

  1. bugfix with handleAssign, where it was getting an indent and Map was using it.
  2. infer dictionaries when d['k']=2.
Revision 27932 by jbfaden:
bugfix with handleAssign, where it was getting an indent and Map was using it.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/JythonSupport/src/org/autoplot/jythonsupport/JythonToJavaConverter.javaautoplot/JythonSupport/src/org/autoplot/jythonsupport/
Revision 27931 by jbfaden:
infer dictionaries when d['k']=2.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/JythonSupport/src/org/autoplot/jythonsupport/JythonToJavaConverter.javaautoplot/JythonSupport/src/org/autoplot/jythonsupport/