package org.autoplot.cdaweb; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.autoplot.cdf.CdfDataSource; import org.autoplot.cdf.CdfUtil; import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException; import org.das2.datum.CacheTag; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import org.das2.datum.EnumerationUnits; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.CancelledOperationException; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.SubTaskMonitor; //import org.virbo.cdf.CdfJavaDataSource; import org.autoplot.cdf.CdfVirtualVars; import org.das2.qds.ArrayDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.autoplot.datasource.AbstractDataSource; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSource; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFactory; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceRegistry; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceUtil; import org.autoplot.datasource.MetadataModel; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.autoplot.datasource.capability.TimeSeriesBrowse; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.qds.util.DataSetBuilder; import org.autoplot.metatree.IstpMetadataModel; import org.autoplot.netCDF.NetCDFDataSource; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; /** * Special data source for reading time series from NASA Goddard's CDAWeb * database. This uses an XML file to locate data files (soon a web service), and * delegates to the CDF file reader to read them. This code handles the * aggregation into a time series. * * @author jbf */ public class CDAWebDataSource extends AbstractDataSource { protected static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("apdss.cdaweb"); public static final String PARAM_ID= "id"; public static final String PARAM_DS= "ds"; public static final String PARAM_TIMERANGE= "timerange"; public static final String PARAM_WS= "ws"; public static final String PARAM_AVAIL= "avail"; public CDAWebDataSource( URI uri ) { super(uri); String timerange= getParam( "timerange", "2010-01-17" ).replaceAll("\\+", " "); try { tr = DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange(timerange); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } ds= getParam( "ds","ac_k0_epm" ); id= getParam( "arg_0", null ); ws= getParam( PARAM_WS, null ); savail= getParam( PARAM_AVAIL,"F"); if ( id==null ) id= getParam("id",null); if ( id==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("param not specified"); } Map metadata; Map[] metadatas; DatumRange tr; String ds; String id; String ws; // web service. Null means "T" String savail; /** * return the DataSourceFactory that will read the CDF files. This was once * the binary CDF library, and now is the java one. Either way, it must * use the spec: ? * @param ext the file extention, .cdf or .nc * @return the factory producing readers for this type. */ private DataSourceFactory getDelegateFactory(String ext) { DataSourceFactory cdfFileDataSourceFactory= DataSourceRegistry.getInstance().getSource(ext); return cdfFileDataSourceFactory; } @Override public synchronized QDataSet getDataSet(ProgressMonitor mon) throws Exception { CDAWebDB db= CDAWebDB.getInstance(); { // get a file via http so we get a filesystem offline if we are at a hotel. // Note the file is small, and if the file is already downloaded, this will only result in a head request. if ( !db.isOnline() ) { throw new IOException("CDAWeb is not accessible."); } } mon.started(); MutablePropertyDataSet result= null; ArrayDataSet accum = null; try { try { mon.setProgressMessage("refreshing database"); db.maybeRefresh( mon.getSubtaskMonitor(0,10,"refreshing database") ); } catch ( IOException ex ) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); mon.setProgressMessage("unable to connect via ftp"); throw