/* File: TimeUtil.java * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 The University of Iowa * * Created on September 22, 2003, 11:00 AM by Jeremy Faden * * This file is part of the das2 library. * * das2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.das2.datum; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.datum.format.TimeDatumFormatter; /** * Various time utilities * @author jbf */ public final class TimeUtil { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("das2.datum.timeutil"); private TimeUtil() { } private final static int[][] daysInMonth = { {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 0}, {0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 0} }; private final static int[][] dayOffset = { {0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}, {0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366} }; public static int daysInMonth(int month, int year) { return daysInMonth[isLeapYear(year)?1:0][month]; } /** * calculation of julianDay based on http://www.imcce.fr/en/grandpublic/temps/jour_julien.php * This is slightly slower because of a cusp at 1582, but is accurate * before these times. * @param YY Gregorian year * @param MM Gregorian month * @param DD Gregorian day * @return */ public static int julianDayIMCCE( int YY, int MM, int DD ) { int GGG = 1; if( YY < 1582 ) GGG = 0; if( YY <= 1582 && MM < 10 ) GGG = 0; if( YY <= 1582 && MM == 10 && DD < 5 ) GGG = 0; int JD = -1 * (7 * ( ((MM + 9) / 12) + YY) / 4); int S = 1; if ((MM - 9) < 0) S = -1; int A = Math.abs(MM - 9); int J1 = (YY + S * (A / 7)); J1 = -1 * (((J1 / 100) + 1) * 3 / 4); JD = JD + (275 * MM / 9) + DD + (GGG * J1); JD = JD + 1721027 + 2 * GGG + 367 * YY; return JD; } /** * return the julianDay for the year month and day. This was verified * against another calculation (julianDayWP, commented out above) from * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day. Both calculations have 20 operations. * Note this does not match * @see julianToGregorian * @param year calendar year greater than 1582. * @param month * @param day day of month. For day of year, use month=1 and doy for day. * @return the Julian day */ public static int julianDay( int year, int month, int day ) { if ( year<=1582 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("year must be more than 1582"); } int jd = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 - 3 * ((year + (month - 9) / 7) / 100 + 1) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day + 1721029; return jd; } /** * return the day of year for the month and day, for the given year * @param month the month, january=1, february=2, etc. * @param day day of month * @param year four-digit year * @return the day of year */ public static int dayOfYear( int month, int day, int year ) { return day + dayOffset[isLeapYear(year)?1:0][month]; } public final static class TimeStruct { /** * year containing the time datum */ public int year; /** * month containing the time datum */ public int month; /** * day of month containing the time datum */ public int day; /** * day of year containing the time datum */ public int doy; /** * hour containing the time datum */ public int hour; /** * minute containing the time datum */ public int minute; /** * seconds since the last minute boundary of the time datum */ public double seconds; // remaining number of seconds past minute boundary /** * additional milliseconds since minute boundary */ public int millis; /** * additional microseconds since minute boundary */ public int micros; /** * additional nanoseconds since minute boundary */ public int nanos; public boolean isLocation= false; @Override public String toString() { if ( isLocation ) { int dayOfYear= dayOfYear( month, day, year ); return String.format( Locale.US, "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f (doy=%03d)", year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds+millis/1000.+micros/1000000.,dayOfYear ); } else { int intSeconds= (int)seconds; int nanos= (int)( 1000000000 * ( seconds - intSeconds ) ); nanos+=this.nanos; nanos+=micros*1000; nanos+=millis*1000000; return DatumRangeUtil.formatISO8601Duration( new int[] { year,month,day,hour,minute,intSeconds,nanos } ); //TODO: test this. } } public TimeStruct copy() { TimeStruct result= new TimeStruct(); result.year= this.year; result.month= this.month; result.day= this.day; result.hour= this.hour; result.minute= this.minute; result.seconds= this.seconds; result.millis= this.millis; result.micros= this.micros; result.nanos= this.nanos; result.isLocation= this.isLocation; return result; } public TimeStruct add( TimeStruct offset ) { if ( offset.isLocation && this.isLocation ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't add two times!"); TimeStruct result= new TimeStruct(); result.year= this.year + offset.year; result.month= this.month + offset.month; result.day= this.day + offset.day; result.hour= this.hour + offset.hour; result.minute= this.minute + offset.minute; result.seconds= this.seconds + offset.seconds; result.millis= this.millis + offset.millis ; result.micros= this.micros + offset.micros ; result.nanos= this.nanos + offset.nanos ; result.isLocation= this.isLocation || offset.isLocation; return result; } } public static final int YEAR = 1; public static final int MONTH = 2; public static final int DAY = 3; public static final int HOUR = 4; public static final int MINUTE = 5; public static final int SECOND = 6; public static final int MILLI= 7; public static final int MICRO = 8; public static final int NANO = 9; public static final int WEEK = 97; public static final int QUARTER = 98; public static final int HALF_YEAR= 99; // introduced to aid in debugging. public static class TimeDigit { int ordinal; // YEAR, MONTH, etc. String label; int divisions; // approximate private static final TimeDigit[] digits= new TimeDigit[10]; @Override public String toString(){ return label; } private TimeDigit( int ordinal, String label, int divisions ) { this.ordinal= ordinal; this.label= label; this.divisions= divisions; digits[ordinal]= this; } public int getOrdinal() { return ordinal; } public int divisions() { return divisions; } public static TimeDigit fromOrdinal( int ordinal ) { return digits[ordinal]; } } public static final TimeDigit TD_YEAR = new TimeDigit( 1, "YEAR", 12 ); public static final TimeDigit TD_MONTH = new TimeDigit( 2, "MONTH", 30 ); public static final TimeDigit TD_DAY = new TimeDigit( 3, "DAY", 24 ); public static final TimeDigit TD_HOUR = new TimeDigit( 4, "HOUR", 60 ); public static final TimeDigit TD_MINUTE = new TimeDigit( 5, "MINUTE", 60 ); public static final TimeDigit TD_SECOND = new TimeDigit( 6, "SECOND", 1000 ); public static final TimeDigit TD_MILLI= new TimeDigit( 7, "MILLISECONDS", 1000 ); public static final TimeDigit TD_MICRO = new TimeDigit( 8, "MICROSECONDS", 1000 ); public static final TimeDigit TD_NANO = new TimeDigit( 9, "NANOSECONDS", 1000 ); /** * return the number of seconds elapsed since the last midnight. * @param datum * @return */ public static double getSecondsSinceMidnight(Datum datum) { double xx= datum.doubleValue(Units.t2000); if (xx<0) { xx= xx % 86400; if (xx==0) { return 0; } else { return 86400+xx; } } else { return xx % 86400; } } /** * return the number of microseconds elapsed since the last midnight. * @param datum * @return */ public static double getMicroSecondsSinceMidnight(Datum datum) { double xx= datum.doubleValue( Units.us2000 ); if (xx<0) { xx= xx % 86400e6; if (xx==0) { return 0; } else { return 86400e6+xx; } } else { return xx % 86400e6; } } /** * return the the integer number of days that have elapsed since roughly Monday, January 1, 4713 BC. Julian Day * is defined as starting at noon UT, here is is defined starting at midnight. * * @param datum * @return */ public static int getJulianDay( Datum datum ) { double xx= datum.doubleValue(Units.mj1958); return (int)Math.floor( xx ) + 2436205; } /** * return the the integer number of days that have elapsed since roughly Monday, January 1, 4713 BC. Julian Day * is defined as starting at noon UT, here is is defined starting at midnight. * * @param val the magnitude * @param units Units object identifying the units of the val, such as Units.us2000. * @return */ public static int getJulianDay( long val, Units units ) { if ( units==Units.us2000 ) { return (int)( val / 86400000000L ) + 15340 + 2436205; } else if ( units==Units.t2000 ) { return (int)( val / 86400L ) + 15340 + 2436205; } else if ( units==Units.mj1958 ) { return (int)( val ) + 2436205; } else { UnitsConverter uc= units.getConverter(Units.mj1958); return (int)Math.floor(uc.convert(val)) + 2436205; } } /** * convert to Datum without regard to the type of unit used to represent time. * This will use the canonical Units.us2000 for time locations, which does * not represent leap seconds. * @param d the decomposed time or time width. * @return the Datum. */ public static Datum toDatum( TimeStruct d ) { if ( d.isLocation ) { int year = (int)d.year; int month = (int)d.month; int day = (int)d.day; int jd = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 - 3 * ((year + (month - 9) / 7) / 100 + 1) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day + 1721029; double us2000= ( jd - 2451545 ) * 86400e6; // TODO: leap seconds return Datum.create( d.hour * 3600.0e6 + d.minute * 60e6 + d.seconds * 1e6 + d.millis * 1000 + d.micros + us2000, Units.us2000 ); } else { Datum result; if ( d.year>0 ) { result= Units.years.createDatum(d.year); } else if ( d.month>0 ) { result= Units.days.createDatum(d.month*30); logger.warning("approximating months"); // TODO: just add Units.months, which is no worse than Units.days or Units.years } else if ( d.day>0 ){ result= Units.days.createDatum(d.day); } else { result= Units.seconds.createDatum( d.hour*3600 + d.minute*60 + d.seconds + d.millis/1e3 + d.micros/1e6 + d.nanos/1e9 ); } return result; } } /** * convert to a Datum with the given units. * @param d the decomposed time * @param u the target units. * @return the Datum in the units specified. */ public static Datum toDatum( TimeStruct d, Units u ) { if ( d.isLocation ) { int year = (int)d.year; int month = (int)d.month; int day = (int)d.day; int jd = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 - 3 * ((year + (month - 9) / 7) / 100 + 1) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day + 1721029; if ( u==Units.cdfTT2000 ) { double us2000= ( jd - 2451545 ) * 86400e6; double tt2000= Units.us2000.convertDoubleTo( Units.cdfTT2000, us2000 ); Units.cdfTT2000.createDatum(tt2000); Datum rtt2000= Datum.create( d.hour * 3600.0e9 + d.minute * 60e9 + d.seconds * 1e9 + d.millis * 1e6 + d.micros*1e3 + tt2000, Units.cdfTT2000 ); return rtt2000; } else if ( u!=Units.us2000 ) { // TODO: sub-optimal implementation... double us2000= ( jd - 2451545 ) * 86400e6; Datum rus2000= Datum.create( d.hour * 3600.0e6 + d.minute * 60e6 + d.seconds * 1e6 + d.millis * 1000 + d.micros + us2000, Units.us2000 ); return rus2000.convertTo(u); } else { double us2000= ( jd - 2451545 ) * 86400e6; // TODO: leap seconds return Datum.create( d.hour * 3600.0e6 + d.minute * 60e6 + d.seconds * 1e6 + d.millis * 1000 + d.micros + us2000, Units.us2000 ); } } else { return toDatum(d).convertTo(u); } } /** *Break the Julian day apart into month, day year. This is based on *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day (GNU Public License), and *was introduced when toTimeStruct failed when the year was 1886. *@see julianDay( int year, int mon, int day ) *@param julian the (integer) number of days that have elapsed since the initial epoch at noon Universal Time (UT) Monday, January 1, 4713 BC *@return a TimeStruct with the month, day and year fields set. */ public static TimeStruct julianToGregorian( int julian ) { int j = julian + 32044; int g = j / 146097; int dg = j % 146097; int c = (dg / 36524 + 1) * 3 / 4; int dc = dg - c * 36524; int b = dc / 1461; int db = dc % 1461; int a = (db / 365 + 1) * 3 / 4; int da = db - a * 365; int y = g * 400 + c * 100 + b * 4 + a; int m = (da * 5 + 308) / 153 - 2; int d = da - (m + 4) * 153 / 5 + 122; int Y = y - 4800 + (m + 2) / 12; int M = (m + 2) % 12 + 1; int D = d + 1; TimeStruct result= new TimeStruct(); result.year= Y; result.month= M; result.day= D; result.isLocation= true; return result; } /** * splits the time location datum into y,m,d,etc components, using the full * precision of the Long backing the Datum. The datum can have the units * of ms1970 or cdf_tt2000, and * @param datum with time location units. * @return TimeStruct containing the time components. */ public static TimeStruct toTimeStruct( Datum.Long datum ) { Units u= datum.getUnits(); if ( u==Units.cdfTT2000 ) { long l= datum.longValue(u); int leapSeconds; try { leapSeconds= LeapSecondsConverter.getLeapSecondCountForTT2000(l); } catch ( IOException ex ) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); // this should not happen. } // convert to a new time format, nanoseconds since 2000-Jan-01 