

  1. release notes
  2. remove MigratePreferences, which was used to move the preferences after the virbo->autoplot move of 2016, and now makes it tricky to clear preferences by deleting ~/autoplot_data/config.
Revision 28000 by jbfaden:
release notes
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/Autoplot/src/index.htmlautoplot/Autoplot/src/index.html
Revision 27999 by jbfaden:
remove MigratePreferences, which was used to move the preferences after the virbo->autoplot move of 2016, and now makes it tricky to clear preferences by deleting ~/autoplot_data/config.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/DataSource/src/org/autoplot/datasource/AutoplotSettings.javaautoplot/DataSource/src/org/autoplot/datasource/