given as STRING then need to work out varptr index IF ( SIZE(varid,/TYPE) EQ 7 ) THEN BEGIN varidx = -1 FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(varptr)-1 DO BEGIN IF ( STRMATCH(cef_get_attr(varptr, i, 'VARNAME'), varid, /FOLD_CASE) ) THEN BEGIN varidx = i BREAK ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF ( varid GE 0 AND varid LT N_ELEMENTS(varptr) ) THEN varidx = varid $ ELSE varidx = -1 ENDELSE ; *** Check if we found a variable IF ( varidx LT 0 ) THEN BEGIN CaaNotify, 'Request for attribute from unknown variable: '+varid, /DEBUG status = -1 RETURN, '' ENDIF ; *** Now check for attribute tags = TAG_NAMES(*varptr(varidx)) idx = WHERE(STRMATCH(tags, attr, /FOLD_CASE), count) IF ( count EQ 0 ) THEN BEGIN ;*** No matches, return empty string and set status status = -2 RETURN, '' ENDIF ELSE IF ( count EQ 1 ) THEN BEGIN ;*** One match status = 1 RETURN, (*varptr(varidx)).(idx(0)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;*** Multiple matches, just return first but set status status = 2 RETURN, (*varptr(varidx)).(idx(0)) ENDELSE END ; ************************************************************************************* ;+ ; NAME: ; cef_read ; ; PURPOSE: ; Read a CEF file into an IDL struture ; ; CATEGORY: ; Public-Support ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; cef_read( [filename], [INCLUDE=cef], [/NODATA], [/JULDAY], [/CDFEPOCH] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; filename Filename of CEF to be read. If not supplied a file selection ; widget is displayed. CEF or Gzip'd CEF can be specified. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; VAR=[names] Array of regular expression of names to match. By default ; all variables will be returned. ; INCLUDE=cef [PRIVATE] Used for recursive reading of include files. ; /NODEPEND Normally any depend variables will be included even if ; not explicitly requested. Use this option to disable ; the inclusion of any referenced variables. ; /NODATA Only read header information ; /JULDAY Returns times in Julian Days rather than the default iso string ; /CDFEPOCH Returns times in CDF EPOCH rather than the default iso string ; ; OUTPUTS: ; An array (or structure, when /NODATA) that contains the result ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; result = cef_read( 'fgm.cef' ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: ; Aug, 2007 CHP: Initial version ;- ; ************************************************************************************* FUNCTION cef_read, readFile, INCLUDE=cef, NODATA=nd_flag, VAR=vnames, $ NODEPEND=nr_flag, SEARCHTAG=stag, _EXTRA=extra HEAP_GC,/VER ;*** If the header structure is not yet defined then create it IF (N_ELEMENTS(cef) EQ 0) THEN cef = { ERROR: 0, NGLOBAL:0, NPARAM:0, NREC:0L, EOR:10B } ;*** Check flags IF ( NOT KEYWORD_SET(nr_flag) ) THEN nr_flag = 0 nv_flag = N_ELEMENTS(vnames) ;*** If a file is not specified ask user to pick one IF ( NOT KEYWORD_SET(readFile)) THEN $ readFile=DIALOG_PICKFILE(FILTER="*.cef;*.cef.gz", /READ, /MUST_EXIST) ;*** Make sure the input file is accessible IF (NOT FILE_TEST(readFile, /READ)) THEN BEGIN CaaNotify,"Can't open or read file "+readFile+" for import", /ERROR cef.ERROR = 1 RETURN, cef ENDIF ;*** Set result to dummy value param = -1 CaaNotify, "Reading "+readFile ;*** Look at file extension to determine if it is a compressed file IF ( STRUPCASE(STRMID(readFile,2,3,/REVERSE)) EQ ".GZ" ) THEN $ compressFlag = 1 $ ELSE compressFlag = 0 ; *** Open the file *** OPENR, lun, readFile, /GET_LUN, COMPRESS=compressFlag, ERROR=err IF ( err NE 0 ) THEN BEGIN dummy = DIALOG_MESSAGE(!ERROR_STATE.MSG, /ERROR) cef.ERROR = 1 RETURN, cef ENDIF ; *** Set the initial state of the header parser *** state = "TOP" state1 = "END" ; *** data index pdata = 0 ; *** Keep reading