00:00:00.000Z. // Units.cdfTT2000's 0 is 2000-Jan-01 11:58:55.816000000, // so -43135816000000 is 2000-Jan-01 00:00:00.000000000. // calculate the number of days passed since 2000-01-01. long mn= ( ( l + 43135816000000L ) - (leapSeconds-32)*1000000000L ); if ( mn<0 ) { mn= mn / 86400000000000L - 1; } else { mn= mn / 86400000000000L; } int julianDay= 2451545 + (int)mn; long midnightCdfTT2000= mn * 86400000000000L + ( leapSeconds-32 ) *1000000000L - 43135816000000L; TimeStruct result= julianToGregorian( julianDay ); long sinceMidnight= l-midnightCdfTT2000; long nanoseconds= sinceMidnight; int hour = (int)(nanoseconds/3600000000000L); if ( hour>23 ) hour= 23; int minute = (int)((nanoseconds - hour*3600000000000L)/60000000000L); if ( minute>59 ) minute= 59; long justNanoSeconds = nanoseconds - hour*3600000000000L - minute*60000000000L; result.doy = dayOfYear(result.month, result.day, result.year); result.hour= hour; result.minute= minute; result.seconds= justNanoSeconds / 1e9; result.isLocation= true; return result; } else if ( u==Units.ms1970 || u==Units.us2000 ) { long l= datum.longValue(u); long base; int nsMult; // multiplier to make units into nanoseconds if ( u==Units.ms1970 ) { base = 946684800000L; nsMult = 1000000; } else if ( u==Units.us2000 ) { base = 0L; nsMult = 1000; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("units must be cdfTT2000 or ms1970"); } // calculate the number of days passed since 2000-01-01. long mn= l - base; if ( mn<0 ) { mn= mn / (86400000000000L/nsMult) - 1; } else { mn= mn / (86400000000000L/nsMult); } int julianDay= 2451545 + (int)mn; long midnightDay= base + mn*(86400000000000L/nsMult); TimeStruct result= julianToGregorian( julianDay ); long sinceMidnight= l-midnightDay; long nanoseconds= sinceMidnight*nsMult; int hour = (int)(nanoseconds/(3600000000000L)); if ( hour>23 ) hour= 23; int minute = (int)((nanoseconds - hour*3600000000000L)/60000000000L); if ( minute>59 ) minute= 59; long justNanoSeconds = nanoseconds - hour*3600000000000L - minute*60000000000L; result.doy = dayOfYear(result.month, result.day, result.year); result.hour= hour; result.minute= minute; result.seconds= justNanoSeconds / 1e9; result.isLocation= true; return result; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("units must be cdfTT2000 or ms1970"); } } /** * splits the time location datum into y,m,d,etc components. Note that if * seconds is a double, and micros will be 0. * @param datum with time location units. * @return TimeStruct containing the time components. */ public static TimeStruct toTimeStruct( Datum datum ) { if ( datum.isFill() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("datum is not valid, it is a fill."); } Units u= datum.getUnits(); if ( datum instanceof Datum.Long ) { if ( u==Units.cdfTT2000 || u==Units.ms1970 || u==Units.us2000 ) { return toTimeStruct((Datum.Long)datum); } } if ( u==Units.decimalYear ) { datum= datum.convertTo(Units.us2000); u= Units.us2000; } double d= datum.doubleValue(u); int mjd1958= (int)datum.doubleValue( Units.mj1958 ); if ( mjd1958 < -714781 ) { // year 0001 throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid time: mjd1958="+mjd1958 ); } if ( mjd1958 > 2937613 ) { // year 9999 throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid time: mjd1958="+mjd1958 ); } double midnight= Units.mj1958.convertDoubleTo( u, mjd1958 ); double sinceMidnight= d-midnight; int jd= 2436205 + mjd1958; logger.log(Level.FINER, "julian day: {0}", jd ); if ( u==Units.cdfTT2000 && sinceMidnight<0.0 ) { //TODO: huh? this needs review TODO: document when this happens. TimeStruct result= julianToGregorian( jd ); boolean isLeap= ( result.month==1 && result.day==1 ); // TODO: still kludgy if ( isLeap ) { mjd1958= mjd1958-1; jd= 2436205 + mjd1958; sinceMidnight= sinceMidnight+86401e9; } } double nanoseconds= u.getOffsetUnits().convertDoubleTo( Units.nanoseconds, sinceMidnight ); logger.log(Level.FINER, "nanoseconds since midnight: {0}", nanoseconds); if ( jd<0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("julian day is negative."); } if ( nanoseconds<0 ) { jd= jd-1; nanoseconds += 86400e9; // no leap } if ( nanoseconds>=86400e9 && u!=Units.cdfTT2000 ) { jd= jd+1; nanoseconds -= 86400e9; // no leap logger.finer("nanoseconds roundoff kludge"); } TimeStruct result= julianToGregorian( jd ); int hour = (int)(nanoseconds/3600.0e9); if ( hour>23 ) hour= 23; int minute = (int)((nanoseconds - hour*3600.0e9)/60.0e9); if ( minute>59 ) minute= 59; double justNanoSeconds = nanoseconds - hour*3600.0e9 - minute*60.0e9; result.doy = dayOfYear(result.month, result.day, result.year); result.hour= hour; result.minute= minute; result.seconds= justNanoSeconds / 1e9; result.isLocation= true; return result; } public static TimeStruct add( TimeStruct a, TimeStruct b ) { if ( b.year>1000 && a.year>1000 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot add more than 1000 years at a time. Did you attempt to add two time locations?"); } TimeStruct result= new TimeStruct(); result.year= a.year + b.year; result.month= a.month + b.month; result.day= a.day + b.day; result.doy= a.doy + b.doy; result.hour= a.hour + b.hour; result.minute= a.minute + b.minute; result.seconds= a.seconds + b.seconds; result.millis= a.millis + b.millis; result.micros= a.micros + b.micros; result.nanos= a.nanos + b.nanos; result.isLocation= a.isLocation || b.isLocation; return result; } public static TimeStruct subtract( TimeStruct a, TimeStruct b ) { TimeStruct result= new TimeStruct(); result.year= a.year - b.year; result.month= a.month - b.month; result.day= a.day - b.day; result.doy= a.doy - b.doy; result.hour= a.hour - b.hour; result.minute= a.minute - b.minute; result.seconds= a.seconds - b.seconds; result.millis= a.millis - b.millis; result.micros= a.micros - b.micros; result.nanos= a.nanos - b.nanos; return result; } /** * returns int[] { year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis, micros } * @param time the time * @return the time decomposed into year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis, micros. * @deprecated use 7-element fromDatum instead, which is consistent with toDatum. Note the array elements are different! */ public static int[] toTimeArray( Datum time ) { TimeStruct ts= toTimeStruct( time ); int seconds= (int)( ts.seconds+0.0000005 ); int micros= (int)( ( ts.seconds+0.0000005 - seconds ) * 1000000 ); int millis= micros / 1000; micros= micros - millis * 1000 + ts.micros + ts.millis*1000; return new