package org.autoplot.dom; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.das2.CancelledOperationException; import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.graph.DasPlot; import org.das2.system.RequestProcessor; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.AlertNullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.autoplot.ApplicationModel; import org.autoplot.AutoplotUtil; import org.autoplot.ScriptContext; import org.autoplot.util.RunLaterListener; import org.das2.qds.ArrayDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.RankZeroDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSource; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceUtil; import org.autoplot.datasource.HtmlResponseIOException; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.autoplot.datasource.capability.Caching; import org.autoplot.datasource.capability.TimeSeriesBrowse; import org.autoplot.datasource.capability.Updating; import org.das2.components.DasProgressPanel; import org.das2.qds.DataSetAnnotations; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.qds.util.AutoHistogram; /** * Controller node manages a DataSourceFilter node. * * @author jbf */ public class DataSourceController extends DomNodeController { private static final Logger logger = org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger("autoplot.dom.dsc"); DataSourceFilter dsf; private ApplicationModel model; private Application dom; private final Object internalLock = new Object(); private final Object uriLock = new Object(); private final Object dscLock = new Object(); // just to figure out synchronization /** * the current load being monitored. */ private ProgressMonitor mon; private PropertyChangeListener updateSlicePropertyChangeListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public String toString() { return "" + dsf + " controller updateSlicePropertyChangeListener"; } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if (dataSet != null) { updateFillSoon(-1); } } }; private PropertyChangeListener updateMePropertyChangeListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public String toString() { return "" + dsf + " controller updateMePropertyChangeListener"; } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if (dataSet != null) { logger.fine("change in fill or valid range ->updateFillSoon()"); updateFillSoon(-1); } } }; //TODO: This is the only thing listening to the dsf.uri. private PropertyChangeListener resetMePropertyChangeListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public String toString() { return "" + dsf + " controller resetMePropertyChangeListener"; } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); logger.log(Level.FINE, "resetMe: {0} {1}->{2}", new Object[]{evt.getPropertyName(), evt.getOldValue(), evt.getNewValue()}); if (evt.getNewValue() == null && evt.getOldValue() == null) { // do nothing } else { List whoIsChanging = changesSupport.whoIsChanging(PENDING_SET_DATA_SOURCE); if (whoIsChanging.size() > 0) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "!!! someone is changing: {0} !!! ignoring event.", whoIsChanging); // we probably need to do something with this. logger.log(Level.WARNING, " !! {0}", evt.getPropertyName()); logger.log(Level.WARNING, " !! {0}", evt.getNewValue()); logger.log(Level.WARNING, " !! {0}", evt.getOldValue()); return; } DataSourceController.this.changesSupport.registerPendingChange(resetMePropertyChangeListener, PENDING_RESOLVE_DATA_SOURCE); setUriNeedsResolution(true); if (!dom.controller.isValueAdjusting()) { try { DataSourceController.this.changesSupport.performingChange(resetMePropertyChangeListener, PENDING_RESOLVE_DATA_SOURCE); dsf.setFilters(""); // reset filters resolveDataSource(false, getMonitor("resetting data source", "resetting data source")); } finally { DataSourceController.this.changesSupport.changePerformed(resetMePropertyChangeListener, PENDING_RESOLVE_DATA_SOURCE); } } else { new RunLaterListener(ChangesSupport.PROP_VALUEADJUSTING, dom.controller, true) { @Override public void run() { try { DataSourceController.this.changesSupport.performingChange(resetMePropertyChangeListener, PENDING_RESOLVE_DATA_SOURCE); if (uriNeedsResolution) { resolveDataSource(true, getMonitor("resetting data source", "resetting data source")); } } finally { DataSourceController.this.changesSupport.changePerformed(resetMePropertyChangeListener, PENDING_RESOLVE_DATA_SOURCE); } } }; } } } }; private TimeSeriesBrowseController timeSeriesBrowseController; /** * true if we have vap+internal and we have already checked for parent TSBs. */ private boolean haveCheckedInternalTsb = false; private static final String PENDING_DATA_SOURCE = "dataSource"; private static final String PENDING_RESOLVE_DATA_SOURCE = "resolveDataSource"; private static final String PENDING_SET_DATA_SOURCE = "setDataSource"; //we are setting the datasource, so don't try to resolve, etc. private static final String PENDING_FILL_DATASET = "fillDataSet"; private static final String PENDING_UPDATE = "update"; public DataSourceController(ApplicationModel model, DataSourceFilter dsf) { super(dsf); this.model = model; this.dom = model.getDocumentModel(); //this.changesSupport = new ChangesSupport(this.propertyChangeSupport, this); this.dsf = dsf; //dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceFilter.PROP_SLICEDIMENSION, updateSlicePropertyChangeListener); //dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceFilter.PROP_SLICEINDEX, updateSlicePropertyChangeListener); //dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceFilter.PROP_TRANSPOSE, updateSlicePropertyChangeListener); dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceFilter.PROP_FILTERS, updateSlicePropertyChangeListener); dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceFilter.PROP_FILL, updateMePropertyChangeListener); dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceFilter.PROP_VALID_RANGE, updateMePropertyChangeListener); dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceFilter.PROP_URI, resetMePropertyChangeListener); dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(Plot.PROP_ID, new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if (dom.controller.isValueAdjusting()) { return; } ChangesSupport.DomLock lock = dom.controller.mutatorLock(); lock.lock("Changing dsf id"); try { for (BindingModel b : dom.getBindings()) { if (b.getSrcId().equals(evt.getOldValue())) { b.srcId = (String) evt.getNewValue(); } if (b.getDstId().equals(evt.getOldValue())) { b.dstId = (String) evt.getNewValue(); } } for (PlotElement pe : dom.plotElements) { if (pe.getDataSourceFilterId().equals(evt.getOldValue())) { pe.setDataSourceFilterId((String) evt.getNewValue()); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }); } /** * returns the biggest index that a dimension can be sliced at. Note for * non-qubes, this will be 0 when the dimension is not 0. * * @param i the dimension to slice * @return the number of slice indeces. * @deprecated this is leftover from an ancient version of the code. */ public int getMaxSliceIndex(int i) { if (getDataSet() == null) { return 0; } int sliceDimension = i; if (sliceDimension == 0) { if (getDataSet().rank() == 0) { return 0; // it doesn't really matter, we just need to return something. } else { return getDataSet().length(); } } if (sliceDimension == -1) { // rank 0 return 0; } int[] qube = DataSetUtil.qubeDims(getDataSet()); if (qube == null || qube.length <= sliceDimension) { return 0; } else { try { return qube[sliceDimension]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { throw ex; } } } /** * calculate the dimensions for the dataset. Rank 3 datasets must be * reduced, and this sets the names so that slicing can be