until end of header information or no more records *** WHILE( state NE "DATA_READ" AND state NE "END" ) DO BEGIN ;*** Try to read header record IF ( NOT CefReadHeadRec(lun, record) ) THEN BREAK ; *** Get the keyword/value(s) for this record IF ( CefSplitRec(record, key, value) ) THEN BEGIN ;*** Use the parser state to check what we are looking for CASE state OF "TOP": BEGIN ;*** Use the keyword to determine the action CASE key OF "START_META": BEGIN ;*** New global metadata item *** state = "GLOBAL" gName = value[0] gStru = { VALUE_TYPE: "CHAR" } eCount = 0 END "START_VARIABLE": BEGIN ;*** New parameter *** state = "PARAM" pName = value[0] pStru = { REC_TYPE:1, VARNAME:pName } END "INCLUDE": IF ( value[0] NE readFile ) THEN $ param = cef_read(findinclude(value[0]), INCLUDE=cef, _EXTRA=extra) "DATA_UNTIL": BEGIN ;*** Start of data *** state = "DATA_READ" cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, 'DATA_UNTIL', value[0]) END ;*** Special CEF defined items at the top level *** "FILE_NAME": cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, 'FILE_NAME', value[0] ) "FILE_FORMAT_VERSION": cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, 'FILE_FORMAT_VERSION', value[0] ) "END_OF_RECORD_MARKER": cef.EOR = (BYTE(value[0]))[0] ELSE: CaaNotify, "Unsupported key "+key,/ERR ENDCASE END "GLOBAL": BEGIN ;*** Global metadata handling IF (N_ELEMENTS(value) GT 1) THEN $ CaaNotify, "Global entry not allowed multiple values per entry : "+gName,/ERR CASE key OF "END_META": BEGIN state = "TOP" IF (value[0] NE gName) THEN $ CaaNotify, "END_VARIABLE expected "+gName+" got "+value[0],/ERROR IF ( ecount EQ 1 ) THEN gStru = CREATE_STRUCT( gStru, 'ENTRY', element[0] ) $ ELSE gStru = CREATE_STRUCT( gStru, 'ENTRY', element ) cef.nglobal = cef.nglobal+1 IF ( gstru.VALUE_TYPE EQ 'CHAR' ) THEN cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, gname, gStru.ENTRY ) $ ELSE cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, gname, gStru ) END ; *** WARNING: In theory CEF allows a different VALUE_TYPE for each entry ; *** this is a 'feature' from CDF but I can't think of a situation where ; *** it is useful. This feature is not currently supported by this ; *** software and so we just assign a type based on the last specification ; *** of the VALUE_TYPE. "VALUE_TYPE": gStru.VALUE_TYPE = value[0] "ENTRY": BEGIN ; *** If this is the second entry then must be multi entry global *** IF ( eCount EQ 0 ) THEN element = [ value[0] ] $ ELSE element = [ element, value[0] ] eCount = eCount + 1 END ELSE: CaaNotify, "Unsupported global key "+key , /ERR ENDCASE END "PARAM": BEGIN ;*** Parameter description handling IF ( key EQ "END_VARIABLE") THEN BEGIN ;*** Set some defaults if not provided in the file tags = TAG_NAMES(pStru) id = WHERE( tags EQ 'SIZES', c ) IF ( c EQ 0 ) THEN pStru = CREATE_STRUCT( pStru, 'SIZES', 1L ) IF (pStru.REC_TYPE EQ 0) THEN data_idx = [-1L,-1L] $ ELSE BEGIN n = LONG(pstru.SIZES[0]) FOR i=1, N_ELEMENTS(pstru.SIZES)-1 DO n = n * LONG(pstru.SIZES[i]) data_idx = [pdata,pdata+n-1] pdata = pdata+n ENDELSE pStru = CREATE_STRUCT(pStru, 'CEF_FIELD_POS', data_idx) ;*** Change parser state state = "TOP" ;*** Check this is the end of the correct parameter! IF (value[0] NE pName) THEN $ CaaNotify, "END_VARIABLE expected "+pName+" got "+value[0],/ERROR ;*** Update the number of parameters cef.nparam = cef.nparam + 1 ;*** Parameter names can be too long for structure element name ;*** so just use a sequential number pname = STRING('PARAM_',cef.nparam, FORMAT='(A,I3.3)') cef = CREATE_STRUCT( cef, pname, pStru ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF ( key EQ 'DATA' ) THEN BEGIN pStru.REC_TYPE = 0 ;*** Flag non-record varying data ;******************************** ;At the moment we just add non-record varying data as string