int[] { ts.year, ts.month, ts.day, ts.hour, ts.minute, seconds, millis, micros }; } /** * times and corresponding CDF_TT2000 value. This code will be updated every six months along with LeapSecondsConverter.java. * @see LeapSecondsConverter#updateLeapSeconds() * @see https://github.com/autoplot/dev/blob/master/bugs/sf/2496/tabulateCDFTT2000.jy */ private static final String[] times = new String[]{"1972-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1972-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1973-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1974-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1975-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1976-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1977-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1978-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1979-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1980-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1981-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1982-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1983-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1985-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1988-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1991-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1992-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1993-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1994-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1996-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1997-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "1999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2006-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2009-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2012-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2015-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"}; private static final TimeStruct[] ttTimes; static { ttTimes = new TimeStruct[times.length]; for ( int i=0; i=0 ) { tt2000base= tt2000s[i]; } else if ( i==-1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cdfTT2000 before 1972-01-01 is not supported."); } else { tt2000base= tt2000s[-2-i]; } return Units.cdfTT2000.createDatum(tt2000base); } /** * returns the 7-element array of components from the time location datum: * 0:year, 1:month, 2:day, 3:hour, 4:minute, 5:second, 6:nanoseconds * Note special care is taken to not use units conversions which introduce * noise into the numbers, so the following units are handled directly: * cdfTT2000, cdfEpoch, us2000, and mj1958. Also, a separate leap seconds * table provides the leap seconds, since these are easily managed within * code, removing the external dependence on a file. * @param time * @return seven-element int array. * @see #fromJulianDayAndOffset(int, int, int) * @see #lastLeapSecond(org.das2.datum.Datum) which uses similar code and is not used because Java doesn't have tuple results. */ public static int[] fromDatum( Datum time ) { Units u= time.getUnits(); if ( u==Units.cdfTT2000 ) { long tt2000; if ( time instanceof Datum.Long ) { tt2000= ((Datum.Long)time).longValue(Units.cdfTT2000); } else { tt2000= (long)time.doubleValue(Units.cdfTT2000); // TODO: stupid, all Datums should have long access } int i= Arrays.binarySearch( tt2000s, tt2000 ); int [] result= new int[7]; long tt2000base; TimeStruct timebase; if ( i>=0 ) { tt2000base= tt2000; timebase= ttTimes[i]; } else if ( i==-1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cdfTT2000 before 1972-01-01 is not supported."); } else { tt2000base= tt2000s[-2-i]; timebase= ttTimes[-2-i]; } result[0]= timebase.year; result[1]= timebase.month; result[2]= timebase.day; long elapsedNanos= tt2000 - tt2000base; int nanos= (int)( elapsedNanos % 1000000000 ); elapsedNanos = elapsedNanos - nanos; int elapsedSeconds= (int)( elapsedNanos / 1000000000 ); int jd0= julianDay( result[0], result[1], result[2] ); result= fromJulianDayAndOffset( jd0, elapsedSeconds, nanos ); return result; } else if ( u==Units.cdfEpoch ) { // positive number of milliseconds since 0000-00-00. double dval= time.doubleValue(u); double dmsec= dval % 86400000; // okay since all values are positive int nanos= (int)( ( dmsec % 1000 ) * 1000000 ); int sec= (int)( dmsec / 1000 ); int julianDay= (int)( ( dval - dmsec ) / 86400000 - 730485.0 + 2451545 ); return fromJulianDayAndOffset( julianDay, sec, nanos ); } else if ( u==Units.us2000 ) { double dval= time.doubleValue(u); double dusec= getSecondsSinceMidnight(time) * 1000000; int nanos= (int)( ( dusec % 1000000 ) * 1000 ); int sec= (int)( Math.floor( dusec / 1000000 ) ); int julianDay= (int)( ( dval - dusec ) / 86400000000. + 2451545 ); return fromJulianDayAndOffset( julianDay, sec, nanos ); } else if ( u==Units.mj1958 ) { double dval= time.doubleValue(u); double dsec= getSecondsSinceMidnight( time ); int sec= (int)( Math.floor( dsec ) ); int nanos= (int)( ( dsec - sec ) * 1000000000 ); int julianDay= (int)Math.floor( dval ) + 2436205; return fromJulianDayAndOffset( julianDay, sec, nanos ); } else { TimeStruct ts= toTimeStruct( time ); int seconds= (int)( ts.seconds+0.0000000005 ); int nanos= (int)( ( ts.seconds+0.0000000005 - seconds ) * 1000000000 ) + ts.nanos; return new int[] { ts.year, ts.month, ts.day, ts.hour, ts.minute, seconds, nanos }; } } /** * get the datum from the 6 or 7 element timeArray. The elements are: * 0:year, 1:month, 2:day, 3:hour, 4:minute, 5:second, [ 6:nanoseconds ] * * @param timeArray, an int[6] or int[7]. * @return a datum representing the time. */ public static Datum toDatum( int[] timeArray ) { int year = timeArray[0]; int month = timeArray[1]; int day = timeArray[2]; if ( month<1 ) { // support a little slop, like 2018-00-01 to mean Dec 2017. logger.info("month was less than 0"); month+=12; year-=1; } if ( month>12 ) { month-=12; year+=1; } if ( month<1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("month is less than 1"); if ( month>12 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("month is greater than 12"); int jd = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 - 3 * ((year + (month - 9) / 7) / 100 + 1) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day + 1721029; int hour = (int)timeArray[3]; int minute = (int)timeArray[4]; double seconds = timeArray[5] + hour*(float)3600.0 + minute*(float)60.0 ; if ( timeArray.length>6 ) seconds+= timeArray[6]/1e9; double us2000= UnitsConverter.getConverter(Units.mj1958,Units.us2000).convert(( jd - 2436205 ) + seconds / 86400. ); return