done. * * preconditions: dsf.getDataSet() is non-null postconditions: * dsf.getDepnames returns the names of the dimensions. * dsf.getSliceDimension returns the preferred dimension to slice. */ private void doDimensionNames() { QDataSet ds = getDataSet(); if (ds == null) { return; // while debugging Bill's bug, I hit this condition... } String[] depNames = new String[ds.rank()]; for (int i = 0; i < ds.rank(); i++) { depNames[i] = "dim" + i; QDataSet dep0 = (QDataSet)"DEPEND_" + i); if (dep0 != null) { String dname = (String); if (dname != null) { depNames[i] = dname; } } } logger.log(Level.FINE, "dep names: {0}", Arrays.asList(depNames)); // if ( isResetDimensions() ) { // // if (ds.rank() > 2 ) { // guessSliceDimension(); // } // } setResetDimensions(false); } /** * We isolate the flakiness by introducing a method that encapsulates the * impossible logic of know if a plot element will support timeSeriesBrowse. * If it doesn't, we would just want to load the data set and be done with * it. If it can then we want a tsb. * * The problem is that until the plot element does its slicing, we don't * really know if it will or not. For now we kludge up logic based on the * component string or plotElements where the component string won't be set * automatically. * * @param plotElement * @return */ private boolean doesPlotElementSupportTsb(PlotElement plotElement) { Plot plot = plotElement.getController().getApplication().getController().getPlotFor(plotElement); if (plot == null) { return false; } if (UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(plot.getXaxis().getRange().getUnits()) || UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(plot.getContext().getUnits())) { return true; } //return false; return plotElement.isAutoComponent() || (!(plotElement.getComponent().contains("|slice0") || plotElement.getComponent().contains("|collapse0"))); } /** * This might be considered the heart of the DataSourceController. This is * where TimeSeriesBrowse is set up as well as Caching. * * This might also be a good spot to make sure we are not on the event * thread, and this is being studied. * * @param valueWasAdjusting true if the app was loading a vap, or locked because of changes. * @param dataSource */ public void resetDataSource(boolean valueWasAdjusting, DataSource dataSource) { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { // study where this is called from. logger.fine("resetDataSource on event thread"); } synchronized (dscLock) { if (dataSource == null) { setDataSetNeedsLoading(false); } else { setDataSetNeedsLoading(true); } if (timeSeriesBrowseController != null) { timeSeriesBrowseController.release(); this.timeSeriesBrowseController = null; } DataSource oldSource = getDataSource(); if (haveCheckedInternalTsb) { haveCheckedInternalTsb = false; } if (dataSource == null) { setCaching(null); setTsb(null); setTsbSuri(null); if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0 && !dsf.getUri().startsWith("vap+internal")) { dsf.setUri("vap+internal:"); //TODO: when is this supposed to happen? Test033 is hitting here. } } else { changesSupport.performingChange(this, PENDING_SET_DATA_SOURCE); setCaching(dataSource.getCapability(Caching.class)); PlotElement pe = getPlotElement(false); if (pe != null && this.doesPlotElementSupportTsb(pe)) { //TODO: less flakey setTsb(dataSource.getCapability(TimeSeriesBrowse.class)); } else { //it might have an internal source listening to it. if (pe == null) { setTsb(dataSource.getCapability(TimeSeriesBrowse.class)); } else { List pele = dom.controller.getPlotElementsFor(dsf); pe = null; for (PlotElement pele1 : pele) { if (doesPlotElementSupportTsb(pele1)) { pe = pele1; } } if (pe != null) { setTsb(dataSource.getCapability(TimeSeriesBrowse.class)); } else { setTsb(null); } } } if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { dsf.setUri(dataSource.getURI()); setUriNeedsResolution(false); } changesSupport.changePerformed(this, PENDING_SET_DATA_SOURCE); } if (valueWasAdjusting) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } else { this.dsf.setValidRange(""); this.dsf.setFill(""); setDataSource(dataSource); setResetDimensions(true); } if (oldSource == null || !oldSource.equals(dataSource)) { List ps = dom.controller.getPlotElementsFor(dsf); if (getTsb() != null && !ps.isEmpty()) { setDataSet(null); if (ps.size() > 0) { timeSeriesBrowseController = new TimeSeriesBrowseController(this, ps.get(0)); Plot p = dom.controller.getFirstPlotFor(dsf); List pes= dom.controller.getPlotElementsFor(p); if ( pes.size()>1 ) { boolean context= false; for ( PlotElement pe: pes ) { DataSourceFilter dsf1= dom.controller.getDataSourceFilterFor(pe); if ( dsf1!=null && dsf1!=this.dsf ) { TimeSeriesBrowseController tsbc= dsf1.getController().getTimeSeriesBrowseController(); if ( tsbc!=null ) { if ( !tsbc.isListeningToAxis() ) context= true; } } } if ( context ) { timeSeriesBrowseController.setupGen(p,Plot.PROP_CONTEXT); timeSeriesBrowseController.updateTsb(false); } else { timeSeriesBrowseController.setup(valueWasAdjusting); } } else { timeSeriesBrowseController.setup(valueWasAdjusting); logger.fine("connect to timerange (bug2136)"); int bindingCount= dom.controller.findBindings( dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE ).size(); if ( !valueWasAdjusting && ( bindingCount==1 || dom.timeRange.intersects( p.xaxis.getRange() ) ) ) { if ( !dom.timeRange.intersects( p.xaxis.getRange() ) ) { dom.setTimeRange( p.xaxis.getRange() ); } dom.controller.bind( dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, p.xaxis, Axis.PROP_RANGE ); dom.controller.unbind( dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, p, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT ); } } } } else if (getTsb() != null && ps.isEmpty()) { timeSeriesBrowseController = new TimeSeriesBrowseController(this, null); DomNode node1; String propertyName; Plot p = dom.controller.getFirstPlotFor(dsf); if (p == null) { logger.fine("unable to identify a plot for the dsf, binding tsb to app.timerange"); node1 = dom; propertyName = Application.PROP_TIMERANGE; } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "binding tsb to plot.context of {0}", p.getId()); node1 = p; propertyName = Plot.PROP_CONTEXT; } if (!UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(this.dom.getTimeRange().getUnits())) { List bms = this.dom.getController().findBindings(this.dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, null, null); if ( bms.isEmpty() ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "claiming dom timerange for TSB: {0}", this.dsf.getUri()); if (p != null) { p.setContext(getTsb().getTimeRange()); } this.dom.setTimeRange(getTsb().getTimeRange()); logger.log(Level.FINE, "about to setup Gen for {0}", this); timeSeriesBrowseController.setupGen(node1, propertyName); if (node1 != dom) { dom.controller.bind(dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, p, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT); } update(true); } else { logger.fine("unable to use timerange as guide"); if (p != null) { p.setContext(getTsb().getTimeRange()); } timeSeriesBrowseController.setupGen(node1, propertyName); update(true); } } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "using plot context for TSB: {0}", this.dsf.getUri()); timeSeriesBrowseController.setupGen(node1, propertyName); if (node1 != dom) { if (p != null) { dom.controller.bind(dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, p, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT); BindingModel bm = dom.controller.findBinding(dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, p.getXaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE); //TODO: verify this! if (bm != null) { dom.controller.deleteBinding(bm); } } } update(true); } } else { update(true); } } } } public void setDataSetInternal(QDataSet ds) { setDataSetInternal(ds, null, this.dom.controller.isValueAdjusting()); } /** * return true if the dataset is rank 1 or greater, and has timetags for the * xtagsDataSet. This will often be DEPEND_0, but for JoinDataSets which are * like an array of datasets, each dataset would have DEPEND_0. * * @param ds any dataset * @return true if the dataset is rank 1 or greater, and has timetags for * the xtagsDataSet. */ public static boolean isTimeSeries(QDataSet ds) { if (ds.rank() == 0) { return false; } QDataSet dep0 = SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds); if (dep0 != null) { Units u = SemanticOps.getUnits(dep0); if (UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(u)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * set the new dataset, do autoranging and autolabelling. * * preconditions:
  • autoplot is displaying any dataset. *
  • A new DataSource has been set, but the dataset is generally not from * the DataSource. *
* postconditions:
  • the dataset is set *
  • labels are set, axes are set. *
  • Labels reset might have triggered a timer that will redo layout. *
  • slice dimensions are set for dataset. *
* * @param ds the dataset. * @param rawProperties additional properties provided by the data source. * @param immediately if false, then this is done after the application is * done adjusting. */ public void setDataSetInternal(QDataSet ds, Map rawProperties, boolean immediately) { List problems = new ArrayList<>(); if (ds != null && !DataSetUtil.validate(ds, problems)) { String uri; DataSource dss = getDataSource(); if (dss == null) { uri = "vap+internal:"; } else { uri = dss.getURI(); } if (this.tsb != null) { uri = this.tsbSuri; } if ( uri==null ){ uri= ""; } if ( uri.length() > 80) { int n = uri.length(); uri = uri.substring(0, 48) + " ... " + uri.substring(n - 30, n); } StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("When loading " + uri + "\ndataset is invalid:\n"); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "dataset is invalid", new Exception("dataset is invalid")); for (String s : problems) { message.append(s).append("\n"); } if (dom.controller.isHeadless()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(message.toString()); } else { this.model.showMessage(message.toString(), "Data Set is Invalid", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } return; } if (this.getTimeSeriesBrowseController() != null && ds != null && !isTimeSeries(ds) && this.getTimeSeriesBrowseController().isListeningToAxis()) { // the dataset we get back isn't part of a time series. So we should connect the TSB // to the application TimeRange property. this.timeSeriesBrowseController.release(); Plot plot= this.getTimeSeriesBrowseController().getPlot(); Axis xaxis = plot.getXaxis(); dom.getController().unbind(dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, xaxis, Axis.PROP_RANGE); dom.setTimeRange(this.tsb.getTimeRange());//TODO: think about if this is really correct this.timeSeriesBrowseController.setupGen( plot, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT ); } ApplicationController ac = this.dom.controller; if (!immediately && ac.isValueAdjusting()) { final QDataSet fds = ds; new RunLaterListener(ChangesSupport.PROP_VALUEADJUSTING, ac, false) { @Override public void run() { setDataSetInternal(fds); } }; } else { setDataSet(ds); setRawProperties(rawProperties); setDataSetNeedsLoading(false); if (ds == null) { setDataSet(null); setProperties(null); setFillProperties(null); setFillDataSet(null); return; } extractProperties(ds); doDimensionNames(); if ( ds.rank()<=QDataSet.MAX_RANK && DataSetUtil.totalLength(ds) < 200000 && UnitsUtil.isIntervalOrRatioMeasurement(SemanticOps.getUnits(ds)) ) { setStatus("busy: do statistics on the data..."); try { if ( DataSetUtil.totalLength(ds)>0 ) { setHistogram(new AutoHistogram().doit(ds, null)); } } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { logger.warning("runtime error during histogram usually means invalid data in data set."); setHistogram(null); } } else { setHistogram(null); } setStatus("busy: apply fill"); //doFillValidRange(); the QDataSet returned updateFill(); setStatus("done, apply fill"); List pele = dom.controller.getPlotElementsFor(dsf); if (pele.isEmpty()) { boolean parentUses= false; for ( DataSourceFilter dsf1: dom.dataSourceFilters ) { if ( Arrays.asList( dsf1.getController().getParentSources() ).contains(dsf) ) { parentUses= true; break; } } if ( !parentUses ) { setStatus("warning: done loading data but no plot elements are listening"); } } } } DataSourceFilter[] parentSources; /** * return the parent sources of data, which may contain null if the * reference is not found. * * @return */ protected DataSourceFilter[] getParentSources() { if (parentSources == null) { return new DataSourceFilter[0]; } else { DataSourceFilter[] parentSources1; synchronized (dscLock) { parentSources1 = new DataSourceFilter[parentSources.length]; System.arraycopy(parentSources, 0, parentSources1, 0, parentSources.length); } return parentSources1; } } /** * return a DSF for which this is a parent. * @return null or a child source. */ protected DataSourceFilter getChildSource() { for ( DataSourceFilter dsf1: dom.getDataSourceFilters() ) { for ( DataSourceFilter dsf2: dsf1.controller.getParentSources() ) { if ( dsf2==this.dsf ) { return dsf1; } } } return null; } /** * removes the parentSources link, and listeners to the parents. The parents * are left in the DOM and will be removed later. */ private void clearParentSources() { synchronized (dscLock) { if (this.parentSources != null) { for (DataSourceFilter parentDsf : parentSources) { if (parentDsf != null) { parentDsf.controller.removePropertyChangeListener(DataSourceController.PROP_FILLDATASET, parentListener); } } } this.parentSources = null; } } /** * if the internal dataset points to DSFs with TimeSeriesBrowse, then add * our own TSB. */ private void maybeAddInternalTimeSeriesBrowse() { synchronized (dscLock) { if (this.haveCheckedInternalTsb) { return; } String uri = dsf.getUri(); if (uri == null) { return; // when does this happen? reset? } URISplit split = URISplit.parse(uri); String[] ss = split.surl.split(",", -2); this.tsb = null; //TODO: who is listening? InternalTimeSeriesBrowse intTsb = null; for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { DataSourceFilter parentDsf = (DataSourceFilter) DomUtil.getElementById(dom, ss[i]); if (parentDsf != null) { parentDsf.controller.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceController.PROP_FILLDATASET, parentListener); parentSources[i] = parentDsf; TimeSeriesBrowse parentTsb = parentDsf.controller.getTsb(); if (parentTsb != null) { // TODO: parents haven't been resolved yet! if (intTsb == null) { intTsb = new InternalTimeSeriesBrowse(DataSourceController.this.dsf.getUri()); } logger.log(Level.FINE, "adding to internal tsb: {0}", parentTsb); intTsb.addTimeSeriesBrowse(parentTsb); } } else { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to find parent {0}", ss[i]); if (parentSources == null) { logger.warning("strange case where parent sources is not resolved."); //TODO: looks like we can get here by adding scatter plot of two tsbs, then replace with demo 1. return; // } parentSources[i] = null; } } if (intTsb != null) { this.setTsb(intTsb); this.timeSeriesBrowseController = new TimeSeriesBrowseController(this, null); // find the plot that will control this. Better not plot this twice! Plot p = getApplication().getController().getFirstPlotFor(dsf); if (p != null) { this.timeSeriesBrowseController.setupGen(p, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT); } else { logger.warning("check into this case, shouldn't happen"); } } haveCheckedInternalTsb = true; } } /** * Introduced to support children that are TSBs. All are assumed to be the * same, the first is used for the getter. */ class InternalTimeSeriesBrowse implements TimeSeriesBrowse { String uri; DatumRange timerange; private InternalTimeSeriesBrowse(String uri) { this.uri = uri; // "vap+internal:data_1,data_2" } List parentTsbs = new ArrayList<>(); public void addTimeSeriesBrowse(TimeSeriesBrowse tsb) { parentTsbs.add(tsb); if (parentTsbs.size() == 1) { setTimeRange(tsb.getTimeRange()); setTimeResolution(tsb.getTimeResolution()); } } @Override public void setTimeRange(DatumRange dr) { for (TimeSeriesBrowse tsb : parentTsbs) { tsb.setTimeRange(dr); } this.timerange = dr; checkParents(); } @Override public DatumRange getTimeRange() { return timerange; } @Override public void setTimeResolution(Datum d) { for (TimeSeriesBrowse tsb : parentTsbs) { tsb.setTimeResolution(d); } } @Override public Datum getTimeResolution() { return parentTsbs.get(0).getTimeResolution(); //TODO: this should probably be the coursest. } @Override public String getURI() { Datum res = getTimeResolution(); return this.uri + "?range=" + getTimeRange() + (res == null ? "" : "&resolution=" + res); } @Override public String toString() { Datum res = getTimeResolution(); return "inttsb: " + getTimeRange() + " " + (res == null ? "" : "&resolution=" + res); } @Override public void setURI(String suri) throws ParseException { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not implemented"); } @Override public String blurURI() { return this.uri; } } /** * vap+internal: -> populate array of parent sources. *
preconditions: uri is "" or "data_1,data_2" *
postconditions: unbind() is called if the uri doesn't start with vap+internal, or parentSources array is containing references to the other data sources. * @see #unbind() */ private void resolveParents() { synchronized (dscLock) { if (dsf.getUri().length() == 0) { return; //TODO: remove } URISplit split = URISplit.parse(dsf.getUri()); if (!dsf.getUri().startsWith("vap+internal:")) { logger.fine("unbinding because this doesn't have parents."); unbind(); return; } String[] ss = split.surl.split(",", -2); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { DataSourceFilter dsf1 = (DataSourceFilter) DomUtil.getElementById(dom, ss[i]); if (dsf1 != null) { //TODO: where are these listeners removed? dsf1.controller.addPropertyChangeListener(DataSourceController.PROP_FILLDATASET, parentListener); parentSources[i] = dsf1; } else { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to find parent {0}", ss[i]); parentSources[i] = null; } } } } private static Map maybeCopy(Map m) { if (m == null) { return new HashMap(); } return new HashMap(m); } /** * check to see if all the parent sources have updated and have datasets * that are compatible, so a new dataset can be created. If there is a * TimeSeriesBrowse on this, then attempt to trim the data to the * TimeSeriesBrowse.getTimeRange(). * * @return null if everything is okay, error message otherwise */ private String checkParents() { QDataSet x; QDataSet y = null; QDataSet z = null; Map xprops, yprops = null, zprops = null; QDataSet ds = null; Map props = null; DataSourceFilter[] lparentSources = getParentSources(); boolean willTrim= this.tsb != null && this.tsb instanceof InternalTimeSeriesBrowse; // mashing data. This area needs to be // cleaned up. if (lparentSources.length == 0) { return "no parent sources"; } if (lparentSources[0] == null) { return "first parent is null"; } x = lparentSources[0].controller.getFillDataSet(); xprops = maybeCopy(lparentSources[0].controller.getFillProperties()); if (lparentSources.length > 1) { if (lparentSources[1] == null) { return "second parent is null"; } y = lparentSources[1].controller.getFillDataSet(); yprops = maybeCopy(lparentSources[1].controller.getFillProperties()); } if (lparentSources.length > 2) { if (lparentSources[2] == null) { return "third parent is null"; } z = lparentSources[2].controller.getFillDataSet(); zprops = maybeCopy(lparentSources[2].controller.getFillProperties()); } switch (lparentSources.length) { case 1: { if (x == null) { return "parent dataset is null"; } if (DataSetUtil.validate(x, null)) { ds = x; props = xprops; } break; } case 2: { if (x == null || y == null) { return "first or second dataset is null"; } ArrayDataSet yds = ArrayDataSet.copy(y); assert yprops != null; if (DataSetUtil.validate(x, yds, null)) { boolean dep0mismatch= false; if ( willTrim ) { QDataSet xdep0= (QDataSet) QDataSet.DEPEND_0 ); QDataSet ydep0= (QDataSet) QDataSet.DEPEND_0 ); if ( xdep0!=null && ydep0!=null && xdep0.length()>0 ) { if ( Ops.eq( xdep0.slice(0), ydep0.slice(0) ).value()==0 ) { dep0mismatch= true; } } } if ( dep0mismatch ) { return "dataset DEPEND_0 do not line up"; } else { yds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, x); yprops.put(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, xprops); if (DataSetUtil.validate(yds, null)) { //TODO: probably don't have to do check this twice. ds = yds; props = yprops; } } } else { return "linked data doesn''t validate: "+x+" and "+y; } break; } case 3: { if (x == null || y == null || z == null) { return "at least one of the three datasets is null"; } assert yprops != null; assert zprops != null; if (z.rank() == 1) { ArrayDataSet yds = ArrayDataSet.copy(y); yds.putProperty(QDataSet.RENDER_TYPE, null); yds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, x); yds.putProperty(QDataSet.PLANE_0, z); yprops.put(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, xprops); yprops.put(QDataSet.PLANE_0, zprops); if (DataSetUtil.validate(yds, null)) { //TODO: link should and probably does work here ds = yds; props = yprops; } else { return "linked data doesn't validate"; } } else { ArrayDataSet zds = ArrayDataSet.copy(z); zds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, x); zds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_1, y); if (DataSetUtil.validate(x, y, z, null)) { zprops.put(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, xprops); zprops.put(QDataSet.DEPEND_1, yprops); ds = zds; props = zprops; } else { return "linked data doesn't validate"; } } break; } default: break; } logger.log(Level.FINE, "checkParents resolves {0}", ds); if (ds != null) { //TODO: TSB trim dataset. It's not clear to me that this should be implemented here, but we will for now. //See, where the following code needs to appear elsewhere. if (this.tsb != null && this.tsb instanceof InternalTimeSeriesBrowse) { QDataSet xds = (QDataSet); if (xds != null) { QDataSet xxds = (QDataSet); if (xxds != null && UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(SemanticOps.getUnits(xxds)) && SemanticOps.isMonotonic(xxds)) { //okay we can trim DatumRange dr = this.tsb.getTimeRange(); int idx0 = DataSetUtil.getPreviousIndex(xxds, dr.min()); int idx1 = DataSetUtil.getNextIndex(xxds, dr.max()); if ( idx1 idx1) { logger.warning("non mono error?"); ds = null; } else { QDataSet trim = ds.trim(idx0, idx1); if ( DataSetUtil.validate( trim, null ) ) { ds = trim; } else { return "data doesn't validate after trimming"; } } } } } setDataSetInternal(ds, props, this.dom.controller.isValueAdjusting()); } return null; } PropertyChangeListener parentListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); String prob = checkParents(); if (prob != null) { if ( !dom.controller.isPendingChanges() ) { setStatus("warning: " + prob); } setDataSetInternal(null, null, dom.controller.isValueAdjusting()); } if (DataSourceController.this.haveCheckedInternalTsb == false) { maybeAddInternalTimeSeriesBrowse(); } } }; PropertyChangeListener dsfListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); resolveParents(); } }; /** * resolve a URI like vap+internal:data_0,data_1. *