ex; } String[] files; files= db.getFiles( ds.toUpperCase(), tr, ws, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("lookup files") ); if ( "T".equals( savail ) ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "availablility {0} ", new Object[]{ tr}); DataSetBuilder build= new DataSetBuilder(2,files.length,4); Units u= Units.us2000; EnumerationUnits eu= new EnumerationUnits("default"); for ( String file: files ) { String[] ss= file.split("\\|"); file=ss[0]; DatumRange dr= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange( ss[1]+ " to "+ ss[2] ); build.putValues( -1, DDataSet.wrap( new double[] { dr.min().doubleValue(u), dr.max().doubleValue(u), 0x80FF80, eu.createDatum(ss[0]).doubleValue(eu) } ), 4 ); build.nextRecord(); } DDataSet tresult= build.getDataSet(); DDataSet bds= DDataSet.createRank2( 4, 0 ); bds.putProperty( "NAME__0", "StartTime" ); bds.putProperty( "UNITS__0", u ); bds.putProperty( "NAME__1", "StopTime" ); bds.putProperty( "UNITS__1", u ); bds.putProperty( "NAME__2", "Color" ); bds.putProperty( "NAME__3", "Filename" ); bds.putProperty( "UNITS__3", eu ); tresult.putProperty( QDataSet.BUNDLE_1, bds ); tresult.putProperty( QDataSet.RENDER_TYPE, "eventsBar" ); tresult.putProperty( QDataSet.LABEL, ds.toUpperCase()+"!cAvailability"); tresult.putProperty( QDataSet.TITLE, ds.toUpperCase()+" Availability" ); return tresult; } String ext; if ( files.length==0 ) { ext= ".cdf"; } else { String s= files[0]; int i= s.indexOf("|"); if ( i>-1 ) s= s.substring(0,i); URISplit split= URISplit.parse(s); ext= split.ext; } DataSourceFactory fileDataSourceFactory= getDelegateFactory(ext); mon.setTaskSize(files.length*10+10); if ( mon.isCancelled() ) { throw new CancelledOperationException("user cancelled task"); } mon.setTaskProgress(0); //we need to look in the file to see if it is virtual mon.setProgressMessage("getting metadata for "+ds); getMetadata( SubTaskMonitor.create( mon,0,10) ); String virtual=null; String[] virtuals=null; if ( metadata!=null ) { virtual= (String) metadata.get( "VIRTUAL" ); } else { virtuals= new String[metadatas.length]; for ( int i=0; i0 ) { virtuals[i]= s; } else { virtuals[i]= null; } } } DatumRange range=null; for ( int i=0; i p= new ArrayList<>(); if ( !DataSetUtil.validate( ds1, p ) ) { if ( p.size()>0 ) { logger.warning(p.get(0)); continue; // vap+cdaweb:ds=MMS1_FPI_FAST_L2_DES-MOMS&filter=mms1&id=mms1_des_energyspectr_mx_fast&timerange=2016-02-29 } else { logger.warning("problem"); } } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "load {0} -> {1}", new Object[]{file, ds1}); } if ( ds1.length()==1 ) { // See logger.log(Level.WARNING, "bug 2001: files with only one record are skipped: {0}", file); } else { if ( result==null && accum==null ) { range= range1; if ( files.length==1 ) { result= (MutablePropertyDataSet)ds1; } else { accum = ArrayDataSet.maybeCopy(ds1); accum.grow(accum.length()*files.length*11/10); //110% } } else { assert accum!=null; // because files.length>1. ArrayDataSet ads1= ArrayDataSet.maybeCopy(accum.getComponentType(),ds1); if ( accum.canAppend(ads1) ) { accum.append( ads1 ); } else { accum.grow( accum.length() + ads1.length() * ( files.length-i) ); accum.append( ads1 ); } range= DatumRangeUtil.union( range, range1 ); } } } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "failed to read data for granule: {0}", files[i]); } } if ( result==null ) { result= accum; } if ( result!=null && && ( metadata!=null && metadata.containsKey("UNIT_PTR_VALUE" ) ) ) { QDataSet unitss= (QDataSet) metadata.get("UNIT_PTR_VALUE"); boolean allSame= true; for ( int i=0; i1 ) { String dep1= (String)dep1p.get("NAME"); String master= db.getMasterFile( ds.toUpperCase(), new NullProgressMonitor() ); DataSource masterSource; if ( master.endsWith(".cdf") ) { masterSource= new CdfDataSource( DataSetURI.getURI( master+"?"