Datum.create( us2000, Units.us2000 ); } /** * return approximate duration in Units.seconds or in Units.days. * This is assuming a year is 365 days, a month is 30 days, and a day * is 86400 seconds. * @param timeArray 6 or 7 element array [ yrs, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, nanos ] * @return * @see DatumRangeUtil#parseISO8601Duration(java.lang.String) */ public static Datum toDatumDuration( int[] timeArray ) { int year = timeArray[0]; int month = timeArray[1]; int day = timeArray[2]; int days= day + month*30 + year*365; if ( timeArray.length==7 ) { if ( days==0 ) { return Units.seconds.createDatum( timeArray[3]*3600 + timeArray[4]*60 + timeArray[5] + timeArray[6]/1e9 ); } else { return Units.days.createDatum( days + timeArray[3]/24. + timeArray[4]/1440. + timeArray[5]/86400. + timeArray[6]/86400e9 ); } } else { if ( days==0 ) { return Units.seconds.createDatum( timeArray[3]*3600 + timeArray[4]*60 + timeArray[5] ); } else { return Units.days.createDatum( days + timeArray[3]/24. + timeArray[4]/1440. + timeArray[5]/86400. ); } } } /** * get the time datum from the 6 or 7 element decomposed timeArray. The elements are: * 0:year, 1:month, 2:day, 3:hour, 4:minute, 5:second, [ 6:nanoseconds ] * * @param timeArray, an int[6] or int[7]. * @param u target units. * @return a datum representing the time. */ public static Datum toDatum( int[] timeArray, Units u ) { int year = timeArray[0]; int month = timeArray[1]; int day = timeArray[2]; int jd = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 - 3 * ((year + (month - 9) / 7) / 100 + 1) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day + 1721029; int nanos= timeArray.length==6 ? 0 : timeArray[6]; if ( u==Units.cdfTT2000 ) { double us2000= ( jd - 2451545 ) * 86400e6; long tt2000= (long) Units.us2000.convertDoubleTo( Units.cdfTT2000, us2000 ); // TODO verify this. Datum rtt2000= new Datum.Long( timeArray[3] * 3600000000000L + timeArray[4] * 60000000000L + timeArray[5] * 1000000000L + nanos + tt2000, Units.cdfTT2000 ); return rtt2000; } else if ( u!=Units.us2000 ) { // TODO: sub-optimal implementation... double us2000= ( jd - 2451545 ) * 86400e6; Datum rus2000= Datum.create( timeArray[3] * 3600.0e6 + timeArray[4] * 60e6 + timeArray[5] * 1e6 + nanos / 1e3 + us2000, Units.us2000 ); return rus2000.convertTo(u); } else { double us2000= ( jd - 2451545 ) * 86400e6; // TODO: leap seconds Datum rus2000= Datum.create( timeArray[3] * 3600.0e6 + timeArray[4] * 60e6 + timeArray[5] * 1e6 + nanos / 1e3 + us2000, Units.us2000 ); return rus2000; } } /** * return the leap year for years 1901-2099. * @param year * @return */ public static boolean isLeapYear( int year ) { return (year % 4)==0 && ( year%400==0 || year%100!=0 ); } /** * Normalize the TimeStruct by incrementing higher digits. For * example, 2002-01-01T24:00 → 2002-01-02T00:00. * This will only carry one to the next higher place, so 70 seconds is handled but not 130. * 2015-09-08: this now supports leap seconds. * @param t a time structure * @return a time structure where extra minutes are moved into hours, etc. */ public static TimeStruct carry(TimeStruct t) { TimeStruct result= t; boolean isLeap= false; if ( result.seconds>=60 ) { if ( ( result.month==6 && result.day==30 ) || ( result.month==12 && result.day==31 ) ) { isLeap= true; //TODO: note this incorrect for non-leap-seconds. } if ( result.hour<23 || result.minute<59 || !isLeap ) { result.seconds-=60; result.minute++; } } if (result.minute>=60) { result.minute-=60; result.hour++; } if (result.hour>=24) { result.hour-=24; result.day++; } while (result.month>12) { result.month-=12; result.year++; } int daysThisMonth= daysInMonth(result.month,result.year); if (result.day>daysThisMonth) { result.day-=daysThisMonth; result.month++; } if (result.month>12) { result.month-=12; result.year++; } return result; } /** * Normalize the TimeStruct by decrementing higher digits. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if t.day<0 or t.month<1 * @param t the time. * @return the normalized TimeStruct * @see #normalize(org.das2.datum.TimeUtil.TimeStruct) */ public static TimeStruct borrow(TimeStruct t) { TimeStruct result= t; if (result.seconds<0.) { result.seconds+=60.; result.minute--; } if (result.minute<0) { result.minute+=60; result.hour--; } if (result.hour<0) { result.hour+=24; result.day--; } if (result.day<0 || result.month<1) { // we're going to abort here. The problem is how to decrement the month? // What does MONTH=-1, DAY=31 mean? The "digits" are not independent as // they are in HOURS,MINUTES,SECONDS... I don't think we are going to // run into this case anyway. jbf throw new IllegalArgumentException("Borrow operation not defined for months<1 or days<0"); } if (result.day==0) { int daysLastMonth; if (result.month>1) { daysLastMonth= daysInMonth(result.month-1,result.year); } else { daysLastMonth= 31; } result.day+=daysLastMonth; result.month--; } if (result.month==0) { result.month+=12; result.year--; } return result; } /** * convert times like "2000-01-01T24:00" to "2000-01-02T00:00" and * "2000-002T00:00" to "2000-01-02T00:00". * This will only carry one to the next higher place, so 70 seconds is handled but not 130. * @param t * @return * @see #borrow(org.das2.datum.TimeUtil.TimeStruct) */ public static TimeStruct normalize( TimeStruct t ) { if ( t.doy>0 && t.day==0 ) { int leap= isLeapYear(t.year) ? 1: 0; if ( t.doy>dayOffset[leap][13] ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("doy>"+dayOffset[leap][13]+")"); int month= 12; while ( dayOffset[leap][month] > t.doy ) { month--; } t.day= t.doy - dayOffset[leap][month]; t.month= month; } return carry(borrow(t)); } /** * round seconds to N decimal places. For example, n=3 means round to the * millisecond. * @param ts a time structure * @param n number of digits, 3 is millis, 6 is micros. * @return rounded and normalized TimeStruct. */ public static TimeStruct roundNDigits(TimeStruct ts, int n) { if ( n>6 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only 0 to 6 digits supported"); } double fracSeconds= ts.seconds - (int)ts.seconds; ts.seconds= (int)ts.seconds; ts.micros+= ts.millis*1000; ts.millis= 0; double pow= Math.pow( 10, 6-n ); int roundMicros= (int)( Math.round( (double)( ts.micros + 1000000 * fracSeconds ) / pow ) * pow ); ts.micros= roundMicros; if ( ts.micros>=1000000 ) { ts.micros-= 1000000; ts.seconds++; } return normalize(ts); } /** * return the next boundary * @param td the boundary, e.g. TimeUtil.TD_HALF_YEAR * @param