/* Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Piker * * This file is part of the das2 Core library. * * das2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public Library License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ package org.das2.catalog.impl; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; //import java.util.NoSuchElementException; <-- important one to remember import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.das2.catalog.DasNode; import org.das2.catalog.DasDirNode; import org.das2.catalog.DasResolveException; /** All nodes which have child catalog nodes should inherit from this package * private class. * * In addition to the 3-phase construction interface, this abstract class adds the * ability to have sub-nodes, which is provided via the resolve() and nearest() * functions. * * The two main data members intended for inheritance are dSubNodes and sSep. * If derived classes use this sub-node list and fill in their separator string * the sub-node resolution can be handled by this class with out overriding * resolve() and nearest(). * * @author cwp */ public abstract class AbstractDirNode extends AbstractNode implements DasDirNode { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerManager.getLogger( "das2.catalog.absdir" ); static final String DEFAULT_PATH_SEP = "/"; // A dictionary of subnodes protected Map dSubNodes; /** The separator string used for sub-paths of this node, may be set to null * or some other value by some nodes, defaults to "/". */ protected String sSep; AbstractDirNode(DasDirNode parent, String name, List lUrls) { super(parent, name, lUrls); dSubNodes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); sSep = DEFAULT_PATH_SEP; } // WARNING: This is called as part of child's toString, don't use toString here @Override public String childPath(DasNode child){ String sPath = ""; if(parent != null) sPath = parent.childPath(this); if(sSep != null) sPath += sSep; for(String sId: dSubNodes.keySet()){ DasNode node = dSubNodes.get(sId); if(node == child){ sPath += sId; return sPath; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Object "+child.name()+", is not a member of "+toString() ); } @Override public String pathSeparator(ProgressMonitor mon){ if(!isLoaded()){ try{ load(mon); } catch(DasResolveException ex){ LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Can''t load full definition of {0} because: {1}", new Object[]{toString(), ex.getMessage()} ); } } return sSep; } @Override public String[] list() { String[] aKeys = dSubNodes.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(aKeys); return aKeys; } @Override public DasNode resolve(String sSubPath, ProgressMonitor mon) throws DasResolveException { if(!isLoaded()) load(mon); if(sSubPath == null) return this; // Remove my seperator from the name then try to find it if((sSep != null) && sSep.length() > 0){ if(sSubPath.startsWith(sSep)) sSubPath = sSubPath.substring(sSep.length()); } // Get longest match from the list of child names String[] aSubs = list(); String sChild = null; for(String sCheck: aSubs){ if(sSubPath.startsWith(sCheck)){ if(sChild == null) sChild = sCheck; else if(sCheck.length() > sChild.length()) sChild = sCheck; } } // If I couldn't find this name in my child list, see if an alternate copy of // myself has it. We're doing this because it is possible than a remote // replica of a catalog node isn't exactly in sync with the source. So it's // possible that another branch of the catalog actually has this sub item. Let's // give it a shot before giving up. if(sChild == null){ while(canMerge()){ // This node might have extra information in another copy if(merge(mon)) // try to merge return resolve(sSubPath, mon); // it worked, try to resolve again } } if(sChild == null){ throw new DasResolveException("Cannot resolve (sub)path", sSubPath); } AbstractNode child = dSubNodes.get(sChild); if(!child.isLoaded()){ Exception cause = null; do{ try{ child.load(mon); break; } catch(DasResolveException ex){ LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "load failure for child node {0}", ex.getMessage()); cause = ex; } } while(canMerge()); // If the node is not loaded now, we have a problem. if(!child.isLoaded()){ throw new DasResolveException("Couldn't load", cause, sSubPath); } } // Take the child portion off the string, if it's non-zero length, and the // child is a directory object, resolution should continue String sSubSubPath = sSubPath.substring(sChild.length()); if(sSubSubPath.length() > 0){ if(child.isDir()){ AbstractDirNode childDir = (AbstractDirNode)child; return childDir.resolve(sSubSubPath, mon); } throw new DasResolveException( "Sub node "+sChild+" is not a directory", sSubSubPath ); } return child; } // Similar to resolve, but expects to fail at some point and just returns the deepest // node that resolved @Override public DasNode nearest(String sSubPath, ProgressMonitor mon) { if(!isLoaded()){ try{ load(mon); } catch(DasResolveException ex){ LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Couldn't resolve {0} using sources {1}", new Object[]{sSubPath, prettyPrintLoc(null, " ")} ); if(parent != null) return parent; else return this; } } if(sSubPath == null) return this; // Remove my seperator from the name then try to find it if((sSep != null) && sSep.length() > 0){ if(sSubPath.startsWith(sSep)) sSubPath = sSubPath.substring(sSep.length()); } // Get longest match from the list of child names String[] aSubs = list(); String sChild = null; for(String sCheck: aSubs){ if(sSubPath.startsWith(sCheck)){ if(sChild == null) sChild = sCheck; else if(sCheck.length() > sChild.length()) sChild = sCheck; } } // If I couldn't find this name in my child list, see if an alternate copy of // myself has it. We're doing this because it is possible than a remote // replica of a catalog node isn't exactly in sync with the source. So it's // possible that another branch of the catalog actually has this sub item. Let's // give it a shot before giving up. if(sChild == null){ while(canMerge()){ // This node might have extra information in another copy if(merge(mon)) // try to merge return nearest(sSubPath, mon); // it worked, try to resolve again } } if(sChild == null){ LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Cannot resolve (sub)path {0}", sSubPath); return this; } AbstractNode node = dSubNodes.get(sChild); if(!node.isLoaded()){ do{ try{ node.load(mon); break; } catch(DasResolveException ex){ LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "load failure for child node {0}", ex.getMessage()); } } while(canMerge()); // If the node is not loaded now, we have a problem. if(!node.isLoaded()){ LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Couldn''t load {0}", sSubPath); return this; } } // Take the child portion off the string, if it's non-zero length, and the // child is a directory object, resolution should continue String sSubSubPath = sSubPath.substring(sChild.length()); if(sSubSubPath.length() > 0){ if(node.isDir()){ AbstractDirNode dirNode = (AbstractDirNode)node; return dirNode.nearest(sSubSubPath, mon); } } return this; } @Override public DasNode get(String sChildId){ return dSubNodes.get(sChildId); } }