preconditions: a vap+internal URI was found. *
postconditions: parentSources array is * defined with one element per parent. a listener is installed for each * parent what will notify when a dataset is loaded. * * @param path string with internal references like "data_1,data_2,data_4". * @return true if the resolution was successful. */ private boolean doInternal(String path) { synchronized (internalLock) { if (parentSources != null) { for (DataSourceFilter parentSource : parentSources) { if (parentSource != null) { parentSource.controller.removePropertyChangeListener(DataSourceController.PROP_FILLDATASET, parentListener); } } } if (path.trim().length() == 0) { return true; } String[] ss = path.split(",", -2); parentSources = new DataSourceFilter[ss.length]; resolveParents(); String prob = checkParents(); if (prob != null) { if ( !dom.controller.isPendingChanges() ) { setStatus("warning: " + prob); } return false; } dom.addPropertyChangeListener(Application.PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERS, dsfListener); } return true; } /** * remove the propertyChangeListener for dom property dataSourceFilters */ protected void unbind() { dom.removePropertyChangeListener(Application.PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERS, dsfListener); } /** * preconditions: dataSet is set. postconditions: properties is set. */ private void extractProperties(QDataSet ds) { Map props; // QDataSet properties. props = AutoplotUtil.extractProperties(ds); DataSource dss = getDataSource(); if (dss != null) { props = AutoplotUtil.mergeProperties(dss.getProperties(), props); } setProperties(props); } /** * look in the metadata for fill and valid range. */ public void doFillValidRange() { Object v; Map props = getProperties(); if ((v = props.get(QDataSet.FILL_VALUE)) != null) { dsf.setFill(String.valueOf(v)); } Number vmin = (Number) props.get(QDataSet.VALID_MIN); Number vmax = (Number) props.get(QDataSet.VALID_MAX); if (vmin != null || vmax != null) { if (vmin == null) { vmin = -1e38; } if (vmax == null) { vmax = 1e38; } dsf.setValidRange("" + vmin + " to " + vmax); } else { dsf.setValidRange(""); } } /** * Rewrite the dataset so that fill values are set by the valid extent and * fill controls. The user can override these values, so make sure the * values that came with the dataset are observed as well. * * Note an old version of this would make fill canonical, now this simply * resets the VALID_MIN, VALID_MAX, and FILL_VALUE properties. * * Old values of vmin, vmax, and fill are ignored. moved over from * AutoplotUtil. */ private static void applyFillValidRange(MutablePropertyDataSet ds, double vmin, double vmax, double fill) { // TODO bug 1141: reimplement this. if (vmin > (-1 * Double.MAX_VALUE)) { ds.putProperty(QDataSet.VALID_MIN, vmin); } if (vmax < Double.MAX_VALUE) { ds.putProperty(QDataSet.VALID_MAX, vmax); } if (!Double.isNaN(fill)) { ds.putProperty(QDataSet.FILL_VALUE, fill); } } /** * call updateFill in new thread, or immediately on this thread when * delay is 0. * * @param delay insert this delay so other threads may complete first. */ private void updateFillSoon(final int delay) { changesSupport.registerPendingChange(this, PENDING_FILL_DATASET); Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { changesSupport.performingChange(DataSourceController.this, PENDING_FILL_DATASET); if (delay > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(delay); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } updateFill(); } finally { changesSupport.changePerformed(DataSourceController.this, PENDING_FILL_DATASET); } } }; if (delay == 0) { logger.finest("delay=0 means I should update fill in this thread");; } else { RequestProcessor.invokeLater(run); } } /** * guess the cadence of the dataset tags, putting the rank 0 dataset cadence * into the property QDataSet.CADENCE of the tags ds. fillDs is used to * identify missing values, which are skipped for the cadence guess. * * Note this may set or override the cadence setting found within the dataset. * * @param xds the tags for which the cadence is determined. * @param fillDs a dependent dataset possibly with fill values, or null. */ private static void guessCadence(MutablePropertyDataSet xds, QDataSet fillDs) { if (xds.length() < 2) { return; } RankZeroDataSet cadence = DataSetUtil.guessCadenceNew(xds, fillDs); if ( xds.isImmutable() ) { logger.fine("MutablePropertyDataSet has been made immutable, adding cadence annotation instead."); DataSetAnnotations.getInstance().putAnnotation( xds, DataSetAnnotations.ANNOTATION_CADENCE, cadence ); } else { if (cadence != null && "log".equals( { xds.putProperty(QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE, "log"); } if (cadence != null) { xds.putProperty(QDataSet.CADENCE, cadence); } } } /** *

* the fill parameters have changed, so fire an update to notify the * listeners. This creates the "fillDataSet" whose name comes from an early * version of Autoplot where fill data would be handled here. * The filters also modify fill. *

* *

* This should not be run on the AWT event thread!

* * preconditions:
  • The dataset has been loaded *
* postconditions:
  • the "fill" dataset is created. *
  • internal operations like slice may be applied here if the .vap file * has instructed, but rarely are. *
  • reduceRankString is set to document any operation. *
  • the fillDataSet is set. the fillProperties are set. *
  • all parties interested in the fill dataset will be notified of the * new version. (which triggers plotting via PlotElement) *
*/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void updateFill() { logger.fine("enter updateFill"); QDataSet ds = getDataSet(); if (ds == null) { return; } changesSupport.performingChange(this, PENDING_FILL_DATASET); try { Map props = getProperties(); MutablePropertyDataSet fillDs; String filters = dsf.getFilters(); boolean doSlice = filters.length() > 0; if (doSlice) { // plot element now does slicing, but we can do it here as well. try { ds = DataSetOps.sprocess(filters, ds, new AlertNullProgressMonitor("sprocess " + filters)); //TODO: must we process the props as well? setAppliedFiltersString(filters); } catch (Exception ex) { setException(ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } fillDs = DataSetOps.makePropertiesMutable(ds); // if ( ds instanceof MutablePropertyDataSet && !((MutablePropertyDataSet)ds).isImmutable() ) { // fillDs = Ops.copy( ds ); // } else { // fillDs= DataSetOps.makePropertiesMutable( ds ); // } } else { fillDs = DataSetOps.makePropertiesMutable(ds); // if ( ds instanceof MutablePropertyDataSet && !