package org.autoplot.dom; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import org.das2.datum.OrbitDatumRange; import org.das2.datum.Orbits; import org.das2.datum.TimeParser; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Converter; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; /** * Class for containing the logic of how macros are implemented. * * * This currently supports just the plotElement and plot. When * multiple plotElements are attached to a plot, then the * first is used. * * @author */ public class LabelConverter extends Converter { private static Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("autoplot.dom.labelConverter"); Application dom=null; PlotElement plotElement=null; Plot plot=null; Annotation annotation=null; Axis axis= null; boolean multiplePEWarning= false; private LabelConverter() { } public LabelConverter( Application dom, Plot plot, Axis axis, PlotElement pe, Annotation an ) { this(); this.dom= dom; this.plot= plot; this.axis= axis; this.plotElement= pe; this.annotation= an; } private PlotElement getFocusPlotElement() { PlotElement pe; multiplePEWarning= false; if ( plotElement!=null ) { pe= plotElement; } else { List pes= DomUtil.getPlotElementsFor(dom, plot); if ( pes.size()==1 ) { pe= pes.get(0); } else if ( pes.isEmpty() ) { pe= null; } else { pe= pes.get(0); multiplePEWarning= true; } } return pe; } @Override public Object convertForward(Object value) { PlotElement pe= getFocusPlotElement(); String title= (String)value; if ( title.length()==0 ) { return title; } boolean done= false; while ( !done ) { int unresolvedIndex= title.indexOf("%{"); if ( title.contains("CONTEXT" ) ) { if ( pe!=null ) { int loopCount=0; if ( pe.getController().isPendingChanges() ) { //TODO: review loopCount++; if ( loopCount>1000 ) { break; } try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(LabelConverter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if ( loopCount>1000 ) { logger.warning("wait for isPendingChanges reached limit"); } QDataSet dataSet= pe.getController().getDataSet(); if ( dataSet!=null ) { if ( plot!=null && plot.getXaxis()==axis ) { // crazy kludge, sure to cause problems. This assumes that DEPEND_0 is the dataset causing the variation in X. logger.finer("getting the CONTEXT property from DEPEND_0"); QDataSet d= (QDataSet); if ( d!=null && SemanticOps.getUnits(d).isConvertibleTo(axis.getRange().getUnits()) ) { dataSet= d; } } logger.log(Level.FINEST, "bug1814: context substitution success. {0}", Thread.currentThread().getName()); title= insertUnformattedData( title, "CONTEXT", dataSet ); } else { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "bug1814: ds is null. {0}", Thread.currentThread().getName()); title= insertString( title, "CONTEXT", "" ); } } else { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "bug1814: pe is null.{0}", Thread.currentThread().getName()); title= insertString( title, "CONTEXT", "" );// } } if ( title.contains("PLOT_CONTEXT") ) { // Das2 also has a CONTEXT property, which is represented by PLOT_CONTEXT in Autoplot. title= insertString( title, "PLOT_CONTEXT", "%{CONTEXT}"); } if ( title.contains("USER_PROPERTIES" ) ) { if ( pe!=null ) { QDataSet dataSet= pe.getController().getDataSet(); if ( dataSet!=null ) { Map props= (Map); if ( props!=null ) { title= DomUtil.resolveProperties( title, "USER_PROPERTIES", props ); } } } } if ( title.contains("METADATA" ) ) { if ( pe!=null ) { DataSourceFilter dsf= (DataSourceFilter) DomUtil.getElementById( dom, pe.getDataSourceFilterId() ); if ( dsf!=null ) { // ought not to be! Map props= (Map) dsf.getController().getRawProperties(); //TODO: this is a really old name that needs updating... if ( props!