Console Output

Started by upstream project "autoplot-run-tests" build number 8154
originally caused by:
 Started by upstream project "autoplot-all" build number 8125
 originally caused by:
  Started by timer
 Started by upstream project "autoplot-all" build number 8125
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace /var/local/jenkins/workspace/autoplot-test013
[autoplot-test013] $ /bin/sh -xe /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.27/temp/
+ rm -f test013_001.qds test013_002.qds test013_benchmark1.binary.qds test013_benchmark1.qds test013_exception.qds test013_spectrogram.qds test013_test0_rank2.qds test013_test0_rank2.qds.png test013_test1.qds test013_test1.qds.png test013_test1_5.qds test013_test1_5.qds.png test013_test2.qds test013_test2.qds.png test013_test3.qds test013_test3.qds.png test013_test4_rank3.qds test013_test4_rank3.qds.png test013_test5.qds test013_test5.qds.png test013_test6.qds test013_test6.qds.png test013_test7.qds test013_test8.qds test013_test8.qds.png test013_testBundle.qds test013_testBundle.qds.png test013_writeLimitPrecision.qds
+ JAR=../autoplot-jar-all/autoplot/Autoplot/dist/AutoplotAll.jar
+ cp ../autoplot-jar-all/autoplot/Autoplot/temp-src/test/endtoend/ .
+ /usr/local/jdk1.8//bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp ../autoplot-jar-all/autoplot/Autoplot/dist/AutoplotAll.jar test.endtoend.Test013
attempt to format B_GSM[time=11,dimLab...=3] (dimensionless) into test013_test2.qds
attempt to parse test013_test2.qds
B_GSM[time=11,dimLab...=3] (dimensionless)
Jul 01, 2024 9:11:37 AM org.das2.graph.DasCanvas waitUntilIdle
INFO: strange bug where update event didn't clear dirty flags, reposting.
-- timer -- test2 --: 1925
No data found in interval.  Last data found at 2012-02-01
Time to read 5 records: 18
attempt to format dataset[3,34*,3*] (dimensionless) into test013_test8.qds
already have name for dataset[DEPEND_0=34,DEPEND_1=3] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[DEPEND_0=44,DEPEND_1=3] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[DEPEND_0=54,DEPEND_1=3] (dimensionless)
attempt to parse test013_test8.qds
dataset[3,34*,3*] (dimensionless)
Jul 01, 2024 9:11:38 AM org.das2.graph.DasCanvas waitUntilIdle
INFO: strange bug where update event didn't clear dirty flags, reposting.
attempt to format dataset[7,5*] (dimensionless) into test013_test6.qds
already have name for dataset[5] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[5] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[5] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[4] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[4] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[4] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[4] (dimensionless)
attempt to parse test013_test6.qds
dataset[7,5*] (dimensionless)
-- timer -- init --: 1547
-- timer -- writeLimitPrecision --: 44
attempt to format dataset[3,4] (dimensionless) into test013_test0_rank2.qds
attempt to parse test013_test0_rank2.qds
dataset[3,4] (dimensionless)
-- timer -- test0_rank2() --: 180
attempt to format dataset[11] (us2000) into test013_test1.qds
attempt to parse test013_test1.qds
dataset[11] (us2000)
-- timer -- test1 --: 204
attempt to format dataset[3] (default(ordinal)) into test013_test1_5.qds
attempt to parse test013_test1_5.qds
dataset[3] (default(ordinal))
-- timer -- test1_5 --: 171
attempt to format B_GSM[time=11,dimLab...=3] (dimensionless) into test013_test3.qds
attempt to parse test013_test3.qds
B_GSM[time=11,dimLab...=3] (dimensionless)
Jul 01, 2024 9:11:40 AM org.das2.graph.DasCanvas waitUntilIdle
INFO: strange bug where update event didn't clear dirty flags, reposting.