array ;we should really check SIZES and VALUE_TYPE and reform and retype ;data as we do for the real data fields. Something for the next release? ;******************************** ENDIF ELSE IF ( key EQ 'SIZES' AND N_ELEMENTS(value) GT 1 ) THEN BEGIN value = REVERSE( value ) ENDIF IF (N_ELEMENTS(value) GT 1 ) THEN pStru = CREATE_STRUCT( pstru, key, value ) $ ELSE pStru = CREATE_STRUCT( pStru, key, value[0] ) ENDELSE END ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE CaaNotify, "Bad record? "+record, /ERROR ENDWHILE ;*** Finished reading the header in the current file ;*** if state is END then we are at the end of the file ;*** for example this may be the end of an include file ;*** If the state is DATA_READ then we've reached the ;*** end of the header and are currently pointed at the ;*** start of the actual data! IF ( state EQ "DATA_READ" ) THEN BEGIN ;*** Check if not all vars are to be returned. IF (nv_flag GT 0) THEN filterNames, cef, vnames, NODEPEND=nr_flag, SEARCHTAG=stag IF ( KEYWORD_SET(nd_flag) ) THEN param = cef $ ELSE BEGIN CefReadData, lun, cef, param, _EXTRA=extra ENDELSE ENDIF ;*** Done with this file so close it FREE_LUN, lun CaaNotify, "Finished reading "+readFile ;*** Return the result RETURN, param END ;########################## EXAMPLES ############################ PRO example1 ;*** When using pointers its a good idea garbage collect ;*** any allocated memory that is no longer referenced HEAP_GC ;*** Read the CEF file. The JULDAY flag is used to get the ;*** times returned in MJD so that we can use the IDL ;*** LABEL_DATE function for easy time axis plotting. ;*** The TR lets us specify a time range for the interval ;*** to be returned. result = cef_read( 'cis.cef.gz', /JULDAY ) FOR i=0,N_ELEMENTS(result)-1 DO BEGIN PRINT, STRTRIM(i,2)+ ': '+ (*result(i)).VARNAME+ $ ' ('+STRJOIN(STRTRIM((*result(i)).SIZES,2),',')+')' PRINT, ' ', (*result(i)).CATDESC PRINT ENDFOR np=3 dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT="%H:%I:%S!C%Y-%N-%D") PLOT, (*result(0)).DATA, (*result(np)).DATA, $ YTITLE=(*result(np)).LABLAXIS + '!C' + (*result(np)).UNITS, $ XSTYLE=1, XTICKUNITS='TIME', XTICKFORMAT='LABEL_DATE', $ YRANGE=[0.001,1], /YLOG, PSYM=3 ;*** We've finished with the data so free up the memory HEAP_FREE, result END ;################ ;*** This is a slightly more advanced example that tries to plot ;*** time series of all the returned data parameters. ;*** This is just intended as an example! Don't expect it to ;*** to produce sensible results with all products! PRO example2, filename IF ( N_ELEMENTS(filename) EQ 0 ) THEN filename = 'cis.cef.gz' ;*** Again we start by trying to free any unused space on the heap HEAP_GC ;*** Read the data file result = cef_read( filename, /JULDAY ) ;*** Get the number of variables and create some arrays to hold ;*** the names and status of the parameters n_var = N_ELEMENTS(result) var_name = STRARR(n_var) d_var = INTARR(n_var) ;*** First pass to extract var names and identify data variables ;*** Note that we use the PARAMETER_TYPE attribute to ignore ;*** support variables. FOR i = 0, n_var-1 DO BEGIN var_name(i) = cef_get_attr( result, i, 'VARNAME' ) d_var(i) = STRMATCH(cef_get_attr( result, i, 'PARAMETER_TYPE'),'DATA*',/FOLD_CASE) IF ( N_ELEMENTS(cef_get_attr( result, i, 'SIZES')) GT 1 ) THEN d_var(i) = 0 ENDFOR ;*** Now we are ready to do a second pass where we will produce the plot n_plots = TOTAL(d_var) ; *** Number of panels *** dy = 0.90/n_plots ; *** Height of panels *** yoff = 0.05 ; *** Vertical offset *** dx = 0.80 ; *** Width of panels *** xoff = 0.10 ; *** Horizontal offset ** ;*** Use the DATASET_TITLE to label the plot title = cef_get_attr(result,0,'DATASET_TITLE') + '!C'+ $ cef_get_attr(result,0,'INSTRUMENT_NAME') + ' - ' + $ cef_get_attr(result,0,'DATASET_ID') ;*** Flag