+dep1+"[0]&doDep=no" ) ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("master should end in .cdf"); } try { // you can't pull non-time-varying records from the master CDF! QDataSet ds1= (MutablePropertyDataSet)masterSource.getDataSet( new NullProgressMonitor() ); int[] qube= DataSetUtil.qubeDims(result); // kludge for ICON_L25_VER_map_z1 if ( qube.length>1 && qube[1]==ds1.length()-1 && ds1.rank()==1 ) {"off-by-one error in DEPEND_1, replacing with findgen"); ds1= Ops.findgen(qube[1]); } result= Ops.putProperty( result, QDataSet.DEPEND_1, ds1 ); } catch ( NoDataInIntervalException ex ) {"DEPEND_1 refers to time varying quantity. (Something went wrong, DEPEND_1 should have been "+ "loaded along with the data"); } } } // kludge to get y labels when they are in the skeleton. if ( result!=null && result.rank()==2 && metadata!=null ) { // TODO: metadatas? QDataSet labels= (QDataSet); String labelVar= (String)metadata.get( "LABL_PTR_1"); String renderType= (String); if ( labelVar!=null && ( renderType==null || renderType.equals("time_series") ) ) { labels=null; } if ( labels==null && labelVar!=null ) { String master= db.getMasterFile( ds.toLowerCase(), mon.getSubtaskMonitor("get master file") ); URISplit split= URISplit.parse(master); DataSource labelDss= getDelegateFactory(split.ext).getDataSource( DataSetURI.getURI(master+"?"+labelVar) ); QDataSet labelDs= (MutablePropertyDataSet)labelDss.getDataSet( new NullProgressMonitor() ); if ( labelDs!=null ) { if ( labelDs.rank()>1 && labelDs.length()==1 ) labelDs= labelDs.slice(0); //result= Ops.putProperty( result, QDataSet.BUNDLE_1, DataSetUtil.toBundleDs(labelDs)); //TODO: why doesn't this work?!?!? } } } // slice1 datasets should get the labels from the master if we sliced it already. String slice1=getParam("slice1", "" ); if ( result!=null && slice1.length()>0 && metadata!=null ) { // TODO: metadatas? int islice1= Integer.parseInt(slice1); String labelVar= (String)metadata.get( "LABL_PTR_1"); if ( labelVar!=null ) { String master= db.getMasterFile( ds.toLowerCase(), mon.getSubtaskMonitor("get master file") ); DataSource labelDss= getDelegateFactory(ext).getDataSource( DataSetURI.getURI(master+"?"+labelVar) ); QDataSet labelDs= (MutablePropertyDataSet)labelDss.getDataSet( new NullProgressMonitor() ); if ( labelDs!=null ) { if ( labelDs.rank()>1 && labelDs.length()==1 ) labelDs= labelDs.slice(0); result= Ops.putProperty( result, QDataSet.LABEL, DataSetUtil.getStringValue(labelDs.slice(islice1)).trim() ); } } } // we know the ranges for timeseriesbrowse, kludge around autorange 10% bug. if ( result!=null ) { MutablePropertyDataSet dep0= (MutablePropertyDataSet); if ( dep0!=null && range!=null ) { Units dep0units= (Units); if ( range.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(dep0units) ) { dep0= Ops.putProperty( dep0, QDataSet.TYPICAL_MIN, range.min().doubleValue(dep0units) ); dep0= Ops.putProperty( dep0, QDataSet.TYPICAL_MAX, range.max().doubleValue(dep0units) ); } dep0= Ops.putProperty( dep0, QDataSet.CACHE_TAG, new CacheTag(range,null) ); try { DatumRange extent= Ops.datumRange( CDAWebDB.getInstance().getTimeRange(ds) ); if ( extent.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(dep0units) ) { dep0= Ops.putProperty( dep0, QDataSet.VALID_MIN, extent.min().doubleValue(dep0units) ); dep0= Ops.putProperty( dep0, QDataSet.VALID_MAX, extent.max().doubleValue(dep0units) ); } } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { // do what we did before. } result= Ops.putProperty( result, QDataSet.DEPEND_0, dep0 ); } Map user= new HashMap<>(); for ( int i=0; i=10 ) { user.put( "delegate_10", (files.length-10) + " more files." ); } if ( !result.isImmutable() ) { result.putProperty( QDataSet.USER_PROPERTIES, user ); } } } finally { if ( !mon.isFinished() ) mon.finished(); } if ( result!