Autoplot Application (#{tag})
jnlp WebStart : Open JDK and Java 8 through Java 11 launch mechanism, 64-Bit Java will improve capabilities.
Single-Jar : .jar files can be launched on Windows and Mac, and contain a shell script for launching on Unix computers.
dmg: a self-contained installer for Mac computers. (Paused for now, please use single-jar.)
exe: a self-contained installer for Windows computers. (Production releases only)
New kernel spectrogram rebinner spreads out each point using flat plate kernels to give appealing nearest-neighbor with soft edges.
Autoplot allows plotting of data from many data sources, including remote CDF files and HAPI servers.
Datasets are identified with URIs, and by the URI's extension, data are loaded into the internal data model. Data are then
displayed by guessing the rendering method and axis ranges to provide a reasonable, useful view of the data. Data can then
be additionally processed with other operations like smooth and FFT, and Jython scripting provides a capable programming environment.
This is the Autoplot v2022a branch. This is an update to the production version containing bugfixes and minor new features.
Java 8 is now required.
Run with 1GB of memory to support 32-bit Java versions, and run off of ci-pw build server: autoplot_1GB.jnlp
Bugfixes (2022-10-28 r26774):
- 2483: TCA ephemeris loads incorrect time initially, blocking correct load.
- 2481: ASCII file multi-field times with tab delimiters can now be read.
- Improve feedback when PNGWalk setTimeRange is called but images do not contain URI templates like $Y$m$d.png.
Older Bugfixes (2022-10-08 r26747):
- 2480: slice1 was dropping the fill value found within a dataset, correct this for now by using unbundle.
- 2479: vap+cdaweb needs old initialization with some data sets, back out the change.
- 2475: corrections to pngwalks with $Y$m$d_$x.
- 2477: aggregate all clears "vap+internal" datasets. Thanks Cindy!
- skip the cadence check when there are 100,000,000 or more points and the x ds are just indices.
- 2453: correction in loading of CDFs which prevented huge (>2GB CDFs) from being loaded and data exported. Thanks, Kristoff!
- editor tools scripts were loaded on the event thread, causing hang when internet is not available.
- 2476: validate check on BINS_1 min<max resulted in test148 failing.
- 2475: kludgey solution for pngwalks with $Y$m$d_$x. This will be studied again soon. Thanks, Sadie!
- CDF GUI doesn't offer rank 3 datasets for X and Y.
- special (kludgey) code to prevent "createScreenShot.jy" from loading automatically.
- 2134: rank 1 indices for rank 2 dataset was incorrectly implemented.
- Correction to fast branch for reduceMean.
- New kernel spectrogram rebinner is available, where points are spread out and mixed together.
- dataset command handles DatumVector class, which is an array of Datums.
- Jython editor "jump to" includes methods within classes.
Less recent features:
- handle completions on Jython object with fields.
- Butterworth filter accepts rank 2 waveform data. detrend1 added for rank 2 waveform data.
- 35: Improve support for DEPEND_0 with bins data set.
- 18: New tick logic used on one or two-cycle log axes.
Feedback on the function and quality of this release is greatly appreciated!
Data is input from:
- ASCII files (.dat,.txt)
- CSV files (.csv)
- Binary files (.bin)
- CDF files(.cdf)
- PDS4 files (.lblx)
- Excel spread sheets (.xls)
- das2Streams (.d2s or .das2Stream)
- HAPI Servers (vap+hapi:)
- CDAWeb data server (vap+cdaweb:)
- das2servers (vap+das2server:)
- QStreams (.qds) (serialized version of internal model QDataSet)
- Plasma Wave Group das2 Server
- NetCDF files (.nc,.ncml)
- HDF5 files (.h5,.hdf5)
- DODs servers (.dds)
- Cluster Exchange Format files (.cef)
- Fits Format Files (.fits)
- Images (.jpg, .png, .gif)
- Wav audio files (.wav) is the website containing
more information than this launch page.