package org.das2.datum; /** * CacheTags are used to represent the coverage of datasets stored in a cache, and are * the reference used to decide if a cache entry is capable of satisfying a data request. * */ public class CacheTag { public static final String INTRINSIC = "intrinsic"; DatumRange range; Datum resolution; /** * Appends two CacheTags, when possible. The new range covers the ranges, and the resolution is the lower of the two. * @param tag1 a CacheTag * @param tag2 a CacheTag that is adjacent to tag1 * @return a CacheTag that covers both CacheTags precisely. */ public static CacheTag append( CacheTag tag1, CacheTag tag2 ) { Datum res; if ( tag1.resolution==null && tag2.resolution==null ) { res= null; } else { if ( tag1.resolution!=null && tag2.resolution!=null ) { res= tag2.resolution ) ? tag1.resolution : tag2.resolution; } else { res= tag1.resolution==null ? tag2.resolution : tag1.resolution; } } Datum min; Datum max; if ( !tag1.range.intersects(tag2.range) ) { if ( tag2.range.min().lt( tag1.range.min() ) ) { CacheTag temp= tag1; tag1= tag2; tag2= temp; } if ( tag1.range.max().lt(tag2.range.min()) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cache tags cannot be appended, they are not adjacent"); } min= tag1.range.min(); max= tag2.range.max(); } else { min= tag1.range.min().lt( tag2.range.min() ) ? tag1.range.min() : tag2.range.min(); max= tag1.range.max().gt( tag2.range.max() ) ? tag1.range.max() : tag2.range.max(); } DatumRange range= new DatumRange( min, max ); return new CacheTag( range, res ); } /** * Constructs a new CacheTag. * @param start the beginning of the interval. * @param end the end of the interval. * @param resolution the highest resolution request that can be provided. */ public CacheTag(Datum start, Datum end, Datum resolution) { this( new DatumRange( start, end ), resolution ); } /** * Constructs a new CacheTag. * @param range the interval covered by the CacheTag. * @param resolution the highest resolution request that can be provided. */ public CacheTag( DatumRange range, Datum resolution) { this.range= range; this.resolution= resolution; } /** * Returns a string representation of the object. * @return a human consumable representation of the cache tag. This should fit on * one line as it is used to list cache contents. */ public String toString() { try { return range + " @ " + ( resolution==null ? INTRINSIC : ""+DatumUtil.asOrderOneUnits(resolution) ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { // vap+das2server: was empty return "range: "+ range.min() + " to "+ range.max() + " @ " + ( resolution==null ? INTRINSIC : ""+DatumUtil.asOrderOneUnits(resolution) ); } } /** * Indicates if the cache tag the the capability of satifying the given cache tag. If the tag has a lower (courser) resolution and its bounds are within * this CacheTag. * @return true if the tag has a lower resolution and its bounds are within * this CacheTag. * @param tag a CacheTag to test. */ public boolean contains( CacheTag tag ) { return ( this.range.contains( tag.range ) && ( this.resolution==null || ( tag.resolution!=null && this.resolution.le( tag.resolution ) ) ) ); } /** * the range covered by the cache tag. */ public DatumRange getRange() { return this.range; } /** * the resolution of the cache tag, which may be null. */ public Datum getResolution() { return this.resolution; } }