count the number of boundaries * @param datum the starting point. * @return the boundary */ public static Datum next( TimeDigit td, int count, Datum datum ) { if ( td==TD_NANO ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported nanos"); TimeStruct array= toTimeStruct(datum); int step= td.getOrdinal(); switch (td.getOrdinal()) { case MILLI: array.millis+= count; break; case SECOND: array.seconds+= count; break; case MINUTE: array.minute+= count; break; case HOUR: array.hour+= count; break; case DAY: array.day+= count; break; case MONTH: array.month+=count; array.day=1; break; case YEAR: array.year+= count; array.month= 1; array.day= 1; break; default: break; } if ( step < MILLI ) array.millis= 0; if ( step < SECOND ) array.seconds=0; if ( step < MINUTE ) array.minute=0; if ( step < HOUR ) array.hour=0; if (array.month>12) { array.year++; array.month-=12; } Datum result= toDatum(array); return result; } /** * introduced as a way to increase the efficiency of the time axis tick calculation, this wasn't * used because datums need to be created anyway. So this is private for now. * @param step, e.g. SECOND, MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR * @param array the decomposed time. * @return the next boundary. */ private static TimeStruct next( int step, TimeStruct array ) { switch (step) { case SECOND: array.seconds= Math.ceil(array.seconds+array.nanos/1e9); array.nanos= 0; break; case MINUTE: array.minute= array.minute+1; array.seconds= 0; array.nanos= 0; break; case HOUR: array.hour= array.hour+1; array.minute= 0; array.seconds= 0; array.nanos= 0; break; case DAY: array.day= array.day+1; break; case MONTH: array.month=array.month+1; array.day=1; break; case QUARTER: array.month= ((array.month-1)+3)/3*3+1; array.day=1; break; case HALF_YEAR: array.month= ((array.month-1)+6)/6*6+1; array.day=1; break; case YEAR: array.year=array.year+1; array.month=1; array.day=1; break; default: break; } if ( step < HOUR ) { array.hour=0; array.minute=0; array.seconds=0.; array.nanos=0; } if (array.month>12) { array.year++; array.month-=12; } return array; } /** * step to the next ordinal. If the datum is already at an ordinal * boundary, then step to the next by one ordinal. * @param step the ordinal location, such as TimeUtil.DAY or TimeUtil.HALF_YEAR * @param datum the location. * @return the next boundary location. */ public static Datum next( int step, Datum datum ) { if ( step==NANO ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported nanos"); return toDatum( next( step, toTimeStruct(datum) ) ); } /** * return the next ordinal boundary if we aren't at one already. * @param step the ordinal location, such as TimeUtil.DAY or TimeUtil.HALF_YEAR * @param datum the location. * @return the next ordinal boundary if we aren't at one already. */ public static Datum ceil( int step, Datum datum ) { Datum next= next( step, datum ); Datum t1= prev( step, next ); if ( t1.equals(datum) ) { return datum; } else { return next; } } /** * return the previous ordinal boundary if we aren't at one already. * @param step the ordinal location, such as TimeUtil.DAY or TimeUtil.HALF_YEAR * @param datum the location. * @return the previous ordinal boundary if we aren't at one already. */ public static Datum floor( int step, Datum datum ) { Datum prev= prev( step, datum ); Datum t1= next( step, prev ); if ( t1.equals(datum) ) { return datum; } else { return prev; } } /** * step to the next month. * @param datum * @return the next month. * @deprecated Use next(MONTH,datum) instead */ public static Datum nextMonth(Datum datum) { return next(MONTH,datum); } /** * decrement by 7 days. * @param datum * @return the datum */ public static Datum prevWeek( Datum datum ) { TimeStruct t= toTimeStruct(datum); t.day= t.day-7; if ( t.day<1 ) { t.month--; t.day+= daysInMonth( t.month, t.year ); } return toDatum(t); } /** * return a DatumRange for the day containing the given time. Midnight * is contained within the following day. * @param t a time. * @return the day containing the time. */ public static DatumRange dayContaining( Datum t ) { Datum midnight= prevMidnight(t); return new DatumRange( midnight, next( DAY, midnight ) ); } /** * return the hours or minutes or days interval containing the time range, * or multiple spans of this when the given range spans boundaries. For example, * rangeContaining(1,TimeUtil.DAY,datumRange('2024-07-17T23:30/2024-07-18T00:30')) * would be '2024-07-17/2024-07-19'. * @param count, which must be 1 or a factor of 60. * @param step the ordinal unit, such as TimeUtil.DAY or TimeUtil.HALF_YEAR * @param tr the timerange * @return the range containing the interval. */ public static DatumRange rangeContaining( int count, int step, DatumRange tr ) { DatumRange tr1= rangeContaining( count, step, tr.min() ); DatumRange tr2= rangeContaining( count, step, tr.max() ); return DatumRange.newRange( tr1.min(), tr2.max() ); } /** * return the hour or minute or day * @param count, which must be 1 or a factor of 60. * @param step the ordinal unit, such as TimeUtil.DAY or TimeUtil.HALF_YEAR * @param t the time * @return the range containing the interval. */ public static DatumRange rangeContaining( int count, int step, Datum t ) { Datum midnight= prevMidnight(t); double ssm= getSecondsSinceMidnight(t); double fact; if ( step==TimeUtil.HOUR ) { fact= (3600*count); } else if ( step==TimeUtil.MINUTE ) { fact = (60*count); } else if ( step==TimeUtil.SECOND ) { fact = count; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only HOUR, MINUTE or SECOND supported: time digit "+step); } ssm= (int)( ssm / fact ) * fact; Datum prev= midnight.add( ssm, Units.seconds ); Datum next= prev.add( fact, Units.seconds ); return new DatumRange( prev,next ); } /** * step down the previous ordinal. If the datum is already at an ordinal * boundary, then step down by one ordinal. * @param step the ordinal location, such as TimeUtil.DAY or TimeUtil.HALF_YEAR * @param datum the location. * @return the prev boundary location. */ public static Datum prev( int step, Datum datum ) { TimeStruct t= toTimeStruct(datum); switch(step) { // note fall-through case WEEK: throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported, use prevWeek"); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported step, implementation error"); case YEAR: t.month=1; case HALF_YEAR: t.month= ((t.month-1)/6*6)+1; case QUARTER: t.month= ((t.month-1)/3*3)+1; case MONTH: t.day= 1; case DAY: t.hour= 0; case HOUR: t.minute= 0; case MINUTE: t.seconds= 0.; t.nanos= 0; case SECOND: t.seconds= (int)t.seconds; } Datum result= toDatum(t); if ( result.equals(datum) ) { Datum d= datum.subtract( 500, Units.milliseconds ); if ( d.equals(result) ) { throw new IllegalStateException("aborting to avoid stack overflow!"); } return prev(step,d ); //TODO: yuck! } else { return result; } } /** * return the current time as a Datum. * @return the current time as a Datum. */ public static Datum now() { double us2000= ( System.currentTimeMillis() - 946684800e3 ) * 1000; return Units.us2000.createDatum(us2000); } /** * convert the month components to a double in the given units. * @param year the year, which must be greater than 1582 * @param month the month * @param day the day of month, unless month==0, then day is day of year. * @param hour additional hours * @param minute additional minutes * @param second additional seconds * @param units the Units in which to return the result. * @return a double in the given units. */ public static double convert(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, double second, TimeLocationUnits units) { // if month==0, then day is doy (day of year). int jd; if ( month>0 ) { jd = julianDay(year,month,day); } else { // if month==0 then day is doy (TODO: why? Clients should use 1 for doy.) int month1= 1; int day1= 1; jd = julianDay(year,month1,day1); jd+= ( day - 1 ); } second+= hour*3600.0 + minute*60.0; double us2000 = (jd-2451545)*86400000000. + second * 1000000; if ( units==Units.us2000 ) { return us2000; } else { return Units.us2000.convertDoubleTo(units, us2000); } } private final static String[] mons= { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; /** * returns 1..12 for the English month name. (Sorry, rest of world...) * * @param s the three-letter month name, jan,feb,...,nov,dec * @return 1,2,...,11,12 for the English month name * @throws ParseException if the name isn't recognized */ public static int monthNumber( String s ) throws ParseException { if ( s.length()<3 ) throw new ParseException("need at least three letters",0); s= s.substring(0,3); for ( int i=0; i<12; i++ ) { if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase( mons[i] ) ) return i+1; } throw new ParseException("Unable to parse month", 0 ); } /** * returns "Jan", "Feb", ... for month number (1..12). * @param mon integer from 1 to 12. * @return three character English month name. */ public static String monthNameAbbrev( int mon ) { if ( mon<1 || mon>12 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid month number: "+mon); return mons[mon-1]; } /** * parse the time into a timestruct. * @param s * @see #createValid(java.lang.String) createValid which creates a Datum. * @return * @throws java.text.ParseException */ public static TimeStruct parseTime(String s) throws java.text.ParseException { int year, month, day_month, day_year, hour, minute; //String s; double second; int c; final int DATE = 0; final int YEAR = 1; final int MONTH = 2; final int DAY = 3; final int HOUR = 4; final int MINUTE = 5; final int SECOND = 6; final String DELIMITERS = " \t/-:,_;"; final String PDSDELIMITERS = " \t/-T:,_;"; final String[] months = { "january", "febuary", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december" }; String delimiters; int end_of_date; //GregorianCalendar curdate; int i, j, len, n; String[] tok = new String[10]; boolean[] want = new boolean[7]; //int[] format= new int[7]; java.util.Arrays.fill(want, false); int ptr; int number; double value; int hold; int leap; int tokIndex; StringTokenizer st; s= s.trim(); if ( s.length()==0 ) throw new java.text.ParseException("string is empty",0); if ( s.charAt(0)=='-') throw new ParseException("string starts with minus sign",0); if ( s.equals("now") ) { return toTimeStruct( TimeUtil.now() ); } /* handl PDS time format */ delimiters = DELIMITERS; if ((c = s.indexOf((int)'Z')) != -1) s = s.substring(0, c); end_of_date = s.indexOf((int)'T'); if (end_of_date > 1) { // don't mistake "T" in "TIME" c = end_of_date - 1; if (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(c))) delimiters = PDSDELIMITERS; else end_of_date = -1; } /* if not PDS then count out 3 non-space delimiters */ if (end_of_date == -1) { n = 0; len = s.length(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ((c = (delimiters.substring(2)).indexOf(s.charAt(i))) != -1) n++; if (n == 3) { end_of_date = i; break; } } } /* default to current year */ //curdate = new GregorianCalendar(); //curdate.setTime(new Date()); year = 0; month = 0; day_month = 0; day_year = 0; hour = 0; minute = 0; second= 0.0; /* tokenize the time string */ st = new StringTokenizer(s, delimiters); if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) throw new java.text.ParseException( "No tokens in '"+s+"'", 0 ); for (n = 0; n < 10 && st.hasMoreTokens(); n++) tok[n] = st.nextToken(); want[DATE] = want[YEAR] = want[MONTH] = want[DAY] = true; hold = 0; tokIndex = -1; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { tokIndex = s.indexOf(tok[i], tokIndex+1); if ((end_of_date != -1) && want[DATE] && tokIndex > end_of_date) { want[DATE] = false; want[HOUR] = want[MINUTE] = want[SECOND] = true; } len = tok[i].length(); try { if ( tok[i].length()>0 && Character.isLetter(tok[i].charAt(0) ) ) { throw new NumberFormatException("must start with a number: "+tok[i]); // caught immediately. } value = Double.parseDouble(tok[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (len < 3 || !want[DATE]) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) { if (tok[i].equalsIgnoreCase(months[j]) || tok[i].equalsIgnoreCase(mons[j])) { month = j + 1; want[MONTH] = false; if (hold > 0) { if (day_month > 0) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Ambiguous dates in token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); day_month = hold; hold = 0; want[DAY] = false; } break; } } if (want[MONTH]) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); } continue; } if (Math.IEEEremainder(value, 1.0) != 0.0) { if (want[SECOND]) { second = value; break; } else throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); } number = (int)value; if (number < 0) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); if (want[DATE]) { if (number == 0) throw new java.text.ParseException( "m,d, or y can't be 0 in '"+s+"'", 0 ); if ( number >= 10000000 && want[YEAR] ) { // %Y%m%d year= number / 10000; want[YEAR]= false; month= number / 100 % 100; want[MONTH]= false; day_month= number % 100; day_year= 0; want[DAY]= false; } else if (number >= 1000000 && want[YEAR] ) { //%Y%j year= number / 1000; want[YEAR]= false; day_year= number % 1000; month= 0; want[MONTH]= false; want[DAY]= false; } else if (number > 31) { if (want[YEAR]) { if ( hold!