=null ) { String displayType= (String) QDataSet.RENDER_TYPE ); if ( displayType!=null && displayType.equals("spectrogram") ) { int rank= result.rank(); int nphys= 0; for ( int i=1; i problems= new ArrayList(); if ( ! DataSetUtil.validate(result,problems) ) { throw new Exception("calculated dataset is not well-formed: "+uri + ". " + problems ); } } return result; } private MutablePropertyDataSet readVariable(String file, String id, Map lmetadata, DataSourceFactory fileDataSourceFactory, ProgressMonitor t1) throws URISyntaxException, Exception { Map fileParams= new HashMap(getParams()); fileParams.remove( PARAM_TIMERANGE ); fileParams.remove( PARAM_DS ); fileParams.put( "id", id ); URI file1; file1= DataSetURI.getURI( file + "?" + URISplit.formatParams(fileParams) ); logger.log( Level.FINE, "loading {0}", file1); MutablePropertyDataSet ds1; if ( file.endsWith(".nc") ) { NetCDFDataSource dataSource= (NetCDFDataSource)fileDataSourceFactory.getDataSource( file1 ); try { ds1= (MutablePropertyDataSet)dataSource.getDataSet( t1 ); //,metadata ); CdfUtil.doApplyAttributes( lmetadata, ds1, null, null ); // assumes no slice1 ds1.putProperty( QDataSet.METADATA, lmetadata ); ds1.putProperty( QDataSet.METADATA_MODEL, QDataSet.VALUE_METADATA_MODEL_ISTP ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { String p= params.get(PARAM_ID); logger.log(Level.INFO, "parameter not found for interval: {0}", p ); throw new NoDataInIntervalException("parameter not found for interval: "+p ); } } else { // typical case for 99.9% of data -- CDF files. CdfDataSource dataSource= (CdfDataSource)fileDataSourceFactory.getDataSource( file1 ); try { ds1= (MutablePropertyDataSet)dataSource.getDataSet( t1,lmetadata ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); String p= params.get(PARAM_ID); logger.log(Level.INFO, "parameter not found for interval: {0}", p ); throw new NoDataInIntervalException("parameter not found for interval: "+p ); } } return ds1; } /** * read the virtual variable identified in the metadata * @param file the cdf file * @param meta the metadata * @param fileDataSourceFactory the data source which will do the reading * @param t1 * @return the dataset * @throws Exception */ private MutablePropertyDataSet readVirtualVariable(String file, Map meta, DataSourceFactory fileDataSourceFactory, ProgressMonitor t1) throws Exception { MutablePropertyDataSet ds1=null; int nc=0; List comps= new ArrayList(); String function= (String)meta.get( "FUNCTION" ); if ( function==null ) { function= (String)meta.get( "FUNCT" ); // THA_L2_ESA } String missingComponentName= null; if ( function!=null ) { String comp= (String)meta.get( "COMPONENT_" + nc ); while ( comp!=null ) { Map fileParams= new HashMap(getParams()); fileParams.remove( PARAM_TIMERANGE ); fileParams.remove( PARAM_DS ); fileParams.put( PARAM_ID, comp ); URI file1; file1= DataSetURI.getURI( file + "?" + URISplit.formatParams(fileParams) ); logger.log(Level.FINER, "loading component for virtual variable: {0}", file1); DataSource dataSource= fileDataSourceFactory.getDataSource( file1 ); try { ds1= (MutablePropertyDataSet)dataSource.getDataSet( t1.getSubtaskMonitor("load "+comp) ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { ds1= null; // !!!! logger.log( Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), ex ); missingComponentName= comp; } comps.add( ds1 ); nc++; comp= (String) meta.get( "COMPONENT_" + nc ); } boolean missingComponent= false; for (QDataSet comp1 : comps) { if (comp1 == null) { missingComponent= true; } } if ( !missingComponent ) { try { ds1= (MutablePropertyDataSet)CdfVirtualVars.execute( meta, function, comps, t1 ); // check for slice String id_= getParams().get("id"); ds1= maybeImplementSlice( id_,ds1 ); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("The virtual variable " + id + " cannot be plotted because the function is not supported: "+function, ex); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The virtual variable "+id + " cannot be plotted because a component "+missingComponentName+" is missing"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The virtual variable " + id + " cannot be plotted because the function is not identified" ); } return ds1; } @Override public synchronized Map getMetadata(ProgressMonitor mon) throws Exception { if ( "T".equals(this.savail) ) { return null; } Pattern slicePattern= Pattern.compile(".+\\[:\\,(\\d+)\\]"); if ( metadata==null && metadatas==null ) { mon.started(); CDAWebDB db= CDAWebDB.getInstance(); String master= db.getMasterFile( ds.toLowerCase(), mon.getSubtaskMonitor("getMasterFile") ); URISplit split= URISplit.parse(master); master= master+"?"+id; String x= getParam("x",null); String y= getParam("y",null); if ( x!=null ) master+="&x="+x; if ( y!=null ) master+="&y="+y; if ( id.contains(";") ) { String[] params= id.split(";"); metadatas= new Map[params.length]; for ( int i=0; i1 && labelDs.length()==1 ) labelDs= labelDs.slice(0); metadata.put( "LABLAXIS", DataSetUtil.getStringValue(labelDs.slice(Integer.parseInt(slice1)) ) ); } } } mon.finished(); } return metadata; } @Override public MetadataModel getMetadataModel() { return new IstpMetadataModel(); } /** * caution: see also CDAWebDataSourceFactory.getCapability! * @param * @param clazz * @return */ @Override public T getCapability(Class clazz) { if ( clazz==TimeSeriesBrowse.class ) { return (T) new TimeSeriesBrowse() { @Override public void setTimeRange(DatumRange dr) { tr= dr; } @Override public DatumRange getTimeRange() { return tr; } @Override public void setTimeResolution(Datum d) { } @Override public Datum getTimeResolution() { return null; } @Override public String getURI() { Map p= getParams(); p.put(PARAM_TIMERANGE,tr.toString().replace(' ','+')); return "vap+cdaweb:" + URISplit.formatParams(p); } @Override public String blurURI() { Map p= getParams(); p.remove("timerange"); return "vap+cdaweb:" + URISplit.formatParams( p ); } @Override public void setURI(String suri) throws ParseException { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(suri); Map params= URISplit.parseParams(split.params); String str= params.get( URISplit.PARAM_TIME_RANGE ); if ( str!=null ) { tr= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange(params.get( URISplit.PARAM_TIME_RANGE ) ); } } }; } else { return null; } } public static void main( String[] args ) throws URISyntaxException, Exception { CDAWebDataSource dss= new CDAWebDataSource( new URI( "vap+cdaweb:file:///foo.xml?ds=cl_sp_fgm&id=B_mag&timerange=2001-10-10") ); QDataSet ds= dss.getDataSet( new NullProgressMonitor() ); logger.fine(ds.toString()); } /** * This additional code for implementing slice is needed to implement virtual variables. This * checks to see if the slice spec is present and implements. * @param id_ the name of the dataset and possibly name[:,2]. * @param ds1 the dataset (for example ds[1440,3]) * @return the dataset possibly sliced. (for example ds[1440]) */ private static MutablePropertyDataSet maybeImplementSlice( String id_, MutablePropertyDataSet ds1) { int i= id_.lastIndexOf('['); if ( i>-1 ) { String subset= id_.substring(i); long[] lqubeDims= new long[ds1.rank()]; int[] iqubeDims= DataSetUtil.qubeDims(ds1); for ( int i2=0; i2 mc= DataSourceUtil.parseConstraint( subset, lqubeDims ); long[] constr= mc.get(0); if ( constr[0]==0 && constr[1]==lqubeDims[0] && constr[2]==1 ) { constr= mc.get(1); if ( constr!=null && ( constr[1]==-1 && constr[2]==-1 ) ) { ds1= Ops.maybeCopy( Ops.slice1( ds1, (int)constr[0] ) ); } } return ds1; } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, "parse exception", ex ); return ds1; } } else { return ds1; } } }