# show how iText library can be used to write a report. # See https://coderanch.com/how-to/javadoc/itext-2.1.7/ # This still needs work, for example, it would be nice to let itext add a rectange to the text so we don't have to position it manually. from com.itextpdf.text import Document,Rectangle,Paragraph from com.itextpdf.awt import PdfGraphics2D from com.itextpdf.text.pdf import PdfWriter from com.itextpdf.text.pdf import PdfContentByte from java.io import FileOutputStream from java.awt import Dimension out= FileOutputStream('/tmp/autoplot.report.pdf') document = Document( Rectangle(8*73,11*72), 0,0,0,0 ) writer= PdfWriter.getInstance( document, out ); document.open() p1= Paragraph( 'This is my first PDF in Jython' ) document.add( p1 ) rectangle= Rectangle( 6*72., 4*72. ) document.add( rectangle ); p1= Paragraph( "Call createGraphics to get a graphics context onto which Autoplot can print." ) document.add( p1 ) cb = writer.getDirectContent() pt= cb.createTemplate(rectangle.width,rectangle.height) posX=0*72 posY=(11-5)*72 cb.saveState() # this must be free to set the canvas size, so it must not be # fitted. setLayoutOverplot(2) ds= getDataSet( 'http://autoplot.org/data/annotations/circleIllumn.jyds' ) plot(0,ds) ds= getDataSet( 'vap+inline:ripples(5,5)' ) plot(1,ds) dom.plots[0].isotropic= True getApplicationModel().getDocumentModel().getCanvases(0).fitted= False graphics = pt.createGraphics( rectangle.width,rectangle.height ) getApplicationModel().getCanvas().prepareForOutput( int(rectangle.width),int(rectangle.height) ) getApplicationModel().getCanvas().print(graphics) graphics.dispose() cb.addTemplate(pt,posX,posY); cb.restoreState() document.close() out.close() showMessageDialog('report created at /tmp/autoplot.report.pdf')