((MutablePropertyDataSet)ds).isImmutable() ) { // fillDs= Ops.copy( ds ); // } else { // fillDs= DataSetOps.makePropertiesMutable( ds ); // } setAppliedFiltersString(null); } if ( true ) { // don't rely on code which assumes fillDs is mutable. // add the cadence property to each dimension of the dataset, so that // the plot element doesn't have to worry about it. TODO: review this for (int i = 0; i < fillDs.rank(); i++) { QDataSet dep = (QDataSet)"DEPEND_" + i); if (dep != null) { dep = DataSetOps.makePropertiesMutable(dep); if (i == 0 && dep.rank() == 1) { guessCadence((MutablePropertyDataSet) dep, fillDs); } else { if (dep.rank() == 1) { guessCadence((MutablePropertyDataSet) dep, null); } } try { fillDs= Ops.putProperty( fillDs, "DEPEND_" + i, dep); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {"dataset become immutable. Making mutable copy."); fillDs= Ops.copy(fillDs); //TODO: fix this, there should be no need to copy. fillDs= Ops.putProperty( fillDs, "DEPEND_" + i, dep); } } } } //props.put( QDataSet.RENDER_TYPE, null ); //DataSetUtil.putProperties( props, fillDs ); //NEW: just copy the properties into the dataset. /* begin fill dataset */ double vmin = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, vmax = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, fill = Double.NaN; try { double[] vminMaxFill = PlotElementUtil.parseFillValidRangeInternal(dsf.getValidRange(), dsf.getFill()); vmin = vminMaxFill[0]; vmax = vminMaxFill[1]; fill = vminMaxFill[2]; } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } // check the dataset for fill data, inserting canonical fill values. applyFillValidRange(fillDs, vmin, vmax, fill); setFillProperties(props); if (fillDs == ds) { //kludge to force reset renderer, because QDataSet is mutable. this.fillDataSet = null; } fillDs.makeImmutable(); setFillDataSet(fillDs); } finally { changesSupport.changePerformed(this, PENDING_FILL_DATASET); } } /** * do update on this thread, ensuring that only one data load is occurring * at a time. Note if a dataSource doesn't check mon.isCancelled(), then * processing will block until the old load is done. */ private void updateImmediately(Exception parentException) { try { DataSource dss = getDataSource(); if (dss != null) { setStatus("busy: loading dataset"); logger.log(Level.FINE, "loading dataset {0}", dss); if (tsb != null) { logger.log(Level.FINE, " tsb= {0}", tsb.getURI()); } /** * * here is the data load ** */ loadDataSet(parentException); if (dataSet != null) { setStatus("done loading dataset"); if (dsf.getUri().length() == 0) { logger.fine("dsf.getUri was null"); // I'm not sure what the condition was here, but I never use this log message. return; } } else { if (!dom.controller.getStatus().startsWith("warning:")) { setStatus("no data returned"); } } } else { if (!(this.parentSources != null)) { setDataSetInternal(null); } else { String prob = checkParents(); if (prob != null) { logger.warning(prob); } } } if (dataSet != null) { setStatus("ready"); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); setStatus("error: " + ex); model.getExceptionHandler().handleUncaught(ex); } } private Updating updating; private PropertyChangeListener updatesListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); QDataSet ds = (QDataSet) evt.getNewValue(); if (ds != null) { setDataSetInternal(ds); } else { List pelements = dom.controller.getPlotElementsFor(dsf); for (PlotElement p : pelements) { p.getController().setResetRanges(true); } update(); } } }; /** * cancel the loading process. */ public void cancel() { DataSource dss = this.getDataSource(); // Note not getDataSource, which is synchronized. if (dss != null && dss.asynchronousLoad() && !dom.controller.isHeadless()) { ProgressMonitor monitor = getMonitor(); if (monitor != null) { logger.fine("cancel running request"); monitor.cancel(); } } } /** * update the model and view using the new DataSource to create a new * dataset. This calls update(false), indicating this was not triggered in * response to a human event. */ public void update() { update(false); } /** * update the model and view using the new DataSource to create a new * dataset. * * @param user true if this is in response to a user action (e.g. not * FilePollUpdates) */ public void update(final boolean user) { synchronized (dscLock) { changesSupport.registerPendingChange(this, PENDING_UPDATE); changesSupport.performingChange(this, PENDING_UPDATE); DataSource dss = getDataSource(); logger.log(Level.FINE, "request update {0}", dss); setDataSet(null); final RuntimeException fe = new RuntimeException("attempt to load "+ ( dss!=null ? dss.toString() : "(null)" ) ); Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { synchronized (dscLock) { updateImmediately(fe); if (dataSource != null) { if (updating != null) { updating.removePropertyChangeListener(updatesListener); } updating = dataSource.getCapability(Updating.class); if (updating != null) { updating.addPropertyChangeListener(updatesListener); } } } } finally { changesSupport.changePerformed(DataSourceController.this, PENDING_UPDATE); } } @Override public String toString() { return "load " + String.valueOf(dataSource); } }; if (dss != null && dss.asynchronousLoad() && !dom.controller.isHeadless()) { // this code will never be invoked because this is synchronous. See cancel(). logger.fine("invoke later do load"); ProgressMonitor monitor = getMonitor(); if (monitor != null) { logger.warning("double load!"); monitor.cancel(); } RequestProcessor.invokeLater(run); } else {; } } } /** * **** controller properties ****** */ /** * raw properties provided by the datasource after the data load. */ public static final String PROP_RAWPROPERTIES = "rawProperties"; protected Map rawProperties = null; public Map getRawProperties() { return rawProperties; } public void setRawProperties(Map rawProperties) { Map oldRawProperties = this.rawProperties; this.rawProperties = rawProperties; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_RAWPROPERTIES, oldRawProperties, rawProperties); } protected TimeSeriesBrowse tsb = null; public static final String PROP_TSB = "tsb"; public TimeSeriesBrowse getTsb() { return tsb; } public void setTsb(TimeSeriesBrowse tsb) { TimeSeriesBrowse oldTsb = this.tsb; this.tsb = tsb; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_TSB, oldTsb, tsb); } protected String tsbSuri = null; public static final String PROP_TSBSURI = "tsbSuri"; public String getTsbSuri() { return tsbSuri; } public void setTsbSuri(String tsbSuri) { String oldTsbSuri = this.tsbSuri; this.tsbSuri = tsbSuri; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_TSBSURI, oldTsbSuri, tsbSuri); } protected Caching caching = null; public static final String PROP_CACHING = "caching"; public Caching getCaching() { return caching; } public void setCaching(Caching caching) { Caching oldCaching = this.caching; this.caching = caching; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_CACHING, oldCaching, caching); } /** * object that can provide data sets and capabilities. */ public static final String PROP_DATASOURCE = "dataSource"; protected DataSource dataSource = null; /** * return the controller's current datasource. This was synchronized, but * this would mean that external clients could not query what the current * source was. Since this is only reading the variable, this seems harmless. * Note, findbugs prompted the code change, not an observed bug. TODO: there * is probably a better way to do this, synchronizing properly on several * objects. * * @return the controller's current datasource. */ public DataSource getDataSource() { logger.log(Level.FINER, "accessing data source"); // Since the dataSource is immutable, this needn't be synchronized. // Synchronizing caused a hang: // plot vap+inline: Fields/SI_06km_SH_89H_DSC // edit URI, select a different one, plot below. //synchronized ( this ) { return dataSource; //} } public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { DataSource oldDataSource; synchronized (dscLock) { oldDataSource = this.dataSource; this.dataSource = dataSource; } propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATASOURCE, oldDataSource, dataSource); } /** * the dataset loaded from the data source. */ protected QDataSet dataSet = null; public static final String PROP_DATASET = "dataSet"; public QDataSet getDataSet() { return dataSet; } /** * see setDataSetInternal, which does autoranging, etc. TODO: fix this and * the fillDataSet stuff... * @see #setDataSetInternal(org.das2.qds.QDataSet) * @param dataSet */ public void setDataSet(QDataSet dataSet) { QDataSet oldDataSet = this.dataSet; this.dataSet = dataSet; try { propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATASET, oldDataSet, dataSet); } catch ( NullPointerException ex ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, "", ex ); // See rte_0031957296, } } /** * fill dataset is a copy of the loaded dataset, with fill data applied. If * dataset has mutable properties, then the fillDataSet will be the same as * the dataset, and the dataset's properties are modified. */ protected QDataSet fillDataSet = null; public static final String PROP_FILLDATASET = "fillDataSet"; public QDataSet getFillDataSet() { return fillDataSet; } public void setFillDataSet(QDataSet fillDataSet) { QDataSet oldFillDataSet = this.fillDataSet; this.fillDataSet = fillDataSet; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FILLDATASET, oldFillDataSet, fillDataSet); } /** * when the dataset fails to load, then the exception thrown is here. */ protected Exception exception = null; public static final String PROP_EXCEPTION = "exception"; public Exception getException() { return exception; } public void setException(Exception exception) { Exception oldException = this.exception; this.exception = exception; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_EXCEPTION, oldException, exception); } protected QDataSet histogram = null; public static final String PROP_HISTOGRAM = "histogram"; public QDataSet getHistogram() { return histogram; } public void setHistogram(QDataSet histogram) { QDataSet oldHistogram = this.histogram; this.histogram = histogram; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_HISTOGRAM, oldHistogram, histogram); } protected Map properties = null; public static final String PROP_PROPERTIES = "properties"; public Map getProperties() { return properties; } public void setProperties(Map properties) { Map oldProperties =; = properties; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PROPERTIES, oldProperties, properties); } protected Map fillProperties = null; public static final String PROP_FILLPROPERTIES = "fillProperties"; public Map getFillProperties() { return fillProperties; } public void setFillProperties(Map fillProperties) { Map oldFillProperties = this.fillProperties; this.fillProperties = fillProperties; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FILLPROPERTIES, oldFillProperties, fillProperties); } protected String reduceDataSetString = ""; public static final String PROP_REDUCEDATASETSTRING = "reduceDataSetString"; /** * return documentation of any processes applied to the data within the * DataSourceFilter. This will be an empty string when no processes were * applied. See getFilters which specified which should be applied. * * @return reduceDataSetString the string, which may be empty but will not * be null. */ public String getAppliedFiltersString() { return reduceDataSetString; } /** * set the documentation of any processes applied to the data within the * DataSourceFilter. This will be an empty string when no processes were * applied. See getFilters which specified which should be applied. * * @param appliedFilters */ public void setAppliedFiltersString(String appliedFilters) { assert appliedFilters != null; String oldReduceDataSetString = this.reduceDataSetString; this.reduceDataSetString = appliedFilters; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_REDUCEDATASETSTRING, oldReduceDataSetString, appliedFilters); } /** * add breaks to make the message more legible in labels. * * @param message * @return */ private static String addHtmlBreaks(String message) { if (message.startsWith("")) { return message; } String[] ss = message.split(": "); if (ss.length == 1) { return message; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(""); result.append(ss[0]); for (int i = 1; i < ss.length; i++) { result.append(":
").append(ss[i]); } return result.toString(); } private ProgressMonitor getMonitor() { return mon; } /** * load the data set from the DataSource. */ private QDataSet loadDataSet(Exception parentException) { synchronized (dscLock) { ProgressMonitor mymon; QDataSet result = null; DataSource dss = getDataSource(); mymon = getMonitor("loading data", "loading " + dss); this.mon = mymon; try { // Call the data source to get the data set. logger.log(Level.FINE, "load {0}", dss); result = dss.getDataSet(mymon); //if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { // this.model.addRecent(dsf.getUri()); //} logger.log(Level.FINE, "read dataset: {1} from {0}", new Object[]{dss, result}); Map props = dss.getMetadata(new AlertNullProgressMonitor("getMetadata")); TimeSeriesBrowse ltsb= getTsb(); TimeSeriesBrowseController ltsbc= getTimeSeriesBrowseController(); if ( result != null && ltsb != null && ltsbc!=null && result.rank() > 0 && !UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(SemanticOps.getUnits(SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(result))) ) { Plot p = ltsbc.getPlot(); if ( p==null ) { logger.warning("unexpected timeSeriesBrowseController.domPlot==null"); } else { if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( p.getXaxis().getRange().getUnits() ) ) { List pes= dom.getController().getPlotElementsFor(p); if ( pes.size()>1 ) { logger.log(Level.INFO,"not resetting because others use this axis"); } else { logger.log(Level.INFO, "resetting autorange=T because dataset is not time series: {0}", result); p.getXaxis().setAutoRange(true); } } } // Let's trim it... int count= result.length(); result= DataSourceUtil.trimScatterToTimeRange( result, ltsb.getTimeRange() ); if ( result.length()==0 && count>0 ) { logger.warning("trimScatterToTimeRange removes all points!"); } } setDataSetInternal(result, props, dom.controller.isValueAdjusting()); // look again to see if it has timeSeriesBrowse now--JythonDataSource if ( ltsb== null && dss.getCapability(TimeSeriesBrowse.class) != null) { TimeSeriesBrowse tsb1 = dss.getCapability(TimeSeriesBrowse.class); PlotElement pe = getPlotElement(false); if (pe != null && this.doesPlotElementSupportTsb(pe)) { //TODO: less flakey setTsb(tsb1); ltsbc= new TimeSeriesBrowseController(this, pe); timeSeriesBrowseController= ltsbc; ltsbc.setup(false); } } //embedDsDirty = true; } catch (InterruptedIOException ex) { setException(ex); setDataSet(null); //TODO: maybe we should allow the old dataset to stay, in case TSB.... setStatus("interrupted"); if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { this.model.addException(dsf.getUri(), ex); } } catch ( org.das2.client.AccessDeniedException ex ) { setException(ex); setDataSet(null); //TODO: maybe we should allow the old dataset to stay, in case TSB.... setStatus("access denied"); if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { this.model.addException(dsf.getUri(), ex); } } catch (org.das2.util.monitor.CancelledOperationException | CancelledOperationException ex) { setException(ex); setDataSet(null); setStatus("operation cancelled"); if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { this.model.addException(dsf.getUri(), ex); } } catch (NoDataInIntervalException ex) { setException(ex); setDataSet(null); setStatus("warning: " + ex.getMessage()); if ( getTsb() == null) { String title = "no data in interval"; model.showMessage("" + ex.getMessage(), title, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { // do nothing. } if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { this.model.addException(dsf.getUri(), ex); } } catch (HtmlResponseIOException ex) { final HtmlResponseIOException htmlEx = (HtmlResponseIOException) ex; if ( dom.controller.isHeadless() ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), ex); } else { if (htmlEx.getURL() != null) { final String link = htmlEx.getURL().toString(); final JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); p.add(new JLabel("Unable to open URI:
" + dsf.getUri() + "

Downloaded file appears to be HTML.