=null ) { title= DomUtil.resolveProperties( title, "METADATA", props ); } } } } if ( title.contains("{PROPERTIES" ) ) { // ${PROPERTIES.DEPEND_0.UNITS} if ( pe!=null ) { QDataSet dataSet= pe.getController().getDataSet(); int i1= title.indexOf("{PROPERTIES")+12; // 12 includes the dot following int i2= title.indexOf('}',i1); String prop= title.substring(i1,i2); String[] ss= prop.split("\\.",-2); Object o=null; if ( dataSet!=null ) { for (String s : ss) { o =; if ( o instanceof QDataSet ) { dataSet= (QDataSet)o; } if ( o==null ) break; } } if ( o==null ) o=""; title= insertString( title, title.substring(i1-11,i2), o.toString() ); } } if ( title.contains("TIMERANGE") ) { DatumRange tr= PlotElementControllerUtil.getTimeRange( dom, pe ); if ( tr==null ) { if ( plot!=null && UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( plot.getContext().getUnits() ) ) { tr= plot.getContext(); } else if ( axis!=null && UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( axis.getRange().getUnits() ) ) { tr= axis.getRange(); } } Pattern pop= Pattern.compile("(.*)\\%\\{TIMERANGE(.*?)\\}(.*)"); String insert= ( tr==null ? "(no timerange)" : tr.toString() ); Matcher m= pop.matcher(title); if ( m.matches() ) { String control=; Map controls= new HashMap<>(); if ( control.length()>0 ) { char delim= control.charAt(0); String[] ss; ss= control.substring(1).split( "\\"+delim ); for ( String s: ss ) { int i= s.indexOf("="); if ( i==-1 ) { controls.put(s,""); } else { controls.put(s.substring(0,i),s.substring(i+1)); } } } if ( controls.size()>0 ) { if ( controls.containsKey("CONTEXT") && tr!=null ) { String context= controls.get("CONTEXT"); if ( context!=null ) { // the context can be an orbit file or orbit identifier. Orbits o= Orbits.getOrbitsFor(context); String s= o.getOrbit(tr.middle()); if ( s!=null ) { try { // convert to orbit datum range for the same time. DatumRange drtest= o.getDatumRange(s); if ( Math.abs( DatumRangeUtil.normalize( tr, drtest.min() ) ) < 0.05 && Math.abs( DatumRangeUtil.normalize( tr, drtest.max() ) - 1.0 ) < 0.05 ) { tr= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange("orbit:"+context+":"+s); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } if ( controls.containsKey("NOORBIT") ) { if ( tr!=null ) { if ( tr instanceof OrbitDatumRange ) { insert= DatumRangeUtil.formatTimeRange(tr,false) + " (Orbit "+((OrbitDatumRange)tr).getOrbit()+")"; } else { insert= DatumRangeUtil.formatTimeRange(tr,false); } } } else if ( controls.containsKey("FORMAT") ) { String format= controls.get("FORMAT"); if ( format.equals("$o") || format.equals("%o") ) { if ( tr instanceof OrbitDatumRange ) { insert= ((OrbitDatumRange)tr).getOrbit(); } else { insert= "???"; } } else { TimeParser tp= TimeParser.create(format); if ( tr!=null ) { insert= tp.format(tr); } } } } } title= insertString( title, "TIMERANGE", insert ); } //logger.fine("<--"+value + "-->"+title ); //see convertReverse, which must be done as well. if ( title.contains("COMPONENT") ) { String ss=""; if ( pe!=null ) { ss= pe.getComponent(); } title= insertString( title, "COMPONENT", ss ); } int newUnresolvedIndex= title.indexOf("%{"); done= ( newUnresolvedIndex==-1 || newUnresolvedIndex==unresolvedIndex ); } if ( multiplePEWarning && ! title.equals(value) ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "multiple plot elements found, using first to resolve: {0}", value); } return title; } @Override public Object convertReverse(Object value) { String title= (String)value; if ( title.length()==0 ) { return title; } String ptitle; if ( annotation!=null ) { ptitle= annotation.getText(); } else if ( plotElement!=null ) { PlotElement pe= getFocusPlotElement(); ptitle= pe.getLegendLabel(); } else if ( axis!