

  1. release notes
  2. release notes
  3. rte_2101508600: CDF virual variable function "arr_slice" on the first index (Ops.slice1) was left out accidentally. Thanks, nkarna!
Revision 27728 by jbfaden:
release notes
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/Autoplot/src/index.htmlautoplot/Autoplot/src/index.html
Revision 27727 by jbfaden:
release notes
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/Autoplot/src/index.htmlautoplot/Autoplot/src/index.html
Revision 27726 by jbfaden:
rte_2101508600: CDF virual variable function "arr_slice" on the first index (Ops.slice1) was left out accidentally.  Thanks, nkarna!
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/CdfJavaDataSource/src/org/autoplot/cdf/CdfVirtualVars.javaautoplot/CdfJavaDataSource/src/org/autoplot/cdf/