used with the NOERASE keyword on PLOT ne_flag = 0 ;*** Loop through each of the variables FOR i = 0, n_var-1 DO BEGIN ;*** Check if this is a parameter to be plotted IF ( d_var(i) ) THEN BEGIN n_plots = n_plots - 1 ;*** Update the panel count *** ;*** If we are at the last panel we want a time axis otherwise we don't *** IF ( n_plots EQ 0 ) THEN dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT="%H:%I:%S!C%Y-%N-%D") $ ELSE dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT=" ") ;*** Set the plot position for this panel *** !P.POSITION=[ xoff, yoff+n_plots*dy, xoff+dx, yoff+(n_plots+0.98)*dy ] ;*** Look for the DEPEND_0 - In the previous example we just ;*** assumed that it was the first variable which should be ;*** safe most of the time, but here we actually check! depend0 = WHERE( var_name EQ cef_get_attr(result,i,'DEPEND_0'), count ) ;*** If not found then skip to the next parameter IF ( count EQ 0 ) THEN BREAK ;*** Look for fill values and replace with NaNs fillval = cef_get_attr(result,i,'FILLVAL', STATUS=status) IF ( status GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN idx = WHERE( (*result(i)).DATA EQ fillval, count ) IF ( count GT 0 ) THEN (*result(i)).DATA(idx) = !VALUES.F_NAN ENDIF ;*** Use MIN/MAX to determine data range v2 = MAX( (*result(i)).DATA, MIN=v1, /NAN ) IF (v2 EQ v1) THEN v2 = v1 + 1.0 ;*** Based on data range decide if we want to do a log plot IF ( v1 GT 0 AND v2/v1 GT 50 AND (*result(i)).VALUE_TYPE EQ 'FLOAT' ) THEN ylog=1 ELSE ylog=0 ;*** Plot the panel PLOT, (*result(depend0(0))).DATA, (*result(i)).DATA(0,*), $ YTITLE=cef_get_attr(result,i,'LABLAXIS') + '!C' + cef_get_attr(result,i,'UNITS'), $ XTICKUNITS='TIME', XTICKFORMAT='LABEL_DATE', $ YRANGE=[v1,v2], YLOG=ylog, TITLE=title, $ NOERASE=ne_flag ;*** If there are multiple components, overplot in the same panel IF ( FIX((*result(i)).SIZES) GT 1 ) THEN BEGIN FOR j=1,FIX((*result(i)).SIZES)-1 DO BEGIN OPLOT, (*result(depend0(0))).DATA, (*result(i)).DATA(j,*), LINESTYLE=j ENDFOR lab = cef_get_attr(result,i,'LABEL_1') IF ( N_ELEMENTS(lab) EQ 1 ) THEN lab = cef_get_attr(result,i,'REPRESENTATION_1') IF ( N_ELEMENTS(lab) EQ 1 ) THEN $ lab = cef_get_attr(result,cef_get_attr(result,i,'DEPEND_1'),'DATA') FOR j=0, N_ELEMENTS(lab)-1 DO BEGIN x = xoff+dx+0.01 y = yoff+(n_plots+1)*dy-(j+1)*0.015 XYOUTS, x, y, lab(j), /NORM, CHARSIZE=0.75 PLOTS, [x, x+0.05], [y-0.005,y-0.005], /NORM, LINESTYLE=j ENDFOR ENDIF title = '' ;*** only want title on first panel *** ne_flag = 1 ;*** don't want to erase previous panels *** ENDIF ENDFOR XYOUTS, 0.01, 0.005, 'File ID: '+cef_get_attr(result,0,'LOGICAL_FILE_ID'), CHARSIZE=0.5, /NORM XYOUTS, 0.99, 0.005, 'Plotted: '+SYSTIME(), /NORM,ALIGN=1.0,CHARSIZE=0.5 ;*** Finished with the data so free the heap memory HEAP_FREE, result ;*** Put plot position back to the default !P.POSITION=0 END PK 5IXշ0org/autoplot/cefdatasource/test_caa_cef_read.BAKpro test_caa_cef_read file= 'C1_CP_EDI_EGD__20050212_V03.cef' file4= 'C1_CP_PEA_CP3DXPH_DNFlux__20020811_140000_20020811_150000_V061018.cef' t0= systime(1) x= cef_read( 'N:/data/cef/' + file4 ) print, 'read in '+(systime(1)-t0)+' sec' help, x end PK 5IXuWY0org/autoplot/cefdatasource/test_caa_cef_read.propro test_caa_cef_read file= 'C1_CP_EDI_EGD__20050212_V03.cef' file4= 'C1_CP_PEA_CP3DXPH_DNFlux__20020811_140000_20020811_150000_V061018.cef' t0= systime(1) x= cef_read( 'N:/data/cef/' + file4, /ep_flag ) print, 'read in '+(systime(1)-t0)+' sec' help, x end PK 5IXPPtest/TestReformDataSet.class3T * +, +-. / 012 *3 4 +5 67 89 : ;<=>()VCodeLineNumberTableLocalVariableTablethisLtest/TestReformDataSet;main([Ljava/lang/String;)VjIiargs[Ljava/lang/String;ds1Lorg/das2/qds/DDataSet;valds2Lorg/das2/qds/QDataSet; StackMapTable? 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