-- timer -- test3 --: 818
attempt to format dataset[3,4,5] (dimensionless) into test013_test4_rank3.qds
attempt to parse test013_test4_rank3.qds
dataset[3,4,5] (dimensionless)
-- timer -- test4_rank3 --: 1080
attempt to format dataset[5] (dimensionless) into test013_test5.qds
attempt to parse test013_test5.qds
dataset[5] (dimensionless)
-- timer -- test5 --: 562
attempt to format dataset[7,5*] (dimensionless) into test013_test6.qds
already have name for dataset[5] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[5] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[5] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[4] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[4] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[4] (dimensionless)
already have name for dataset[4] (dimensionless)
attempt to parse test013_test6.qds
dataset[7,5*] (dimensionless)
-- timer -- test6 disabled until bug is resolved --: 205
generated data in  130
time: 561
-- timer -- test7 --: 691
attempt to format dataset[10,BUNDLE_1=6] into test013_testBundle.qds
suboptimal implementation doesn't use different formatters for each bundled dataset
using high res kludge to format bundle dataset that contains us2000
using high res kludge to format bundle dataset that contains us2000
attempt to parse test013_testBundle.qds
-- timer -- testBundle --: 303
Time to write 100000 records: 1158
Time to write 100000 records: 944
Time to write 100000 records: 854
Time to write 100000 records: 418
Time to write 100000 records: 244
Time to write 100000 records: 248
-- timer -- formatBenchmark --: 3897
Time to read 100000 records: 395
Time to read 100000 records: 309
Time to read 100000 records: 250
Time to read 100000 records: 248
Time to read 100000 records: 256
Time to read 100000 records: 82
Time to read 100000 records: 50
Time to read 100000 records: 49
Time to read 100000 records: 50
Time to read 100000 records: 48
-- timer -- parseBenchmark --: 1740
-- timer -- created fake rank2 --: 890
-- timer -- test013_001.qds --: 289
-- timer -- test013_002.qds --: 2506
[autoplot-test013] $ /bin/sh -xe /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.27/temp/
+ rm -f diffs.*
+ /home/jbf/ct/hudson/bin/
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_001.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_001.qds test013_001.qds > diffs.test013_001.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_002.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_002.qds test013_002.qds > diffs.test013_002.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_benchmark1.binary.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_benchmark1.binary.qds test013_benchmark1.binary.qds > diffs.test013_benchmark1.binary.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_benchmark1.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_benchmark1.qds test013_benchmark1.qds > diffs.test013_benchmark1.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_exception.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_exception.qds test013_exception.qds > diffs.test013_exception.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_spectrogram.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_spectrogram.qds test013_spectrogram.qds > diffs.test013_spectrogram.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test0_rank2.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test0_rank2.qds test013_test0_rank2.qds > diffs.test013_test0_rank2.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test1_5.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test1_5.qds test013_test1_5.qds > diffs.test013_test1_5.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test1.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test1.qds test013_test1.qds > diffs.test013_test1.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test2.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test2.qds test013_test2.qds > diffs.test013_test2.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test3.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test3.qds test013_test3.qds > diffs.test013_test3.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test4_rank3.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test4_rank3.qds test013_test4_rank3.qds > diffs.test013_test4_rank3.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test5.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test5.qds test013_test5.qds > diffs.test013_test5.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test6.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test6.qds test013_test6.qds > diffs.test013_test6.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test7.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test7.qds test013_test7.qds > diffs.test013_test7.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test8.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_test8.qds test013_test8.qds > diffs.test013_test8.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_testBundle.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_testBundle.qds test013_testBundle.qds > diffs.test013_testBundle.qds
reference file exists: /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_writeLimitPrecision.qds
diff /home/jbf/ct/hudson/artifacts/test013_writeLimitPrecision.qds test013_writeLimitPrecision.qds > diffs.test013_writeLimitPrecision.qds
Archiving artifacts
Finished: SUCCESS