" + link + "
"), BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); p1.add(new JButton(new AbstractAction("Details") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { org.das2.util.LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(ev); getApplication().controller.getApplicationModel().getExceptionHandler().handle(htmlEx); } })); p1.add(new JButton(new AbstractAction("View Page") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { org.das2.util.LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(ev); AutoplotUtil.openBrowser(link); } })); p.add(p1, BorderLayout.SOUTH); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(DataSourceController.this.model.getCanvas(), p); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(DataSourceController.this.model.getCanvas(), "Unable to open URI:
" + dsf.getUri() + "

" + ex); } } if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { this.model.addException(dsf.getUri(), ex); } } catch (IOException ex) { if (ex instanceof FileNotFoundException || (ex.getMessage() != null && (ex.getMessage().contains("No such file") || ex.getMessage().contains("timed out")))) { String message = ex.getMessage(); if (message.startsWith("550 ")) { message = message.substring(4); } if (message.startsWith("file:/") || message.startsWith("http://") || message.startsWith("https://")) { message = "File not found: " + message; } setException(ex); setDataSet(null); setStatus("warning: " + message); String title = (ex.getMessage().contains("No such file") || ex instanceof FileNotFoundException) ? "File not found" : ex.getMessage(); int i= title.indexOf('\n'); if (i>-1) { title = title.substring(0,i); } if (message.contains(org.autoplot.aggregator.AggregatingDataSource.MSG_NO_FILES_FOUND)) { // this implies that there are files in other intervals, so don't have popup } else { model.showMessage(addHtmlBreaks(message), title, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } else if (ex.getMessage() != null && ex.getMessage().contains("root does not exist")) { // bugfix 3053225 setException(ex); setDataSet(null); setStatus("warning: " + ex.getMessage()); String title = ex.getMessage().contains("No such file") ? "Root does not exist" : ex.getMessage(); model.showMessage(addHtmlBreaks(ex.getMessage()), title, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else if (ex.getMessage() == null) { setException(ex); logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), ex); setDataSet(null); setStatus("error: " + ex.getClass()); ex.printStackTrace(); handleException(ex); } else { setException(ex); setDataSet(null); setStatus("error: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); handleException(ex); } if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { this.model.addException(dsf.getUri(), ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { setException(ex); setDataSet(null); logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), ex); setStatus("error: " + ex.getMessage()); if ( ex.getCause()==null ) { try { ex.initCause(parentException); } catch ( RuntimeException ex2 ) { logger.fine("unable to preserve the initial stack trace"); } } handleException(ex); if (dsf.getUri().length() > 0) { this.model.addException(dsf.getUri(), ex); } } finally { // don't trust the data sources to call finished when an exception occurs. if (!mymon.isFinished()) { mymon.finished(); } if (mymon == this.mon) { this.mon = null; } else { logger.warning("not my mon, somebody better delete it!"); } } return result; } } /** * Set the data source URI. * * @param suri * @param mon */ public void setSuri(String suri, ProgressMonitor mon) { synchronized (dscLock) { suri = URISplit.makeCanonical(suri); synchronized (uriLock) { dsf.setUri(suri); setUriNeedsResolution(true); } } } /** * Set the data source URI, forcing a reload if it is the same. * * @param suri * @param mon */ public void resetSuri(String suri, ProgressMonitor mon) { String old = dsf.getUri(); suri = URISplit.makeCanonical(suri); synchronized (uriLock) { if (old.length() > 0 && old.equals(suri)) { // force reload dsf.setUri(""); } dsf.setFilters(""); setSuri(suri, mon); } } /** * Preconditions: dsf.getUri is set. Any or no datasource is set. * dom.getController().isValueAdjusting() is false Postconditions: A * dataSource object is created dsf._getDataSource returns the data source. * any parents the dataSource had (vap+internal:data_0,data_1) are deleted. * A thread has been started that will load the dataset. Side Effects: * update is called to start the download, unless if this is headless, then * the dataset has been loaded synchronously. * @param valueWasAdjusting true if the application was busy loading (see dom.controller.isValueAdjusting()), or if you don't want things to reset. * @param mon */ protected void resolveDataSource(boolean valueWasAdjusting, ProgressMonitor mon) { Caching cache1 = getCaching(); if (dom.getController().isValueAdjusting()) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "return of bug first demoed by test033: where the adjusting property is breifly cleared. {0}", dom.getController().changesSupport.isValueAdjusting()); logger.warning("See"); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } String surl = dsf.getUri(); if (surl.length() == 0) { getApplication().getController().deleteAnyParentsOfDataSourceFilter(dsf); clearParentSources(); resetDataSource(valueWasAdjusting, null); setUriNeedsResolution(false); setDataSetNeedsLoading(false); } else { getApplication().getController().deleteAnyParentsOfDataSourceFilter(dsf); URISplit split = URISplit.parse(surl); surl = URISplit.format(split); try { mon.started(); mon.setProgressMessage("getting " + surl); if (cache1 != null) { if (cache1.satisfies(surl)) { cache1.resetURI(surl); //trigger autorange propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATASOURCE, null, getDataSource()); update(); return; } } if (URISplit.implicitVapScheme(split).equals("vap+internal")) { clearParentSources(); resetDataSource(valueWasAdjusting, null); boolean ok = doInternal(split.path); String msg = null; if (!ok) { msg = dom.controller.getStatus(); } //resetDataSource(valueWasAdjusting,null); if (!ok) { dom.controller.setStatus(msg); } } else { DataSource source = DataSetURI.getDataSource(surl); clearParentSources(); resetDataSource(valueWasAdjusting, source); } setUriNeedsResolution(false); mon.setProgressMessage("done getting data source"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { mon.finished(); } } } /** * true if the URI has been changed, and must be resolved into a DataSource. */ public static final String PROP_URINEEDSRESOLUTION = "uriNeedsResolution"; protected boolean uriNeedsResolution = false; public boolean isUriNeedsResolution() { return uriNeedsResolution; } public void setUriNeedsResolution(boolean uriNeedsResolution) { boolean oldUriNeedsResolution = this.uriNeedsResolution; this.uriNeedsResolution = uriNeedsResolution; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_URINEEDSRESOLUTION, oldUriNeedsResolution, uriNeedsResolution); } /** * true is the DataSource has been changed, and we need to reload. */ public static final String PROP_DATASETNEEDSLOADING = "dataSetNeedsLoading"; protected boolean dataSetNeedsLoading = false; public boolean isDataSetNeedsLoading() { return dataSetNeedsLoading; } public void setDataSetNeedsLoading(boolean dataSetNeedsLoading) { boolean oldDataSetNeedsLoading = this.dataSetNeedsLoading; this.dataSetNeedsLoading = dataSetNeedsLoading; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATASETNEEDSLOADING, oldDataSetNeedsLoading, dataSetNeedsLoading); } protected boolean resetDimensions = false; /** * true if the data source is changed and we need to reset the dimension * names when we get our first data set. */ public static final String PROP_RESETDIMENSIONS = "resetDimensions"; public boolean isResetDimensions() { return resetDimensions; } public void setResetDimensions(boolean resetDimensions) { boolean oldResetDimensions = this.resetDimensions; this.resetDimensions = resetDimensions; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_RESETDIMENSIONS, oldResetDimensions, resetDimensions); } public Application getApplication() { return this.dom; } public TimeSeriesBrowseController getTimeSeriesBrowseController() { return timeSeriesBrowseController; } /** * try to fix leak. */ protected void releaseTimeSeriesBrowseController() { this.timeSeriesBrowseController= null; } @Override public boolean isPendingChanges() { TimeSeriesBrowseController tsbc = timeSeriesBrowseController; if (tsbc != null && tsbc.isPendingChanges()) { return true; } return super.isPendingChanges(); } @Override public void pendingChanges(Map changes) { super.pendingChanges(changes); TimeSeriesBrowseController tsbc = timeSeriesBrowseController; if (tsbc != null && tsbc.isPendingChanges()) { tsbc.pendingChanges(changes); } } private void handleException(Exception e) { if (model.getExceptionHandler() == null) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); } else if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("nsupported protocol")) { //unsupport protocol model.showMessage(e.getMessage(), "Unsupported Protocol", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "model.getExceptionHandler: {0}", model.getExceptionHandler()); model.getExceptionHandler().handle(e); } } /** * return the first plot element that is using this data source. * * @return null or a plot element. */ private PlotElement getPlotElement(boolean checkChildren) { List pele = dom.controller.getPlotElementsFor(dsf); if (pele.isEmpty()) { if ( checkChildren ) { DataSourceFilter dsf2= getChildSource(); if ( dsf2==null ) { return null; } else { return dsf2.controller.getPlotElement(false); } } else { return null; } } else { return pele.get(0); } } private ProgressMonitor getMonitor(String label, String description) { PlotElement pele = getPlotElement(true); if ( pele==null ) { pele = getPlotElement(true); } DasPlot p = null; if (pele != null) { Plot plot = dom.controller.getPlotFor(pele); if (plot != null) { p = plot.controller.getDasPlot(); } } else { Plot plot = dom.controller.getFirstPlotFor(this.dsf); if (plot != null) { p = plot.controller.getDasPlot(); } } ProgressMonitor result; if (p != null) { result= dom.controller.getMonitorFactory().getMonitor(p, label, description); } else { result= dom.controller.getMonitorFactory().getMonitor(label, description); } DasProgressPanel.maybeCenter( result, p ); return result; } private void setStatus(String string) { dom.controller.setStatus(string); } @Override public String toString() { return this.dsf + " controller"; } }