=0 && year<100 && year>50 ) { throw new ParseException("Held digit ("+hold+") before two-digit year ("+year+"): "+s,0); } if ( number>100 && number<1000 ) { throw new ParseException("Digit cannot be identified: ("+number+") looking for year: "+s,0); } year = number; if (year < 1000) { year += 1900; } want[YEAR] = false; } else if (want[MONTH]) { want[MONTH] = false; month = 0; day_year = number; want[DAY] = false; } else throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); } else if (number > 12) { if (want[DAY]) { if (hold > 0) { month = hold; want[MONTH] = false; } if (len == 3) { if (month > 0) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); day_year = number; day_month = 0; want[MONTH] = false; } else day_month = number; want[DAY] = false; } else throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); } else if (!want[MONTH]) { if (month > 0) { day_month = number; day_year = 0; } else { day_year = number; day_month = 0; } want[DAY] = false; } else if (!want[DAY]) { if (day_year > 0) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); month = number; want[MONTH] = false; } else if (!want[YEAR]) { if (len == 3) { if (month > 0) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); day_year = number; day_month = 0; want[DAY] = false; } else { if (day_year > 0) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); month = number; if (hold > 0) { day_month = hold; want[DAY] = false; } } want[MONTH] = false; } else if (hold > 0) { month = hold; hold = 0; want[MONTH] = false; day_month = number; want[DAY] = false; } else hold = number; if (!(want[YEAR] || want[MONTH] || want[DAY])) { want[DATE] = false; want[HOUR] = want[MINUTE] = want[SECOND] = true; } } else if (want[HOUR]) { if (len == 4) { hold = number / 100; // TODO: handle times like Jan-1-2001T24:00 --> Jan-2-2001T00:00, for ease of modifying times if (hold > 24) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); hour = hold; hold = number % 100; if (hold > 60) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); minute = hold; want[MINUTE] = false; } else { if (number > 24) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); hour = number; } want[HOUR] = false; } else if (want[MINUTE]) { // TODO: handle times like 0:90 --> 1:30, for ease of modifying times if (number > 60) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); minute = number; want[MINUTE] = false; } else if (want[SECOND]) { if (number > 61) throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); second = number; want[SECOND] = false; } else throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error at token '"+tok[i]+"' in '"+s+"'", 0 ); } /* for all tokens */ if ( want[YEAR] ) { throw new java.text.ParseException("This doesn't appear to contain a year: '"+s+"'",0); } if (month > 12) throw new java.text.ParseException("Month is greater than 12 in '"+s+"'",0); if (month > 0 && day_month <= 0) day_month = 1; leap = ((year & 3) > 0 ? 0 : ((year % 100) > 0 ? 1 : ((year % 400) > 0 ? 0 : 1)) ); if ((month > 0) && (day_month > 0) && (day_year == 0)) { if (day_month > daysInMonth[leap][month]) throw new java.text.ParseException( "day of month too high in '"+s+"'",0 ); day_year = dayOffset[leap][month] + day_month; } else if ((day_year > 0) && (month == 0) && (day_month == 0)) { if (day_year > (365 + leap)) throw new java.text.ParseException( "day of year too high in '"+s+"'",0 ); for (i = 2; i < 14 && day_year > dayOffset[leap][i]; i++); i--; month = i; day_month = day_year - dayOffset[leap][i]; } else { if ( month==0 ) month= 1; day_month= 1; } TimeStruct result= new TimeStruct(); result.year = year; result.month = month; result.day = day_month; result.doy = day_year; result.hour = hour; result.minute = minute; result.seconds = second; result.isLocation= true; return result; } /** Creates a datum from a string * @param s * @throws ParseException * @return */ public static Datum create(String s) throws java.text.ParseException { TimeStruct ts= parseTime(s); return toDatum(ts); } /** creates a Datum from a string which is known to contain * a valid time format. Throws a RuntimeException if the * string is not valid. * @param validString * @return */ public static Datum createValid(String validString ) { try { return create( validString ); } catch ( java.text.ParseException ex ) { throw new RuntimeException( ex ); } } /** * check to see if the string is parseable as a time. * @param string any string * @return true if the string is clearly a time. * @see #create(java.lang.String) */ public static boolean isValidTime( String string ) { try { create( string ); return true; } catch ( java.text.ParseException ex ) { return false; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //System.out.println( "TimeUtil.parse="+TimeUtil.parseTime("1")); System.out.println(""+isLeapYear(1900) ); //logger okay System.out.println(""+isLeapYear(2000) ); //logger okay System.out.println(""+isLeapYear(1996) ); //logger okay System.out.println(""+isLeapYear(1999) ); //logger okay System.out.println(""+isLeapYear(2100) ); //logger okay System.out.println( "TimeUtil.parse="+TimeUtil.parseTime("2010")); //logger okay System.out.println( TimeUtil.now() ); //logger okay System.out.println( Datum.create( TimeUtil.convert(2000,1,2, 0, 0, 0, Units.us2000 ), Units.us2000 )); //logger okay Datum x=create( "2000-1-1 0:00:33.45" ); System.out.println( x ); //logger okay TimeStruct ts= TimeUtil.toTimeStruct(x); System.out.println( TimeUtil.toDatum(ts) ); //logger okay TimeDatumFormatter tf = TimeDatumFormatter.DEFAULT; for ( int i=0; i<44; i++ ) { System.out.println(tf.format(x)+"\t"+(long)x.doubleValue(Units.us2000)); //logger okay x= TimeUtil.prev(SECOND,x); } Units[] uu= new Units[] { Units.cdfEpoch, Units.us1980, Units.us2000, Units.mj1958 }; for ( int i=0; i9001 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("year must be smaller than 9000"); int jd = 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 - 3 * ((year + (month - 9) / 7) / 100 + 1) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day + 1721029; double microseconds = second*1e6 + hour*3600e6 + minute*60e6 + nano/1e3; double us2000= UnitsConverter.getConverter(Units.mj1958,Units.us2000).convert(( jd - 2436205 )) + microseconds; return Datum.create( us2000, Units.us2000 ); } }