package org.das2.datum.format; import java.util.IllegalFormatException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.LoggerManager; import org.das2.datum.TimeParser; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; /** * This is based on the C-style format strings introduced in Java 5 that * we can now use. When used with times, the format should be specified * using URI_Templates like $Y$m$dT$H:$M:$S. * TODO: See Autoplot's DataSetUtil.toString, which shows use with Calendar objects. * * Here is a table showing some examples: * * * * * * *
%9.2fdecimal with two fractional places
%9.2edecimal in scientific notation
%.2fdecimal with two fractional places, and some number of total spaces
%5dinteger in five spaces.
$Y$m$dZtime specification.
* @author jbf */ public class FormatStringFormatter extends DefaultDatumFormatter { private String format; private boolean units; private boolean integer; private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("datum.format"); private TimeParser timeFormat=null; /** * create a new instance based on the Java format string. * @param formatStr see * @param units if true, append the units after the formatted string */ public FormatStringFormatter( String formatStr, boolean units ) { if ( TimeParser.isSpec(formatStr) ) { timeFormat= TimeParser.create(formatStr); this.units= false; format= formatStr; } else { if ( !formatStr.contains("%") ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("formatStr doesn't contain percent (%)"); } this.format= formatStr; this.units= units; if ( formatStr.equals("%d") ) { // see if we can avoid the exception by checking for this case. String s= String.format( format, 0 ); logger.log( Level.FINEST, "format string results in {0}", s); integer= true; } else { // attempt to use the string try { String s= String.format( format, 0. ); logger.log( Level.FINEST, "format string results in {0}", s); integer= false; } catch ( IllegalFormatException ex ) { integer= true; } } } } @Override public String format(Datum datum) { String s= format( datum, datum.getUnits() ); if ( units && datum.getUnits()!=Units.dimensionless ) { s+= " " + datum.getUnits().toString(); } return s; } @Override public String format(Datum datum, Units units) { if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( datum.getUnits() ) ) { if ( timeFormat!=null ) { return timeFormat.format(datum); } else { return TimeDatumFormatter.DAYS.format(datum) + 'T' + TimeDatumFormatter.MILLISECONDS.format(datum); } } else { if ( integer ) { return String.format( format, (int)datum.doubleValue(units) ); } else { return String.format( format, datum.doubleValue(units) ); } } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format( "FormatStringFormatter(%s)", format ); } }