=null ) { ptitle= axis.getLabel(); } else { ptitle= plot.getTitle(); } if ( containsString( ptitle, "CONTEXT", title) ) { title= ptitle; } else if ( ptitle.contains( "%{PLOT_CONTEXT}" ) ) { title= ptitle; } else if ( ptitle.contains( "%{USER_PROPERTIES" ) ) { //kludgy title= ptitle; } else if ( ptitle.contains( "%{PROPERTIES" ) ) { //kludgy title= ptitle; } else if ( ptitle.contains( "%{METADATA" ) ) { //kludgy title= ptitle; } else if ( containsString( ptitle, "TIMERANGE", title ) ) { title= ptitle; } else if ( containsString( ptitle, "COMPONENT", title ) ) { title= ptitle; } if ( multiplePEWarning && !title.equals(value) ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "multiple plot elements found, using first to resolve: {0}", value); } return title; } /** * replace %{LABEL} or $(LABEL) with value, possibly formatting it. * @param title the string containing the macro. * @param label the label to replace, such as METADATA.SPACECRAFT. * @param dataset the value to insert * @return the new string with the value inserted. */ protected static String insertUnformattedData( String title, String label, QDataSet dataset ) { String svalue= DataSetUtil.contextAsString(dataset); Pattern p= Pattern.compile("(\\%\\{"+label+"(,(.*?))?\\})"); Matcher m= p.matcher(title); boolean found= m.find(); if ( !found ) { p= Pattern.compile("(\\$\\("+label+"(,(.*?))?\\))"); m= p.matcher(title); found= m.find(); } if ( found ) { String args=; if ( args!=null ) { QDataSet ds= DataSetUtil.getContext(dataset); if ( ds.length()>1 ) { ds= ds.trim(0,1); logger.warning("only 1 context supported"); } else if ( ds.length()==1 ) { ds= ds.slice(0); } if ( ds.length()>0 ) { if ( args.startsWith("format=") && args.length()>8 ) { if ( args.charAt(7)=='$' ) { TimeParser tp= TimeParser.create(args.substring(7)); if ( ds.length()==1 ) { svalue= tp.format( Ops.datum(ds.slice(0)) ); } else if (ds.length()==2 ) { svalue= tp.format( Ops.datumRange(ds.slice(0)) ); } } else { if ( args.endsWith("d") || args.endsWith("x") ) { // x is hexidecimal svalue= String.format( args.substring(7), (int)ds.slice(0).value() ); } else { svalue= String.format( args.substring(7), ds.slice(0).value() ); } } } } } return title.substring(0,m.start()) + svalue + title.substring(m.end()); } return title; } /** * replace %{LABEL} or $(LABEL) with value. * @param title the string containing the macro. * @param label the label to replace, such as METADATA.SPACECRAFT. * @param value the value to insert * @return the new string with the value inserted. */ protected static String insertString( String title, String label, String value ) { Pattern p= Pattern.compile("(\\%\\{"+label+"(,.*?)?\\})"); Matcher m= p.matcher(title); if ( m.find() ) { return title.substring(0,m.start()) + value + title.substring(m.end()); } else { p= Pattern.compile("(\\$\\("+label+"(,.*?)?\\))"); m= p.matcher(title); if ( m.find() ) { return title.substring(0,m.start()) + value + title.substring(m.end()); } } return title; } /** * return true if %{LABEL} or $(LABEL) is found in ptitle, or * %{LABEL,args}. * @param title the string which contains the macro. * @param label the macro name to look for in %{macro} or $(macro) * @param value the string with the macro inserted. * @return true if ptitle is consistent. */ protected static boolean containsString( String title, String label, String value ) { String search; String[] ss=null; Pattern p= Pattern.compile("(\\%\\{"+label+"(,.*)?\\})"); Matcher m= p.matcher(title); if ( m.find() ) { ss= new String[2]; ss[0]= title.substring(0,m.start()); ss[1]= title.substring(m.end()); } else { search= "$("+label+")"; if ( title.contains( search ) ) { ss= title.split("\\$\\("+label+"\\)",-2); } } if ( ss!=null && value.startsWith(ss[0]) && value.endsWith(ss[1]) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } }